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Lonnnng overdue photo for the 3000 followers on the blog's Instagram. A couple of people had asked me to post this one in particular so here it is. The photos in Mexico will come later, I haven't forgotten about them, but the lack of news and with nothing we can expect for now, it's hard to find the motivation to take care of the blog.
So, the story behind this photo is really weird. I can't remember where I found it but it might have been Reddit. The person who posted it talked about seeing Emma in Paris, that she was with Chord Overstreet, their behaviours towards each other would have made even the biggest romantics cringe like mad ("I love you", "no, I love you"), they went to the pool and Chord put sunscreen all over Emma's butt, and then the poster finished by insulting Emma.
Problem is (besides that person being a douche) that I recognize the place (the original photo is bigger but it's just scenery) and that's clearly Provence, not Paris. So what is true to his story? No idea. There are two plates though so unless Emma was very hungry, she probably was with someone.
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com
I remember that reddit thread, and didn't believe a word that person wrote.
I'd be more willing to believe she was with Chord if the rest of the story didn't seem so ridiculous (and the place wrong).
Didn't she also have the tiny bangs during the first half of 2018 when she was dating Chord? Her hair looks longer here. I had the feeling the picture was already a couple of years old when it was posted on reddit.
Eden, you really still wonder so many people who just see her by chance make up such stories to put themselves also in the spotlight and gain a short moment of attention and fame?
"Didn't she also have the tiny bangs during the first half of 2018 when she was dating Chord?"
She was still with him in June and her baby bangs had grown then.
"Eden, you really still wonder so many people who just see her by chance make up such stories to put themselves also in the spotlight and gain a short moment of attention and fame?"
I'm gonna guess there's a "why" missing. I have no idea. That person might not even have met her, they might have found the photo on social media or someone they know took it, sent it to them and they clearly don't like Emma and thought it would be a good occasion to try to give her a bad name. There's no proof they're lying after all, apart from the fact they suck at geography.
Esa foto la he visto hace mucho tiempo ni si quiera es del 2018 es antes
Another inconsistency is that this photo isn't even from 2018 I remember seeing it in 2017 I just don't remember what month.
Her hair is way longer, thicker and not to mention a completely different color in this picture than any time she was ever seen with Chord. In the pictures of them in June 2018, her hair is still much shorter, darker and thinner. This is probably an old photo someone posted in 2018.
Chord was just a fling anyway. I think they just stayed in the states, let alone just the LA area. She never takes flings on long vacations or to her home in London.
I think the whole Chord relationship was a joke they played on everyone. Look at a close up of their kiss. They aren't even close to touching lips. He is kissing her above her upper lip and taking photos on his phone while they do it. Who does that? Not to mention that they knew the paparazzi were taking photos and the ridiculous way she held hands and looked at him when she knew they were being photographed. Emma has never acted like that in public and Chord is the exact opposite of anyone she has dated before or after and is the very type she said she would never date. I think they were friends and after everyone said they were dating because of the Oscars party, they decided to have a little fun with everyone. But, what do I know.
I also find her kiss with Fake Jesus to be a little weird. He turns around and looks at the camera right after the kiss knowing they are being watched. She is on the phone and looks embarrassed and like she doesn't want to kiss him but is getting egged on by someone on the phone. The kiss was what they call a movie kiss in Hollywood. Married people or those uncomfortable kissing someone do it. Emma always does it in movies. In Little Women, the one kiss was so obviously a movie kiss, they changed angles for all her other kisses. You pull your lips in and kiss above the upper lip and try not to touch, but if you do, since your lips are pulled in, lips won't actually touch. That is what that kiss was. It was the only time they have so much as touched in public and it was obviously a movie kiss. In the photos from December, he walks behind her one way up the street and the other way they talk, but there is a lot of space between them, no hand holding, affection, anything. It is just a little strange when the only time they so much as touch is when they know they are being photographed.
Eden, if they already give a wrong place, it should be clear that everything else also is made up. Why should they give a wrong location, but else tell the truth?
Lol there is a difference between sucking at geography and not knowing where the hell you even are. If this POS posted the photo and claimed to have been there to take and that indeed is not Paris, he is simply lying, end of story. She probably googled her, saw she was born in Paris and invented this nice story
Those Chord pictures were very weird indeed. Emma rarely shows affection in public and that was so over the top.
Anyway, does someone know why Pottershots is offline and is there a new one?
Agreed. Chord was WAY out of her league. She literally went from a Princeton graduate tech wizard with a Columbia MBA to just a high school graduating yeehaw country boy.
I am beginning to wonder about some of the dates for these pics of Emma. For instance, we have pics of her dated October 13th 2018 with Brendan Wallace in Mexico. Yet, we also have pictures of her shopping in Boston and the first day of filming Little Women on October 7th, 2019. We know those dates are correct. You're telling me that she starts filming a major movie on the 7th and 5 days later leaves for Mexico in order for those pics to be taken on the 13th? She would never schedule a vacation 5 days into a major filming, nor would the producers/directors ever let someone do that, especially since Greta did not even allow cell phones on set and we know that Emma and the others were having sleepovers on the set all the time in order to get into the spirit of the film and set. She would have taken a vacation before filming began not 5 days into it. Not only that, but Emma looked very thin and gaunt in those pictures from the 7th and thin and gaunt throughout the entire Little Women production. Those pics in Mexico are not the same thin, gaunt Emma from just 6 days earlier. Those pics in Mexico had to be older, which is probably why we never heard of Brendan Wallace before or after those pics. Their relationship had probably already run its course by then. Regardless, there is no way she scheduled a vacation 5 days into a major movie shoot or that the producers/director would let her and the thin, gaunt Emma from Little Women is not the same Emma in those pictures with Wallace in Mexico.
In my comment above about the dates of the Little Women and Brendan Wallace pics, I meant Little Women started filming October 7th 2018, not 2019 like I said in my little spiel.
The dates from October 2018 come from the agencies selling the photos and even though they can sometimes be a couple of days wrong, they're trustworthy I think. And they didn't start filming on October 7th, they started filming end of September. Emma wasn't spotted on set by people between October 11 and October 23. I don't think Greta would have kept Emma hostage in Boston and forbid her to go to Mexico if she didn't have any shooting during that time XD
Eden said...
The dates from October 2018 come from the agencies selling the photos and even though they can sometimes be a couple of days wrong, they're trustworthy I think. And they didn't start filming on October 7th, they started filming end of September. Emma wasn't spotted on set by people between October 11 and October 23. I don't think Greta would have kept Emma hostage in Boston and forbid her to go to Mexico if she didn't have any shooting during that time XD
It's possible, but she certainly looked a lot thinner in the film and those pics then she did just a few days later, but who knows.
According to Wikipedia principal photography began on October 5th and the pictures of Emma on the 7th were said to be her first day filming on set. It all seems a little weird, but maybe the dates are accurate. She put on a lot of weight in 6 days, though.
The fake-Jesus thing is throwing me off though. She's usually very private about her relationships and doesnt ususally show PDA. But the only time she's seen actually touching him is in the DM pictures and she looks uncomfortable as hell. But in candids she's more relaxed and not touching him. She's an affectionate person with her really good friends and honestly I kind of the same vibe when she's with him. Or they might be dating and I'm totally off, but I think we all agree that the pictures of them at the bakery are somewhat awkward.
Emma was pictured on vacation in the exact same place in Cabo San Lucas Mexico as the pics with Wallace were taken in June 2018 and her body weight and hair length look the same as the pics with Wallace. I bet the pics were from the same trip, different days and Wallace met her there.
I think she was probably sick or something and that is why no one saw her on set between the 11th and 23rd. She looks sick in those pics shopping on the 7th where she has no makeup on. The pics on set from the 7th, she has makeup on and does not look sick, but still looks thin. I agree that she was a lot thinner on set of Little Women than in those pictures with Wallace in Mexico. You can just see more flesh on her cheeks and neck in the pictures with Wallace. I also just don't see someone scheduling a vacation on the 11th, when they started their portion of filming on the 7th. Nobody does that.
Yeah, I remember everyone making a big deal about the fact that she was shopping at La Perla on the 7th, which is some underwear store and she was getting fancy stuff for Wallace on their trip. There was an interview where the actresses were all saying that they had never had corsets before and had to find more comfortable undergarments to wear with them. For crying out loud, she goes shopping for underwear on the morning of the 7th and starts shooting the movie in the afternoon. For crying out loud, it is obvious she was getting stuff to wear on set. Her assistant is with her and is the one carrying the shopping bag. People get all ridiculous with their speculation. I would hate to be her.
I found another set of pictures that the date cannot be right. The pics of her and Fake Jesus walking on December 18th 2019. Look at her hair and compare it to the Little Women premiere and after party that we know was December 7th. Emma and Tom Felton also posted their famous Harry Potter reunion Christmas Instagram that same day those pics with Fake Jesus were supposedly taken-December 18th. That does not necessarily mean that the reunion was that day, but by her hair, you can tell it was sometime close to the Little Women premiere. We also have the pics with Emma from the Make a Wish event on December 16th and her own Instagram posts and videos from December 15th being a book fairy. In all of those, her hair is the length, color and style it was around the Little Women premiere and then all of a sudden walking with Fake Jesus on the 18th her hair is now super long, thick and doesn't look recently dyed. Also, there are no Christmas decorations or lights on the streets or shops like there would be that time of year. Her hair looks more like it did when she was seen with Fake Jesus in Italy in what was dated as October. Regardless, her hair could not have gone from what it was at the Little Women premiere and all the other pics from around the same time, to suddenly looking like that December 18th.
There are a bunch more photos that the date cannot be right. Please do not think I am blaming you, Eden. You just go by the date you are given and I appreciate you running this site. I'm just a retired detective with too much time on my hands and a wife who loves Emma Watson and it shows you can't trust people or the paparazzi. On May 9 and 10th, 2019 she was at the W7 Summit. We know those dates are correct. It looks like she got her hair cut between sessions. On the 9th her hair is long and dark brown and on the 10th it is cut to shoulder length and dyed brown fading to honey. On May 16th, 2019-6 days later, there is a photo of her taken at the JFK Airport and she has very long red hair- that's not possible. On May 19th, 2019 there is a photo of her at Hamilton and she is back to long brown hair and the same thing on May 21st- she is seen with Cole Cook with long brown hair like before she got it cut and dyed at the W7 Summit. In all of the paparazzi pics from August 2019, her hair color, length, style, dye jobs, etc. are all over the place and the dates cannot be trusted. What these sick paparazzi do is take pictures and hold onto them in case they have a dry spell and need the money, then they sell them when they are outdated thinking no one will know because they need the cash. Either that or she has a secret twin or doppelganger.
I think Emma has been abducted by aliens, cloned and replaced by a doppelganger, which explains why she didn't do any Little Women promotion.
Aw come on, everyone else is speculating, why can't I?
Please do post the Mexico pics Eden. Yours is the only fan blog I keep looking to check for any updates about Emma & I'm grateful for it & you. I really hope you continue to keep your blog. <3
I think her trip to Mexico was very possible. Her role wasn't big and filming lasted till almost Christmas. I agree with Eden. She filmed some scenes, than she had a break, so she flew to Mexico. I think it's nothing unusual for celebrities. Plus she was seen with Chord Overstreet in september in some liquor store in Massachusetts, so this ''get into the spirit of the film and set'' probably started much erlier.
As for the days she wasn't spotted on set. She probably was sick, Greta as well as some of the girls admitted that they all got streep throat while filming.
I have got to agree with the ones saying she was sick from the 11th to the 23rd. I also remember the actresses and Greta saying everyone got sick. I looked at those Mexico pictures and that is not the same women photographed shopping and on set just a few days earlier. Emma was EXTREMELY thin on the set of Little Women. She is not fat by any means in those Mexico pictures, but has a lot more girth to her than on Little Women. I agree with whoever said that they were probably taken on the same Mexico trip that she was on in June.
Honestly paparazzi holding onto photos until it's convenient for them isn't anything new. They do it with any and all pictures and they're often released whenever there is a dry spell for them.
I've read all the comments above and still don't know what is the purpose of all this dilatation?
The chronology doesn't match?
The photos have been wrongly dated?
There are some suspicious white spaces in her activities within the last few months?
Any suspicions of Emma having a doppelgänger?
Really, I don't get the whole above...
Nobody is suspicious of anything Emma is doing and no one really thinks she has a twin or doppelganger. Emma can do whatever she wants whenever she wants. The discussion is with how the dating on these photos cannot be trusted. Like others have said, the paparazzi take photos and hold onto them and release them when they need the money. That is why you get photos of her in Mexico in what the tabloids say was in October in the middle of filming Little Women, when you can clearly see that she weighed more in those photos than she did filming Little Women. Those pictures were taken in June when she was at the exact same resort in Mexico-her hair color, length, style and body weight all match with the photos in June. What the paparazzi did is release pictures of her by herself in June and took pictures of her kissing and sunbathing with Brendan Wallace when he met her on the same trip, but did not release those until October when he needed more cash and it makes it look like she was in Mexico in October when she clearly was not unless she put on a bunch of weight in 5 days, changed her hair and came back and lost all the weight and magically grew her hair longer again. All people are saying is that is how the paparazzi operate and dates on pictures they release cannot be trusted. That is why in May, Emma went from long brown hair, to short brown/honey hair, to long red hair to back to long brown hair again all in the space of 12 days of pictures released of her. Obviously, that is not possible. These disgusting paparazzi get all the photos they can and release them at random when they need money. All anyone is saying is that you can't trust dates on pics from paparazzi unless it is an official event or something that the date cannot be disputed. That is all it is.
But as I remember there were 2 sets of photos from Mexico in October. One from some restaurant, second when they were sunbathing (which Eden didn't posted here from certain reasons). Plus this pics from restaurant looks like they were made by fan not by paparatzzi, so in my opinion this October trip to Mexico really happened. They probably knew each other for some time. She broke up with Chord and they traveled to Mexico.
I do not know about the exact date of those pictures but Emma was with Brandan Wallace during Little Women shooting. An article talked about her boyfriend in finance. She didnt date him before because as an anon said above she was with Chord in Boston already. She was with Chord in Mid or Late september and on vacation with Brandan in early October and he was with her in Boston too being antiques and him picking it up and having break fast.
Anonymous said...
I've read all the comments above and still don't know what is the purpose of all this dilatation?
The chronology doesn't match?
The photos have been wrongly dated?
There are some suspicious white spaces in her activities within the last few months?
Any suspicions of Emma having a doppelgänger?
Really, I don't get the whole above...
You can't trust the dates on paparazzi pictures. That is what people are saying. These people literally spend their lives stalking celebrities to take photos of them and the more scandalous the better. They are dishonest, unscrupulous people. What they do is actually very smart on their part. They take a bunch of photographs and release some and hold on to others in case they have times when they are unable to get photographs of celebrities or get beaten by their competition. Then they release old ones and that way they have steady money coming in. It is completely dishonest to claim that old photographs are new ones, but as I said, they are dishonest, scummy type of people anyway, so they do not care. Does it really matter what Emma Watson does and when? No. Does it matter that she was with Brendan Wallace in June and not October in Mexico? No. Would it really matter if she were with him in October? No. At the end of the day, none of it matters. It is simply an insight into how the paparazzi operate. If they release a picture, it could be months or even years old. You never know.
What I find odd is that both the Italy pictures and the walking with Fake Jesus were only seen on her fan sites. They were never published. Only the kissing pictures. There are three sets of pictures with that new guy but only one with published.
Gacek870 said...
But as I remember there were 2 sets of photos from Mexico in October. One from some restaurant, second when they were sunbathing (which Eden didn't posted here from certain reasons). Plus this pics from restaurant looks like they were made by fan not by paparatzzi, so in my opinion this October trip to Mexico really happened. They probably knew each other for some time. She broke up with Chord and they traveled to Mexico.
It really doesn't matter when she was with him in Mexico, but the pictures from June and supposedly October were taken at the same resort in Cabo San Lucas. There were pictures of her taken shopping in Boston on October 7th and on the set of Little Women on the same day. Emma is VERY thin in those pictures. Look at her face and cheeks. Look at her neck-it is thin, as well. Her hair was also longer in those pictures than the ones in Mexico. If you look at the pictures of her with Wallace, she is very healthy looking. There is a lot more flesh on her cheeks and neck. As a former detective, I would be willing to bet big money that those pictures were from her trip in June. Look at the pictures from the June trip. Her body weight is the same. Her hair color and length is the same as the ones released in October. Wallace probably met her there. The paparazzi took pictures of her, followed her to the restaurant the next day or whenever and followed them back and took pictures of them sunbathing. He released one set of pictures and held on to the others because he knew he had a gold mine-Emma Watson kissing her boyfriend and sunbathing. He then releases those in October when he needs more money. That is how these scum operate. I really don't care when she was in Mexico. My wife just noticed a few strange things in some pictures and as a former detective it intrigued me. It cures my boredom. Anybody with a functioning pair of eyes can look at how thin she was and what her hair length was on October 7th and for the rest of Little Women movie and look at those pictures in Mexico from supposedly 6 days later and see that they could not have been taken at around the same time. Then you go back and look at the pictures from the same resort in June and see that the hair and body weight match and you can put 2+2 together. Like I said, I really don't care. I just get bored and I have had to deal with paparazzi on some cases in the past and the way they operate intrigues me.
I'm not saying that she was not dating Brendan Wallace in October. All I am saying is that the Mexico pictures were not taken in October. She could have been dating Wallace in June. Emma's people confirmed in late May that she had broken up with Overstreet. Yeah, they had those ridiculous kissing pictures later in June, but they had broken up by then. I mean she had Overstreet around on the Little Women set as well when she was dating Wallace so they stayed friends. Maybe neither relationship was ever really that serious and that is why she has them both visiting her on set. Who cares, really?
''Emma's people confirmed in late May that she had broken up with Overstreet. Yeah, they had those ridiculous kissing pictures later in June, but they had broken up by then''
You realize they could get back together and don't inform anyone (Emma fans) about it. It was their personal bussiness. It is normal thing that actors have breaks when they don't have sceces and as Eden said nobody keeps them hostage on set.
Thanks everyone who explained me the above thread ;-)
To Anon at 3:07 PM
Listen, her trip to San Lucas in June was in 2019, her October trip with this Wallace guy was in 2018. Your theory is completely wrong cause you confused a year.
''Emma's people confirmed in late May that she had broken up with Overstreet. Yeah, they had those ridiculous kissing pictures later in June, but they had broken up by then''
You realize they could get back together and don't inform anyone (Emma fans) about it. It was their personal bussiness. It is normal thing that actors have breaks when they don't have sceces and as Eden said nobody keeps them hostage on set.
I never said that they could not have gotten back together. I was responding to someone earlier who said that she could not have been dating Wallace in early June because she was dating Chord Overstreet. Maybe she was with Wallace in early June and got back together with Overstreet and then made the Wallace thing official later. I don't care about her relationships. I know she would not be held hostage on set. All I am saying is that the pictures in Mexico could not have been taken in October. Look at her hair in the picture shopping on October 7th. She has a ton of it tied up in a knot and it is still almost the length it was fully down in those pictures in Mexico. It would be much longer if down. She could have gotten it cut, but the problem is that it was still very long in all the other pictures after she got back from this supposed vacation. Look at how thin she is on the 7th and on the set of Little Women compared to the Wallace pics. Look, she is a grown adult that can go on vacation whenever she wants. I find it odd that she would schedule one 4 days after her part of filming begins, but maybe she did. I don't know for sure. All I know is that basic reasoning and eyesight can tell you that those pictures supposedly from October in Mexico do not match with how we know she really looked in October. That's my only point.
To Anon at 3:07 PM
Listen, her trip to San Lucas in June was in 2019, her October trip with this Wallace guy was in 2018. Your theory is completely wrong cause you confused a year.
HOLY COW!!! I just noticed that. You have me there on that. I totally missed that and there I was going off about being some great detective. I owe you a bunch of money now or something. I stand corrected on that and thank you for pointing that out. My point and argument about how she looked in October and on the set of Little Women compared to the Wallace pics still remains, however foolish I look about the other Mexico trip.
I would like to apologize to Gacek870 and everyone else for pratting on about the pictures being taken in June when the June trip was in 2019 and not 2018. I look like a complete fool and I apologize. I am going to blame it on old age or maybe I am just stupid. Having said that, I still stand by my assertion that the trip could not have been in October due to how she looked in the pictures that we know were from October and everyone saying she was sick on set during that time. Maybe she went in August or early September. Who knows. All I know is she was not as thin in those pictures and her hair was different and major trips like that are usually something you schedule before you start filming a major film, not right in the middle of them. But, maybe I am wrong on everything. Who knows.
Don't worry. Things like that happen sometimes. As for her look on the set maybe it's was a characterization and it's possible that all girls wore a corsets under this beautiful dresses. It's is just my assumption.
"'Emma's people confirmed in late May that she had broken up with Overstreet."
Thats not true. Her team never confirmed that. How often do they do that anyway? The Sun wrote that Chord and Emma unfollowed each other on social media and that meanns they had broken up. But Emma never followed him in the first place and Chord was still following her. So it was a nonsense story. We do not know if they were broken up but it looked like they were still together.
Emma Watson and Chord Overstreet, one of the year's most surprising couples, have quietly ended things. “Emma and Chord kept quiet about their relationship at first but they really hit it off," a source told the outlet. “They spent a lot of time together in Los Angeles and were photographed quite a bit just a couple of months ago. But things just haven’t worked out between them and they are both now single again." People later confirmed the couple had split. “It was never going to be a long-term thing, " the source said.
That is from May 29 Elle magazine. I guess it is a source and not her team, but whatever. That's what I am sure the person is going by. Besides, that kiss of theirs in June had to be a joke for the cameras. I don't think they could have missed each other's lips by more if they tried.
I appreciate your understanding, Gacek870.
"Besides, that kiss of theirs in June had to be a joke for the cameras. I don't think they could have missed each other's lips by more if they tried."
Oh, my God. I was like what are you talking about and then I looked. Both of his lips are above her upper lip by her nose and her lips are pulled in and don't even look like they are touching him, but if they are, it is on his chin somewhere and he is taking selfies of it. That is hilarious!
I was thinking people people were crazy that thought those pictures with Brendan were not in October, but comparing things, I have to agree now. She was thinner in October and the hair was longer in the October pictures shopping, but also the hair color and style. As soon as she arrived in Boston for pre film stuff, Emma had the darkest dye job I have ever seen on her hair. It is almost a chocolate with reddish to it. You can see it in the picture of her and Chord Overstreet at the liquor store in September, in the shopping pictures in Boston, in the wishing Evanna Lynch good luck video on Dancing with the Stars in November and all the way through to the end of filming the movie. It is a very distinct dye job and style-a different color, length and style than she had in those pictures with Brendan. The bangs are very distinct and longer and in the pictures with Brendan her hair is also very curly when it is down and is not that darkish reddish color. It is dark, but not the same dye job, length or style. I think that trip had to be in August or something probably. Not that it is really that big of a deal, but that is my two cents worth.
Anonymous said...
As soon as she arrived in Boston for pre film stuff, Emma had the darkest dye job I have ever seen on her hair. It is almost a chocolate with reddish to it. You can see it in the picture of her and Chord Overstreet at the liquor store in September, in the shopping pictures in Boston, in the wishing Evanna Lynch good luck video on Dancing with the Stars in November and all the way through to the end of filming the movie.
Yeah, that hair during Little Women shooting was one of her more unique styles-the way it was combed and things. I know they wore wigs and probably extensions for the movies, but in the pictures of her not actually filming, that is one unique dye color. I like it and want to know what color it was. Anybody know? Anyway, those pictures with Wallace could have even been earlier than August unless her hair grows at a faster rate than most people. It is an interesting debate, but in the end, as others have said, it doesn't really matter. She was there with him at some point in time.
I wonder if Wallace ever tried groping Emma's rear end in public like he did in those Daily Mail pictures with Alexandra Daddario in Rome in July 2019 and that is why she dumped him. That is pretty classless and crass and doesn't strike me as the type of thing Emma would ever put up with.
To Anon at 1:01 PM
So you really believe that she went on the trip with one guy in August, when she was in a relationship with other in September. I don't buy it and it wouldn't give Emma a good reputation.
Listen I know I am a guy, so I probably don't recognize so many colours, but I really think that her hair colour from pics dated October 7 is the same that is from pics October 13.
Anonymous said...
To Anon at 1:01 PM
So you really believe that she went on the trip with one guy in August, when she was in a relationship with other in September. I don't buy it and it wouldn't give Emma a good reputation.
She was not in a relationship with Chord Overstreet in September. They broke up in either May or June, depending on what you believe and remained friends. He just visited her as a friend on set. No one really knows when she started dating Wallace, but she was not dating Overstreet in August so it would not give Emma a bad reputation.
Anonymous said...
Listen I know I am a guy, so I probably don't recognize so many colours, but I really think that her hair colour from pics dated October 7 is the same that is from pics October 13.
As a woman, I can tell you it is not the same color. It is darker and has reddish tones to it that the October 13th pictures do not have. Besides that, it is also thicker, longer and differently styled than those pictures with Wallace.
Anonymous said...
I wonder if Wallace ever tried groping Emma's rear end in public like he did in those Daily Mail pictures with Alexandra Daddario in Rome in July 2019 and that is why she dumped him. That is pretty classless and crass and doesn't strike me as the type of thing Emma would ever put up with.
I didn't know he did that until I looked at the pictures. What a disgusting slob. I hate men like that. She is good to be rid of him. Alexandra Dadarrio can have him.
As another color blind guy, I can't really tell a difference with the color, but it certainly looks thicker and longer in the other pictures than it does in the ones with Wallace and styled way different and she looks a heck of a lot thinner in those pictures in Boston. I find this whole debate amusing. Who cares? Yet, I'm commenting on it...
I have a feeling that people are bored here and try to find a hidden story behind this pictures. In my opinion it is very simple. She broke with Overstreet in September, she probably already knew Wallace by someone (she said in Vogue interview that she had friends who try to set her up), they flew to Mexico when she was on a break. End of story. Now we should question date of every picture Eden generously is putting here.
The dailymail "article" with the pictures from vacation with Wallace has been published on 16 October 2018 and the pics with Daddario on July the 8th...
Is it possible she went with him on vacation earlier? Maybe, but August, not in July, right?
So maybe it was way around: first Daddario and then Emma?...
I cannot believe the guy he had an affair with the Italian lady while being in relationship with Emma..
Sorry, I've just noticed another year is to find next to both "articles": 2018 next to Emma's pictures and 2019 for Daddario.
I'm obviously blind...
Anonymous said...
The dailymail "article" with the pictures from vacation with Wallace has been published on 16 October 2018 and the pics with Daddario on July the 8th...
Is it possible she went with him on vacation earlier? Maybe, but August, not in July, right?
So maybe it was way around: first Daddario and then Emma?...
I cannot believe the guy he had an affair with the Italian lady while being in relationship with Emma..
The vacation with Emma was sometime in 2018. When is the whole debate. He started dating Dadarrio sometime in early 2019 and the pics of him grabbing her rear end are from July 2019, not 2018.
Plot twist: I write the dates wrong on purpose so you keep the comment sections active. MrBurnsExcellent.gif
Eden said...
Plot twist: I write the dates wrong on purpose so you keep the comment sections active. MrBurnsExcellent.gif
That is funny, Eden. I don't know about this whole vacation thing, but some of those other ones that the detective dude pointed out earlier in this comment section have dates that are off without a doubt. It is not your fault. You just go by the dates you are given, but her hair cannot change as quickly as it did in some of those other pictures that were mentioned. This is fun, though...
Eden said...
Plot twist: I write the dates wrong on purpose so you keep the comment sections active. MrBurnsExcellent.gif
Gacek870 said...
I have a feeling that people are bored here and try to find a hidden story behind this pictures. In my opinion it is very simple. She broke with Overstreet in September, she probably already knew Wallace by someone (she said in Vogue interview that she had friends who try to set her up), they flew to Mexico when she was on a break. End of story. Now we should question date of every picture Eden generously is putting here.
I don't think anyone is questioning Eden. She just puts the dates she is given from people or from the articles the pictures come. People are questioning the dates the paparazzi give for the pictures or the other people that provide them. The dates of this vacation are certainly debatable, but the other ones talked about in posts above are not even debatable in my opinion. The dates have to be wrong. Unless Emma really is Hermione Granger and whips out her wand and performs some magic hair spell, her hair cannot possibly change as quickly as it does in a matter of just a couple of days in those other pictures. If her hair got shorter from one picture to the next in a couple of days, then that is fine. That just means she got a haircut and as long as the other pictures that follow that match the hair, then it is fine. The problem is when she goes from short hair to long hair in pictures that are supposedly only a couple days apart. That is when you know the dates have to be wrong. Again, it is not Eden's fault. It is the fault of the people taking and providing the photos.
I am not questioning Eden either. I just think is pointless. By the way you know that woman can wear hair extensions. I see that more believable than Emma traveling to Mexico with one guy, when she was in relationship with other one.
Gacek870 said...
I am not questioning Eden either. I just think is pointless. By the way you know that woman can wear hair extensions. I see that more believable than Emma traveling to Mexico with one guy, when she was in relationship with other one.
I know she wore a wig or extensions in the movie, but everyone is talking about her hair length in the pictures at the liquor store in September and shopping in Boston on October 7th and off set pictures at the time. Why would she wear hair extensions to a liquor store or shopping when she hadn't even started filming yet? You are also the only one that seems to think she was still dating Chord in September. They broke up in May or June.
It is obvious she wore a wig filming. Just look at her hair shopping on the 7th and on set the next day or later that day. The wig is a different color than her natural hair at the time. The debate really is rather pointless. Some think the vacation was earlier and others not. Apparently, judging by his behavior with Alexandria Daddario, this Wallace guy is some pig that likes to grab rear ends in public, so just be glad Emma got rid of him.
Anonymous said
You are also the only one that seems to think she was still dating Chord in September. They broke up in May or June
So what about their picture in liquor store in september in Massachusetts. Maybe I am strange, but one thing is stay friendly with your ex, but I wouldn't visit my exgirlfriend in different state just 3 months after break up. You on the other hand assume they broke up before June despite they were PDA that month in Cali, no matter if that pictures were staged or not. So how come your assumption is more probable than mine.
Gacek870 said...
so what about their picture in liquor store in september in Massachusetts. Maybe I am strange, but one thing is stay friendly with your ex, but I wouldn't visit my exgirlfriend in different state just 3 months after break up. You on the other hand assume they broke up before June despite they were PDA that month in Cali, no matter if that pictures were staged or not. So how come your assumption is more probable than mine.I
Emma said in her recent Vogue interview that she has been able to stay friends with her recent ex boyfriends and people that she has dated that it didn't work out with and she used to think that was not possible. Several magazines reported that they broke up and People magazine claimed they followed it up and confirmed it. Plus, your theory of her still dating Chord in September and then breaking up and going on a 2 week vacation to Mexico with this Wallace guy in October makes no sense. If she is still dating Chord in late September while she is already in Boston for prefilming stuff, obviously she doesn't have a vacation planned with this Wallace guy if she is still dating Chord. You're telling me that she breaks up with Overstreet in late September/ early October and the first thing she does is plan a 2 week vacation with Wallace on October 11th? If she was still dating Overstreet while already on set for prefilm, then this 2 week Mexico trip would have had to be a spur of the moment thing and maybe a first date with Wallace. Maybe I am a bit old fashioned, but a spur of the moment 2 week Mexico vacation scheduled 4 days after my portion of filming begins is a bit excessive especially if I just broke up with my boyfriend. She also took a couple days off in November and flew out to California and was skateboarding with Tom Felton on November 7th. That doesn't mean she was dating him. That's another thing. You will get a few days off from filming, but not a whole 2 weeks for a major vacation. Was she ever on set? She supposedly gets back from Mexico around the 23rd and takes off for California 2 weeks later??? She was not in Mexico in October. Look at the pictures with Felton. She is still very thin. Look at her hair. She has most of it tied up, but even tied up it is longer than when it was fully down with Wallace supposedly 3 weeks earlier. The average human hair growth is half an inch a month. It can't grow that much in 3 weeks. There are just too many holes in your theory. She broke up with Overstreet in May or June, probably May like everyone said, went to Mexico with Wallace probably July/August to account for how much longer and different her hair was by October and how much thinner she was. She got strep throat like all the actresses on set said they did to account for the time she was not on set and had a few days off and went and saw Tom in November. Either that, or she was constantly on vacation the whole filming and spent as much time on vacation as she did on set. That makes no sense and if she did that and I were one of the other actresses/ actors I would be beyond mad.
But she was playing Meg, not Jo or Amy, it'd not be shocking if she didn't have that many weeks of filming. And it'd not be shocking if she was still hooking up with Chord in September but went with another guy on holiday not long after. Her weight seems pretty much the same too (she was skinny circa 2013-2014 but seems the same since).
Anonymous said...
But she was playing Meg, not Jo or Amy, it'd not be shocking if she didn't have that many weeks of filming. And it'd not be shocking if she was still hooking up with Chord in September but went with another guy on holiday not long after. Her weight seems pretty much the same too (she was skinny circa 2013-2014 but seems the same since).
At the risk of sounding rude, if you can look at the pictures of her shopping on October 7th and how thin her body and face are and look at the pictures of her with Wallace at that cafe in Mexico supposedly taken on October 13th and you think she looks the same, I have to question your eyesight. Besides, look at the hair shopping in Boston and skateboarding with Felton in November. Even with most of it tied up in a huge knot it is already as long or longer than those pictures with Wallace when it was fully down. Emma does not strike me as the " hooking up" type either. If she is still playing around with Overstreet while dating Wallace, she is heartless. She was a big part of the outdoor scenes which they wanted done before the weather got bad. October is the last time they would want her on vacation or getting sick, which is why everyone was freaking out over the illnesses. They got lucky and were able to get them done.
To Anon at 10:39 PM
First of all is it realy that important to wrote such a long comment and dwell about this. I read your post and i have a feeling that you think that only your version is true. It means nothing that several magazines wrote about Emma splitting up with her boyfriend, cause they usualy copy from each other and People Magazine is not realible source. What is more why some paparazzi had photos of Emma kissing some guy and kept them for themself till October. This kind of stuff is always hot. And finaly it doesn't matter how many days actor spends on a set. He must do his job and other actors don't really care. Besides we don't know if other girls also had some breaks durring filming.
I also think she looked the same at the pictures on both dates and people are suddenly experts on her weight or her hair. As a " hooking up" type, we don't know nothing about Emma dating style and she is independent woman who had her share of boyfriends so whole hooking up thing isn't impossible.
Eden posted a picture of Emma on November 28 last year that is a candid behind the scenes photo of Emma on set of Little Women with her natural hair not with extensions or a wig. Notice how thin she is and how much hair she has tied up. Imagine that hair let down. It is WAY longer than those pics with Wallace. Emma seems to go through periods where she gets very thin and gaunt. Little Women seemed to be one of those times. Eden posted a picture of her on December 17, 2018 that is a behind the scenes photo from The Circle. I know that is a long time ago, but look at it. She is stick and bones. She was very healthy looking at the Little Women premiere in December. So much so that even a few people were wondering if she was pregnant. Look at the pictures of her just released on January 30th leaving the restaurant in London. In the space of less than 2 months, she has gone from people wondering if she was pregnant to being very thin and gaunt again. I hope she does not have an illness or eating disorder. I probably should not speculate about such things, but I don't know how else to explain it.
Come on guys do you really believe that a guy (Chord) flew from California to Massachusetts only to met with his ex. I don't know any man who ever did it.
Well, its not playing around if you are just "dating" and not committed to any one person. Personally i can totally see her going that direction.
I don't think some of you understand how filming works, particularly outdoor scenes, especially in an area with as volatile as the weather in New England in autumn is. They needed the outdoor scenes done before the weather turned bad. I realize Emma was not one of the main sisters, but she was a very big part of the outdoor scenes that needed to be finished before the weather got bad. That is why people on set were so worried about the illnesses and not getting the outdoor scenes filmed. When you do outdoor scenes, especially with potential bad weather coming in, you NEVER let one of the main actors film for 4 days and take off on a 2 week vacation. Emma had a lot more than 4 days worth of outdoor filming scenes. You NEVER let someone go away like that when dealing with outdoor scenes until ALL of the outdoor scenes are finished. What if you need to do retakes? What if film gets lost or damaged? What if you want a nice outdoor wedding scene in autumn or a nice scene by the lake and by the time your bride gets back from vacation the crazy New England weather has gone straight to winter and all your autumn scenes are ruined? You would have to wait another year. What if the director changes her mind about something in a scene and wants it done differently? In all of these scenarios, your film is ruined or you would have to wait until next year to film or just hope that everything including the weather is still fine for when Emma Watson gets done playing around in Mexico. There is ZERO chance in Hades she would have been in Mexico in October for 2 weeks when these outdoor scenes had to get done in case of unpredictable weather. What if it rains for a week straight as it does in New England sometimes and you can't film? Only when ALL of the outdoor scenes are finished and the director is satisfied and several copies of the film have been made and several takes of each scene filmed from different angles to give the director options when editing, would anyone involved in outdoor scenes be allowed off set for an extended period of time. Despite Emma and others getting sick, they were able to get the outdoor scenes done. They had a few days free-Emma went to California to visit Tom Felton and then they come back and film indoor scenes where the weather does not matter. That is how filming works, especially outdoor scenes. It's not film 4 days, have a great vacation and hope stuff including the weather cooperates while you are gone.
Plot twist: I write the dates wrong on purpose so you keep the comment sections active. MrBurnsExcellent.gif
I want to add a little bit more to my previous comment about how filming works. That comment has not been posted yet, but I assume will be in the morning. Greta had about a 1 month window to get the outdoor scenes filmed -early October to early November. If the weather was good, you could push it longer, but you can't count on that, so you have a month. In addition to all the other scenarios I listed in my other post, you have to keep in mind that she has a contract with Sony, Columbia Pictures, Recency Enterprises and others to release the film on a certain date and all the other things associated with film production and promotion. It is VITAL that the outdoor scenes get done in that window and done properly accounting for all the scenarios I mentioned. They filmed in Harvard, Concord, Boston and other locations. It is not as if it was just one location. You have to move production to all these locations and get it done in a month. Like I said, in addition to all the other stuff I listed, what if bad weather like there is in New England that time of year prevents you from filming and now you have your filming schedule pushed back and less time to get these outdoor scenes done, but Emma Watson is in Mexico and Emma Watson was in Mexico when the weather was good and you could have filmed them? Emma was a pivotal part of many of these outdoor scenes even though she was not the main star of the movie. The entire movie would be at risk of being ruined and the contracts with Sony and Columbia and Recency at risk of being violated if you let Emma Watson play around in Mexico for half of that window you have to get the outdoor scenes done and any of those scenarios come up. You have to account for reshoots, weather, winter coming early, illnesses-which did happen-so many different scenarios, that I can assure you that NOBODY involved in those outdoor scenes would be allowed to take a 2 week vacation anywhere when you have 1 month to get them done. ALL of the outdoor scenes would have to be finished before anyone would be allowed to go anywhere. This type of thing is ALWAYS in contracts that the actors have to sign with studios and production companies. That is how filming works when dealing with outdoor scenes that must be filmed in a certain season, in a certain amount of time and especially in places with as fickle as the weather is like New England. Not only did Emma not look like she did on that vacation as she really did in October, but to be on vacation at that time of filming goes against all the established rules of how filming is done and I would be willing to bet probably would have violated her contract with Sony and absolutely would put the entire film at risk of being ruined. I don't think some of you understand how movies are filmed and all the things that go on and have to be accounted for and how strict studios and production companies are about things being done on schedule. There is no way Emma was on a 2 week vacation during the one month window these scenes had to be filmed in.
For the time she wasn't spotted on set has been accounted for as the time that all the girls got streep throat while filming. An interview came out with people who worked on "Little Woman" and some let it slip that her boyfriend at time worked in finance. As for Chord they've said that they were friendly but nothing more than that. And he was only seen there foe a day and the say after he was back home with his dad and friends. I dont know when her ans Wallace started or ended but her and Overstreet ended in late May.
Anonymous said...
But she was playing Meg, not Jo or Amy, it'd not be shocking if she didn't have that many weeks of filming. And it'd not be shocking if she was still hooking up with Chord in September but went with another guy on holiday not long after.
Of course she didn't spend many days on set. Her role wasn't big, but some people think that working on set is like working in factory when everybody spend the same time in work and go home together. Secondly this person who debates with everyone is clearly more willing to belive some gosips about break up, and then that her ex bf flew 7 hours just to met with her, than the possibility that Emma can go for a trip with different guy 3 weeks after break up. What is wrong with that.
None of these things are a matter of Greta or anyone else holding anyone hostage on set. They are contractual obligations that the actors have to meet with the studios they sign a contract with. Greta is not paying for the production of the movie, nor does she have a contract with the actors. Everyone thinks these Hollywood stars can do whatever they want, whenever they want, but that is not true on set under contract. They are being paid to be on set and around set to film from a certain time period to a certain time period. That is the time period they are under contract and being paid for filming, not vacation. They get little breaks during filming, but not 2 weeks. Emma obviously negotiated a contract to not have to do movie promotion related things, but I can guarantee you that her contract did not include a 2 week paid vacation to Mexico right smack in the middle of filming the most important scenes of the film and the most important scenes for her and they are outdoor scenes that must be done within a month under unpredictable circumstances. No way.
Anonymous said...
Of course she didn't spend many days on set. Her role wasn't big, but some people think that working on set is like working in factory when everybody spend the same time in work and go home together. Secondly this person who debates with everyone is clearly more willing to belive some gosips about break up, and then that her ex bf flew 7 hours just to met with her, than the possibility that Emma can go for a trip with different guy 3 weeks after break up. What is wrong with that.
It has nothing to do with with who she was dating or any of that. Emma flew to California and saw Tom Felton after the outdoor scenes were filmed. That does not mean they were dating any more than Chord Overstreet visiting her means they were dating. It is the supposed timing of the Wallace trip that is not possible. Read the posts above by the person who has apparently either worked on films or knows how they work with contracts and things. They are the most sensible posts on here. She would not be on a 2 week vacation while she is under a filming contract and take that vacation during the period these outdoor filming parts have to be done which are the most important part for Meg, her character and had to be done by early November.
Anonymous said...
Come on guys do you really believe that a guy (Chord) flew from California to Massachusetts only to met with his ex. I don't know any man who ever did it.
Emma flew from Massachusetts to California to meet Tom Felton when the outdoor scenes were finished filming and they spent the day skateboarding and on the beach. So what?
Anonymous said...
What is more why some paparazzi had photos of Emma kissing some guy and kept them for themself till October. This kind of stuff is always hot.
I think if we have established anything in this post, it is that paparazzi hang on to photos all the time and release them outdated. They also shop around and negotiate with magazines and newspapers to release them to the highest bidder. These were taken in Mexico and they are pictures of Emma Watson kissing a guy and sunbathing. Do you really think this guy would release them immediately? No, he is going to negotiate a high price for exclusive pictures and get bids from many sources and release them when he gets the price he wants. That is how they work. They absolutely could have been taken in July/August and not released until October when this guy has negotiated the best price he can get. He doesn't care when they were actually taken, nor do the scum tabloids that print this stuff.
In addition to negotiating the highest price, he is not going to text or send the pics to anyone because they could then be used. They call or text the contacts they have with various tabloids and a rep is sent out to look at the pictures in person and decide if they want them. They then start negotiating a price. The rep has to get approval by a boss if the price gets too high and he repeats this process ad nauseam with all the different tabloids until he gets what he wants for them. He also has to return from Mexico before this process starts. What if he is a Mexican paparazzi and does not have established contacts with UK or US tabloids? He has to go through a whole process of establishing contacts and negotiating a price and showing them the pictures. Either way, this process can take several weeks or even a few months and nobody involved actually cares about when the pictures were really taken.
Y'all do realize that there is no way that an main cast member would be allowed to take a 2 week vacation at anytine firung filming. It doesnt matter how many scenes there in either. At least not untill pricipal shooting is done and they get a break untill reshoots begin. Greta said that they were lucky enough to have not only finished "Little Woman" on time but they finished with NO reshoots either. Meaning that not only Emma but none of the girls would've gotten away with taken a vacation at that time. And she has second biling whoch makes her chances of taling one even slimmer.
Since some people are mentioning the Tom Felton picture/video I'd like to point out that its old. People have candid photos of them at the exact same place where the exact same clothes hair matching and all. But those were from his 30th birthday September 2017 not November 2018. He like most people has a habit of posting pictures a while after they were taken.
Some of you still are not getting how the filming works and why Emma could not be in Mexico at that time, so I am going to explain in a little more vivid, boring detail and then I am done with this post and am not going to respond to anything. Actors sign a contract and that contract begins with prefilm things such as script reading, rehearsal, costume fitting/ design, set walk through, getting to know all the people you will work with, etc. The contract will run through the end of filming and also include film promotion events when the film is ready to come out-which Emma negotiated out of with the exception of the NY premiere. Prefilm stuff began around mid September and October 5th was the first day of actual filming. Emma's portion of filming began October 7th because she is a vital part of the outdoor scenes that had to be done within a month. When you are filming outdoor scenes and especially ones with a tight filming window, you are at the mercy of things you cannot control. They want these scenes filmed in autumn, under certain weather conditions and at a certain time of day. If the weather does not cooperate, which it doesn't in New England, you have to adjust your schedule. It often snows there in October or rains several days in a row. You can be in the middle of filming a scene and have to finish it later because weather changes or you could have bad conditions at one outdoor location, but not another and you switch locations at a moment's notice. You could get a weather report that it is going to snow or rain in a couple of days and you have to push up the schedule and shoot a scene immediately that was not scheduled until later, which changes everything. You could have to stop filming for a few days at a time because of weather and now have to cram more filming in a shorter period of time. In filming situations like this, everyone is on standby, if you will. Whether you are scheduled to film that day or not, EVERYONE involved has to be around, available and ready to go at a moment's notice. When I say everyone, I am not just talking the actors. Extras, film crews, production crews, assistants, make-up people, hair people, costume people, even the people that provide food on set have to be on standby and ready to adjust for any of the scenarios I have listed in my posts about how this stuff works. You cannot have a situation where you want a beautiful outdoor autumn wedding scene or a beautiful scene by a lake and you have a bad weather report come in and have to move the filming up and have an "oh crap, Emma Watson is in Mexico for 2 weeks, we are hosed" moment. Now your autumn scenes are ruined and have to be filmed in winter or you don't get it done in the time window you wanted and conditions you wanted. You can't reshoot or alter anything if you want. Your film is ruined and Sony and everyone else is furious all because Emma is in Mexico. Like every other person involved, Emma would have been on standby and around ready to go at any time whether she was actually scheduled to film that day or not. She was NOT in Mexico for a 2 week foreign vacation while she is under contract on a film, especially during the absolute most vital time for her to be there. That would NEVER be allowed in her contract. Once ALL of the outdoor scenes were finished, they took a short scheduled break in which she left and saw Tom Felton for a couple of days and came back for the rest of filming. She did get sick like the others did, but she was not in Mexico. The end.
Emma is on one of the Balearic Islands of with her boyfriend. A lot of paps' pics.
An add-on to my previous comment: very bad quality pics though.
Taken from a big distance.
On some of them Emma looks like smoking cigarette. Is it possible? She never smoked.
Anonymous said..
Emma flew from Massachusetts to California to meet Tom Felton when the outdoor scenes were finished filming and they spent the day skateboarding and on the beach. So what?
Emma and Tom never were an item, they are friends so it doesn't metter cause I would do anything for my friends.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Some of you still are not getting how the filming works and why Emma could not be in Mexico at that time, so I am going to explain in a little more vivid, boring detail and then I am done with this post and am not going to respond to anything. Actors sign a contract and that contract begins with prefilm things such as script reading, rehearsal, costume fitting/ design, set walk through, getting to know all the people you will work with, etc. The contract will run through the end of filming and also include film promotion events when the film is ready to come out-which Emma negotiated out of with the exception of the NY premiere. Prefilm stuff began around mid September and October 5th was the first day of actual filming. Emma's portion of filming began October 7th because she is a vital part of the outdoor scenes that had to be done within a month.
That is not true. Every actor sign individual contract. There are numerous exemple when someone spent only few days on set, like Emma who spent only one day on My Week with Marilyn set. Every person has to do their own scenes and that is it.
Anonymous said...
On some of them Emma looks like
I don't see any of her smoking cigarette. Maybe you have different than Eden posted.
I wonder why we dwell on old photos when she already has new boyfriend and new photos :)
Anonymous said...
That is not true. Every actor sign individual contract. There are numerous exemple when someone spent only few days on set, like Emma who spent only one day on My Week with Marilyn set. Every person has to do their own scenes and that is it.
It is very true. In that Marilyn movie she only had a couple tiny scenes and according to Wikipedia she spent "A few days" on set, not 1 day. Look, there are pictures of her on this very blog still on the set of Little Women on December 21st. She did not go on a 2 week vacation in the middle of filming her most important scenes. Get over it.
The theory is not that she spent two weeks in Mexico but that for two weeks she wasn't seen on set and that for at least one day among those two weeks she was in Mexico.
Also, I doubt she went back to California just in order to see Tom like some people seem to say, she lives/lived there.
Eden admit, you didn't expect that one old photo and some crazy story from Reddit give you over 100 comments.;)
Eden said...
The theory is not that she spent two weeks in Mexico but that for two weeks she wasn't seen on set and that for at least one day among those two weeks she was in Mexico.
Eden said...
Also, I doubt she went back to California just in order to see Tom like some people seem to say, she lives/lived there.
Exactly. Eden a voice of reasonableness :)
"Eden admit, you didn't expect that one old photo and some crazy story from Reddit give you over 100 comments.;)"
XD I know! When I post old photos, either people don't care or complain about something completely unrelated.
Eden said...
The theory is not that she spent two weeks in Mexico but that for two weeks she wasn't seen on set and that for at least one day among those two weeks she was in Mexico.
The problem is that to go to Mexico from Massachusetts is one full travel day each way. Who goes to Mexico for a 1 or 2 day trip when you have to have 2 full travel days just to get there and back? By the time you can finally relax, you have to turn right around and leave again. Lots of people on set said she and others had strep throat around that time and they got lucky to still get filming done. She is not going to Mexico in the tiny window they had to film the outdoor scenes, especially just 4 days after she started filming her parts. That's ridiculous.
Massachusetts-Mexico is like 4h by plane.
Eden said...
Massachusetts-Mexico is Like 4h by plane.
A non-stop from Boston to Cabo San Lucas is 5 hours 42 minutes. By the time you travel to the airport, go through security, board, fly, get to Mexico, get your luggage, travel to the resort it is a full day worth of travel. Emma has already said that she does not like travelling and it stresses her. She would never have any time to relax before having to leave again. Nobody goes to Mexico for just one or two days for vacation, especially in the middle of filming a film.
Nobody goes to Mexico for just one or two days for vacation
Of course celebrity do that. She didn't filmed during that time, we know that for sure. Plus we have photos from Cabo at that time, why it so difficult to you to admit that is possible.
Gacek870 said...
Nobody goes to Mexico for just one or two days for vacation
Of course celebrity do that. She didn't filmed during that time, we know that for sure. Plus we have photos from Cabo at that time, why it so difficult to you to admit that is possible.
I'm not the person that was posting all the stuff about how filming and contracts work and how the paparazzi operate and all that, but reading those posts make more sense than anything else here. We know she was sick on set. We know that she was a big part of those scenes that had to be filmed in a month, we know that she was still on set in December. I am also in the camp that thinks she was skinnier and had longer hair at the time than in those pictures. Leaving for Mexico or anywhere else on vacation 4 days after your part of filming begins and in the middle of the short period those scenes had to be filmed and putting the entire film at risk if any filming or weather problems occur and you can't get the outdoor scenes done in time, would be an incredibly selfish and irresponsible thing to do and I doubt her contract would allow it. Look, maybe she did. I'm not saying it's impossible. I will say though, that if she did, she is stupid and selfish and if she really did, maybe that's why some of those rumors, true or not, of her not getting along with her costars come from...
We know she was sick on set.
We know there was virus on a set, but we don't know that Emma was sick
I will say though, that if she did, she is stupid and selfish
Why, going on a trip when she had break and she fulfilled her obligations is stupid and selfish.
maybe that's why some of those rumors, true or not, of her not getting along with her costars come from
We know she didn't share a home with them, and we don't know maybe also had a breaks.
I am sorry if I offend you, it wasn't my intention.
I agree that it would be selfish to leave then. She didn't finish all her outdoor scenes in 4 days because not too long ago she posted a picture on her Instagram of herself on set, outdoors in early November on the beach talking about how it was so cold on the beach in November that she had heating pads in her hands and strapped to her front and back beneath her dress. She had not finished her outdoor scenes when she took off to Mexico if she really did because she said in that post that it was November in the picture.
Gacek870 said...
I am sorry if I offend you, it wasn't my intention.
Oh, you're not offending me and I hope I'm not offending you. We just agree to disagree. That's all. It's no problem.
Satisfy mine curiosity Eden, you said you gonna post more old pictures right? It's gonna be wild in comment section.
"Satisfy mine curiosity Eden, you said you gonna post more old pictures right? It's gonna be wild in comment section."
Nah. Nothing will ever surpass this. Or maybe it'll be a new game on the blog: "Tell me how wrong I am and let's discuss it in extensive length" XD
"Tell me how wrong I am and let's discuss it in extensive length
Sorry, I am not participate in this game I think you are correct, at least this time
I have been watching this post with interest and amusement and I will just give my opinion for what it's worth. Forget the Mexico trip. I can't tell by the pictures. You have different camera angles and things. Maybe she was thinner. Maybe the hair was longer. I don't know. I just think everyone needs to be a little more open minded. Maybe she went to Mexico. Yeah, the timing is a little dumb and a short trip would be pretty pointless given the travel time and having to deal with customs as a foreign citizen, but maybe she went. Maybe she needed a little break. The people that are so adamant that she didn't should be more open to the possibility. On the flip side, the people that are so adamant that she went in October should be more open to the possibility that the pap held on to the pictures until he got the price he wanted like that one person was saying they do. We already have several examples of that in this very thread that were pointed out. The detective guy pointed those out and they are indisputable. She was at an official event on May 10th, 2019-the W7 Summit and because it is an official event we know the date is right for those pictures and had dark hair barely to her shoulders. If the paps release a photo 6 days later and her hair is red and to the middle of her back and 4 days after that it is brown and even longer when she is with Cole Cook, no reasonable person can make an argument that the date on those pictures is right. Same with the walking with Jesus/Leo whoever on December 18th when we have official dates on December 7th-Little Women premiere and December 16th-Make a Wish. Her hair cannot change like that in 2 days. So, if we have indisputable examples of the paps holding onto to pics until they get the price they want and releasing them outdated and the tabloids claiming a wrong date, why are so many people so adamant that those Mexico pics could not have been taken in August or something and not released until October? I mean those Cole Cook pictures had to be April at the earliest and they weren't released until May 21st and all the tabloids are saying that is the date she was with him when it is not possible. Those other examples cannot even be argued. The Mexico one, yes. Those others, no. I just think people should be more open minded. I actually think it is good that people are questioning things and pointing these things out. Anyway, end of my opinion.
'' I mean those Cole Cook pictures had to be April at the earliest and they weren't released until May 21st and all the tabloids are saying that is the date she was with him when it is not possible.''
Cole Cook pictures is a May cause she also had the pictures when she went to see Hamilton play around this time, so you see we can also chalanged that theory.
I mean those Cole Cook pictures had to be April at the earliest and they weren't released until May 21st and all the tabloids are saying that is the date she was with him when it is not possible.
Cole Cook pictures are defienitly from May. Around this time she also watched Hamilton play and she was seen on JFK, she flew to NYC from London just after her interview with Denis Mukwege, so you see your theory can easily be chalenged . It shows us that nothing is certain, so I think we should go with a dates that agencies publish.
This is going to be rude and Eden may not even post it, but whatever. Are you people blind or stupid or both? She was at the W7 Summit on May 10th. We know that date is right. She has short dark hair barely to her shoulders. In the JFK photo from May 16th, she has long red hair. In the photos from Hamilton on the 19th and Cole Cook on the 21st, she has long brown hair halfway down her back. This is not that difficult of a concept to understand. Hair cannot grow a foot in 11 days. The JFK, Hamilton and Cole Cook pictures HAD to be taken before May 10th. Use your brains.
Emma lives and has homes in London, New York and California. She said in Vogue recently that she splits most of her time in London and New York. Since she lives in New York part of the year you could have pictures of her in New York all the time. I have no idea when that May 16th one with the red hair could have been taken. She looks like a lost puppy.
''Emma lives and has homes in London, New York and California''.
Yeah maybe, but she is rarely spotted in NYC, in comparison to other cities.
I've no idea where this photo was taken or when but I think it could be a lot older than the original poster said. It looks as though she is seriously studying and she also looks younger. Just my opinion.
GoldenGemster said...
''also looks younger''
Yes she looks like she was u\in her early twenties.
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