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The DailyMail says the photos date from last week. Her, this man whose face I feel like I know but it's past midnight and my brain has stopped functioning, and two others were on La Certosa.
The Sun released her friend's name as Ryan Walsh and describe him as someone who "has held a number of roles within the tech world and three years ago founded a tech consultancy firm in LA."... and also makes it seem like there's something romantic going on between the two because of course.
Any idea what these could be? I thought the first one could be a book at first, but unless it's a rough copy, I doubt it.
Credit: Backgrid, Source: PicturePub
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com
She looks like she’s enjoying herself, which is nice. I just wonder who that man is…? Might just be a friend though
At least its 100% confirmed green is gone now :) but also unlikely Wallace is her bf again if she is with this guy
a reminder, not every man seen with Emma Watson is her boyfriend xD
(it does totally look like a date though and repeat of one she had last year with Brandon lol)
is it the guy who was with her in last candids with the bike?
Is that her ex?
lmao the mother energy in the icecream eating pic
eden was awake for news??????
crazy times we live in....
Could it be Stephen Chbosky
Very familiar dude 🤔 she looks excellent 👌
Eden that bike guy in france and this one is same. What do you think
This one seems kinda green flag, but he seems in his 40s
Oh man that is so rude eating other people's food when they are at the bar.
"eden was awake for news??????
crazy times we live in...."
I was literally about to close Chrome but checked my RSS feeds one last time. Good job, me. Don't get used to it.
The article says the guy was seen with her in LA some time in 2019 if that helps.
People really need to stop pushing the dating thing with every guy she's seen with though. They didn't go on a romantic boat cruise, that's just what taxis are like in Venice.
That's the guy he reminds me of https://www.emmawatson-updates.com/2019/08/emma-watson-and-friend-at-superba-cafe.html
I don't remember the bike guy people are talking about.
You blurred his face but emma was looking like she was talking to a guy like this about to get on a bike while in her last candid pics
Is it dominic plaza guy? Maybe spelt his name wrong sorry haha but emma dated him briefly in 2019 or something in LA
a romantic getaway to one of emma fave fave countries paps wanted shots of her on a date to follow up the brandon green split article last month timing is about right for new bf emma moves on fast usually
I dunno about a it being a boyfriend they look very platonic while walking together and how emma is posed in the boat just looks so relaxed and casual like she's talking to a friend with her arm up like that xd
"You blurred his face but emma was looking like she was talking to a guy like this about to get on a bike while in her last candid pics"
Oh okay. It seems to be him, yeah.
"Is it dominic plaza guy?"
she took a bike trip with this guy and another friend(maybe napur who stands behind emma in last candid) from France to Italy imo
Hmmm well to me this man i think he is in music or maybe a director?
I think he could be also French but i can not place the name at all, sorry
this man seems way taller than the guy with the bike but maybe its just the camera angle and distance also emma was up on pavement while he was standing on street in that pic too so hard to tell really
Meanwhile i was gonna say chord overstreet has aged a lot this past few years lol xD
I don't think this is the bike guy because he is shorter than this guy.
those sandals tho....awful taste...not sure he is french tbh ;)
Bike guy is shorter than this man and the hair color is different than this
did cary fukunaga dye his hair blonde maybe?? lol
"those sandals tho....awful taste...not sure he is french tbh ;) "
he is American for sure
Noted, Anon whose comment I didn't post. I totally stopped checking these kind of things so it's nice to have an update XD
"cary fukunaga"
no way its him, he is in big trouble atm emma will not be near him ever again
woah all these Hollywood men can not be trusted at all smh
Emma has unfortunately been close to some terrible people in LA
I don't know if it's just being in LA/Hollywood system means you have to get to know these people or if she just was unaware of what they are actually like when she meets them
Anyway she quickly stopped being seen with that Cary guy in 2011 and likely got bad vibes from him
He looks old enough to be her dad so I think it's a friend or someone working on her new movie but it does feel like a dinner date and not sure why they would meet in Italy and not LA if it's work lol?
Maybe because writers strike shutdown a lot of stuff over there? just guessing though.
Why are they both carrying notebooks if it's a date XD
i hope the script for Emma 2024 movie was already finished and production wasn't shut down, even spiderman 4 is halted because of the strike so yeah im worried :(
(people deserve better pay though so i can understand just upsetting it happens during emma comeback)
The article says they had dinner with other people, so not exactly a dinner date.
yeah im sure he is a script writer/director of some sort
Probably her new agent? XD
Nah, he doesn't look like he's working in entertainment industry so def not Actor/Musician/whatever it is
That's the guy he reminds me of https://www.emmawatson-updates.com/2019/08/emma-watson-and-friend-at-superba-cafe.html
I don't remember the bike guy people are talking about.
Eden i agree looks like this guy, just older
That man does look older than her probably a decade or so, like in his 40s. But Emma dating older men doesn’t surprise me since she dated Mack Knight who was a decade older and Jay Barrymore who was about a decade older than her. But who knows, that just might be her colleague or something.
I think emma's new film might be adapation of steve chbosky's imaginary child...
Anon whose comment I didn't post, I agree.
i recall her having lunch with a producer like this before and bringing notes back in the day, eden do you still have those pics? it might be from like 2015 or back then, emma is drinking orange juice i recall and she has a lot of papers and notes with her at the table? i think it was london cafe too maybe?
anyway i think it is something to do with her next movie
did they dye their hair blonde? also not sure they would age this much since 2019...i dunno
"i recall her having lunch with a producer like this before and bringing notes back in the day, eden do you still have those pics? it might be from like 2015 or back then, emma is drinking orange juice i recall and she has a lot of papers and notes with her at the table? i think it was london cafe too maybe?"
Don't remember that one right now. I remember the 2011 one but she was eating a salad, not drinking.
"you mean about [...], eden?
you can just say 'yup' as a reply if you were talking to me and hide this comment
if its not me sorry for misunderstanding xD"
Nope, my response to you was "Noted, Anon whose comment I didn't post. I totally stopped checking these kind of things so it's nice to have an update XD"
did someone figure out who this guy is but the comments needs to be anonymous? sorry for being nosey eden but im curious now lol XD (you dont have to say who he is btw im just wondering what comment was hidden was about)
I think he's some writer probably
"not sure they would age this much since 2019...i dunno"
Last 5 years were pretty rough on people, so someone can age hard in such times imo
Emma did seem like she does these kind of 'informal meetings' while in the pre-production stage of her films before at least in 2011-214 era then it sort of stopped getting sightings of her with directors or writers out and about
nah that clearly is the 2019 guy
"did someone figure out who this guy is but the comments needs to be anonymous? sorry for being nosey eden but im curious now lol XD (you dont have to say who he is btw im just wondering what comment was hidden was about)"
Yes. He's an old friend of hers.
Yup obviously same person from 2019 I agree
Is this who we think it is:
Looks like same guy but longer hair
The sun released a “dating” story identifying him but have already edited so they only allude to dating (ie spending time together now Emma is single). They’ve been friends for years so think it’s a non story.
From his LinkedIn though it’s 100% who others identified above.
We’ve known he’s a friend for years. Men and women can be friends (but I’ve always thought he was gay).
he's likely part of the dating pool she got into around 2018 all the tec ceo guys from LA area. i wouldn't be that surprised if he heard emma was single and wants to swoop in there NGL
"now she is single she is making sure she enjoys herself"
sounds like the source is making it seem like they are friends with benefits now emma is single?
but these "sources" are likely just the article creator throwing in spice for more clicks imo
Maybe this friend is helping Emma build tech skills for post production editing of films…
german sites have new pics too eden! they imply it was romantic trip also, going on about him making emma smile all the time so on but they didnt have his name unlike other sites
Tech guy? That's just increase the probability of Emma dating him to 50%
Tech guy
If he went to an Ivy League School, then....
Loads of photos. The people they are having lunch with also look really like they’re his parents (doesn’t mean they couldn’t be friends but still).
Ryan is about 43/44
Lots of photos now online. They never touch, even when alone in the boat. I know she rarely does PDA but it looks friends to me. The only question I have is that it looks like they’re having dinner with his family
https://www.justjared.com/2023/06/06/emma-watson-spotted-out-italy-with-businessman-ryan-walsh/ a lot of new pics
Way more pics came out looks like it was a date and emma was meeting this guys parents?
emma doesnt really go on holiday with her guy friends i think he is trying to date her now after they first met in 2019 tbh
Where does the "first meeting in 2019" come from? I'm pretty sure they've known each other for longer than that.
I think this guy is gay
looks like the typical take tech guy she likes on holiday and meet his parents thing she normally does likely will be seen holding hands or something soon 70% he's a new bf imo
not sure she would just randomly be friends with a much older guy but who knows
The older people at the restaurant are at a different table further back.
are there pics before 2019 of them meeting? i guess ppl just think he's one of that group of similar tech industry men she began dating in that time between 2017 to 2020 or whatever
I think Emma has always a few guys she is interested in and keeps in contact with them for a few years and after one of her main relationships ends she gets more serious with one of her other options and takes them on a trip to meet their parents and stuff. It's a repeat pattern for her at this point. She seems happy so i think its good for her :)
"Lots of photos now online. They never touch, even when alone in the boat. I know she rarely does PDA but it looks friends to me. The only question I have is that it looks like they’re having dinner with his family"
So... he's a very polite man
Tech guy
Older than Emma
Bring her to family dine in
Defines Emma's type!
Hmm... I don't want to sound so hopeful for the fans like last time, but if this two really are a "thing" I do hope it lasts
"Where does the "first meeting in 2019" come from? I'm pretty sure they've known each other for longer than that."
Knowing each other's for long definitely way more reasons to give it a try tbh.
There’s a photo on the boat him trying to put his arm around her and she lifts her up. Definitely not a date
I'm about to post all the photos, but people in the comments are right, Emma and Ryan are not having lunch/dinner with the older couple.
He’s not from the dating pool. He’s very good friends with some of her friends. So they’ve been in each others circle for a long time. I think he’s just a friend. They were both in Venice and met up.
There is no affection even when they are alone. She’s just stretching with her arm
I think he is wallace friend maybe he set them up after that lunch she had with him earlier in the year he herad emma was single and maybe this ryan guy was also newly single so they decided to try but who knows
As long as she is happy that what matters the most.
But we fans do need an heir Emma😘
I'm just surprised the media didn't try to match her up with Robbie Coltrane during the reunion.
i think he was helping her run lines from her script lol (the notes they are carrying)
do you think these are requested and arranged pap shots
no, the requested shoot was something like the finical times shoot to advertise her gin this is her privacy on holiday being invaded she does not need these kind of images of her relaxing to promote anything lets be real
it could be to show she is no longer dating green in a more concrete way
but otherwise i highly doubt Emma watson ever calls paps
especially after they took nude pics of her last year
i would guess she doesn't like them at all or want this kind of attention
The close ups that you added, Eden, looks like her journals. People commenting about a potential boyfriend, lol.. Me, I focus on the journals, paper, scripts. It's either something about her planned education in september or a book that she's planning to write!
only z lister reality show stars call paps not big time stars like Emma who often states how traumatizing it was for paps to try and take shots up her skirt as a teenager.
that kind of pain inflicted on her wont wash off suddenly one day and she starts working with paps
lets think rationally about this stuff
Someone made a comment about him being in her 2018 tech guy dating circle. Emma did say once that she became friends with first dates that didn’t work so maybe it’s this guy…?
eden can you tell us if the people you report on twitter get banned for pretending to be emma i would like to know if it worked thanks :)
"eden can you tell us if the people you report on twitter get banned for pretending to be emma i would like to know if it worked thanks :)"
I never paid attention before, but if they do get banned it might take a few days after the reports.
The idea famous people are calling paps and want to work with them is largely a myth created by pap industry as a cover story to defend their actions
listen to some podcasts of ex paps explaining how the industry works and you will find how much propaganda they put out there and all the lies about women they stalk wanting to hire them is all gaslighting and 90% false
Ok I’m sorry but that guy does not look American. I feel like he should be British or European
"From his LinkedIn though it’s 100% who others identified above"
Anon can you say what company he works for I'm interested to see what he does for a living?
He's from LA pretty sure its confirmed american
Emma prefers american guys dated like 12+ americans vs 5-6 brits i think lol
some people faking being emma now have a blue tick on twitter too, that platform is worthless these days tbh smh
all i know is ad revenue on twitter is collapsing and it already was failing before musk so it must have gotten laughable bad with abuse and fake accounts now to lose even more
"Eden I'm kinda curious about when you said your gonna do something with Watsonuncensored. When will you be doing that?"
I think I'll just post gif sets and video edits. People seemed to prefer those. I don't know when yet as I need to start organizing my life XD
"And could you do like a question poll to everyone and ask how many people who come on here also follow you on Twitter and Instagram or weather they just come on here."
I can't do polls here but most of the visits the blog gets seem to come from Twitter, only a few from Instagram.
"By the way you ever thought about doing a discord page?"
Some people did ask for one, but when I asked why, people basically said so they could post private stuff about Emma, so the idea of a discord has been abandoned.
Too many weirdos from discord who want to invade privacy and think its normal they even copy paste eden entries posts and steal it without even editing the headlines lol insta pages do it too
some hypothetical news for those who read French
"some hypothetical news for those who read French
For those who don't understand, there's nothing really new. They used The Sun and Ryan's LinkedIn to write their article.
i think he will be confirmed bf soon most media seem to have inside info to be calling him her new beau so quickly imo
They know nothing in my opinion. Roberto has been called her boyfriend so many times by all media, even when he was engaged XD
"During their stay, they were said to have taken a water taxi to the island of La Certosa for dinner reservations where they were joined by two other people."
so the two people who joined them were his parents right? (i know they were at a different table in those pics but still could be there with emma and ryan)
i dont think emma hired paps or is actually dating this guy but she got spotted by them on purpose with him so these kind of articles would go around and even more people will hear she isn't with brandon green anymore
as that relationship was making her unpopular and she wants it to be old news
now she is going back to acting and wnats a fresh start
just what i think is happening
"so the two people who joined them were his parents right? (i know they were at a different table in those pics but still could be there with emma and ryan)"
Wouldn't make sense to me.
they arrived together alone but when leaving on the boat in new pics there are like 2 others guys there when they are boarding, maybe thats who was eating dinner with them
that old couple is unrelated imo
Tbh looking at all pics, emma and ryan ate alone then left and met those other people at the boat no one else joined them going by those pics
Like id assume paps stayed for the whole meal and would have snapped anyone else showing up
so some articles have just said they were joined by two other people which is just those other two older people at a different table but yeah i dont think they were there 'with' emma and ryan at all
oh okay woah so many new pics added!
um...yeah no one else seems to 'join' them? and later he clearly has an arm around emma on the boat from those shots behind the boat
im sold that it was a date with just them now xD
i'll wait until we see them in a new country together again this year then I'll say its more likely he is the new bf but if he disappears now i think he was just a friend
eden im curious what you think, is he just a friend or new bf?
Thanks Eden for doing what i asked. Take your time with watsonuncensored there's no rush, interesting about how it's mostly Twitter users and only a few Insta.
I hadn't thought of the discord thing in that way, i just thought you could branch out and you could also do quizzes and contest like guess the Emma movie and that. Shame it would be cool, you do know you can put rules in place so that people can't talk about stuff you don't want them to and they get banned from your server if they break the rules.
If you want i can walk you through making it.
I I'm with Eden i think it's a business thing the body language is not bf and gf it's more friend/colleague.
And Eden there's someone posing as her on Insta too
The real question is : why they are in Venice ?
This is not a place to go for work meeting
It’s a better place for a romantic date…
"If you want i can walk you through making it."
Thank you, but I totally dropped the idea.
"And Eden there's someone posing as her on Insta too"
Not surprising. There are hundreds of them on Facebook too.
yup and its a date location emma used last year too sorry it just adds up he's the new bf
im happy because at least the green nightmare is over lol
lol The celebration of Brandon downfall here is like people celebrating taylor swift breaking up with that awful guy she was dating xD
ngl i dont like the idea Emma or Swift broke up with these guys because social media or fandoms drama made them, fans shouldn't have any say in these things even if we dont like their partners...I just don't like how things like this are happening these days its a bit weird imo
hmmm...Matt Healy may have been dumped by Taylor due to relentless fan pressure and backlash but Emma and Bradon lasted like 2 years despite whatever fans said so I think Emma was not letting anyone run her life except her tbh
She goes to Venice a lot. She was there in 2019 (not with Leo) and 2017 too. She likes art and it's a city with a lot of art history.
Boy friend or just business friend, I'm still jealous; lucky git.
I don't think it's anyone's business who she dates, and to keep obsessing about who her boyfriend is or why A and B and C broke up is weird. If there is nothing more interesting about Emma to know, for instance film or script, it gets boring after awhile and fan obsessive.
Definitely think she is working with Ryan Walsh. He seems to run an organisation investing in independent artists from different fields like painters, musicians etc. Emma did say she is working on a music video so could be for that.
it was asked for eden to ban bf talk but if she did there would be no talk on the blog lol
Oh maybe he’s investing in her production companies. She had two, if I’m not mistaken
"She looks like she’s enjoying herself, which is nice."
Agree. Doubtlessly a good choice.
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