Friday, February 11, 2022

New photos of Emma Watson and Dan Stevens for 'Beauty and the Beast' (2017)


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Source: Emma Watson Daily

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Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

so weird they canceled the spin-off series even though rita ora just got cast in it a few days ago like wtf??

Eden said...

I don't think it was cancelled, I think it was pushed back. But it really is weird it happens right after a new cast is revealed. I'm still hoping it'll happen and that Belle will have at least a little cameo.

Anonymous said...

It was postponed indefinitely due to "scheduling conflicts", in corporate lingo that means shelved. Scheduling conflicts would only delay it a year at most, if that were the case they'd just say that. They wouldn't add another potential conflict days before.

Anonymous said...

no news of Emma for some time.. where is she

Thomas said...

Eden si tu n'as pas eu l'occasion de voir la réunion des 20 ans sur Salto, c'est diffusé sur TF1 le vendredi 11 mars à 21h10 ;)

Eden said...


Anonymous said...

I know we always joke about it but now I seriously think that she's in someone's basement because there is no other explanation.

Thomas said...

Elle nous manque <3

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What is in that TikTok? My country has banned the app. The curiosity is killing me lol.

Eden said...

It says "POV: You're trapped in Seth Rogen's basement." XD

Anonymous said...

Well, that is true. Daily Fail will post it soon.

Anonymous said...

seth had enough of the jokes and has taken action :P

Anonymous said...

Do we have any idea of where she is now? Any spotting? Damn, being her fan really sucks

Anonymous said...

"Do we have any idea of where she is now? Any spotting? Damn, being her fan really sucks"

She posted on 'Narnia' that she taking some destressing time and is actually living/working on a kibbubtz (insert Kevin from Home Alone emoji);

Anonymous said...

Emma will come back and say she's pregnant LOL

Eden said...

She'll come back and say she gave birth to her third XD

Anonymous said...

but who is the father

Eden said...

You know who it is.

Anonymous said...

mmmh no

Anonymous said...

who knows who the father is XD

Anonymous said...

it's obvious that the father is seth

Eden said...

"it's obvious that the father is seth"

Ding ding ding! We have a winner! How can people doubt?

Anonymous said...

Not people believing it.
Seth is gonna sue all of you LOL.