Sunday, June 18, 2023

Emma Watson shares first swimsuit photoshoot

[Gallery] [Fashion] [Version française]

She didn't leave any message, only tagged Prada Beauty. Are we guessing another Mack photoshoot?

I would also like to thank my phone publicly for never letting me know when Emma posts something despite my notifications being on XD

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Anonymous said...

are these all 2022 shots or happening in Ibiza 2023 around now do you think?

Anonymous said...

Lovely x

Anonymous said...

so much heat it melted my laptop!

omg! Emma! xD

Anonymous said...

why all her pics are fuzzy low rez quality tho??

Anonymous said...

I think these are from when she was learning to surf in 2022 for her Prada ad i recall some photos of her surfing and going into water in a wetsuit or something in Prada ad? dunno maybe i confused it

Anonymous said...

Eden trying to blame her phone for sleeping through emma hottest ever pics?
classic Eden xD

Anonymous said...

Wow she is so freaking gorgeous....these are so hot 🔥 😍Slay

Anonymous said...

My strong guess is these are Mexico earlier this year.
Honestly her travel at the moment is super work related

Anonymous said...

pretty sure its more mack shots like the others ones from spain 2022 sessions

Anonymous said...

Mother 😍

Anonymous said...

These are more recent than 2022 though. I don’t think they are as recent as Ibiza though, that was the Renais shoot. Wasn’t she in California and Mexico a few months ago. I think it’s around then.

Anonymous said...

taking insta photos while on holiday isnt really work related haha xd

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People that kept criticizing her for travel this year aren’t now, i agree it’s been very work related. Loads of shoots and promo. I also think Venice etc recently was work. Ibiza was 100% the Renais shoot with Alex
Also lucky Sofia!

Anonymous said...

These shoots aren’t insta photos though. They are akin to magazine shoots and would have taken several days.

Anonymous said...

These aren’t holiday IG photos lol. Would have been full on photoshoots.

Anonymous said...

if its a prada promo shoot its work, if its just emma posting her holiday snaps its just more of her usual travel

Anonymous said...

I feel like Emma has years of doing self-promotion and nothing else!

Anonymous said...

These are prada advert shoots not insta photos!!! I’ve worked on fashion shoots and they’re long and work

Anonymous said...

This is leisure imo unless they show in a magazine like her gin shoot

Anonymous said...

She works a huge amount in the background that we don’t see.
These were clearly tagged with Prada beauty so were a fashion shoot, likely with Mack. As others said this would have been a couple of days work.

Anonymous said...

she still flying all the time for someone meant to be serious about the environment is fair to point it out and how its not really going to look good and you can do a photoshoot in one country with her friend mack and not fly around the world for it surely lol

its okay to not like emma constant travel and still like her overall guys :)

Anonymous said...

If you think this is leisure you know nothing about marketing. Most of marketing and fashion advertising is now via socials. This is Prada marketing and tagged as such. Sorry but that that’s holiday photos is nonsense. It’s a professional shoot. They just use the photos online which with Emma’s reach has far more impact than a magazine.
She’d have gotten paid for it. But magazine shot especially out on a boat would have been a lot of prep and planning and probably done over a few days

Anonymous said...

Most marketing work is online not in mags. We’re in 2023. She has 70m followers. Show me an issue of Vogue that has 70m buyers

Anonymous said...

She’s also a model. Of course this is work not leisure. Unless you consider all modeling leisure?

Anonymous said...

you could do all these shoots without flying a lot i agree. it really isnt that necessary to go to so many countries just to take pics
i think she combine her vacations with some promo to make people defend it but maybe she should just not have attached herself to environmental issues as now she is judged harsher for her travel

Anonymous said...

just enjoy the photos
why people have to bring up if its work or fun
and start an old debate again smh

Anonymous said...

Oh course she’ll have a few days off if she’s somewhere nice why wouldn’t see?
She wouldn’t dictate where this was shot, it would have been prada.

Anonymous said...

They weren’t done at the same time so how could you do them in the same place? These would have been in spring as others said. They stuff for Renais was last year and earlier this month.
Life doesn’t work like that re shooting things together. Also it’s different companies and people doing it.

Anonymous said...

For beautiful places you need to fly unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Her private jet pics in LA is where backlash started tiktokers always dragging her and Kendall Jenner for flying its boring now tbh old news who actually care about this??

Anonymous said...

She really stopped all the environmental conferences and posting after one year

I think she saw its not really suited for her lifestyle and thats okay

she can change he mind you know?

No need to keep hitting her with this stuff about flying.

Anonymous said...

Fashion shoots are done all over the world for background depending on the feel, and weather. That’s just how it works.
She clearly knows she travels a lot so as she’s said before she tries to be better than average in other parts of her life, and that’s all she asks people to do as well. To do bits where they can, and she does stuff where she can. If you listen to her she actually doesn’t lecture average people. She goes after industries and governments (which are the main culprits).

Anonymous said...

I dont feel she is preaching to me and even if she was so what?
i dont have to listen to anything she said and if it is clearly just some PR game
why would i get mad when every other celeb does the same?
its just part of this celeb game?
try not to get to mad about it

Anonymous said...

She tries to make what she wears and does sustainable and pressures large emitting corporations and fashion companies. She has to fly, sure she could fly a bit less but most of the planes she’s on will fly anyway. Her COP 26 stuff was all about politicians etc doing more which is where the main harm and effect is. Emma doing a few fashion things doesn’t make her inconsistent to me.

Anonymous said...

She doesn’t lecture average people as per above. She asks people to do what they can and she lectures governments and large business. I don’t think her flying more than she should invalidates that.

Anonymous said...

Normal people are not ruining the environment with one or two holidays in winter and summer no one should feel bad about flying so little
We do not have to change, it's the government and huge industrial polluters not us
Any celebs or politicians coming at us to change our life should hold a mirror to themselves first

Anonymous said...

She just asks average people to do stuff where they can and mentions what she does as examples. She’s preachy with stuff like fashion and that’s more about putting pressure on the industry to me.
I’ve found her examples and products etc helpful. I’ve never felt pressured by her. I’d imagine prada would though!!

Anonymous said...

People should worry about the state of New york earlier this year from air pollution due to forest fires and not worry about Emma love of flying if they really care about these issues and just don't want an easy target to bash but fighting politicians is a harder task so they will say nothing i bet...

Anonymous said...

I don’t think she “comes at us to change our lives though”. She has publicly recognized that she emits more than average in some ways to tries to be very good in others and shares what she does for that as inspiration. I think therefore coming after her is unfair

Anonymous said...

I agree, getting on average people back about these issues will do nothing but cause resentment for the causes and aids the big corporations in hiding that they are the real problem

Anonymous said...

The main focus of her ire has been governments and big businesses not doing enough. Not other people traveling. She’s pretty self aware on that to me

Anonymous said...

People moved to taylor swift and her jet again so emma is safe lol
Tiktok stars have a very short memory move on to new person to bash quickly
all about views and money they really dont care about environment

Anonymous said...

unless she cut her hair these are not recent imo many months or even a year old

Anonymous said...

cute oxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Emma is too famous to fly commercial. She has to use a private. It’s much safer that way

Anonymous said...

Would like the focus to be more on the wonderful shoot.
But I will say that I have generally found her comments on the environment to be balanced and not hypocritical
I think these photos are earlier this year.

Anonymous said...

I think her hair looks like the same as orange skirt shoot? was it ever proven when that was from?

I think these are all maybe part of her 2022 birthday shoot with mack that she posted about

Sometimes Mack is just there to do personal shoots with Emma and pics get held back for a time when Emma wants to post them.

Anonymous said...

that boat is one we saw her on in mexico before (dog pics leaked of the dog on the boat in 2022 pretty sure eden back me up you saw those right?0, so this is mexico guys

Anonymous said...

yea it's Mexico for sure

Anonymous said...

Prada would have agreed with Emma on when these were posted.

Anonymous said...

I think we saw her with this boat in Barbados one year too maybe?
I think she sometimes sunbathe out at sea on a boat to avoid paps find her at beach

Anonymous said...

The resolution is really poor what is up with?

lol its like emma uploaded thumbnails blown up xd

Anonymous said...

Orange skirt pics are likely also Mexico imo not spain like people guessed (or maybe mack posted it was spain i dunno why people started saying spain in old thread tbh)

Anonymous said...

Emma has not been tanning this year or paps would have been all over those shots like always, I think she is def working in all these new travels and is making an effort not to allow paps to get pics of her sunbathing by doing work travel only. She also was wearing baggy oversized shirts to back awhile and when just hanging around rather than any bikinis to likely make paps also lose interest and avoid idea she is there just for the beach.

Anonymous said...

speaking of her hair I think she is growing it very long like back in the day atm so when shooting her new movie it can be easily styled many different ways and maybe the studio requested it be really long again?

Ellen said...

Yes, I think this is from last year. Prada shoot with Mack. Looks like her style of photos, a bit grainy like she always do. She probably was trying out new filter, a bit lighter this time. I'm 95% sure this is Macks photos!

Anonymous said...

I'm worried all the Hollywood strikes have halted the project...but maybe its Europe based movie and won't be held up?

Anonymous said...

is it the same jewelry from old mack shoots?

Anonymous said...

Eden did you ever hear any more leaks about directors or what movie Emma could be doing?

Eden said...


Anonymous said...

Mexico is known for its surfing not sure spain has a big surfing culture?

i dunno though maybe its huge there haha

Anonymous said...

hopefully one day Mack leaks mexico horse shoot xD

Anonymous said...

Emma is posting way hotter sexy shoots these days for sure

I think she got way more confident in herself in her 30s

love that for her x

Anonymous said...

best part of this is no men in any of these pics so bf rumors cant star lmao

Anonymous said...

Whether it's based in Europe wouldn't change anything. The strikes are against the Hollywood studios, so any film that's attached to those studios would be affected, even ones that are just distributed by the studios.

Anonymous said...

Eden i want to report that on my Android phone the blog has no ads, and instead of the ressish/pink colour scheme you have for text on the blog everything is like baby blue? lol its strange as on the browser everything looks like the old blog with the same color writing

i dont know if this info help at all but yeah i just saw other post about it and thought i would add what happens when i looked

Anonymous said...

i thnk mack just uses old camera as an aesthetic choice actually

Eden said...

"Eden i want to report that on my Android phone the blog has no ads, and instead of the ressish/pink colour scheme you have for text on the blog everything is like baby blue? lol its strange as on the browser everything looks like the old blog with the same color writing"


Anonymous said...

surfing is indeed huge off spanish coasts anon

Anonymous said...

Emma likely got interested in surfacing after watching so many surfers at Spanish beaches id guess

Anonymous said...

Uhh pretty sure Spain is the biggest surf spot in europe haha

Anonymous said...

clowns actually starting rumors she looks pregnant in these pics wtf???? hahah

Anonymous said...

The dog in the picture seems smaller, at the edge of being a puppy. If you compare the pictures, the dog is larger in the most recent photos, so I think these pics are older. I would also say, Prada. Her travel in her modeling work seems a must. I have not read anything about being an activist. If she is really a woman standing up for women, she would have used her Position in the UN to speak for the suffering women and the murdered young woman in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

These photos are 100% not recent. The dog looks small and recently adopted. This could be from earlier in the year

Anonymous said...

Sofia is just small.
She did speak on Iran just not on IG.
She’s tagged them as prada so well done Sherlock!

Anonymous said...

She advocated for middle east women before helping platform her friend malala

Anonymous said...

Emma's activism is no longer public, she prefers to keep it private because you internet activists ruin everything, you are always judging and seeing who to attack are exhausting.

Anonymous said...

Those who think that Emma is pregnant have never seen a woman in their life or are so stupid that they don't know that when you flex in that position the abdomen bulges a little.

Anonymous said...

She said herself that she wouldn't be commenting on stuff directly much anymore, since she always ends up becoming the story instead of the thing she's talking about.

Anonymous said...

she stepped away from activism in 2020 and said she wants to be on less red carpets and in more board rooms in an interview people need to pay attention that she isn't interested anymore and stop bring it up to her really its a dead topic

Anonymous said...

All recent interviews have had her mention feeling trapped or caged by 'manufactured' image of the old emma watson she is clearly moving on in a new way and being more free to be real self, fans need to accept her choice and let her change

Anonymous said...

How were you able to combine all 3 pics into 1 for the last image?

Anonymous said...

If and unless she has been working out and/or on a diet the photo of her with the surfboard on her head and in that one piece is a bit odd as her figure is or was much more curvaceous than that.? However if it is completely genuine with no touching in/up then she looks absolutely sensational.!

Anonymous said...

You internet activists acts like you ACTUALLY did something more than Emma 🤣🤣🤣 Please don't make me laugh, go attack companies instead of Emma

Eden said...

"How were you able to combine all 3 pics into 1 for the last image?"

Trusty old free Photofiltre.

Anonymous said...

Re her figure yes she was 100% in that shape for the pickleball event and held it until earlier this year, you could see her arm definition even in candid photos, she clearly worked extremely hard in the gym. She’s still in very good shape but is now a little curvier. Unless you work out hours everyday most people can only hold that so long.

Anonymous said...

When did Emma learn to surf?

Eden said...

Kevin, I don't have the slightest idea. Someone in the comments might be able to help if you allow me to publish your comment.

Anonymous said...

These are 2022 shots for sure

Anonymous said...

Yo! New posts on insta...

Eden said...


Anonymous said...

is the same boat shown in the new video do you think? do emma family own it or something? i guess all these shoots were off the coast of ibiza

Anonymous said...

Different boat to the other IG photos.
No they’d just charter a boat, really easy to do. Mooring is way too expensive.

Anonymous said...

Ah their mum is in the advert.
Emma really is super involved in branding and marketing, she wasn’t kidding
There’s a nice caption on IG