Sunday, February 7, 2021

A hurt Emma Watson with her boyfriend in Los Angeles. Ring makes the DM assume she's engaged. [February 2021]

[Gallery] [Fashion] [Version française]

Look at this distraught couple who broke according to people in the comment section. Mwahahaha.

So yeah, they're together, back from Mexico, Emma has a ring on her "wedding finger", which is not the first, she does enjoy wearing rings on that finger and it never meant anything until now but go figure. She also apparently hurt herself as she's getting help from a "knee scooter". No idea those were a thing. The Daily Mail asked Emma's team whether Emma was engaged or not, but they basically blew off DM.

By the way, her t-shirt says "Femme Liberté", not "Femme Libérée". It means "Woman Freedom", not "Free Woman".

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Anonymous said...

We should just copy and paste comments about it from the other thread.

Anonymous said...

I will copy and paste mine and hopefully the lies will not go so far.

Leo was in Mexico with family, not Emma, and returned a couple of weeks ago. Emma decided to go to Mexico with friends, not Leo, before staying in California for a little while and seeing more friends. She injured herself on the trip and Leo was kind enough to meet her at the airport and help her with her bags and to say hello again. That is why they parted and said goodbye and Leo left with nothing. They are not engaged, nor are they even still dating. They remain friends. Nothing more. And he was kind enough to arrange transportation for her.

Anonymous said...

Was Emma leaving LA airport or was she arriving? Sorry I didn't understand...

Eden said...

"Was Emma leaving LA airport or was she arriving? Sorry I didn't understand..."

She was leaving the LA airport after arriving in LA.

It's past 1am. You better behave and not make me wake up with a bunch of negativity I'll have to go through.

Anonymous said...

Like I posted on the other thread, fashion of emmawatson on Instagram has her ring and t-shirt posted on there and it's not an engagement ring. It's a ring she's worn countless times before and this is just silly spin to make a story out of something/nothing. And, also like I said before, if it were an engagement ring, it's not a very good one. And, that's an understatement.

Anonymous said...

She was leaving. That is why it is stupid to say that they were traveling together when Emma is the only one with luggage and Leo left with nothing but his phone. On top of that, why do you hug goodbye and part from each other when you have been traveling together and are now back in the place you both live and would go back to one or the others place together? And check out Emma's shirt. That is a big clue.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Eden for your answer! I am happy that Emma looks happy.

Anonymous said...

Leo looks like he just got out of bed to meet her at the airport.

Anonymous said...

That to me looks like a goodbye might never see you again hug. Where is a kiss for her boyfriend or fiance?

Anonymous said...

Emma hugged Mack plenty.
Just my two cents but when my boyfriend and I arrive from being away on holiday, we part outside the airport and get separate cabs home. This is because we live in different parts of a city and want to drop back our luggage. We might meet up again later after after we’ve dropped stuff off for dinner or something or we might meet the next day as we’ve just spent a couple of weeks together and don’t need to be attached 24/7. We’re plebs so we have to bring the luggage to the cabs ourselves but Emma and Leo likely had there’s brought to cars for them hence no big luggage. Emma only having a small bag and Leo only having a backpack in the Sun video which he then prob put in a car.
The idea that he’d go all the way to meet her at arrivals as a friend and then split when she can get or pay people to help her makes no sense. They’ve clearly arrived together and are just parting ways temporarily.
Not engaged (she wears a ring on that finger plenty) and he could only stay in London so long as an American so not surprised they’re in CA for a bit, it’s only fair to him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1.42 to me they are only friends too. These Photos are missimg something. Emma seems happy but I don't think they're still a couple

Anonymous said...

I don’t hug friends that tightly with my eyes closed (both of them are doing this), just saying. They look more coupley here than they did in London. I think people are wishing a breakup

Anonymous said...

The Sun has more photos and a video, they look like a couple to me in those.

Anonymous said...

The sun’s video looks like they’ve landed, you can see their luggage in the background and it looks like staff are helping sort cars for them.

Anonymous said...

I will repeat: They did not travel together. The backpack Leo had was Emma's and she and the other people with her had their hands full so he carried it for her and put it in her car. Notice the other peron carrying stuff for her and the woman with her? They were the security for a celebrity and assistance for a disabled person. They were present and the one guy was holding all her paper bags because Leo would not be allowed to see her until she was passed all the security and the customs coming from Mexico. If Leo had been with her, she would not have needed the security and help carrying the bags and disabled assistance. He would have been the one doing it.

Anon said...

If they’re still a couple, then why’d they remove almost all of the followers of their couple IG? We’re still in a pandemic and I don’t see any of her family members ever with her visiting him or his family.
He also looks like he literally got out of bed to escort her to the airport. He’s literally wearing pajama bottoms. Wtf

Anonymous said...

Well apologies, but I think you’re guessing. Emma watson would get staff help at the airport regardless. She generally has someone help with her bags whenever we see her at airports. We know Leo was in Mexico, emma was also supposedly in Mexico, and you’re saying they weren’t together? Where were you oh foundation of knowledge when everyone said they had broken up? They look very together to me

Anon said...

I honestly don’t understand why she’s still with this dude.

Anonymous said...

Or you know, he’s just come back from holiday. I’m friendly with exes but I wouldn’t go get one from an airport who would be given ample assistance without me. Maybe they just said they wouldn’t be posting to that account any more. She also has another account. I’d trust pics more than IG account following.

Anonymous said...

They were in Mexico at separate times. Leo got home over 2 weeks ago. Emma went with friends before staying in California. Mexico has always been one of her favorite vacation haunts long before she met Leo.

Anonymous said...

Wow i've just seen the video and it looks really staged, the paps knew exactly when she would come out from the airport and she took off her jumper to show her t-shirt later. Why does her PR team need to stage paps photos if they're still together?

Anon said...

While Leo was in Mexico with his family she was still in London. Back in November when they were still in London together, there were people on Twitter claiming that they were talking about moving to the states which then turned into an argument. Sometime in January, their couple account followers number went down to just 2 people. Even before then, it hadnt been updated in months. They even stopped liking posts back in December.

Anonymous said...

None of that luggage was Leo's and he left with nothing. What kind of jerk would let that one guy in the background carry Emma's bags all through the airport if he was there and could do it himself? They are still friends and he heard she was injured so he came to meet her and help how he could.

Anonymous said...

"You are all being played. Emma Pr team has planted this story about a ring to make it look like she and Leo are still together while they both find new partners. Things have not worked out and the fight before Christmas had lead them to call it quits. They do not shout or scream and are still friends as Emma is always able to keep a cool head and remain friends with her Ex's! This was goodbye with some nice PR smokescreen for the papers so people wont really find out they broke up until much later! The same kind of Ring story was used with Mack and Will before that and never go anywhere just there to hide a break up for a while. Very old tactic tbh "

this comment from old thread makes sense to me

Anon said...

On a side note, wonder what happened to her leg. Doesn’t look too dire as she’s not wearing anything. Could’ve been due to a hiking, sport or surfing injury. Yeah, but why would you be in the same place as your “serious partner” but not hang out with them? They’re just amicable friends who probably recently broke up, but he’s just there to help her out.

Anonymous said...

There was one person on Twitter saying about an argument, because (a) couples never argue and (b) when I say I’m Batman on Twitter I’m telling the truth. People here really know bugger all. We’ll see them together again in a couple of months and people will be like “oh but Instagram...” they probably just stopped using the account. Men don’t travel to pick up ex girlfriends from airports. What planet are people on.

Anonymous said...

Emma would have had multiple staff help her at the airport, even before she was injured. Leo just going to help her makes no sense whatsoever. They’re still together

Anonymous said...

I think like someone else said on last thread Leos Greencard probably just ran out so he had to leave and Emma later reunited with him in Mexico but has hurt herself and wants to go go home to her family. They will likely rejoin in London in the next few months again. Side note All the stuff about rings is clickbait from gutter press.

Anonymous said...

so much pointless travel these celebs all talk big about staying home but don't practice a second of what they preach

Anonymous said...

We’ll see them together again in another few months and people will be like “oh isn’t it lovely that they are still friends”. In a few years they might even be a random little child with them.

Anon said...

You are all being played. Emma Pr team has planted this story about a ring to make it look like she and Leo are still together while they both find new partners. Things have not worked out and the fight before Christmas had lead them to call it quits. They do not shout or scream and are still friends as Emma is always able to keep a cool head and remain friends with her Ex's! This was goodbye with some nice PR smokescreen for the papers so people wont really find out they broke up until much later! The same kind of Ring story was used with Mack and Will before that and never go anywhere just there to hide a break up for a while. Very old tactic tbh "
This same thing happened with both Will and Mack. The ring story is so false. I’ve read the comments on the DM and some people believe they’re actually engaged. Even after reports of her and Mack getting engaged, she was out and about with friends in London and she had a ring on that finger, but it was too small for an engagement ring. Then in November, we had learned that they had broken up. Same thing here. This ring is even smaller than the one she wore in 2017. Some people claim that she doesn’t like the press marrying her off to her bfs. Some people are upset about PR being brought up, but for claiming to wanting to be as private as possible, these look pretty careless. Its probably a final goodbye. Doesn’t her shirt also translate to “Free Woman” or something? People were commenting that her post number on her own IG was increasing these past few days, and that’s probably because she was with her friends.
This is just my own opinion, but for those who don’t see that this is staged are clearly blind.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's really annoying. It's one thing if you have to travel because of work but going to holidays in the middle of a pandemic is just plain selfishness and lack of empathy

Anonymous said...

So vee have a plot twist......or do we?

Dear reader all will be revealed in the next chapter.....or vill it?

Anonymous said...

Leo lives there. It is no big deal to go help an injured ex a little at the airport especially when she has extra stuff because she will be staying awhile and say hi. None of that luggage was his and they were not in Mexico together.

Anonymous said...

"Free Woman" shirt. Come on, people. She is telling you.

Anonymous said...

So Leo got her an engagement ring that isn't even an engagement ring and is a ring she has had for several years long before she ever met him and wears on that finger all the time? Do these geniuses ever check anything out before they write it?

Anonymous said...

That kind of eyes closed hug is a goodbye won't see you in a long time type of hug. Come on. No kiss. No holding hands. Her shirt. He is being basically worthless helping her with her stuff and the scooter and letting other people do it. Then he leaves his INJURED girlfriend with other people to take her home and help her unpack and settle in while he leaves with no luggage and goes somewhere else. They are either not a couple or he is the most worthless asshole of a boyfriend ever. She is injured and he doesn't go with her to help her unload and unpack!? Stop being naive. They broke up.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if they broke up or not, I'm just gonna say they are wearing the exact same mask. If you're talking about paying attention to details, that's a huge one. Can't be a coincidence. So it looks like they were together, wherever they came from.

Anon said...

So what if they’re wearing the same mask? Those are the most common mask there is. They’re everywhere, they’re cheap, but they do the job. So what if they’re wearing the same mask?

I also find it really odd how the articles say that they were on a “pre-Valentine’s day” vacation or whatever. Valentine’s Day is a whole week from now, why would she be leaving all of a sudden other than her injury?

Unknown said...


El Roberto said...

Eden, thank you for clarifying that's a knee scooter, now an injury makes sense. Think I never saw such a thing.

Let's hope Emma isn't injured badly.

".. who broke according to people in the comment section. Mwahahaha." -> :-)) well, of course, the world is the people in the comment section's oyster. ;-)

Anonymous said...

To the one saying they broke up because they parted with 'no kiss'... come on.

Anonymous said...

come on! we are interested in believing that they were together in Mexico, we believe them, but when they say that is an engagement ring, that's not true... Why not! Daily Mail said it too! Hypocrital.

Anonymous said...

A completely stage, firstly they know there was press in front of them and Emma's shirt is so obvious, her PR and she never leave anything to chance. The photos where they kissed outside a bakery.... people can say these were stolen kisses and not stage, right? they were at the door, it was clear that they knew there was a photograhpers there, in the same way that they knew was taking photos while drinking coffe.

Anonymous said...

The hug reminds me another one:when Emma bumped into Brendan while strolling with Dominic.She hugged Brendan the same way.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they're still together, maybe not; maybe they're engaged, maybe not. There is one thing certain here: her pr agency that's trying to fool anyone organizing this show for press. No clue what is their goal.

Anonymous said...

If they arrived at the airport together I don't know why they hugged each other as if they were saying goodbye. It is a very affectionate hug. If one of them searching for another at the airport, I also do not understand that affectionate hug without a kiss, since they are a couple and are seeing for the first time and finally if one of the two was leaving, I also do not understand why they only hug (the photographers would have caught a kiss if they had given it) I suppose they still are together however I don´t feel chemistry between them and these images give me the reason.
Another thing that doesn't make sense to me.
Supposedly they had together in Mexico as a pre Valentine, right? wow they decided to delete all their followers from their couple account on a romantic trip and Emma does not follow Leo's family in her personal account therefore they cannot see their photos.... and leo does not post. Strange.
And it seems to me a lot of coincidence that we start talking about a break up and quickly they appear at an airport and supposedly with an engagement ring. And let's not forget that the photos walking around London with a coffee in her hand appeared just as her fans started getting mad at her for not appearing on the Tom Felton show.

It all sounds like a stage.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I'm trying to imagine how her life is. She's been living in a bubble since she turned 9. Private lessons, customized education scheme, arranged commuting (public transport excepted), bunch of strange people around her. She even was apart from her parents for some longer time periods (while shooting hp). She's almost 31 now. The same bubble. Her people who don't let (on her own request, of course) others to get closer to her. All she's meeting are previously screened, including her boyfriends. No surprise since there are a lot of stalkers out there who could trample her when they meet her (no privacy at all); needless to say: some potential gold-miners as well. It seems she feels okay with all that fuss around her. She's extremely wealthy, the rules for plebs don't apply to her schedule. It doesn't prevent her from lecturing others and doesn't bother her when people're pointing out the inconsistency between what she's saying and what she's doing.
It seems it's not going to end any time soon. She might not act for years, but she'll be a target for some crazy fans years after her biggest successes. There are some actors who played in one or two successful films and since then they got forgotten, however they still have very dedicated fandom that are still crazy about them and it might happened to Emma for many years to come.

Anon said...

I saw the supposed engagement ring on Emma Watson fashion, and it’s not that at all. It’s just a small, skinny, silver band ring. The engagement articles are just set up for clicks. They’re even worse than the ones with Will and Mack. There’s not even any “insiders” talking about their “engagement”. The only time you even see the word is in the title and then the very beginning.

Anonymous said...

"... they still have very dedicated fandom that are still crazy about them and it might happened to Emma for many years to come."

You are right.
I know of one blog that had 871 replies when the blog owner posted a 5yo b&w picture of Emma Watson sitting on the floor.

I mean how weird is that?

Luca said...

This message gave me cancer.
Please sweetie, seek mental and psychological help as soon as possible. I am serious

Anonymous said...

How many incels are on this site?

Anonymous said...

Of course she flew from England to Mexico to go on holiday while the Uk is in a national lockdown :) k thats it loved her for years, no more lol

Luca said...

Lol how do you know she went to mexico sweetie?

Anonymous said...

Spain, Italy, Mexico, LA, UK... it is clear "lockdown" is for poor people.

El Roberto said...

what the heck? :D *laughing-strangely*

Anonymous said...

"what the heck? :D *laughing-strangely*"

Has taken a very odd turn in the last handful of posts.

Anonymous said...

dm article said they both got back from mexico luca

Anonymous said...

She is injured. She cannot walk. She needs a scooter to get around. And Leo left her at the airport for other people to take her home and help her unpack and move back into her house and you all think they are dating still? That mask is the same disposable one that is in the LA airport all over for people to use. It is also available in parking areas to grab, etc. Because they had the same mask means nothing.

Anonymous said...

What kind of jerk leaves his girlfriend who cannot even walk and doesn't go with her to help? And where is Leo's luggage?

Anonymous said...

I read the comments in the DM, maybe this person knows her.
"She spent almost the entire last year on Ibiza and only left a couple of weeks ago sharing a private jet with Amba Jackson (Jade Jagger's younger daughter) to fly to London, from there to L.A. and with Leo to Mexico."

Anonymous said...

It is mentioned multiple times, sweetie

Anonymous said...

If she was in Ibiza the whole time then why was she photographed in London in June, Italy in August, London again in November, etc? Don't believe everything you read.

Anonymous said...

And people are saying she met Leo in Mexico because he was already there with family, so she would not have gone to LA first then to Mexico. That person commenting is making stuff up.

Anonymous said...

"If she was in Ibiza the whole time then why was she photographed in London in June, Italy in August, London again in November, etc?"

She needed a holiday from her holiday?
It's not easy being rich & idle.
No wonder she was so worn out she had to close 'Our Shared Shelf'.

Anonymous said...

She left Ibiza briefly to go back to England, went to Italy, but spent most of her time in Ibiza, believe it or not. Maybe you're just extremely stubborn and don't believe what people say;)

Anonymous said...

Or maybe I'm just not foolish enough to believe a random comment on a DM article when it is contradicted by photographic evidence and those that know and follow her.

Anonymous said...

she left Ibiza in September and She was in November in London with Leo, really I don´t think she spent Christmas on Ibiza without her family and it would be stupid she return Ibiza in January to travel London, LA and Mexico.

Anonymous said...

A vacation there in June and one in September is not spending almost the whole year there. Some people are prone to exaggeration.

Anonymous said...

I think she will activate her instagram soon - 60 million

Anonymous said...

You are so smart, as if you know the truth about everything, you only trust your stupid self.

Anonymous said...

Eden doesn't allow links to stuff like that do not ask for it! or comments will be closed

Anonymous said...

The couple's account exists, but even if we wanted to put the link, Eden would delete it. Actually, that account was another thing that was also some kind of show off, or do you think emma is so stupid, she knew what to put a picture with Leo on the profile, make a website with "Leo and Emma" and follow all their friends was not going to be that all the obsessive fandom found it.

She also knows that we know that she has deleted all the followers and that we think they have separated. She is too smart. That's the reason these photos exist.

Anonymous said...

Emma has always played the media game well and is always prepared for paparazzi. She knows how to protect her privacy and knows what people are saying on sites and social media. You have to follow the clues she gives. She treats it like a game. No luggage for Leo. The "Free Woman" shirt that doesn't make an appearance until she knows paps are there. A bunch of helpers and security that would not have been needed if Leo had been with her. A "boyfriend" that does not go with his injured, cannot even walk "girlfriend" to help her unpack. Instead they part with the type of hug that is a goodbye hug with no kiss or any great affection other than the type you see with friends like her hug with ex Brendan Iribe. She is playing the game. She always gives clues. She does it because she has been angry at the media for years for invading her privacy and she gets back at them by making fools of them.

Anonymous said...

Honestly I am happy to see she is happy even if I am sorry she is injured. I live in London and people here often go out without masks and mixing with other groups. Emma travels a lot but seems like she always respect the rules so I don't know what's worst, if staying in your country and do not respect rules or if traveling (sometimes - and btw I am doing some traveling too so it is not only for rich people, the important is to respect rules) but respecting the rules (mask, distancing, greetings with the elbow...)
Emma's life is kinda weird, she is just grown up in a weird enviroment. She is reach, yes, but money don't guarantee happyness. I hope she is going to be able to achieve her goals and her dreams.
Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

She just looks normal in these photos to me. She doesn't look sad or unhappy as she has in all the most recent ones we have seen, but she doesn't really look happy, just normal, but maybe because it isn't her usual sad we think she looks happy.

Anonymous said...

The only time she doesn't look sad when she is around Leo is when she is saying goodbye to him. BOOOOOM!!!

Anonymous said...

But where do you see the emma's luggage? Am I blind? All I see is Emma's bag on the scooter and a backpack behind Leo's back. I am of the opinion that they traveled together to California, but they split at Airport, because the hug only makes sense in this way (or they did it because the photograher was in front of them, I don't know, but why not a kiss? mmm) BUT Supposedly Leo was alone in Mexico, and Emma was in London, but if it is true that Emma also traveled to Mexico with him, what happened with the followers? they unfollowed in the middle of a romantic (or family trip, depending on how you see it) Did they decide in a romantic moment that they were tired of the couple account?
I do not know if they are still together, but they seems friends in these photos... I have never seen them chemistry anyway.

Anonymous said...

she posted 5 photos on her account private two days ago, maybe it makes sense she posted her holidays photos.

Anonymous said...

Hearing Emma is still in the states right now she didn't fly home but went to NYC to see other friends, anyone say if this is real?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if these two unconscious citizens are in lockdown about a week when they come home. if they flew to LA after visiting Leo's family in Mexico and then Emma goes to London or anywhere else... this is shameful and irresponsible. Unfortunately, the image she gives us on instagram is very different from reality.

Anonymous said...

Emma had a couple bags on her scooter and the backpack Leo had was Emma's and he put it in her car. In the video on The Sun, you can see an airport security/helper whatever guy with a bunch more bags of Emma's that went in the car. Leo left with nothing and ditched his injured girlfriend and didn't go with her to help. That's not a very boyfriend like thing to do...

Anonymous said...

then... Emma traveled to LA without Leo because appereantly he has not luggage, he went to pick Emma up, but, he also said goodbye to her at the airport.(??????) Lol maybe PR called Leo to appear at the Airport for a couple of pictures and to stop the coments about the break up, what a stage.

Anonymous said...

Emma went to Mexico with friends on the private jet mentioned earlier that came from Ibiza to London to pick her up. She did not spend most of the year in Ibiza. Leo had already returned home from his trip earlier. They were not together in Mexico and are not a couple any longer, but are friends. Emma hurt herself in Mexico and was planning on coming to L.A. after. She also had something she needed to discuss with Leo that she wanted to do in person. Since she was injured, he kindly offered to meet her at the airport and help how he could and also arrange transportation to her home for her. They could also discuss what they needed to in a quiet corner of the airport before they parted ways. You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

But how do you know that emma was in Mexico with friends? are they assumptions? Well, let's hope Emma is not asymptomatic person because she is traveling around the world as if there were no global pandemic. Imagine that she infected in Ibiza, and she goes to LA, and Mexico, London, NY... for the good of humanity it is necessary that emma be vaccinated soon

Anonymous said...

I bet Emma already got the rich, important special person vaccine long ago.

Anonymous said...

Emma wanted to get to L.A. The friends wanted to go to Mexico. They convinced Emma to go with them before going to L.A. As it is difficult to get out of London with the lockdown, a private jet was the solution.

Anonymous said...

Wow trying to build a narrative. I love these stans. I really do.

Anyway she is clearly doing these photos for her last blog. Aka this one.
RIP interest in Emma.

Anonymous said...

""If I m not mistaken,Leo s finger doesn t have a ring/I zoomed. I know his wear it in London""

Anonymous said...

I don't think they're over. I suppose Emma has so many friends in LA. Why would she call her "just ex" boyfriend to come and pick her up among so many other people she could call? It doesn't make sense to me. Also, stop being so negative. The camera captures them kissing, everyone's going "It's definitely PR thing, no one kisses like that in the street". The camera captures them hugging, everyone's going " They shouldn't just hug, they should be kissing, it's a break - up". Honestly, nothing is satisfactying enough for you!

Anonymous said...

He didn't pick her up. He was there to help a little with her luggage because she was injured and to discuss something they needed to before she went to see friends. Read the clues. I think some of you need to ask yourself something: Would you leave your injured boyfriend/girlfriend that cannot walk and has to use a scooter to get around with other people to take her home or would you go with and help yourself? I think we all know the answer. For the record, she had other friends waiting to help her at her place.

Anonymous said...

Emma was in London at Christmas, why if she had planned to travel to Mexico she went to Ibiza before. I find it exhausting! going to Ibiza, to spend a week? returned to London, and from there take a flight to Mexico. and Now LA. She has travelled more in a month that me in the next 3 years.

Anonymous said...

I no longer even wonder if they are together or not, what I would like to know is why if she returned to LA (from London, Mexico, it does not matter really) what Leo went to the Airport for? help her? Ok but if you help someone (ex or friend) you go with that person at home. Hovewer they said goodbye and this does not make sense for me.

Anonymous said...

Why he was there has already been discussed in several posts. They remain friends and still have some business connections as she does with other male friends.

Anonymous said...

and why was he already there? To help her? I am not convinced about it... they said goodbye there and nobody goes to an airport to leave that person at the same airport. If you go looking for someone, you go with that person in the car. At least that's how things are done in my country.

Anonymous said...

I wrote it in the other thread, but I'll add it here too, that someone on twitter wrote that their dad met her in London on the 25th of January, so I'm not sure where she's been travelling or what she's been doing, but she sure seems to be in a lot of places lately. I mean, we're in total lockdown in the UK and it's a nightmare. Who knows what's going on with her relationship...I find these engagement headlines ridiculous though.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. That's the point. You don't just leave your boyfriend or girlfriend at the airport and let other people take them home especially if they can't even walk. That's because they are not boyfriend/girlfriend. She had other friends waiting where she is staying to help her.

Anonymous said...

Emma is going to get tired of all those mistifications (made up by herself) at some point of time.It's funny and sad at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Emma asked Leo to be the one to meet her and help a little for a reason. She did have something to discuss with him, but it is also part of her game with the media and tabloids. She knew there was a good chance paparazzi would be there since she was coming on a private jet and paparazzi like to hang out when private jets arrive especially during Covid. Her T shirt was not a coincidence. Her games are her way of protecting her privacy and that of family and friends. It also lets her stick it to the tabloids. She keeps people guessing what is going on, but it is not that hard to figure out sometimes.

Anonymous said...

She has just made a complete ass of all the tabloids. She has them wondering if she is engaged because she wore a ring that she has had for several years on her ring finger and it is not even an engagement ring to begin with and she wears that ring and other rings on that finger very often. It is kind of funny.

Anonymous said...

Either the "journalists" don't think at all or they just write whatever her agency dictate them.Doesn't matter if it's another nonsense or not.

Anonymous said...

You’d swear this was Mi6, you’re all full of BS. She had a holiday with her boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

The idea that people here would know that she had friends waiting for her at her place, that she needed to discuss something with him is nonsense from fantasists. I hope people see that...

Anonymous said...

Did you ever consider that there might be people here that know her? And if she had a holiday with her boyfriend and he left her at the airport with other people when she can't even walk, then he is the world's biggest pick your swear word.

Anonymous said...

And yet, he’s such a good friend that he went to the airport to check if she was alright and then left her?? Same logic applies. It makes zero sense that he’d go if they aren’t together, why not just leave her other friends do it. People here aren’t claiming things that are logical, they are getting lost down mental health fantasy land saying he went because she needed to tell him something, nobody on here, I repeat, nobody, knows her to that level. I mean come on. Be real now. People may have a little friend of friend or family knowledge from time to time but that’s about it, and someone claiming to be a source swore blind in the other comments section 3 days ago that she was in London. It’s nonsense. Speculation is fine but people are losing the run of themselves through lockdown boredom and letting their imaginations go.

Anon said...

So many people on IG think they’re engaged. It’s honestly sad how gullible they are. The ring is honestly a huge hint. It’s gotta be the most pathetic “engagement ring” I’ve ever seen.

Anonymous said...

One person on Twitter said they saw her and a guy arguing in a cafe. Because, you know, that’s a reliable source of information. They had an account as a couple that both of their families followed. They don’t seem to be using it anymore, hence people think they’ve broken up. Don’t ask for the name of it, because people won’t (and shouldn’t) say on a public blog.

Anonymous said...

do not think that anyone look at these comments thinking that they will find the absolute truth about Emma, it would be quite stupid, but it is true that it has been said that Leo was in Mexico for weeks and I do not think it is a coincidence daily mail said precisely that place. I believe here what is fair and necessary and Emma was in London on January 25 because there is a tweet.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we get tweets from several countries saying Emma is in different places on the same day. Nobody is denying that Leo was in Mexico. People plausibly speculating that she could have met in Mexico, they might be arriving together, he might be just meeting her, is also normal. What I’m taking issue with is all the make believe stuff, friends at her apartment, her wanting to talk to him etc. which is some Stan having a wet dream.

Anonymous said...

Well, I believe it when a person says that she/he has seen a famous person and is not a fan at at all and if they says something about them can be true. the girl did not get to become famous for saying that Emma Watson bought her a sausage and argued with her boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

I don’t believe people on Twitter at all, my bar is a picture for one person, or several tweets from different people if there’s no picture. Then we can consider. But even then there’s occasionally balls ups where she wasn’t there, it was a different celeb, they are tweeting something that happened ages ago, they just made it up etc. one of my friends was in a (not massively successful) pop band 10 years ago and occasionally we’d search for tweets about her after a few drinks and it used to be absolutely hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Why lie emma was in your cafe and bought a sausage roll so random gains you nothing only will just make people attack you? Of course, there will be no pictures Emma famously against random people taking pic with her anymore

Anonymous said...

The fight people saw was probably Emma denying a stan getting a slefie
she has doen it a ton
probably wanst shouting at Leo at all imo

Anonymous said...

No idea, people are weird... you’ve never taken a pic of a celeb on your phone without them seeing? You haven’t lived...

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say that I'm not claiming I know where Emma was or has been lately. I was scrolling through twitter to see if there was any news, which is rare these days and saw that girl tweet that her father met her on the 25th of January and that she was jealous...If it's right or not, isn't for me to decide. Just like I have no idea what was going on at the airport, other than she hurt herself and isn't wearing an engagement ring.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think the person knew it was a boyfriend. Remember all the tweets we used to get of a boyfriend and then we’d get a pic of her with Alex, or Rafa? We also get the occasional poor person that gets really excited on having seen “Emma watson”...

Anonymous said...

And yet, he’s such a good friend that he went to the airport to check if she was alright and then left her?? Same logic applies. It makes zero sense that he’d go if they aren’t together, why not just leave her other friends do it.

The same logic does not apply. There is a giant difference between being a friend and a boyfriend. NOBODY leaves an injured boy or girlfriend that can't walk at an airport to be taken care of by other people. Leo lives closer to the airport than her other friends and he was there for reasons already mentioned. Her other friends live by where she is staying.

Anonymous said...

Even if dad is true, she could easily have had a holiday for almost two weeks after meeting dad dude. But still I’d take dad recognizing Emma with a very big pinch of salt. Could have been any English brunette or Emma Willis.

Anonymous said...

I believe that waitress saw Emma tbh her feed is not a bunch of wild claims and she ha never mentioned anything else about her and just looks normal account. I would understand not taking images on her phone either as she would get fired for doing that to a customer right?

Anonymous said...

Come on, people. They were supposedly on vacation together yet Leo has no luggage, looks like he is in pajamas or something and doesn't go home with her when she has to use a damn scooter? She stays friends with exes. He was probably just there to check on her and help if he could. It shouldn't be that hard.

Anonymous said...

If you are genuinely claiming to know where people live you’d want to take a very good look in a mirror somewhere...
and yes it’s the exact same logic, if I only sprained my ankle I would not want/need my boyfriend hanging off me all day, he’s hardly expected to hold her hand, girl looks fine, I’m mean really. He’d leave her either way as she’s fine. Girl can get help with her bags from staff.

Anonymous said...

Come on now, you don’t actually know who owns what unless you’re a bag stalker, people could have easily put bags in cars without a photo seeing it, and he just looks like he’s been on holiday. The likelihood of an ex boyfriend going to an airport when she has loads of other friends in LA is .0001%.

Anonymous said...

Watch the video on The Sun, genius. It is as they are leaving and before Emma's car has arrived. All the luggage is hers including the backpack he had. He left her with nothing.

Anonymous said...

People have completely lost themselves creating narratives on this, this is the worst delusion I have seen here. Some of it is worrying

Anonymous said...

How is it a delusion if they are filmed leaving an airport, the only luggage Leo has is a backpack on his back, some guy in the background is carrying other bags of Emma's, they wait for her car to come, they say goodbye and Leo no longer has the backpack because it was Emma's and he leaves with nothing? How is that delusional? And as an added bonus he doesn't go with his injured supposed girlfriend that has to have a scooter to get around.

Anonymous said...

The person who said Leo lives the closest to the airport/ that he’s there because she wanted to talk to him etc needs help. You’re also reading way too much into an edited very short video. All you can see is the bag she had on, the backpack Leo has on (who owns that we don’t know) and some brown shopping bags (who knows who owns them). There looks to be suitcases behind them when stood in the airport but who knows whose they are. We also don’t see the car arrive etc. either she travels exceptionally light or there is unseen luggage which could be anyone’s. You don’t know what’s happening. Speculation is fine but pretending things are clear, nope. People are going way overboard and creating what they want to see.

Anonymous said...

Look, I don't know about these posts about Emma's games and other reasons for his being there, but I don't find it far fetched that an ex that you are still friends with would meet you at an airport knowing you are injured and have lots of stuff and check on you and help in what way he could. That would explain his lack of luggage and not going with her. I would kick my husbands arse if I had to get around in a scooter and he didn't come to help, so I am sure she had other friends waiting wherever she went. None of that is unrealistic, but from what I saw at the airport, no way are they engaged and I would be absolutely shocked if they are still together.

Anonymous said...

A second car could easily have pulled up and had his luggage put in. Agree to disagree but I’d say if he left her a friend, it’s perfectly possible he left her head home as a boyfriend. I hate clingy men. But if the friends staying nearby, him living nearby etc was you, either stop making shit up or stop stalking, it makes you look very unbalanced.

Anonymous said...

If I lived in a city with other friends, I would never call any of my exes to the airport to help me friends or not. Especially if I wasn’t badly injured and had other people to help. I also wouldn’t go look after ex boyfriends at a airport when they have other people who can easily help them. It would strike me as exceptionally weird.

Anonymous said...

The same person who would leave a friend when they are clearly fine...

Anonymous said...

Somebody still has to explain the losing all followers on the couples IG, him not following her on IG, families not following each other, posts now going on private IG instead of couples. Combined with what we saw at the airport, I'm not feeling it, but who knows.

Eden said...

Stop insulting Leo because you believe you 100% understand what happened or what's going in Emma's life. Delusion can be funny but some of you are reaching flat Earth level.

Eden said...

*going on in. Damn it.

Anonymous said...

I called a guy a bad name for not going with his girlfriend that can't walk to help her. Maybe I should not have used the d-word, but I said nothing about Emma or what is going on in her life. In my humble opinion, as a woman, perhaps old fashioned, any guy that does not accompany a girlfriend home that can't walk and help her is what I said. The other post you removed had someone agreeing with me about Leo and calling Emma a hypocrite for flying all over and taking all the vacations after advising us to stay home. I think that is a fair assessment. Neither post made any speculation on what is happening in her life and I don't think warranted being removed, Eden.

Anonymous said...

I like that her t-shirt literally says "independent woman" and people are mad he didn't help her to the car like Sir Galahad. You know Emma fans are desperate for news because him meeting her at the airport when she's got an owwie means they're engaged, broken up, he's a dick, he's so cute, she's fake, she's so real, and all at the same time! She's Shroedinger's Watson! All things to all people all at once.

It wasn't a super affectionate meeting but also her leg hurts, so maybe they were just focused on getting her home? Not all couples are super hug-kissy when one of them needs a scooter to get around. Or maybe they broke up and he's just being a good friend? It doesn't need to be more dramatic than that. Certainly Emma doesn't seem stressed.

Anonymous said...

Remember Emma and how she “become slightly fascinated by kink culture”?

She was actually in the Cayman Islands with Arnie Hammer who attempted to bite one of her toes off, hence the scooter.

But she was so impressed with the scooter (less so with Arnie)she asked Leo to meet her at LAX to see if he be be interested to set up a company to manufacture/market them.
She the silent (money) partner, he the upfront entrepreneur.

Watch this space.

Anonymous said...

do not ask about those accounts it will be deleted

Anonymous said...

Not only did he not go home with her when she has to use a scooter,the dude didn't even help her get in the car or get her stuff in the car. He took off as soon as her car got there or as soon as he knew it was close or on the way. It looked like Emma was still waiting after they said goodbye. Not much of a boyfriend. I know all the free, liberated independent woman blah, blah blah stuff, but damn.

Anonymous said...

So you have pics of him leaving immediately? And know conclusively that Emma got in the car by herself and other people put the bags in the car and that he wasn’t there? Or are you talking out your ass from the few photos the press has and think you’re Sherlock Holmes?

Metro are saying a source has told that the couple aren’t engaged. She was just wearing a ring.

Anonymous said...

The fact you don’t know whether he took off “ as her car got there or as soon as he knew it was close or on the way” suggests you know crap all and you shouldn’t be calling someone a crap boyfriend based off it.

Anonymous said...

The pictures are not that hard to follow. Use your eyes. He has a backpack. Her car gets there or is closer. He no longer has backpack because it is not his. They hug goodbye. She is still at the curb looking and waiting and the very tall, female security person that can be seen in the pics can be seen on the left side of the picture staying near her, waiting with her. It ain't that hard.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea what happened, none, zero. You have no idea how long the photographer was there for, what photos he took, and in what order. Or what actually happened. None, zero, zilch. Stop pretending speculation is the same as knowledge. Some people here, Christ. Put down the phone/keyboard and go outside. You need to.

Anonymous said...

Usually it’s funny. But there’s some loops on the comments section recently.

Anonymous said...

Leo is standing right next to her in every picture. They hug goodbye and in the next picture he is no longer in it and it is Emma waiting by the curb with the female security agent to her left, barely in the picture. Did Leo vanish into thin air by magic. Hmmm...maybe he left. Don't you think the photographer would have taken pics of them loading the car together so that they could have another nice story for their tabloids:Emma Watson's sweet boyfriend helps injured fiance or some garbage like that. Don't be naive.

Anonymous said...

Every picture being very few pictures yes? The handful? He could simply be stood out of shot talking to someone where he’s missing? Do you believe everything that’s presented to you from a handful of photos. You are speculating. Speculation is fine, but you seem to confuse speculating with knowing things, which are very different. You’ve made up a story from a few bits of info you’ve seen. That’s what you’re doing.

Anonymous said...

The ring was visible as the Harry Potter actress said goodbye to tycoon boyfriend Leo Robinton, 31.

Even The Sun, who took the pictures says they were saying goodbye. That is why there are no more pics. Leo left. The photographer would have stayed and had a field day taking pics of them loading the car together if they had.

Anonymous said...

Everyone on here is speculating. Some people just seem to be under an illusion that they are the only ones that could be right. Mocking his hair is one thing but someone based on a theory is just plain rude (and weird).

Anonymous said...

Sun didn’t take the pictures...

Anonymous said...

I think the point that is trying to be made to you, is that in actuality you know Jack shit, so stoping insulting people based on that.

Anonymous said...

Metro: a reliable source...okay...

Anonymous said...

The Sun did not take the pictures. You are correct. I will amend it to The Sun, who first broke the story and the pictures. I'm not claiming that I am 100% percent right, but be realistic and follow the pictures and what The Sun said and the fact that the photographer took no pictures of them loading the car which would have been a gold mine for him. He got the pictures he could of them together and that was it. I'm not going to say I am 100% percent without a doubt right, but come on. Look at the evidence.

Anonymous said...

Everyone else is looking at the same thing as well and they aren’t being asses about it. You’ve lost the run of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Let's see what happens on Valentine's Day and if new photos appear, it will be the key.

Anonymous said...

Nah, we could not see them for months again and they could still easily be together. Night in with a bottle of vino for Valentine’s Day sounds my idea of heaven

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the photographer stayed at the airport with them until they said goodbye and that is why there are few photos, so it is clear that if he had gone with her, they would have been photographed getting into the car together, the press wants this and they wouldn't have missed an opportunity to said it. if she and Leo had done more than that friendly goodbye they would have caught him and there would be a thousand more photos.

Anonymous said...

Not for Emma. That would mean it would be over a week between vacations...

Anonymous said...

Leo probably went back to his mom's house in Lake Tahoe, and his mom saw her son, whom she hadn't seen in a long time, and painted an oil painting of him, I think he took Emma there. Emma's foot was injured and needed to be taken care of, did he leave her and let her stay at a friend's house? That obviously doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You draw conclusions as if they were true facts and I am freaking out. The painting is a Leo younger. It is highly logical to eliminate all his family from an instagram account while spending time with them. I does not make sense for me, but maybe they are weider.

We don't know anything. People said Leo was alone in Mexico, this was said a week ago, why not? I can believe it, and if he had been with Emma they would have said so, I guess. And then we have a photo in an airport where they separate who knows why.
Problably they keep together, but I have not yet seen a photo of them in which I see a couple in love. I have never seen sparks with her boyfriends. Zero chemistry with all of them.

Anonymous said...

What's going on in the comments' section is the best example how media are manipulating us and how people are tend to be manipulated. You saw only what has been revealed. You haven't been there, you watched only someone else's 'copy'. The story behind it might be completely different. But the photographer didn't show you that. He showed only some story from his angle. Maybe there are some other photos them getting into the car, but they weren't published (?). You're going to believe in what they want you to believe in. Stop speculating. No one knows what happened and no one won't.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand a shit. Why do people say Leo was in Mexico seeing his family if his family lives in USA? it is a tangle. Or Leo travelled to Mexico from London to spend a holidays or he went to visit his family who lives in USA... but both things cannot be possible.

Anonymous said...

So a paparazzi is going to take photos of them loading and getting into a car together that would be worth thousands for him to sell and he didn't? Be realistic. Leo's family has a vacation home in Mexico. Supposedly he was there with them.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. in this blog is where we are not so manipulated. Manipulated people are those who believe that is a engagament ring. Here we analyze, discuss and believe half of what is published. I think we tend to belittle people who comments on this blog when at least we have our own criterion. And If there were photos of them getting into the car, press would have published it because it is more important that they appears together and see how they disappear like a happy couple than just a goodbye.
And I think this was a PR thing and we saw what they wanted to show us. Emma and Leo in the same space.

Anonymous said...

Leo was in London and travelled to see his family At Christmas, because Emma wanted to spend her time with her family but in January she travelled to Mexico to come back with her boyfriend and after they returned together to LA. This could be a sense.
But did they lose their followers being on Holidays? and Leo did not have luggagge and they said boodbye.

Anonymous said...

People are saying they know Emma was still in London on January 25th and a private jet with friends from Ibiza came to take her and them to Mexico after Leo had already left Mexico. Does any of it really matter??? All I know is as someone on the other thread said and I wish I could take credit for: Emma has more chemistry with her scooter than does with Leo.

Anonymous said...

than *she* does with Leo.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure there are more pictures that were simply not bought by de media. It's always like this and we might be seeing them in the next couple of weeks/months. Emma and Leo are probably still togheter.

"Look at this distraught couple who broke according to people in the comment section. Mwahahaha."

How old are you Eden, 12??

Anonymous said...

The BS engagement story will be dead in a couple weeks. If there were more pictures they would have bought them right away. It will be old news then.

Anonymous said...

Some papers publish outdated photos and sell hoping people think they've been recently taken.

Anonymous said...

I have had an account on several private pages of photographs and such as SIPA... and the newspapers always buy the most remarkable photos. Come on, when you buy, you buy the best images. If I am wrong and within two weeks we see kiss photos... Well, then it will have been confirmed that newspaper workers are useless.

Anonymous said...

Everybody knows when these were taken because it is all over everywhere. Google "Emma Watson" and see how many stories about it come up.

Anon said...

Her taste in men was alright up until 2015. In terms of looks, it all seemed to have gone downhill from then. This guy is a good second, behind Brendan Wallace. I agree with anons above saying that they’ve seen very little to no chemistry whatsoever. Even in the early days of their relationship, she looked somewhat uncomfortable. especially Valentine’s Day last year

Anonymous said...

Lol Did they get a chance to use a kiss between Emma and Leo in an engagement ring story and they decided to buy a these photos? then the press is dead.

Eden said...

"How old are you Eden, 12??"

12 in April :)

Anonymous said...

When did I say anything about kissing pictures?? Some people here have lower IQ than a newborn frog... I just said there may be more pictures available, as there always is. Maybe just him or her getting into a car o just more takes from the same scene. Nothing special but maybe something that helps give more context. Media always buy just the pictures they need to tell the story they want.

Anon said...

*2017 hate me if you want, but I thought Mack was a good looking guy. He was just older.

Anonymous said...

They buy the most relevant photos and from there they make up a story.

Anonymous said...

Normally we seem to get more photos than just a few when she's seen out and about, though...Unless there are more out there from the airport and I just haven't seen them anywhere or they haven't been released.

Eden said...

They kissed with the mask on

Anonymous said...

Look. It's pretty simple. The tabloids are trying to sell a narrative. That narrative is that Emma Watson might be engaged. Why that narrative? It is huge news. Tons of clicks equals tons of revenue. Nevermind that it is an old ring, not even an engagement ring and she wears rings on that finger all the time. That is their narrative. Now, they are only going to want photos that fit that narrative. My guess is that the paparazzi probably took photos of Emma and her security and airport help loading the car. Well, if your narrative is that Emma and Leo are engaged are you going to want photos showing that Leo left his "fiance" and took off and left her with security and airport staff? Not just his fiance, mind you, but his injured, has to use a scooter fiance. No, you don't want those photos. They don't fit the narrative. But what if you had photos of Leo helping his injured fiance and leaving together or at least helping her get in the car? Would you want those? HELL YES. They fit the narrative and they would be all over that. The reason that there are no such photos is simple: They don't exist. They had a goodbye hug that to me anyway looked like the kind of might not see you in a fairly long time hug that you would give a friend and then he left. Why did he leave? What does it mean? I have no idea. I am not her. I am not him and I sure as hell am not their relationship counselor, but Leo left. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

You don't kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend with a mask on. What the hell?

Anonymous said...

Damn. That girl is good at playing it up for the cameras. I will give her that. Who kisses a boyfriend with a mask on? Not me, anyway.

Anonymous said...

picturepub posted all the photos, 69 in total, and I saw Emma waving goodbye to him, Leo probably had other things to do.

Anonymous said...

She was born in France and speaks French and loves French culture and they do greeting and goodbye kisses like that sometimes, but with a mask on and a boyfriend? Odd.

Anonymous said...

I saw Emma waving goodbye to him, Leo probably had other things to do.

Other than help his injured girlfriend? I don't get any of it. What a strange relationship.

Anonymous said...

where can we see these photos?

Anonymous said...

The fact that he really did leave and they just had that type of hug and a little kiss with masks on now makes me swing in the direction that they are not together, but I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

this is so stage... it makes me sick

Anonymous said...

goodness the kiss seems forced it is clearly they gave it because they know there are cameras. I can't believe how famous people can be so liars.

Anonymous said...

He also stroked Emma's injured foot, haha

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't even be surprised if neither of them had actually gone on a trip and showed up there just because of the photos.

Anonymous said...

So finally I was right, there were a lot more pictures, even some with them kissing that I wasn't expecting. Are you haters and delusional stans satisfied now?? Stop arguing and making up stuff just because you can't stand Emma being happy in a healthy relationchip. I'm so happy for her.

Anonymous said...

*relationship, of course.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting to see all these photos everyone's talking about...Hopefully they'll be uploaded somewhere. If not for any other reason than we probably won't see her again for a few more months until she pops up and I'm more interested in her than I am about this dude, that I haven't had any interest in since she first got pictured with him...but then I'm very rarely interested in the men she's seen with but it's all that's in the press lately. And, I know it's because she's stepped back without really announcing it officially, but it's such a shame...that's just my opinion though.

Anonymous said...

there are 73 pics on forum.phun of this pap walk Emma gets in a black escalade without Leo. BTW is there no 14 isolation period when arriving in the USA? is that a UK thing having to be isolated for 14 days? can celebs just bypass it?

Anonymous said...

Just Jared has a lot of them on their site now too

Anon said...

I just can’t see how the “classy Emma Watson” is with a long haired weed dealer. He’s just so different from all of her past boyfriends. Their chemistry, if there is any, makes no sense to me. And I wonder why of all times, now they stopped using their couple account.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It's hilarious that Leo doesn't have a mask in one of the photos, but to kiss his girlfriend he uses it.

Anonymous said...

It seemed strange to me that her PR could be involved and a kiss did not appear.

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