Friday, March 16, 2012

New photo of Emma Watson by Harry Crowder (2011)

[Gallery] [Fashion] [Version française]

The photoshoot was made at her London home and her brother was there too. Emma made it her new Facebook page and Twitter icons.

Emma's Facebook message : 

"Hey everyone, well here I am in Los Angeles about to start shooting The Bling Ring! Can't wait to get going. How do you like my new profile pic?? Hope you're all ok! Em x"

Harry Crowder about this Picture : 

"Hi everyone. I'm off to the coast this weekend for a bit of a break, but before I go thought I'd post this new pic of Em. This is being used for her facebook page and Twitter! This photo is quite special, because it's one of the first photos I ever took of Emma at her home the first time we met. Her brother Alex was sitting on the bed behind me whilst I took this photo and he said something that made her laugh. Have a nice weekend everyone. Harry x"

Source : Facebook

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