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The photos with the blue dress are from the Brilliant Minds conference (more photos earlier), I don't know where the photo in the white dress is from but it's apparently while she was still in Sweden. And yes, you can see Brandon Green in the back of the third photo.
Nah i highly doubt that their together probs friends now
Shes absolutely gorgeous 😍
He is a bit insistent or is just me?
It's you.
The director Darren Aronsky, Jennifer Alba, Laura Dern and Sean Penn were speakers on the Conference Creative Minds for 2023.
Sorry! Correction du, I meant Jessica Alba as being present at the conference.
Ok, thanks Eden😊
Really, that could easily be her brother. For one thing, Brandon Green is about the same height as her.
Emma didn’t age in like 10 years but now she’s aging quickly. Still beautiful ofc.
So are they still dating?
They could just be friends with benefits 🤷
Do we actually know their not together anymore?
This event is one of those rich people "let's feel like we're doing something" events. Green has a fund for different environmental projects, so this is his kind of thing.
They are friends with benefits, not his boyfriend or ex. That the reason why he appears and not is like Leo that dissapared forever. Besides he seems to be part of her group of her friends, a lot of friends of emma follow him. Before even people saw him “dating” with her.
She is bent forward, so she may seem shorter, but he is Brandon for sure. A face as stoic like his is imposible to forget
"They are friends with benefits, not his boyfriend or ex. "
That's only your opinion though.
People say “dont believe daily mail” and then daily mail says they have broken up and all her fans call him “ex” lol. And now daily mail will say they came back for not recognizing that they dont have any idea about her life.
Do you think he is his ex?
when he was supposed to be her boyfriend, Brandon was skiing with a girl in Monaco.
There was never any confirmation they broke up only dialy mail speculating using fan info of her not being seen with green for months...tbh they could still have a very loose on off relationship of some kind they have never been extremely close and were always seen months and months apart together
I said before popele should not be shocked if green shows up again...
in less than two months she has been linked to Green, broken up with Green, she back with Wallace, dating both Ryans. Perhaps it is that Emma Watson has friends and friends with benefits. Honestly neither Wallace nor Green I consider them ex boyfriends.
I have a feeling news of their break up was leaked in order to throw people off the idea they are still together and get the media off her back about this issue
brandon kind of looks like he is hiding back there trying not to be seen? and emma look nervous like she wants to sneak out quietly of this building but is telling her driver to 'wait two mins' going by that signal with her hand?
Very interesting times, the lack of Green on her other holidays all year stands out as him being asked to keep his head down till people think they are really over before they can secretly meet up again?
daily fail only had 'trust me bro' sources for tehir story of this break up so yeah no one should listen to them Emma team or friends will never speak to them about her love life imo
i think its alex guys
he looks like green a little
and people easily confused them before
that time at the airport
but it is super obvious, they do not see Emma with Brandon for months because it is not a courtship, so the only coherent thing for them is that they have broken up, now they will see them together again and their brains gonna explote. and they will not think that they are not friends with benefits or just friends, they gonna think "came back!!, because they don't have more neurons in their heads, and newspapers have to be sold.
I think he is trying to get her back after not taking the end of this relationship well
He always felt like he was chasing Emma and not the other way around and she spent so long in different countries across the sea from him it felt like a weird relationship if there was one
OMG the drama XD
I used to think that they were just friends with benefits, that they hang out together because they like it, without pressure, relaxed, but relationships can start in this way and it can end in a relationship. I no longer know what to think. Because it's been more than 3 years. Brandon is lasting the longest and that makes me think that either they are just friends with benefits and thats the reason he keeps in her life, or something else is coming up.
info the break up was just a smokescreen for media to make them stop dragging her imo
i think he only came into emma life in 2020 before that we have never seen them hanging out or herad of emma having any connection to green family
so it was an attempt at dating imo but i really think it didnt work out
now they are friends and if he was really serious about echo events
and it wasnt just a thing he did to date emma
then it makes sense he will be at this Sweden event
ugh, the momentum she had building will be stopped by green again :(
lol eden has been so busy for like 10 days with non-stop emma news and drama
i hope you are not getting exhausted Eden you will have to moderate these comments a lot tonight dear hehe xD
Oh wow! Eden gossiping granny gang we are so back!! ;)
Real news is eden got new feet pics in that white dress shot
just be happy for her guys its a big day for her.
maybe I am very innocent but I think they have agreed there, because he is also an activist and friend.
where did the detail of them breaking up over christmas 2022 come from that daily fail posted? and why did they wait like another 5 months till she was seen with her ex brendan wallace to be like 'oh yeah btw Emma broke up with green last year'
it's like they just saw her with an ex then invented a story to go with it with no proof using fan blogs and comments on Instagram as the source lmao
ugh, the momentum she had building will be stopped by green again :(
huft yes, media will start dragging her name into the muds again, Why out of all people in the world, Emma has to be linked with this guy???
Alex face is never as stern as that imo
her ex brendan wallace was also in sweden possibly at this event maybe all these tech echo people are there every year and its partly how emma met some of them?
I thought she was dating Ryan Walsh as his Insta has gone private. I was following him them unfollowed him and found it the hard way.
WTF. That’s clearly not Alex, it’s obviously Green.
Am I the only one here not interested in who Emma sleeps with?
There’s tons of news about her but nothing really exciting. I need the new movie asap!
If it is Brandon they could simply have bumped into him at the event, it’s one that makes sense for him to be at and he’s laying low because they don’t want rumours.
It’s been 8 months since we’ve seen them together and she’s been papped and been on holidays etc without him.
I think the tell will be if we see them together again.
I think Brandon might just have been there. She isn’t unfriendly with exes, he still seems to be in her friend group so makes sense they would be cordial.
Ryan Walsh was confirmed to be an old friend he went private after pap pics because people were likely following him and asking questions about emma and he didnt like that imo (her ex wallace also went private again after being seen with emma and opened his account again later its just to defend against emma fans lol)
His insta is private because he appears in the press with her and he doesnt not want gossip people seeing his insta
“I think the tell will be if we see them together again”
I concur.
lol people were so hyped green was gone but it looks like they fell for media propaganda
Fans prayed for his downfall too hard he saw it and had to come back to punish them xD
biggest plot twist of 2023 ngl
i think he was asked to get out of the picture while she sold her gin with alex so there would be no bad press about 'evil green family' with emma name attached to it, if they are still dating he is her longest relationship i think?
Though as others said it has felt very unserious the whole time as they are rarely spotted together usually only once or twice every 6-7 months
i think emma warns her friends like 'hey we were papped together and trending on social feeds lock down your accounts for a week' or something haha
Imagine she gets seen with another male😂hasn't been long since the two ryans one of which she was supposedly married to 😂the other gave her a piggyback ride not to mention wallace at the taylor swift concert. I am of the opinion that these people are her friends and if we get an actual picture of affection between any then we know ✨️
another sleepless night for eden as she waits for more drama hehe (joking though please sleep at reasonable time eden lol)
green does not look happy to be there i see nothing romantic here lol
Ryan Walsh was confirmed to be an old friend he went private after pap pics because people were likely following him and asking questions about emma and he didnt like that imo (her ex wallace also went private again after being seen with emma and opened his account again later its just to defend against emma fans lol)
Yeah i guessed that, I'm just pi**ed cause i was following him for over a year cause he shows his artwork and I'm doing a degree in art. Didn't even know he knew Emma.
Have was a mistake i unfollowed him, i was unfollowing a bunch of people and accidentally clicked his. Now i can't see his artwork.
Do you think he is likely to go public again
I was looking back on the photos from when they were in Venice. Green's forehead is a LOT higher than this guy's. I think it actually might be Alex.
He is Green, just with a different hairstyle
Alex and Brandon's noses are completely different. It's definitely Green.
He barely smiled even when was with Emma I think his resting rage face cant be proof of anything tbh lol
Alex looks much nicer tbh
I didn’t even notice Brandon in the pic lol. I thought she was maybe with the guy in the photo where she’s wearing a white dress.
As others have said it’s the type of thing he’d be at anyway. They probably just bumped into each other.
Probably just friends since the first time, I meant friends do hold hands tho, there are no rules against it.
And we never really saw them kiss or being affectionate aren't we? event the slightest as piggyback like with Ryan Kohn (Which also her friend).
So yeah
Haish emma, why him????
The band Emma will direct could be the Chainsmokers
Two possibilities -
Either she ran into him at the event or they were always together in secret. Emma is adept at being a Ninja & being off the public eye if she wanted to.
She is 33. Her biological clock is ticking IF she wants to be a biological mother without risking pregnancy related complications. Of course, there are other options like freezing eggs & surrogacy, or considering a beautiful thing like adoption. I wonder what she is feeling now.
Being filthy rich, extremely famous, highly intelligent, not to mention beautiful, & wanting to lead a fairly private life - I can imagine her difficulty in finding partners who are not famous, but fairly well to do at the same time & self assured enough to not be intimidated by her fame. Wallace looked like he would fit the bill but the photos of him publicly touching Daddario's derriere felt crude & like something Emma wouldn't expect in her partner.
I thought she looked happy with Leo but that could be just them having the opportunity to spend more time together during the quarantine period judging by how quickly she moved on with Green.
Chainsmokers, unbelievable. If she does that, she is getting desperate.
My goodness people are desperate for Emma not to be with Brandon Green.
“Either she ran into him at the event or they were always together in secret.“
There’s a few others: they broke up and got back together/it’s on off. Or it’s a situation ship/casual. Or they were serious and now it’s just casual. Multiple options.
Given he’s not been in any candids and they had already publicly “launched” the relationship, I think bumping into each other or a situationship are the most likely options. Even we he hid we saw him and occasionally, and unlike in the last few years with Covid there’s now been lots of candids of her places (without him).
Male and female heterosexual single friends don’t hold hands in Venice. It was at minimum a casual relationship/FWB, though her good friends were also there so that suggests boyfriend. They are probably just on/off. Or he was just at the event and they are civil.
i feel with how much bad press emma got being linked to green and his family if they were never a thing she would have corrected it somewhere publically to stop the headlines, like when people tried to say she is marrying Leo and she came back to social media to be like 'no don't listen to daily fail' lol
The relationship with Leo seemed the most wholesome to judge the pictures of them and the tidbits about their wonderful relationship. I felt happy for her. That is one of the curses of fame and fortune, it is difficult to discover and hold true love. Men and women alike are afraid to be associated with people with such a high media presence. I remember reading somewhere that one of her recent boyfriends was afraid. It is sad.
It could also be that as she was leaving and he ask if he could have a word with her and she's signalling to her driver 'two secs'
I don't think their together anymore, Eden what does everyone else think?
Did she actually arrive/leave with him or were they just both there?
Is green single, like have he been seen dating other women since the breakup?
And although the daily fail talks a load of BS, their normally spot on. They were right when she split from leo, right when she split with mack. So maybe their right
"I don't think their together anymore, Eden what does everyone else think?"
I only know what the people in comments think.
"They were right when she split from leo, right when she split with mack. So maybe their right"
They could also just have been guessing because they were not seen in a moment together. They also said it was over with Chord Overstreet and a few days later they were photographed kissing.
You guys are taking boyfriends, meanwhile, I still can't get over her sad pics. It was heartbreaking to see that. I hope it wasn't anything serious.
Her & Leo seemed very into each other while it lasted. His mother even painted a picture of her. Them not only making a couple's insta but also a private cooking website made me think it would last more than 3 years considering how open? happy? different? she seemed with Leo compared to her exes.
Why do people dislike Brandon Green? Just because his dad isn’t a good person doesn’t mean he is
"His mother even painted a picture of her. Them not only making a couple's insta but also a private cooking website"
Where'd you get this information?
"Why do people dislike Brandon Green? Just because his dad isn’t a good person doesn’t mean he is"
I also feel sorry for this guy and that so many people blame him for the things his dad, but necessarily not him, did wrong. And before Emma he wasn‘t even that popular and that much of discussion or basically well-known, but now he must also take the blame for everything. And a lot of her fans became weird that they suddenly do not approve of this relationship, because of everything his dad did while he was never in charge for that. I actually feel extremely sorry for this guy since his relationship with Emma became public. Some media anyways uses to drag Emma, but the way he got used with that for his father was really disgusting.
"His mother even painted a picture of her. Them not only making a couple's insta but also a private cooking website"
Where'd you get this information?
Yeah this anon got a point and how do you know anon.
Also what does situationship mean?
I only know what the people in comments think
Eden but what's your thoughts
i think emma and leo would break up quicker if they hadn't had lockdowns lengthening the time they were stuck together
also people on Instagram found the couples account back then but its been unused since then and emma told in interviews about building her website using Squarespace and some found them too
The green family benefit from evil business dealings that stole from pensions funds and yes all of them are living off his wealth and money from the father's scams and hidng out in Monaco as uk people do not like them so they are not innocent
it is questionable that emma is friends or even dates such people given her stated views about inequality and feminism given the dads work place harassment allegations and alleged casual racist remarks to foreign workers at his company . some crimes are only the dads but Brandon still accept his dirty money so he can not have full clean hands
Sins of the father pass to the children as the saying goes...he may be better than the dad he may not be. we do not know him. what we do know is he does not appear to disown or distance himself from his father and doesn't reject his wealth or perks of being in the green family and is often seen partying on his dad's yacht off the coast of Monaco with various supermodels. So seems to Like to act like a playboy. A bit immature for Emma I would think?
He seems an odd choice for Emma, though maybe we do not know her well either and this is actually the kind of people she likes.
Do not put celebs on a pedestal is my view even if you love them they are not perfect and can be friends with some strange people
maybe I'm just not that into music but never heard of chain-smokers band lol and emma said 'you will have heard of HIM' in her interview about it implying it was a solo male artist
“Also what does situationship mean?“
Google is your friend.
Yes her and Leo had all that - lots of found it (if you know you know), but to be honest I think the IG stuff and blog they had together was more to do with Covid (though they also obviously spent way more time together then would be normal). His mom unfollowed emma when they broke up (!) but some of his other family still follow her.
I know people found him boring but I really liked Mack. Seemed a good guy.
Brandon I’d imagine is also a decent guy. He just has a huge amount of family baggage. I would actually dread the media coverage of an engagement or wedding. Or if she is ever seen with his parents even. He’d really need to worth that. I think they are on/off. That we haven’t seen him on the vacations and he was at a different ski resort to her at Christmas is very weird.
Brandon actually seems very low key for who he is.
I dont know about his family or anything for me i just get a gut reaction of bad vibes from him...it never been there with emma other bfs aside from chord as i felt he was messing emma around somehow or using her for headlines lol
I did not mean Green about being scared.
Eden do you think Emma's 2024 movie could be Paddington 3?
Just so everyone knows, I'm not going to publish comments calling Brendon Green names or suspecting him of illegal stuff. Didn't think it needed to be told.
"Eden but what's your thoughts"
I don't care.
"Eden do you think Emma's 2024 movie could be Paddington 3?"
Thats very firm No???? do you know what her movie actually is??? xD
XD I'm too tired. I just want to give short answers. I just don't know why that movie specifically was mentioned, I haven't heard her being linked in any way to it, so no.
some people on twitter speculate about emma and Paddington 3 earlier today after Olivia Coleman just got cast its probably from that lol
I hope others do not drag down the convo be adult about it guys we can say we don't like green or his family without anger or giving eden work to delete comments lol.
I think the list of eligible wealthy bachelor business guys of suitable age for Emma is just getting low so she is ending up at guys like green sadly.
She can not meet normal guys because of her background and must suspect they will only date her for money so she has to find guys richer than her so it's not an issue i guess?
"or giving eden work to delete comments lol."
XD I make the mistake of rarely deleting comments. There are 1.48K comments not published, so now I can't be bothered to delete any.
im pretty sure this was her most casual 'bf' ever and they likely broke up, you simply just dont spend so many many months apart if it's a serious thing imo also emma getting a piggyback from that other guy recently made her look so single lol
XD I make the mistake of rarely deleting comments. There are 1.48K comments not published, so now I can't be bothered to delete any
So you'll just post all comments now?
There are 1.48K comments not published
Damn Eden is that just for this one thread?
XD I wish.
So are you just posting every comment now then Eden?
XD I wish.
Oh you means 1.48k in whole?
Do you read them all?
"So are you just posting every comment now then Eden?"
"Oh you means 1.48k in whole?
Do you read them all?"
For the past several months.
And yes.
Eden you haven't answered my question
Why not
Eden i would like to help you with your blog
Looks like Emma was staying at the hotel called A Home from the pictures.
"Eden you haven't answered my question"
No idea which Anon you are.
"Why not"
No idea what it's refering to.
"Eden i would like to help you with your blog"
I'm good, thank you.
Going to bed now.
It was the Ett Hem hotel.
I guess, these pretty expensive hotels offer more privacy than a standard hotel, also because of the clients who use to visit these luxury hotels, but even that does not always work if you are such a famous celebrity.
I thought that she was inside the place where were the event, and that she had found him there, but lol if that is a hotel, it is clearly not a chance meeting between Green and her.
"Why not"
No idea what it's refering to
I meant why don't you publish all comments
Emma in scenes with paddington would be so cute awww
"I meant why don't you publish all comments"
Because most are either spam or asking for private informations or insulting.
I thought that she was inside the place where were the event, and that she had found him there, but lol if that is a hotel, it is clearly not a chance meeting between Green and her
Eden was it the hotel?
No idea.
Can i at least ask the anon about the squarespace comment Eden
It's not private info Emma said she made some.
Is she still working on queen of tearling?
"Can i at least ask the anon about the squarespace comment Eden
It's not private info Emma said she made some."
She only said she created websites, she didn't say which ones they are. People only know of one because the link was posted in the couple instagram's bio I think. No one knows of the others.
"Is she still working on queen of tearling?"
I feel like it has been scratched at this point.
She only said she created websites, she didn't say which ones they are. People only know of one because the link was posted in the couple instagram's bio I think. No one knows of the others
Can i ask what the link was? Or the couples bio
i think they are clearly caught having a quick hookup while trying to keep it on down low lol
Thanks for filtering out spam and bad comments Eden the blog would get so toxic if you let it all through
Paddington movies have so many posh english people I think everyone just like 'Emma would fit in there so easy!' so started guessings he will be cast on twitter xd
Yes Emma said she had created several sites when in lockdown
she did not name them or tell people to look at them however
There no proof green was at the brilliant mind conference and accidentally ran into her due to that and if he was at this hotel only I think it show he and Emma were there together and he is staying out of public view to make the story that they broke up stay around when really they are still dating.
They maybe did this tactic as the media were digging into this relationship more than any other one due to it being so odd for Emma to be involved in the Green family given her public statements on many of the issues that Greens become involved in.
"Can i ask what the link was? Or the couples bio"
Sorry. Even if I allowed these kind of infos in the comment, which I don't, I totally forgot by now what the links are XD
everything is locked down and in private so you would get no useful info anyway xD
I think we only see him once a year or so with Emma as he is really just good at hiding out from cameras and not being seen...but of course, he can't keep it up the whole year and slips up sometimes lol
i remember when the blog watsonuncensored and this one had no comment moderation eden would just go to sleep and wake up to the worst chaos of lies and nonsense the next day smh
its honestly much better here now.
couple's account must be defunct by now surely emma and leo been over years now doubt they keep it up
There no way they have been dating the entire time, maybe they met up again in Sweden. But remember Emma went to a Taylor Swift concert with her ex. And you don’t do that if you’re dating someone.
Unless you're in an open relationship.
he is not a bf and never was imo, pretty sure he is just a booty call lol they get together when they are near the same place and do whatever else they want they rest of the time
"Unless you're in an open relationship."
I think this has been the case with Emma and all these CEO/business guys she get seen with since Mack, less and less have they felt serious (aside from Leo) always so short windows of 'dating' which is really just being papped kissing a few times and paps saying yeah this is the new 'boyfriend' when really the could just be a bit of fun.
Since Emma never talks about her love life these days at all we can only guess.
I think maybe Mack was the last full on boyfriend too even Leo seemed more casual and it would disappear when emma was off on some italy holidays with Amy and stuff pretty sure
her last word on her love life from her own mouth was her self partnered thing
I think that was her saying she is into more open relationships and keeping things casual
The thing is because we don't actually know and are just speculating we could be way off about any of her so-called relationships. But the reason I doubt that she and Green are still together is that the company/person that these photos are credited to has sold to Daily Fail before. And it would make more sense to take more pictures rather than just one knowing damn well how much you could get paid for more pictures.
Quick question, how are y'all sure Green wasn't at the Brilliant Minds event? It seemed like his thing even before they allegedly started dating if you even want to call it that. Isn't his whole schtick about being mindful of the ocean or something like that?
No self partnered is just another way of saying you’re single and taking care of yourself
it's not known if he was there or not
but any pictures of emma at the event do not have him
and youd think if they were there at the same time they would be spotte donce together at the event maybe?
but instead, he is only seen at the hotel
thing is emma was not single at the time so it doesn't make sense that is the only meaning as she was with leo at the time pretty sure emma has her own meaning for that phrase that we can only speculate about
I think it was 'even though I'm still dating people, i mainly have a connection to myself and i'm not dependent on this other person to be happy' or something like this lol
I always assumed it was a joke phrase said in jest but media took it seriously and blew it up into a whole thing
How do you know that's the hotel and maybe they both just booked in the same hotel. It is a expensive hotel
And i don't think he's her bf either she's getting back into acting/directing and dating green would be bad for that
"thing is emma was not single at the time so it doesn't make sense that is the only meaning as she was with leo at the time pretty sure emma has her own meaning for that phrase that we can only speculate about"
I'm sorry but... what?
Can we just enjoy the pictures without debating about her bf/fwb/just friends and all these personal business of her?
Emma really looks lovely and healthy here in this pictures🤍 made me wonder back to what happened in that BAFTA people keep making fun about. Emma needs to sue the makeup artist for her BAFTA
How can she be 'single and self partnered' if she was dating Leo is what i mean
so she must have her own meaning for this phrase...or it was just a joke phrase as someone else mentioned
It was indeed a throwaway comment that daily fail and others ran with in headlines to try and make emma seem 'kooky and strange'
The fact she never ever referenced it again shows how serious it was,
that is to say, it wasn't,
at all lmao XD
For the sake of your minds, just thought of it as Emma was just talking for a while with him. Doesn't need to mean anything, like anon said before, we had yet to see them kissing or being affectionate. It was very unlikely a relationship from the start. Woman and Man can have platonic relationships no?
emma is my wife, stop linking my wife to this man you guys
For the sake of your minds, just thought of it as Emma was just talking for a while with him. Doesn't need to mean anything, like anon said before, we had yet to see them kissing or being affectionate. It was very unlikely a relationship from the start. Woman and Man can have platonic relationships no
I agree so they were at the same hotel as people think, i personally think it's at the event. And she's either leaving it arriving and he's asked her if they could talk and she saying tho the driver she'll me two minutes
A lot of rich people stay at the same hotel. Just like Oscars, met gala etc
A lot of rich people stay at the same hotel. Just like Oscars, met gala etc
That's what i mean i bet loads who were at brilliant minds stayed there
I wonder if Emma will be at Paris fashion week
Yes probably he wants to talk, and Emma asked her driver to wait a few seconds. He does seems like he's waiting for her going to go back there in the dim and not going forward instead. The problem is we can only speculate because we lack photos here on what happens next.
Maybe let's stick to what Ruben said
No, guessing on Paris fashion week, but the guessing about Green and Watson continues.The possible themes are getting thin.
isnt Paris fashion week right now? or over? lol june 25th is end date on google anyway
Men's fashion week was this week. Couture fashion week is the first full week of July.
Eden asleep on sunday during new pics? perfect xD
Yo! New photo on renaisspirits instgram page. Check it out.
Eden, her gin company posted a new pic. :)
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