Saturday, January 5, 2019

Emma Watson wishes you a Happy New Year with new photo

[Gallery] [Fashion] [Beauty] [Traduction française]

(Emma is still not listed among the Golden Globes' attendees for those asking.)

Une publication partagée par Emma Watson (@emmawatson) le

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Anonymous said...

She has new bangs it seems

Dj Anubis said...

Cool photo.

Anonymous said...

I don't think she's going to attend the Golden Globes tonight. She hasn't taken part in the last BAFTA Tea in LA.

Anonymous said...

Other than stepping into Emma Stone's vacancy in Little Women, she has not had a film/tv project in a couple of years. It's been almost 2 years since BATB and The Circle were released. I don't think it takes very long for the industry to cull their guest lists.

Anonymous said...

I just wonder what she is doing—she's not filming, she rarely attends UN events, etc. So what fills her time? I doubt she'd be content to sit at home every day. If she was at least producing a documentary or something...