Friday, July 2, 2021

New photo of Emma Watson for Vogue Italia (November 2015)


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Vincent Peters, the photographer for the photoshoot posted it on his Instagram account.

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Anonymous said...

At least Eden can delete now again any hateful comments ... too bizarre that strangers show up on a fan blog and violate the owner's passion and maybe health support

Anonymous said...

Emma attending her our career funeral?


Anonymous said...

Here it is, at 10.21 pm, the first pathetic hater with his shabby humor.

Anonymous said...

Here it is, at 10.21 pm, the first pathetic hater with his shabby humor.

Shabby? Like Emma's career?

True your comment was much more funny stan. Every negative comment about Emma is a hate comment. You better call the polices babes. There has been a murder!


El Roberto said...

"Emma attending her our career funeral? :D"

“pathetic hater"

No, just a joke, and I cannot understand why some people seem to have no humour. :-/
I'd like to say 'you poor ones', but maybe a bit harsh.
Learn that humour is something very important in life!

It's been a very dark photoshoot in those days, sometimes one could wonder why she did such a dark photoshoot in 2015?... a little bird here with reliable information about that? :-/

Anonymous said...

"It's been a very dark photoshoot in those days, sometimes one could wonder why she did such a dark photoshoot in 2015?... a little bird here with reliable information about that?"

Maybe she went through really dark times like a widow and even the expensive jewelry can't change that feeling, but it's a shot in the dark.

Gacek870 said...

Eden on your twitter you said you don't have enough space on the new laptop to transfer all photos and videos. Are you consider external hard drive? No matter what, I'm glad you came back and I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

Eden delete all that animal porn. You don't need that back up bro


El Roberto said...

She's a sis ;-D

Eden, do you still have this 'ancient' 11-year-old laptop? what about a new one?

El Roberto said...

Oops, I read it's new?, a new one with not enough space, interesting. :-O

Anonymous said...

Eden do you know about the rumors Emma is going to come out as no binary?

Anything to stay relevant I guess?

* Guess she will have to quit HeForShe?

Anonymous said...

Emma Corrin not Emma watson who is non binary the headline you probably saw has been corrected

Anonymous said...

Leo is back on LinkedIn, but he’s cleared everything but (one of - he also invests) his current roles, no education up, nothing, so still staying super private. But there’s a new pic of him etc.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't he taken a new job as a VP of sales and partnership in some science company?

Anonymous said...

Why are you framing that as a question when you literally would have looked at LinkedIn. Yes he has, and still does some of his angel investing in other industries

Anonymous said...

"Leo is back on LinkedIn"

stan stalkers at 5 o cock

Anonymous said...

Emma isn't even getting spotted on Deuxmoi. last time she was spotted over 1 month ago. Is she pregnant or something ??
P:s that pregnant thing is total joke don't take it seriously.

Anonymous said...

She's probably pregnant. Deuxmoi posted a pregnancy blind last month. Deuxmoi said according to recent sightings of she where everyone said she was visibly pregnant, so Deuxmoi did not posted these sightings about her.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i also think so.She was last spotted in the first week of June. If she is indeed pregnant then good for her. At this moment I think she is in London because somebody spotted her in a London cinema hall with her friends.

Anonymous said...

"At this moment I think she is in London because somebody spotted her in a London cinema hall with her friends."

Tbh, it's a little bit creepy and you probably know more about her than her own family actually does.

Anonymous said...

If she is pregnant/in london then there might be more paparazzi pics as England might be opening up today... To be honest even if she is she's probably not gonna officially put anything out on any social media unless it gets really out of hand cause at the end of the day her future kids' privacy most likely matters the most for them.

Anonymous said...

Deuxmoi blind was about ScarJo

Anonymous said...

I think Emma went to see Black widow

Anonymous said...

Absolutely not Scarjo, her fans asked DM, and DM said that the recent pregnancy blind was not about her, and Scarjo doesn't have social media. I don't think Emma will call paps when she has a baby bump. She'll keep it a secret, just like Scarjo, she announced it before her due date.

Anonymous said...

The blind is about an A-Lister who is a 'triple threat' im sorry guys but that's not Emma she is B-List after HP ended lets be real.

Anonymous said...

she doesn't seem to have left Cali
since she got there in February
any links to London sighting claim?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Jennifer Lawrence, because it were actually three movies split into four and she is reportedly pregnant

Anonymous said...

She maybe went to London for Euro soccer finals it was a big moment for England she probably wanted to be home for that?

Anonymous said...

Everyone's definition of A-lister is different, and what the submitter says doesn't mean it is. DM thinks Emma is A lister.

Anonymous said...

JLaw was recently photographed smoking on set. Rumors of her pregnancy have been around every month since she got married, Lol. It would be really irresponsible for her and her baby if she smoked during her pregnancy.

Anonymous said... here it is.

Unknown said...

"She is B-list after HP ended " Ok whatever makes you sleep at night.

Anonymous said...

one of the highest paid actresses in the world and most famous women in the world. if thats b list....

Anonymous said...

A-listers do 2 or 3 movies a year and no longer need to audition. Emma does one movie every 3 years (if we are lucky)and is always needing to audition still. so yeah not very A-list these days :(

Anonymous said...

in terms of popularity. she didnt audition for little women. was offered beauty and the beast and cinderella and la la land. dont think she auditioned for the circle as well. anyways, media considers her a list and her popularity is possibly more than most a listers.

Anonymous said...

From a breakdown on a reddit thread this is how the A-list syteam breaks down

“A-list” actors are exceptionally successful, their notoriety extends beyond the silver screen, and their name guarantees a box office hit 95% of the time. They never drop a movie that makes less than 300m at the box office(aside from rare flops)The are Oscar winners and Nominees at least once. Some “A-list” actors include: Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Angelina Jolie, Meryl Streep, and Johnny Depp. The “A-list” actors are usually made up of male actors as with more high-earning positions. They also never have to audition for roles any longer and are often hand-picked by directors beforehand.

“B-list” actors are usually television actors or less successful movie stars. Some “B-list” actors include: Emma Watson, Katherine Heigl, David Morse, Samantha Morton, and Pierce Brosnan. “B-list” actors usually never headline a film by themselves; this means the supporting actors are usually fairly notable too. They have to audition for roles unlike A-listers and are often the second choice for roles. They rarely get Oscar noms or awards outside of Fan voted ones such as MTV movie awards.

A “C-list” actor is a character actor that’s known by face and not by name. They are usually still good actors, but they receive less notoriety than an A or B-list actor. Not many awards to speak of and tend to stick to TV.

“D-list” actors are the lowest on the celebrity hierarchy; they appear on celebrity game shows and reality television.

Anonymous said...

You have literally no idea how much popularity she holds in other continents. There were rumors that LW was offered to her to increase the business and visibility of the film and in Asia apart from cinephiles people know that movie because she was a part of it.

Anonymous said...

She was B-list for a while after Potter but I think BATB brought her back to A-list as it made alot of money again after her smaller movies along with Little women her name was rising but she needs to work more or she will slip again I think.

Anonymous said...

how is being one of the highest paid actresses in the world and most popular on instagram despite not posting for over a year equivalent to a television star. people may not like her but credit where credit is due. you cannot be one of the highest grossing actresses of all time, get offered disney movies and la la land and be b list. if oscars were a factor, tom cruise wouldnt be top 100

Anonymous said...

Some people underestimate her fame, which is definitely A-list, but she's no longer active in the film industry, so it's hard to say she still is. It's not appropriate to say she's a B-list, it's more appropriate to say she's a former A-list.

Anonymous said...

Yeah BATB made one billion but also Colonia made only £147 in UK or something and The circle box office? I don't even know tbh I think it did so poor they just put it on netflix in I think more a case of Disney brand is A-List while Emma name is not

Anonymous said...

She is an A-list "celeb" and B-list "actor" imo its why her social media does well but her movies often dont

Anonymous said...

colonia was released in 3 cinema halls as part of a new strategy of film releasing. a movie with al pacino amd de niro i think made even less. the circle was bad but it still was a moderate commercial success. tom hanks was in it too so you will say he is also not a list. also she has had lots of hits after potter as well. why would disney give her so much money and so many good movies be offered to her if she had no box office appeal or popularity.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the circle was in Cinemas outside the US as it did not perform well in America

Anonymous said...

That's a shame about Colony I thought it was one of the more interesting movies Emma gave us and outside of fantasy stuff I wish she did more indie things like that but I guess the low box office made her go back to Hollywood projects

Anonymous said...

This blog was so dead ����. I brought life back to it. Eden thank me.

Anonymous said...

wow you guys talk about her career for once and not nonsense celeb gossip?

good job keep it like that please!

Anonymous said...

nice little trick. now all i have to say is that emma is a decent actress and might just get an oscar nomination if she does more films and wait for things to explode.

Anonymous said...

I don't think she'll come back. Now she is very interested in investing and will have a big break in business in the future. We have to admit that she is no longer interested in acting.

Anonymous said...

Being a TV star is not B-list defining trait anymore tbh I know it ended badly but game of thrones at its peak was bigger than most movie stars fame. The witcher will also soon become a bigger deal for Henry Cavil than any of his movies as its replacing GoT and taking that audience.

Anonymous said...

The Deuxmoi blind was about Scarlett Johansson, that's why she didn't attend the Black Widow premiere and only did virtual promo to hide her belly. Sorry to break your dreams guys

Anonymous said...

does anyone know if she took acting lessons after hp?

Anonymous said...

"She is an A-list "celeb" and B-list "actor" imo"

i def agree with this. For her most recent roles she has been the 2nd choice or so (ex: little women and i think BATB too?). Sure, she has been rumoured to be considered for some high end roles, but then we would also have to take into account the roles she was rumoured to audition for but failed to get too.
But yah, she is definitely an A-list CELEBRITY along with the Kardashians etc

Anonymous said...

DM said it wasn't ScarJo, her fans have asked her about it. I tend to think that the blind is fake, there are a lot of boring people submitting fake messages to DM.

Anonymous said...

I am kind of sure that it is Emma. Deuxmoi posted that there are 2 other a listers are pregnant.

Anonymous said...

I find it bizarre and a bit sad that people believe cryptic messages posted by anonymous people on a gossip site.

But no doubt at some stage some a-lister (heck maybe Emma) will fall pregnant and everybody can say I told you so.

Of course it will have required a gestation period equivalent to that of an elephant.