Thursday, December 8, 2022

Emma Watson on social media [December 08, 2022]


[Gallery] [Fashion] [Version française]

Everybody's doing well? It feels so dead in the fandom right now XD

From her Instagram:
The Women of Paradoxe, the team that made this happen - I will be grateful to you forever! I was incredibly lucky to have some world-class talent on set supporting me, and most importantly, I have created bonds for a lifetime. 

If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to 
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Anonymous said...

happy holidays eden hope you are well :)

Eden said...

Happy Holidays, Anon :D

Anonymous said...

Eden did you not get any contents for your last thread

Eden said...

I don't know, I'm still reluctant in checking the comments since the hateful wave, but I think there hasn't been any new one in almost a week.

Anonymous said...

Ahh I missed her posting 😭❤️

Anonymous said...

I do not remember reading anything hateful, but only kinda silly. I am sorry though for that. What I think though, people just desire to know more about her career choices, such as films.

Eden said...

I didn't publish the hateful stuff.

Concerning some new photos a couple of people are asking about, I will not post them and will not let people know where they were found. I know I can get a bit too excited about new photos at times, regardless of where they come from, and post them, but in an ideal world, I don't ;)

Anonymous said...

"Concerning some new photos a couple of people are asking about, I will not post them and will not let people know where they were found."

Same story as always...

Jay L. said...

Okay Eden, it´s your right to decide which photos you´ll publish on your blog and I´m full accept it. Just to make it clear, cause I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. You've got some new pictures with Emm, and you have decided not to publish them. And that was the reason for all the hateful stuff you received? I´m not digging in about what kind of photos or where they come from. I´m just asking if I get it right.
I'm sorry you had to go through the wave of hate. Be strong and don't let others' judgments and hate affect how you see yourself and your value. Thank you for your blog and happy holidays in advance!

Eden said...

It's okay, Jay :) The hate was directed at Emma because of the whole Balenciaga thing, not me, and started a week ago or so. The photos I don't want to post were found and shared a couple of days ago I think by others, not me.