Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Emma Watson playing tennis at Sea Pines Center, South Carolina

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Here are the photos to thank the 2800+ followers on the blog's Instagram account. Next one(s) will be posted at 3000 followers.

I have no idea when these were taken. They were posted in 2015 but they're clearly from years prior.

Credit to Natalie.

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Dj Anubis said...

Not to surprising as she seems to be a tennis fan.

Unknown said...

Lol it's a sad day when all the Emma news is a few pictures from years past. I wish she would do more stuff!!

Anonymous said...

Once a taxi driver told me he was taking Emma to Tennis lessons to Rugby School (Rugby, Warwickshire, UK) regruarly and that she was a very nice and polite lady.

Anonymous said...

looks about 2003?