Friday, October 24, 2014

First HQ picture of Emma Watson and Michael Nyqvist in "Colonia" + new interview

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This comes from the Swedish Dagens Nyheter newspaper that I bought. I couldn't copy and paste the text, so I had to rewrite the whole thing, so please, mention the blog if you use it.

Google translation (sorry):
     "We are happy to arrange birthday parties for children," it says on the gate at the entrance to a disused slate mine in Martelange in Luxembourg. But this day is the mining museum transformed into a small kingdom for a tyrannical and powerful pedophile.
     In front of the main building, next to some cacti and palm trees, is a creamy white Mercedes convertible from 1970s parked on the gravel road. Two kakiuniformerade motorcyclists chatting with dictator Augusto Pinochet in dark sunglasses - or at least with an actor who is like him on the dot.
     A make-up artist called out to powder Emma Watson, center of the crowd. The movie star is wearing white socks and a blue dress with small white spots. The hair is set in a pretzel going in the same Bavarian style as half a dozen men in lederhosen and felt hat standing on the small stage.
     - Be ready! Step away from the road, shouts a film workers in French, German and English.
     The crowd starts a hundred Chilean pennants patter in the sunshine.
     At  the  microphone  on  stage,  dressed  in  a  beige  suit with wide tie and shoulder-length fejkhår greets Michael Nyqvist dictator welcome to Colonia Dignidad: "I thank God that it is you who holds the reins of this beautiful country," said the Swede who plays the German sect leader Paul Schäfer. The German is a monster who, like the rest of the story behind the Colonia Dignidad, is taken from reality. 
     Paul Schäfer was a German preacher who in 1961 escaped from Germany to Chile with several members of his parish after allegations of violence against two children. There, he started what became one of the 1900s perhaps the most monstrous torture center. His victims were tortured, raped and became laboratory rats for various medical experiments. The monster had a special appetite for children, mostly boys in the age of ten. They were forced to swim with Paul Schafer each evening.
     - He preferred blond cherubs, told one of the victims of Nathan Shachar, DN's envoy in the jungles of southern Chile in 2005.
    The most horrible was that Paul Schäfer committed their crimes many people with good memory. The military junta in Chile sent there political opponents, poor parents who hoped their children would get free education minister confided their children ... and the local authorities sent back those who managed to escape from there, like stray cattle. Even Germany's ambassador visited cult. Men who stood near the German conservative politicians used the sect's massive land area which platform to circumvent an arms embargo on the dictatorship, claiming the German director Florian Gallenberger.
     In the feature film tries Lena, aka Emma Watson, admission to the sect to save his beloved played by Daniel Brühl ("Inglourious Basterds", "Goodbye Lenin").
     The taking in the yard in front of the disused slate mine is one of the film's key scenes. As in reality, it was only during official visits from the outside world as men, women and children were allowed to be side by side on the field. On ljudteknikerns LCD screen, we see how Emma Watson finally catches sight of his beloved. She anxiously seeking his gaze, but he seems completely gone in drugs and brainwashing ... until his hand finds her and gives a fleeting sign that he just plays theater. During the rapid success of the meeting the pair meeting held in the sect's potato cellar. 
     A moment later hit movie Friday Emma Watson in a small cottage next to the caravan serving lukewarm wiener schnitzel to film the workers. Michael Nyqvist playing the German sect leader Paul Schäfer. The Harry Potter films' Hermione says she chose her first major leading role with care.
     - Most screenplay is about a damsel in distress is rescued by a male knight in shining armor, but this is a story about a young woman who rescues her husband. It was there that immediately appealed to me, says Emma Watson. 
     Combating gender stereotypes seem to have become something of a mission for Emma Watson. On 20 September this year, beating the movie star a whole world with amazement when she ascended the rostrum of the UN General Assembly in New York as a figurehead for the UN Conference on Women, HeForShe. 24-year-old's speech on equal rights and opportunities between the sexes were at a rhetorical level, which had almost been able to impress Martin Luther King.
     - I wrote down the whole speech in three or four hours in my hotel room. It was as if several pieces of the puzzle of my life suddenly fell into place! This was not something I just came up with that. Until a month ago, I struggled a lot with my own celebrity status, what I wanted to spend my time and how much of myself I was ready to share with the others, says Emma Watson, who also played in films like Sofia Coppola "The Bling ring "and Darren Aronofsky's" Noah ".
     Last summer, she took a degree in literature at the University Brown. After that she was eager to plunge into the film business again - despite the fact that the Harry Potter movies have really made ​​her financially independent for centuries to come.
     - I've never thought of my job as something I get paid for. Daddy did not tell me how much I earned before I turned 18. It came as a real shock to me! The truth is I just like to be challenged in my job. Additionally, I have not done anything since I was nine, ten years ... This is the only thing I can. Film is my life and my home, says Emma Watson.
    - This Film is my first chance to develop a role from beginning to end. I carry the whole movie and it's very different. It is both invigorating and liberating. It's really cool, she says.

    One of itmaningarna as she faced during the filming of "Colonia" was to travel to Chile. There, she witnessed what is left of the colony, both by members, as well as victims who have left the sect.
     - The Experience I will never forget. The buildings looked exactly like in the 1970s, although it is called Villa Baviera nowadays. I freaked out completely. You really wonder how such a thing could happen, says Watson.
     Survivors have told her how to handle the meeting with Michael Nyqvist's character. The Swedish international film star make this one of their grisigaste roles ever.
    - You probably can not play more evil, that is. It's not a nuffra is right! I have to kind of pervert the whole brain and above all find it as Paul Schafer thought he did well, he says, running purposefully knife in his wiener schnitzel.
     Michael Nyqvist seems to appreciate that quiet talk about the movie. A few days ago he was in New York and gave eighty-four-minute interviews in two days on the TV series "100 code".
     - And almost all eighty journalists had hung up on the fact that a dog was shot in the series ... To explain the role of cult leader Paul Schäfer requires a little more time. It asks questions about what drives some minds whether it be a pastor in KNUTBY, a Pol Pot or the fool anywhere. Somewhere they have to believe in what they say about any kind of purity of the faith. Then it seems, after all, with all the sects that as soon as it is sex with so pajar anything said Michael Nyqvist.
     Paul Schäfer role he sees as a challenge and as each cultural workers obligation to interpret.
    - Specially with the winds blowing today across Europe and also in the Swedish elections. Belief in strong men and simple solutions wins the ground everywhere, he says.

    The interplay between him and Emma Watson often become violent, says the British actress.
    - Michael Said he sees this as a fight to the death between Lena and Schäfer where everyone is trying to crack the other mentally, says Emma Watson, who asked the Swede to not tell how he was going to react in scenes that would become more authentic.
    - He took it, and went loose with everything; kicked me, stomped, shouted "sit, stand, sit," and everything is possible. While this is Michael Paul Schafer to a man who can also vereka good drinker, says Emma Watson, and raises his arms so that the pink scarf falls down on the wooden floor.
     It's chilly here in Luxembourg and the crew is forced to constantly be prepared in all sorts of weather. The soil is flushed with water even when there is sun, in the event that it would start raining. That way they do not have to take on scenes to soil that is moist in one sekinden becomes dry in the other when the film is färgidklippt.

     It pulls together into one shot to where Chile's spy chief will test fire a weapon with Paul Schafer. Then, all home to the hotel and relax. Daniel Brühl black Audi, Michael Nyqvist's black Mercedes and Emma Watson's gray Nissan jeep waiting to take them home to movie stars' common hotel to get some rest together.
     - We have it really good together! I suggested Emma and Daniel that we would start a cult together, but it was like no one took the bait, joking Michael Nyqvist before he steps onto the stage for today's final shot.
Source picture: Collider

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