Emma Watson and her boyfriend Leo in California [February 26, 2021]
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"Emma Watson yesterday. No engagement ring but with her boy! She also asked for the dessert menu and the waiter couldn't understand her so she said dessert in an American voice and it was hysterical"
Source: DeuxMoi on Instagram via Anon in the comment section. Thank you :)
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UK is back in lockdown and not been able to fly except work purposes dnt seem to apply to Emma? I love her but how is she getting around still? We’re still in our houses only going out for school it’s nuts xx
The amount she's travelled during this pandemic hasn't been sitting right with me for a while, even though I love her and have supported her for 15 plus years. Either way, after the mess with the PR and the rolling back on the statements made by her team after the twitter reaction, I think it's safe to say she's just going to enjoy her downtime and not be doing anything for a while now and we'll just get these types of sightings, which kind of sucks. Plus, I still have no idea what her role with Kering (no idea if that's how you spell it) is or how long it's for.
I mean...I still believe she'll never do another film. She only did a small role in LW in the past 5 years, she either can't get roles and isn't trying to (probably both). And she's very rarely rumoured to be attached to anything (last thing was Black Widow and she lost that to Florence Pugh) so probably isn't auditioning either.
Good Lord. They both have jobs where they do absolutely nothing and get paid well for it. Leo seems to be the junior partner in most business arrangements and cashes out his share and moves on to provide cash for the next venture. He never seems to actually work. Does Emma actually do anything for Kering? I'm glad she found someone she can travel the world during a pandemic with and waste money on vacations and buying new homes and properties while the rest of the world struggles. Some of you need to stop kidding yourselves. She is no progressive liberal and no activist. She is a rich conservative. Activism by definition requires action. Her actions speak for themselves.
Well, who cares? That is her private life, she can do whatever she wants and we don't even know what their job consists of to go around criticizing, I don't know why these commentators love to assume things or even they can see her eating in a restaurant, seriously relax. She is not guilty of being poor, besides she worked as a child and made her own money from it, so your comment sounds envious to me. Anyway, some of us here want to see her in more movies and know if she is alive, that's all.
She’s admitted in interviews that after her parents divorce, money was really tight growing up. (Before HP obviously) Her parents may be lawyers and they often pay well, but they were probably starting out, so they were probably getting a below average to average salary at the time. They’re multimillionaires now, but they worked for it. I can’t stand it when people assume she had a rich upbringing, before HP, she did not. I even think at the time when she was starting school, her dad enrolled her in the top, best school even though he didn’t necessarily have the money for it. She made up for it by excelling in school. I think she worked and deserves her money.
"She’s admitted in interviews that after her parents divorce, money was really tight growing up."
So had to trade down from a Rolls to a merc?
"I even think at the time when she was starting school, her dad enrolled her in the top, best school even though he didn’t necessarily have the money for it."
Current fess (PER TERM) at Headington for a 'day girl' ~£6000 (€ 7000) ($8400)x 3 TERMS. Dragon school is even more expensive.
I'm fairly sure if money was really tight that her parents could have found a free government school nearby, rather than spend £18,000+ pa on school fees.
If Emma really did make that comment it's somewhat reflective of her fairly insular upbringing/life.
To anonymous that said that emma has been there a while, she's from london and london has been closed to non essential travel since mid december, and national lockdown started early January anyway
For the record, Emma got out of London in the middle of lockdown in late January on a friends private plane that came from Ibiza to get her and from there to vacation in Mexico and then arriving in California on February 5th. So, no, the rules don't apply to her or any other rich people.
Remember no one should listen to celebs they all pretend to care about protecting people and staying home but they have all been flying around the world sneakily since the start they have the money to buy themselves out of trouble and don't care who gets infected with pointless travel
I think we should all stop judging. Put yourself in Emma's position. Woul you like to be judged that way? I don't think so. Plus, none of us know anything about her or her choices. So we really should stop assuming things and criticize things that are not certain. We all know Emma is smart, she is not stupid and she is always very careful. She is not hurting anyone traveling because she is respecting all rules. While often people who do not travel go out in the streets without social distancing or face mask. Emma always respect the rules. So what? And I am sure that we will see Emma in new projects soon, as soon as the restrictions will be lifted up. Take care!
"We all know Emma is smart, she is not stupid and she is always very careful."
Traveling as often as she does during a pandemic is one of the stupidest things you can possibly do and she should absolutely be judged for it. That is how this damn thing keeps spreading. You can be asymptomatic and have it and spread it or get it from someone who is also asymptomatic and bring the virus with you to whatever vacation place she goes to next. It can have up to a 2 week incubation period. She is being an idiot and I don't need to personally know her or anything about her to figure that out.
"er or her choices. So we really should stop assuming things and criticize things that are not certain. We all know Emma is smart, she is not stupid and she is always very careful. She is not hurting anyone traveling because she is respecting all rules. While often people who do not travel go out in the streets without social distancing or face mask. Emma always respect the rules."
You're beyond ridiculousness. No, she's not smart, no she doesn't respect rule. Don't judge...blablablabla... Only admire. Go to hp forums and try to share your unconditional love there.
She seems to be eating drinking in bars full of people from Spain to Italy and now L.A with no face mask. She doesn't need to travel for work and is doing it to lay on a beach most of the time it's all pointless not needed travel and really woke me up that Emma doesn't care about people as much as she talked up over the years and is just like most celebs who have been caught doing the same with pointless parties and holidaying during this time.
Woul you like to be judged that way? I don't think so.
No, Thats why I stay home and don't fly to the worst-hit countries in the world during a pandemic after preaching to others to stay home and look after the NHS and protect my grandmother and others.
Um... she’s at a restaurant being served outdoors. She’s eating, She has a mask, just doesn’t have it on at that moment. I ate outdoors too and I had to take my mask off to eat
Did Emma delete her insta post telling people to stay home? I couldn't find it anymore? Maybe she realised people would notice she wasn't listening to her own advice imo she can do what she wants but don't tell other people to stay home while you don't do it
I looked it up also its still there...kinda disappointing really..oh well I hope she actually was safe while traveling and she did stop preaching to others after that one post so I'm not too upset by it...maybe L.A has little covid there now and its okay to eat out all the time compared to UK?
Emma has literally not stopped traveling. Spain, Italy, Mexico, UK, USA ... To be honest I find it shameful. Emma's life has not changed with the covid, I think that even she has traveled more than other years. does she wear a mask? does she respect the security measures? Does she stay 10 days in lockdown when she return at home? We honestly don't know that, because in none of the vacation photos I have seen her with a mask, only at the airport. I am a little disappointed with her behavior. I understand that she traveled in the summer, on holidays, many people did it, but her trips has been constant, and it really was not necessary. Not even for job. It could have been her excuse. But it is obvious that the restrictions only affect the poor people, because if she has been able to take a jet, it is because the authorities have left her.
And her behavior makes it even more clear that her role in social networks is just an image that her PR wants to sell us of her. There are some celebrities who are shown as they are on social networks, but it is not the case of Emma.
Los Angeles County is one of the worst places in the world for Covid. The county alone has almost 1.2 million cases and California has well over 3 million. It is about the dumbest place you could choose to go to right now.
If Emma were a person who was aware of the Covid and cared about the world, she would have stayed all this time in London, traveling alone on vacation or for work as people responsible does.
Maybe they traveled from Mexico to California because the United Kingdom did not allow Leo come back since he is not a UK citizen. Or maybe she is living in USA because both fought about this and she did what Leo wanted. Now thanks to Leo she lives in a city full of Corona. haha
She escaped the UK on a private plane at the end of January in the middle of lockdown. Obviously, she doesn't want to be there. Not warm and sunny enough, I guess.
Pura gente metiche y chismosa en los comentarios si ella te decepcionó pues los fans no son mejores ustedes también la decepcionaron a ella la mayoría aquí la critica hasta por no tener una mascarilla cuando esta comiendo hahaha, ahora esta viviendo su vida no puedo culparla por eso, vivan y dejen vivir gente.
I think she left the UK because the Covid got worse there and she made the right choice, she went to Mexico where it was warm and relatively safe. People always criticize celebrities for traveling everywhere, whether for work or traveling, it is reasonable as long as they do not violate the epidemic prevention policy, they can go anywhere. Why are some people always assuming that Emma violated the epidemic prevention policy and spreading Covid around without mask? Come on, she didn't cause any serious consequences in any way. I know it's should be more responsible as a public figure, Emma didn't do well, but you can go to know Djokovic's Covid scandal and complain, lol
You can say live and let live all you want, but she is being stupid and selfish and putting other people at risk. If there were no pandemic, then whatever, but over 2.5 million people have died of Covid and it is spread by people acting stupid like her. It is incredibly selfish, hypocritical and just plain dumb. Sadly, it also says a great deal about Emma and it is not good.
I worry about some of you. You can still follow all the guidelines and get it and spread it. One of the things that is so dangerous is that it can be spread during the incubation period which can take as long as 2 weeks. It might be in your system, but not infected you yet and you can still spread it. People with no symptoms can also spread it. Mexico is not safe just because it is warm. This isn't like the flu. Everyone hoped it would stop spreading in summer when it got warm and it got worse. Stop being ignorant. There is no excuse for Emma traveling as she is.
Emma is not a goddess, she is simply a human being, and not for criticizing her about her behavior are we bad fans. Stop thinking that anyone who criticizes her is already a troll, if things are done wrong you have to say them and that's all. No one is insulting her in the comments, we are simply criticizing a reality. And it does not matter how much you repeat it, any of us do not know if she is following the security measures or not, nor do we know if she has infected people around her without wanting to.
È venuta per la prima volta nel mio paese, l'Italia, la tehn in Spagna, di nuovo nel Regno Unito poi in Messico e poi in America le piacciono davvero le regioni più colpite per una ragione, perché Emma?
Por eso me gustan los fans de otras celebridades y ellos hasta pueden compartir sus fotos de sus viajes como Luke Evans y nadie lo está molestando, por eso Emma no comparte nada si ella lo hiciera irían en manada a criticarla pero ustedes no son mejores están ahí hacechando sus cuentas privadas, tratando de averiguar y contabilizar los viajes que ha hecho para luego presumir, asumir y criticar aquí lo que saben. La verdad ustedes son una verdadera pesadilla son deprimentes vienes aquí feliz de al menos tener un avistamiento de Emma pero lees los comentarios y hasta da ganas de que las personas no compartan las fotos que le toman.
why is everyone judging Emma on her travelling, if we all could afford to travel like her we would. You are judging her by the current covid rules and not the ones at the time and the country she was in, different rules in different countries. And as for the IG post about her wearing a face mask and staying at home and not travelling, that was nearly a year ago when we ALL thought lockdown and the covid restrictions would last a few weeks/months NOT over a year. LEAVE HER BE.
I'm honestly glad someone like Emma is proving covid isnt that serious and that we should go about out lives with no mask and stop living in fear! its mostly government lies anyway good job emma we love you!! x
Le critiche invidiose e rancorose dei cosiddetti "fans" su questo blog per un'innocua foto al ristorante (se sono aperti è normale che la gente ci vada), lasciano il tempo che trovano. Per quanto mi riguarda sono felice che Emma stia bene, che viva la sua vita e che non si lasci terrorizzare dalla propaganda mondiale martellante del mainstream che, dopo ormai un anno, ancora vedo fa proseliti. Sii felice,Emma!
I know who you are on twitter, spanish anonymous. Pretty obvious! And you are the first one who lives obsessed with Emma. You also know what are her private accounts and even you posted private photos about Leo. Don't deny it.
I hope Emma comes out with anti-mask statements too it will really annoy liberals and complainers on here hhahaha Emma is clearly not that woke icon you people thought she is one of us and a free thinker conservative woman
Que delirante eres, creo que solo en 2 ocasiones he mencionando a Emma en mi twitter y es por lo de su retiro, todo lo de las cuentas privadas me enteré al leer los comentarios de este blog que encontré hace un par de semanas y nunca he publicado nada sobre su prometido ni de Emma. Creo que necesitas estar fuera de las redes sociales ya te esta afectando...
UK is back in lockdown and not been able to fly except work purposes dnt seem to apply to Emma? I love her but how is she getting around still? We’re still in our houses only going out for school it’s nuts xx
Can anybody find the other photos from deuxmoi?
Emma has been in Los Angeles California for a while, long since she left England.
That’s fair enough seems a lot of celebs can move round and travel without repercussions. But that’s fair enough 😌 xx
The amount she's travelled during this pandemic hasn't been sitting right with me for a while, even though I love her and have supported her for 15 plus years. Either way, after the mess with the PR and the rolling back on the statements made by her team after the twitter reaction, I think it's safe to say she's just going to enjoy her downtime and not be doing anything for a while now and we'll just get these types of sightings, which kind of sucks. Plus, I still have no idea what her role with Kering (no idea if that's how you spell it) is or how long it's for.
I mean...I still believe she'll never do another film. She only did a small role in LW in the past 5 years, she either can't get roles and isn't trying to (probably both). And she's very rarely rumoured to be attached to anything (last thing was Black Widow and she lost that to Florence Pugh) so probably isn't auditioning either.
Good Lord. They both have jobs where they do absolutely nothing and get paid well for it. Leo seems to be the junior partner in most business arrangements and cashes out his share and moves on to provide cash for the next venture. He never seems to actually work. Does Emma actually do anything for Kering? I'm glad she found someone she can travel the world during a pandemic with and waste money on vacations and buying new homes and properties while the rest of the world struggles. Some of you need to stop kidding yourselves. She is no progressive liberal and no activist. She is a rich conservative. Activism by definition requires action. Her actions speak for themselves.
Well, who cares? That is her private life, she can do whatever she wants and we don't even know what their job consists of to go around criticizing, I don't know why these commentators love to assume things or even they can see her eating in a restaurant, seriously relax. She is not guilty of being poor, besides she worked as a child and made her own money from it, so your comment sounds envious to me. Anyway, some of us here want to see her in more movies and know if she is alive, that's all.
She’s admitted in interviews that after her parents divorce, money was really tight growing up. (Before HP obviously) Her parents may be lawyers and they often pay well, but they were probably starting out, so they were probably getting a below average to average salary at the time. They’re multimillionaires now, but they worked for it. I can’t stand it when people assume she had a rich upbringing, before HP, she did not. I even think at the time when she was starting school, her dad enrolled her in the top, best school even though he didn’t necessarily have the money for it. She made up for it by excelling in school. I think she worked and deserves her money.
"She’s admitted in interviews that after her parents divorce, money was really tight growing up."
So had to trade down from a Rolls to a merc?
"I even think at the time when she was starting school, her dad enrolled her in the top, best school even though he didn’t necessarily have the money for it."
Current fess (PER TERM) at Headington for a 'day girl'
~£6000 (€ 7000) ($8400)x 3 TERMS.
Dragon school is even more expensive.
I'm fairly sure if money was really tight that her parents could have found a free government school nearby, rather than spend £18,000+ pa on school fees.
If Emma really did make that comment it's somewhat reflective of her fairly insular upbringing/life.
To anonymous that said that emma has been there a while, she's from london and london has been closed to non essential travel since mid december, and national lockdown started early January anyway
For the record, Emma got out of London in the middle of lockdown in late January on a friends private plane that came from Ibiza to get her and from there to vacation in Mexico and then arriving in California on February 5th. So, no, the rules don't apply to her or any other rich people.
Remember no one should listen to celebs they all pretend to care about protecting people and staying home but they have all been flying around the world sneakily since the start they have the money to buy themselves out of trouble and don't care who gets infected with pointless travel
I think we should all stop judging. Put yourself in Emma's position. Woul you like to be judged that way? I don't think so. Plus, none of us know anything about her or her choices. So we really should stop assuming things and criticize things that are not certain. We all know Emma is smart, she is not stupid and she is always very careful. She is not hurting anyone traveling because she is respecting all rules. While often people who do not travel go out in the streets without social distancing or face mask. Emma always respect the rules. So what? And I am sure that we will see Emma in new projects soon, as soon as the restrictions will be lifted up.
Take care!
"We all know Emma is smart, she is not stupid and she is always very careful."
Traveling as often as she does during a pandemic is one of the stupidest things you can possibly do and she should absolutely be judged for it. That is how this damn thing keeps spreading. You can be asymptomatic and have it and spread it or get it from someone who is also asymptomatic and bring the virus with you to whatever vacation place she goes to next. It can have up to a 2 week incubation period. She is being an idiot and I don't need to personally know her or anything about her to figure that out.
"er or her choices. So we really should stop assuming things and criticize things that are not certain. We all know Emma is smart, she is not stupid and she is always very careful. She is not hurting anyone traveling because she is respecting all rules. While often people who do not travel go out in the streets without social distancing or face mask. Emma always respect the rules."
You're beyond ridiculousness. No, she's not smart, no she doesn't respect rule.
Don't judge...blablablabla... Only admire. Go to hp forums and try to share your unconditional love there.
" She is no progressive liberal and no activist. She is a rich conservative. "
Full stop.
following rules?
She seems to be eating drinking in bars full of people from Spain to Italy and now L.A with no face mask. She doesn't need to travel for work and is doing it to lay on a beach most of the time it's all pointless not needed travel and really woke me up that Emma doesn't care about people as much as she talked up over the years and is just like most celebs who have been caught doing the same with pointless parties and holidaying during this time.
Woul you like to be judged that way? I don't think so.
No, Thats why I stay home and don't fly to the worst-hit countries in the world during a pandemic after preaching to others to stay home and look after the NHS and protect my grandmother and others.
“ now L.A with no face mask.”?
Um... she’s at a restaurant being served outdoors. She’s eating, She has a mask, just doesn’t have it on at that moment. I ate outdoors too and I had to take my mask off to eat
Why are the trolls back? Are you boring or pathetic? Can you go back to the hate blog where you belong? Another pointless argument began...
Im a fan of Emma but I can call out bad actions when I see it there is no need for so many trips abroad at this time
Not liking her covid trips is not trolling
every celeb is called out for doing this
Emma is no different and shouldn't have excuses made for her
Did Emma delete her insta post telling people to stay home? I couldn't find it anymore?
Maybe she realised people would notice she wasn't listening to her own advice
imo she can do what she wants but don't tell other people to stay home while you don't do it
I checked. The Instagram post is still there.
I looked it up also its still there...kinda disappointing really..oh well I hope she actually was safe while traveling and she did stop preaching to others after that one post so I'm not too upset by it...maybe L.A has little covid there now and its okay to eat out all the time compared to UK?
Emma has literally not stopped traveling. Spain, Italy, Mexico, UK, USA ... To be honest I find it shameful. Emma's life has not changed with the covid, I think that even she has traveled more than other years. does she wear a mask? does she respect the security measures? Does she stay 10 days in lockdown when she return at home? We honestly don't know that, because in none of the vacation photos I have seen her with a mask, only at the airport. I am a little disappointed with her behavior. I understand that she traveled in the summer, on holidays, many people did it, but her trips has been constant, and it really was not necessary. Not even for job. It could have been her excuse. But it is obvious that the restrictions only affect the poor people, because if she has been able to take a jet, it is because the authorities have left her.
And her behavior makes it even more clear that her role in social networks is just an image that her PR wants to sell us of her. There are some celebrities who are shown as they are on social networks, but it is not the case of Emma.
Los Angeles County is one of the worst places in the world for Covid. The county alone has almost 1.2 million cases and California has well over 3 million. It is about the dumbest place you could choose to go to right now.
She certainly didn't quarantine when she got to the USA from Mexico. She went right out and was seen and photographed right away.
In California, infections have increased and there is a new mutation of the virus.
If Emma were a person who was aware of the Covid and cared about the world, she would have stayed all this time in London, traveling alone on vacation or for work as people responsible does.
Maybe they traveled from Mexico to California because the United Kingdom did not allow Leo come back since he is not a UK citizen. Or maybe she is living in USA because both fought about this and she did what Leo wanted. Now thanks to Leo she lives in a city full of Corona. haha
Well she cant get back into UK at least our borders are very tight now as a Brazil version of covid showed up here
She escaped the UK on a private plane at the end of January in the middle of lockdown. Obviously, she doesn't want to be there. Not warm and sunny enough, I guess.
Pura gente metiche y chismosa en los comentarios si ella te decepcionó pues los fans no son mejores ustedes también la decepcionaron a ella la mayoría aquí la critica hasta por no tener una mascarilla cuando esta comiendo hahaha, ahora esta viviendo su vida no puedo culparla por eso, vivan y dejen vivir gente.
I think she left the UK because the Covid got worse there and she made the right choice, she went to Mexico where it was warm and relatively safe. People always criticize celebrities for traveling everywhere, whether for work or traveling, it is reasonable as long as they do not violate the epidemic prevention policy, they can go anywhere. Why are some people always assuming that Emma violated the epidemic prevention policy and spreading Covid around without mask? Come on, she didn't cause any serious consequences in any way. I know it's should be more responsible as a public figure, Emma didn't do well, but you can go to know Djokovic's Covid scandal and complain, lol
You can say live and let live all you want, but she is being stupid and selfish and putting other people at risk. If there were no pandemic, then whatever, but over 2.5 million people have died of Covid and it is spread by people acting stupid like her. It is incredibly selfish, hypocritical and just plain dumb. Sadly, it also says a great deal about Emma and it is not good.
I worry about some of you. You can still follow all the guidelines and get it and spread it. One of the things that is so dangerous is that it can be spread during the incubation period which can take as long as 2 weeks. It might be in your system, but not infected you yet and you can still spread it. People with no symptoms can also spread it. Mexico is not safe just because it is warm. This isn't like the flu. Everyone hoped it would stop spreading in summer when it got warm and it got worse. Stop being ignorant. There is no excuse for Emma traveling as she is.
Emma is not a goddess, she is simply a human being, and not for criticizing her about her behavior are we bad fans. Stop thinking that anyone who criticizes her is already a troll, if things are done wrong you have to say them and that's all. No one is insulting her in the comments, we are simply criticizing a reality. And it does not matter how much you repeat it, any of us do not know if she is following the security measures or not, nor do we know if she has infected people around her without wanting to.
È venuta per la prima volta nel mio paese, l'Italia, la tehn in Spagna, di nuovo nel Regno Unito poi in Messico e poi in America le piacciono davvero le regioni più colpite per una ragione, perché Emma?
Has Emma lost followers on her official instagram account? A few days ago I saw that she was 59.3 and now I see 59.2 ...
Emma travelled twice to Italy, anonymous who speaks in Italian. haha
Por eso me gustan los fans de otras celebridades y ellos hasta pueden compartir sus fotos de sus viajes como Luke Evans y nadie lo está molestando, por eso Emma no comparte nada si ella lo hiciera irían en manada a criticarla pero ustedes no son mejores están ahí hacechando sus cuentas privadas, tratando de averiguar y contabilizar los viajes que ha hecho para luego presumir, asumir y criticar aquí lo que saben. La verdad ustedes son una verdadera pesadilla son deprimentes vienes aquí feliz de al menos tener un avistamiento de Emma pero lees los comentarios y hasta da ganas de que las personas no compartan las fotos que le toman.
why is everyone judging Emma on her travelling, if we all could afford to travel like her we would. You are judging her by the current covid rules and not the ones at the time and the country she was in, different rules in different countries. And as for the IG post about her wearing a face mask and staying at home and not travelling, that was nearly a year ago when we ALL thought lockdown and the covid restrictions would last a few weeks/months NOT over a year. LEAVE HER BE.
"hacechando" me queman los ojos. Se dice acechar.
just because she is bored of covid and said her posts a year ago doesn't mean it's over now lol
I'm honestly glad someone like Emma is proving covid isnt that serious and that we should go about out lives with no mask and stop living in fear! its mostly government lies anyway good job emma we love you!! x
Bueno fue un error de dedo y sigo manteniendo mi opinión.Adios gente frustrada necesitan tener un vida y dejar de escudriñar la vida privada de Emma.
btw. Did anyone ever seen those mentioned pics on Deux where Emma and Leo holding hands? I think they doesn't exist at all...
And if they exist, hopefully no one will share it, it deserves privacy.
they were shared on deuxmoi but posts gets deleted after awhile...I guess no one screenshotted in time?
Just words, no pics of them holding hands.
To a non at 7.47: I'm totally with you. Really glad to read for once some words of wisdom and true!
Le critiche invidiose e rancorose dei cosiddetti "fans" su questo blog per un'innocua foto al ristorante (se sono aperti è normale che la gente ci vada), lasciano il tempo che trovano. Per quanto mi riguarda sono felice che Emma stia bene, che viva la sua vita e che non si lasci terrorizzare dalla propaganda mondiale martellante del mainstream che, dopo ormai un anno, ancora vedo fa proseliti. Sii felice,Emma!
I know who you are on twitter, spanish anonymous. Pretty obvious! And you are the first one who lives obsessed with Emma. You also know what are her private accounts and even you posted private photos about Leo. Don't deny it.
I hope Emma comes out with anti-mask statements too it will really annoy liberals and complainers on here hhahaha Emma is clearly not that woke icon you people thought she is one of us and a free thinker conservative woman
How long till you get accepted by deuxmoi after sending a follow request btw?
They seem to always have Emma tea
so I wanna follow now
Que delirante eres, creo que solo en 2 ocasiones he mencionando a Emma en mi twitter y es por lo de su retiro, todo lo de las cuentas privadas me enteré al leer los comentarios de este blog que encontré hace un par de semanas y nunca he publicado nada sobre su prometido ni de Emma. Creo que necesitas estar fuera de las redes sociales ya te esta afectando...
" I love her but how is she getting around still?"
Rich white privilege.
She literally left England when there was a no travelling rule unless its for work
"How is she getting around?"
Same way anyone rich is. Paying a large premium for private flights. Not happy? Start working smarter/harder/better.
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