Not only did Emma, a woman who acknowledges her privileges as a white person but also talked about being called a "white feminist" and learning from it, post three black posts on Instagram for #blackouttuesday (hashtag in relation to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis where artists take the day off of using their platform to promote themselves or their work) because she clearly only cares about the aesthetic of her account, but WORSE, the black posts have white borders which is a clear sign of racism. Which is literally the reason why she's trending on Twitter right now as I'm writing this.
Has she donated more money to anti-racism causes than those coming at her are earning in a year? I wouldn't be surprised. But she didn't talk about it. Which can only mean she didn't do it so she must be judged for it. And if she does talk about it, it's only for the good press and no other reason whatsoever. So she must be judged for it.
Now, I know some people struggle to understand sarcasm to a point where it's embarassing so I'll be clear. Yes, this is sarcasm.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I think the three white squares we're leading up the an announcement, but then it seemed inappropriate to do that during these times. Then she posted in solidarity for blackout Tuesday, then twitter changed its mind and the rules on that one. Now people are demanding she donate and show proof. We all know she supports black organizations, and if she shared info about her donations and contributions, they would say she wants praise. It's fucking annoying. People are never satisfied.
I just want to say, I love your style, Eden. And I'm not being sarcastic. You don't put Emma on a pedestal, but you won't hesitate to defend her against irrational BS. And with sarcasm. The icing on the cake!
Lol nice label
Yeah, it definitely caught me off guard too.
Bur, you know what, for all of the people hating on her, the top most liked posts were people pointing out all of the work she's done to help people before.
There's always going to be assholes, and people who speak without thinking, but there are also a lot of people who love and support her, and I think that was really cool to see today.
So in the end she posted something, that clearly show she is involved, and it's nothing new, people should know that for years. But it's ridiculous, how everyone acted like it was her obligation to speak about something, like everyone took that for granted. I don't understand the celebrity world of course, but I always thought that actions speaks louder than words. The things you post or do not post on instagram, doesn't mean you don't care or you don't support black community. It's stupid.
It's funny how most of those comments came from white people(especially young women). We live in a time when something is talked about everywhere, everyone jump on the bandwagon and act like they know all about it and starts calling people out. I find it truly ridiculous and exhausting.
The best we can do is to ignore these people.
Emma is not a racist.
Los izquierdistas no entendieron nada, al final intimidaron y acusaran de racista a un aliado.
Es lo que yo siempre digo, Emma esta condenada a la hace algo o si no hace la gente esta desesperada por aniquilarla, no puedo entender el odio irracional.
Lol, love your post Eden ;)
LOLOLOLOLOL exactly what I thought!!! Emma has been an ally since before it was trendy! Perhaps you could also share the information she has now shared via Instagram though....
I'm confused by the 3 white squares and I've seen nothing which indicates a reason.
Any help/guesses as to their meaning (and why three)?
You really know it was just a few people being idiots and getting others involved and outraged for the sake of being outraged when all the comments on the daily mail are defending her, I mean that’s bad! Some people have nothing better to do than jump on a bandwagon stirring stuff.
In other news though her list of reading and support is very in depth and I’d be surprised if she didn’t spend considerable time putting it together, one of the UK news sites has said they understand that her most recent posts weren’t in response to any supposed “backlash” and she was editing what she wanted to put out for a few days.
Even the media were utterly exasperated reporting this, I don’t know why they bothered, it’s from the same group on twitter that are practically professionally outraged.
She (or her PR team) must take this comments about staying silent, personally. Now she's retweeting like crazy :)
What I dont get is how people choose to ignore what she's been doing since 2015. Some people have been criticizing every activism related thing she's done since. And calles her an attention whore for supporting/fighting for those cause. But now they want to act like she's never done anything or has ever talked about racism before. Some people want ot stan somebody who has only started to talk about BLM or racism a week ago but cancel somebody whose been talking about it since 2015, make it make sense. Also can all agree that there is a double standard seeing as how Emma was trending because people wanted to cancel her. But some of her male co-stars and even some male activist haven't said shit,yet Emma (although late to comment) was the one trending
"So she must be judged for it."
Of course she must be. And if she is only looking to the right and up to the sky, but not to the left, she also must be judged.
And if she is breathing too loud in the night, she also has got to be judged for daring to disturb all her neighbors in an area of approx. 1 km around her!
Hm, seems to be a lot of work for a judge, we need a good dutiful judge for her, any volunteers out there?
:-D (*laughing-intensively-and-strangely*) ;-)
(well done Eden ;-) )
I understand why people were upset/mad that it took her a week to say something. I'd like to point out it's not like she's never said anything about BLM or racism before. Claiming that she's racist just ain't it. Also why was she trending for a lot longer than Evan Peters. Y'know the white guy who actually said/liked some racist comments and videos.
Lol the white borders prolly meant white people standing WITH black people. and yeah shes done wayyy more than any other fancy celebs if u have followed her work closely. if i was her i'd say a giant f* u to everyone who got mad at her yesterday, but instead shes so nice she still apologized (i was like what for??) and proceeded to do everything.. leave my girl alone.
To Anon at June 3, 2020 at 8:42 PM
Yeah that's might be true. She wasn't that active in social media probably ever.
''I understand why people were upset/mad that it took her a week to say something''
I on the other hand I don't understand it at all. Is she has to make a statement and voice her opinion about everything what happen in the world? Her team had to explain why she did not post anything earlier. It's like she became a hostage of her own image.That's why I am not a fan when celebrity become an activist. Now think if she wanted disappeared from public life at all. That almost would be impossible, she would have to delete her profiles from every social media. I know she choose this kind of life, but I think it is a little to much.
I'm curious about people's thoughts about Emma's posts lately.. why is there no one apologizes to her after insulting her? honestly, People just came up to conclusions without looking for the truth, and they insulted her as if "she does nothing". don't you realize that she's been talking about racism, discrimination, for years.. not only "right now", and when she doesn't post it quickly after what happened in America, people use that moment to insult her.. that's just sad. she knew people mad at her, but she just need times to do research, gather information etc. to make sure that her posts provide accurate and beneficial information for us.
Can someone stop her?!?
She's posting like crazy now.
First she complained that she got a lot of criticism not posting quickly enough. And now it seems like she's trying to make everything up...
I'm sick of it.
She's one of those who only talk the talk instead of walk the walk.
I think someone told her she doesn't have to be that active like REAL activists (e.g.: Gloria) and that her strength is millions following her on IG. And it'd be enough she posts something there raising the awareness. And she feels totally fine with that thinking it's a form of activism too.
It's not.
It's only a PR game (most likely being managed not by herself), that has nothing to do with real involvement.
So on today's episode of people believing shit without questioning. We have #Bald for BLM. Im not even an Emma Watson fan but it's obvious that the picture that they're using to say she's bald is Photoshoped. She looks slightly younger so I dont know if it's an old one.
Note today that Daniel Radcliffe has spoken out against JKR's 'trans stand'.
I wonder if Emma will express an opinion?
Without wishing to cause an argument or upset anyone,whenever I see a debate about trans rights I think of the Monty Python Life of Brian skit;
Somehow I don't think much of Life of Brian would be made these days.
I am not saying that posting so many information is a bad thing, cause of course is not, but doing this after being criticized for not making a statement is a way to repair an image, period. For some time she is more ''social media activist'' in my opinion, for exemple she didn't take a part in BLM protests in London. I think she doesn't want to offend anybody.
I get that the pile-on on her for the lack of posting was too much, but she did wait a whole week to say anything. And while it's great she took time to create spotify lists and gather information, I do think it's fair to say that she didn't need to wait 7 days to post donation links/petitions for justice, especially since loads of other celebrity/activists were posting them it was strangely silent from her camp
But does she have to make a statement about everything. I didn't see Rupert or Dan talk about Minneapolis situation. I don't think people have any rights to expect something from her.
That's kind if the thing though. Some people don't expect her co-stars say anything about BLM or the LGBT+ community. However if Emma doesn't she gets shit while her co-stars get off scotch free. My only problem with that is if you have the time to give Emma shit. Then you have time to give the co-stars shit as well. However that doesn't mean that you use the actions of somebody else to drag another person down. I've never been a huge "Potter" and I agree that what J.K Rowling has said is wrong but it doesnt define the cast of "Potter" or "FB".
Yeah, but they haven't made themselves activists per say, in the way she has. Especially since she's definitively sidelined acting for activism in a way that they have not.
If you don't wanna offend anyone, then you don't support anyone either. It's as simple as that.
I'm not much of a "Potter" fan and I don't really follow Emma that much. But I'll admit Emma is one of the few celeberties who can get called out on their shit. And instead of getting defensive will admit when she's wrong and will try to do better. Alot of peoples faves can't even do that. She's also one of the few who don't post some half ass notes app apology but actually does things to change. She just called out J.K Rowling which could get her blacklisted by some people. But I'm proud of all the Potter "kids" who've actually said something.
"Yeah, but they haven't made themselves activists per say, in the way she has. Especially since she's definitively sidelined acting for activism in a way that they have not."
Thats basically how i look at it. Emma made it a point in 2014 to use her platform for her activism which she wanted to bring to the forefront whether with her individual goals or via her role choices.
Daniel and Rupert may feel the same way but their opinions/views/statements are all on the backburner when it comes to their lives and careers. Now, i think Emma at times is unfairly criticized by people but at the same time this is something that she has to deal with since she took on the mantel of being a voice for feminism and human rights.
No post about Emma calling out Rowling?
Is anyone actually surprised that Emma supports trans women though. She as well as a lot of the "Potter" and "FB" actors have supported the LGBT+ community before Jo said anything. And for the people who are saying that "Potter" actors are biting the hand that feeds them. Potter ended 9 years ago and Jo has not been the reason they're employed in a decade.
"No post about Emma calling out Rowling?"
No, and I am surprised too. I'm not even sure what a trans person is so I can't really comment too much but I think the way they've all turned on Jo is a bit much. Although in fairness Emma didn't mention her by nsme.
I was born into this country when we had just won a war to rid the world of some of the worst racism ever seen. I don't like racism but providing people are not being insulted I still believe everyone has a right to express their opinion. In MY opinion that's what Jo was doing she was not openly insulting anyone. It's all a bit silly and now Rupert has jumped on the bandwagon too.
Normally I am no fan of JKR whils I enjoy her Potter books there's not much else for me to admire because she is far too left-wing for me so please don't think I am posting this because I am a huge fan of hers.
What are the odds she could announce a project this year (to film next year obviously)? So many actors are announcing projects and she has nothing
''Potter ended 9 years ago and Jo has not been the reason they're employed in a decade.''
Yeah but none of them would be actors without Harry Potter. Dan had one role, Emma doesn't have a single one. Without HP she wouldn't be an actress, so yeah they were biting the hand that feeds them.
Since this was mentioned above I'll just say this. J.K Rowling DID NOT cast Emma or anybody else in the cast. A casting director did that, therefore if they owe anybody their careers it would be the casting directors that have employed them. Yes it's J.K Rowling's work. However she wasn't aware of anybody from the "childrens" cast while she wrote Potter. Also none of them have said to attack Rowling. They simply disagreed with her. And how can you say you're a feminist is you're going to exclude a group of WOMEN. Before anybody comes at and calls me misogynistic I'm a cis woman. And while nothing can excuse Rowling's abuse it doesn't give her the right to insult a group of people. I've fact check Rowling's statements using actual resources to back up my research, something Rowling didn't include in any of her statements. And all her points came out to be false.
You do know that J.K Rowling didn't cast any of the "child" actors right? They owe their careers to the casting directors that chose them. Without casting directors none of them would be employed. While it is her book series, she didn't know any of the "child" actors beforehand. Just because someone gives you a job, you dont necessarily have to agree with them. Also how is Rowling going call herself a feminist if she actively doesn't include a group of women who are often discriminated against. Nobody in the cast said anything disrespectful they just disagreed with Rowling's opinion.
I didn’t think I had to agree with everything someone who gave me a job did? As someone said earlier Emma didn’t even mention JK let alone attack her. Jk put forward one view, Emma put forward another. Trans people are the most discriminated against group in society and that someone as privileged as Rowling would essentially pick a fight with them is amazing.
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