[Version française]
[David] Heyman smiles and says all three of the young Harry Potter stars had something of their film characters within themselves. Radcliffe is a thoroughly decent person, always keen to do the right thing; Grint is the laidback product of a large, loving family; and Watson is fiercely intelligent. ‘Even though at the beginning she was in denial about it, she’s come round to acknowledge that,’ Heyman says fondly.
He is working with Watson again, on Queen of the Tearling, a possible new franchise based around the fantasy novel by Erika Johansen.
Speaking to Porter, [Cate] Blanchett said: "I was so f**king proud of Emma Watson's speech at the UN.
"It was brilliant, such an incredible use of her airspace, and really passionate. It was fantastic."
Speaking about how Watson was targeted by hackers threatening to leak a series of purported nude pictures in a direct response to her UN speech, Blanchett said: "It's horrendous. But there's hope.
"There are a lot of things happening in an international sphere, and there are enough women with enough clout to make those shifts happen. Enough is enough. And I hope the Emma Watsons of this world are going to say, 'F**k it'."
'Drinking with the Stars': Emmy Rossum had to guess, based on clues, which one among Emma Roberts, herself, and Emma Watson, the journalist was talking about. (starts at 1'30)
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