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100 celebrities tell their personal stories of the health service. All profits from this book will go to NHS Charities Together to fund vital research and projects, and The Lullaby Trust which supports parents bereaved of babies and young children.
You can buy it on Amazon.
Thanks a lot to Anon for leaving this comment (the "husband, mum, dad and brother" are Emma's best friend's, not Emma's. Don't freak out, people XD):
Emma’s feature on Dear NHS is short but sweet, she mentions playing with toys in an nhs waiting room when her mum had issues with her diabetes, breaking her toe during a dance contest and having it put back to a semi normal place, her brother breaking his ribs and being looked after, taking a friend to hospital in the US when his lung collapsed and him having to produce insurance papers and how she’s so grateful in the UK they don’t have to do that, she also talks her anger at how hard funding cuts have made things for junior doctors and how her best friend, her husband, mum, dad and brother are all doctors and how much she respects them, and how much she respects healthcare workers looking after everyone during the pandemic.
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com
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The way it's worded makes it seems her her husband, mum, dad and brother are doctors when in reality I assume it's her friends' husband, mum etc
New post every day. Yeah I like it. :) Thank you Eden.
"Who is this doctor best friend?"
Becky. They've been photographed several times together. And please don't share her friend's last name. I know it can be found everywhere, but I'd like not to see it on my blog anymore. Thank you :)
To the first anon, Emma doesn’t have a Doctor husband and Eden clarified in case people were confused. Can you not just be thankful that someone took the time to type that out for everyone’s benefit?
How come you know so many details from her personal life, Eden?? Serious question, you know a lot of her friends and family's life details but then you delay some of your posts to protect her privacy in any way...
"How come you know so many details from her personal life, Eden?? Serious question, you know a lot of her friends and family's life details but then you delay some of your posts to protect her privacy in any way..."
I know nothing more than what people who have been active in the fandom for so long already know.
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