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It was for the November issue of Vogue Italia in 2015 for the promotion of Alejandro Amenabar's Regression.
Thanks to Daily Feltson on Instagram and Anon in the comment section for letting me know.
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com Follow the blog:

"Thanks to Daily Feltson on Instagram for letting me know."
It has actually been on your blog since 'March 17, 2021 at 11:40 AM'
Forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder.
we've grown old and forgetful.
Surprised people aren’t talking about the Seth Rogen thing, it was going to be spoken about publicly at some point and from media articles and even DM comments she seems to come out of it really well, in that she seems to have managed to have stood up for herself and not done something she was uncomfortable with, she didn’t fall out with Rogen and stayed professional and that she was ultimately right in that they dialed down the scene. He comes across as a bit of a douchebag but he was nice about it (also if he called her awkward for not filming something extreme she didn’t feel protected doing he’d have got an absolute battering nowadays thankfully). I’m interested that lots of people are saying no wonder she didn’t feel comfortable as apparently they were all smoking and drinking before shooting that scene and she didn’t feel ok being in an extreme scene in that situation. Most people don’t seem to like Rogen and said fair pay to her saying no.
He said it as not a big deal, and she’s come out of it looking pretty classy to all sides. She didn’t do a scene she didn’t like but she stayed onboard and fulfilled her obligations.
rogan and franco and all his pals look terrible and Emma looks great. they are lucky she never #Metoo them for how they acted drinking and getting stoned and pulling weird stuff around set make her uncomfortable. Rogan is likely just trying to save himself before it gets exposed even more in future how terrible men in hollywood are.
Emma handles herself well. slow moving, but dignified. I admire her long-suffering pride. The bold-and-loud pride sucks.
To be fair he was very nice about her and recognized she was ultimately right, and that the scene ended up being better when toned down. But Emma comes across very well from it. She stuck to her guns but did so professionally. She looks even better now given everything that’s happened since, and the whole “well if the actress was uncomfortable why did she do it” argument that people keep running, Emma had both the sense and also importantly the power whereby she didn’t have to and she made the right call though she risked looking very awkward at the time by making it. After doing so she was still be able to be associated with and promote the movie as she was comfortable with her involvement. Franco’s whole interview about it(not just the pieces but quoted but when he spoke about waiving a dildo at mila Kunis and how it was great Mila was ok with that kind of behaviour and that he couldn’t understand people being uncomfortable and princessy) has dated absolutely f€&@“ing horribly. The guy is creepy as F.
If Emma started actually talking about it emma could damage Seth a lot more than Seth can damage Emma. Also she got along really well with Jonah and they continued to be close after so she’s in some of the same social circles as him, so it wouldn’t make sense for him to be unkind about her on lots of fronts. Having said all that, I do get the feeling he’d still have been nice about it anyway as she seemed to handle it very very well and he also now has the benefit of lots of hindsight.
Franco seems like an awful person other people got him with Metoo as well so maybe Emma felt she didn't need too as others were already exposing him...I never liked how they put her in a movie just to be the punchline of a sexual assault joke never understood why she signed up to that kind of trash in the first place...maybe all this is why she joined U.N and started HeForshe like one year later after being put through all that nonsense by men in hollywood
Mountain of out a mole hill. Emma just doesn't have a sense of humor. She is known to be stuck up and difficult on set.
I'm glad she is standing down.
uh ... if we already saw you ... go back to your cave.
Ya, no ones going to make Emma look bad, like ever. If she declined to do a scene, good on her. Stuck up is an insult. she keeps her head held high. Its not like they're going to strong arm her, or even argue with her. Can you image the hellfire the internet would rain down if she pointed her finger at a man in Hollywood. They'd scramble F-16's and she's not even American.
"uh ... if we already saw you ... go back to your cave."
Ok. But I warn you. I've got good wifi!!
"Can you image the hellfire the internet would rain down if she pointed her finger at a man in Hollywood."
Depends who is was and well today Emma doesn't really generate that much interest.
God trolls, Emma doesn’t generate that much interest, her sneezing pretty much generates articles. An innocuous article in the DM lead to her trending worldwide and hundreds of article just last month and she’s the main media talking point from Seth Rogen’s interview. Heck trolling about her here is even your primary hobby, that’s how much interest she gets. I think you’re in denial or need to evaluate your own interests.
It’s like that idiot who asked why people come here, via a comment on here... I mean come on...
If an actress does a scene that makes her uncomfortable but later complains about it, it's "Well why did you go through with it?"
If she refuses to do it, she "Storms off" and "has no sense of humor."
So basically the only way a woman can react to something she doesn't like is to do it anyway and be a pushover or not do it and be a bitch.
Anyway, Rogen himself has said it was no big deal with no hard feelings. Lots of actresses have refused to film things in the past.
"Emma doesn’t generate that much interest, her sneezing pretty much generates articles"
So by your logic every article generates interest? Do you write for one dying buzzfeed by any chance lol
"DM lead to her trending worldwide and hundreds of article just last month and she’s the main media talking point from Seth Rogen’s interview."
Means nothing. Here today gone tomorrow. It gets lost in the so many celebrity articles daily.
She is a disappointing spent force. Get over it. The only way back is with Harry Potter then she can once more try and launch a career off the back of it.
Zoomers don't give a shit about Emma nor Harry Potter full stop.
Zoomers don't give a shit about Emma nor Harry Potter full stop.
what? Emma and hp is like all the tik tok about there is a way to big dramione cult on there too tbh
They dont care about new hp stuff though crimes of Grindelwald was a flop and cursed child is hated by everyone but the old books/movies are as popular as ever even if JK herself is hated by Gen z now
Spent force, sure.... right... yeah... whatever you want to keep telling yourself...
The troll saying she doesn’t generate interest and telling people to get over it, about an a-list celebrity whom they visit a blog about is genuinely hilarious...if you keep saying it and investing time it doesn’t make it true mate. You aren’t about to convince anyone she doesn’t generate interest when everyone with eyes and a brain can see the opposite, and even you’re clearly fascinated with her. If she doesn’t generate interest for you mate, by all means feel absolutely free to piss off. You only look like a dickhead coming to the blog. And Zoomers are the workforce i.e millennials who are the Harry Potter generation, do you mean gen Z? You’re so confused...
I’m going to stop replying and ignore you man, I think it’s best not to feed you and you go do something positive with your time rather than hate on a successful stranger you feel bitter about.
Gen z still don’t have the money, millennials are still the most important force in the world and will be for another couple of decades. Somehow I think Emma will be just fine.
Cursed Child hated by everyone?? Is this someone who’s just read the screenplay and based it off the anger to that, and not seen it on stage? It’s absolutely amazing on stage, hence the rave reviews, awards, and packed audiences (pre-covid) and people seeing it multiple times. Go see it on stage. The magic is great.
I agree the story is weak so they’d need to change it for a film, as the magic there won’t impress anyone, but as a play it works extremely well.
The next movie will flop because the storyline of fantastic beasts and particularly crimes of G haven’t been good enough with uninspiring plots and characters, they are poor films full stop, nothing solely to do with generation Z etc., you’d appeal to every generation if you make good films, but they’ve been below par. For the next one, you also add in the both Depp (who won’t be in it but still still aren’t happy about that) and Rowling are both toxic, to both millennials and generation z, but I think even more so millennials who seem to feel betrayed and there isn’t a good movie or love for the characters to pull them in in spite of that. No Harry, no hermione. As I’ve said before I feel sorry for the crew and the actors, JK can’t write good screenplays so the films never took off and then she went and heavily divided the audience. The numbers will be a train wreck.
I liked cursed child on stage. Great staging.
Crimes of Grindelwald was a terrible film, and Fantastic Beasts was only mediocre. They can’t expect a franchise of 5 new films on material that poor even without all the other problems. So I don’t think the next one will be any sort of verdict of how popular Potter still is. This is a very separate bit and one that people rightfully won’t be interested or invested in. You can’t expect people to show up and spend money for a poor product.
Cursed child play might be good on stage but the plotline is hated by fans
Kids like Marvel and DC these days superheroes are whats selling not wizards... so box office of anything hp will likely keep going down Crimes of Grindlewald was hitting 600million instead of the 1 billion warner bros wanted and the johnny depp stuff turned people away hard and as other said adding JK losing more of the fanbase its not going to recover for a long time
Cursed child ruined the franchise tbh well before any other scandals
can't believe its canon and was written by some random dudes and JK was just like "yup that fine" smh
It was the Phantom Menace of HP in many ways lol
I hope they make cursed child into a movie tbh it will be so funny when they have to explain Voldemort slept with Bellatrix and put that image in more peoples brains it just seemed like something that would never happen lmao
I was mad at the time it came out for being so dumb wont lie about that but now a few years later i find all the new HP stuff very funny with how bad it is im just enjoying the memes now :D
Kids like DC? That’s news to everyone including DC. Superheroes became more popular due to the fact that Marvel in particular worked heavily on plots and characterization. You’re making the same mistake as studios, things aren’t cool, things become cool if you do a really good job of them, some might have a head start but that’s about it. Wizards are uncool with kids at present as the last two wizard films have been cack, but yet they love the theme park with the original characters etc. get good characters and plots again and bang wizards are cool. Two or three bad superhero movies and the studios will say oh it’s superhero fatigue, let’s stop making them. Nope, it’s because the plots are characters were bad. DC made the mistake that just having superhero’s would work for Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad and look what happened, they are now attempting re-dos with decent plots. Hobbits can become cool with a good story.
The box office of the next FB won’t be “because kids don’t like wizards”, as people keep saying the last two films were shite, and rowling has now added to that. It’s nothing to do with broader HP or wizards. You make bad movies people will stop seeing them.
As above said, if they do a great job with the new LOTR that will be back. HP survived and did so well because it was good, it needs to get good again, then people may be more forgiving of Rowling. I think WB will cut there loses on FB after the next film, and try and re-do Cursed Child as a film with the OGs, it’ll be the only thing that might get bums back in seats. I thought they’d leave it longer but they are bleeding money. I thought it’d be another 5 or 6 years, but let’s see.
Studios keep doing that, thinking a theme (like superheroes) or stars will make up for a crap plot/poor characters. Look at Passengers, they thought oh let’s put Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt (who’d both just come off big box offices) in space, people will find that cool. And people did find the initial premise cool, but they forgot to actually give them a decent story, and wow that’s a bad film.
". You aren’t about to convince anyone she doesn’t generate interest when everyone with eyes and a brain can see the opposite, and even you’re clearly fascinated with her. If she doesn’t generate interest for you mate, by all means feel absolutely free to piss off. You only look like a dickhead coming to the blog."
Emma is not going to sleep with you. In fact she'd be wise to get a restraining order out against you.
Now off you cry stalker stan.
Kids like DC? That’s news to everyone including DC.
um yeah? superman batman wonder woman even joker and harley quinn are loved by kids see so many of them every halloween just like marvel I know those movies try to be edgy (like joker) but kids are still a huge part of the audience of the less R rated ones
"Depp stuff is catch 22. He is a mess of an addict but Amber Turd played him. Losing him has turned even more people away."
Agreed. Guilty until proven innocent. Social media being a joke once again. No wonder useage is falling.
Thank god they’ve brought in Steve Kloves to re-write the next FB. He might add a plot, which Jo can’t seem to do on screenplays.
wait theres another 4 planned movies for that?
should have been one spin-off and then do a new spin-off not everything needs to be spun out to have lots of sequels smh :/
"Thank god they’ve brought in Steve Kloves to re-write the next FB. He might add a plot, which Jo can’t seem to do on screenplays."
Yates is still a terrible director though. Expect another dark washed out by numbers movie......set in Brazil in part?? Also known as the Leavesden Studios back lot.
I expect a HP spin off announcement later this year or around the time FB3 comes out. Too early for a sequel though WB are desperate. Disney literally own the world now.
I can't see them going with that 5 film plan at this point. Crimes of Grindlewald really was a huge setback with a negative response and a much lower box office. I think as other people here posted they will try to finish up with a part 3 and have a trilogy and quickly move on and hope people forget this mess ever happened. Next, they will do something fan pleasing like a movie about the muraders era or that Hermione solo project or even just remake the original story as HBO series.
I care about Hogwarts only
set something there again and I will watch
as soon as FB movies went to America I lost all interest
Cant see them remaking original series for HBO, it made sense before but not now, there wouldn’t be enough upside for the cost when the movies themselves have aged well. I can see it being about the marunders or kids or something. And them doing another movie with trio again for another few years.
Hermione solo film tank tbh what is she gonna do just be the minister of magic like in cursed child?
it seems so boring to have Hermione without the others imo also I doubt Emma will do it even if they throw loads of money
She seems to have left HP behind and didnt even do Toms little hp reunion thing which when even dan and Rupert did was a sign to me she ants to put HP in the past and leave it there
Harry parents will be the next movie is about mark my words!
I’m not sure if it’ll be a movie (I still think they’d need trio to recover the movie series at this rate, or at least a few years of a distance from this mess. But def see a Harry patents thing happening, my money is on HBO
they should do a curella style movie
but about Bellatrix lol
"I can't see them going with that 5 film plan at this point."
Well the last two movies could become one and be set during WW2. Also remember with Depp now gone they budget has been cut somewhat. If it releases Summer 2022 it's going to have a lot of competition and not forgetting cinemas probably won't be as they well before either.
"I care about Hogwarts only
set something there again and I will watch
as soon as FB movies went to America I lost all interest"
Yeh. Though I'd like to see the other wizards schools. They show horned Hogwarts in the last once with the theme as well. Puke.
JKR even reconned Mcgonagal's age didn't she? Not to mention her agreed reconning in Cursed Child. She really is George Lucasing her legacy isn't she?
Warners will give her a load of money she they can develop spins offs without her. Probably already have.
Tom Felton seems to riding the Malfoy fame wave for all its worth they will offer him some side project maybe a TV series about Malfoy doing shady stuff with Potters kids and his own in background
I wouldn’t take Tom’s thing as a sign of anything, people had to pay to see that and she may not have done it for various reasons. It wasn’t anything official. If anything she’s been more publicly involved with HP stuff and people since Dan has over the years. I see Dan as the bigger issue for a movie than Emma. If they give her enough time I think she’d come back
She really is George Lucasing her legacy isn't she?
The star wars prequels and now HP prequels have followed the same path of turning fans against the creator kind of scary how similar it has all happened
"Harry parents will be the next movie is about mark my words!"
Yes. That era right up to their murder is a safe bet. They have the bare bones from the books to get on with that. This is the series I want to see.
Then after sequel series?
Jk needs to let potter go, the best thing Lucas did for star wars in the end was sell it, he was ruining it.
I think Tom would be the most likely to jump at being back in HP next to Evanna Lynch as Luna.
Peter Jackson is starting to harm LOTR as well. I know he didn’t create it obviously but he’s another that has overly tried to keep control. They need to step away
I see series as padding out the past or supporting characters, like Marvel are now doing. Movies I think will be kept to the main characters, too much money at stake with those and market is too volatile, again exactly what marvel are doing.
they should do a curella style movie
but about Bellatrix lol
Well, I think id watch something like that but if it was about all three black sisters together not just a dark grim Bella story but that bella fall to darkness stuff would be a cool part of it as well...but a story exploring the sister's relationship and female friendship in general would be great.
Peter Jackson is starting to harm LOTR as well.
He had his only prequel failure like JK and George with those hobbits movies
" the best thing Lucas did for star wars in the end was sell it, he was ruining it."
Arguably Disney has ruined it now. At least with the sequel trilogy. Lucas had the story lines for a sequel trilogy and should have got a director and screenwriter to make them. No need to sell it. Disney is a China kowtowing cancer.
TV shows are the future look at how big HBO series are now and the streaming service war is in full swing they want a HP series so bad its obvious and they really need to replace Game of Thrones with a new fantasy series. They don't really do kids stuff so any HP series might be darker but I don't know how well it would go down but im ceratin something is coming for HBO Max in HP world
They’ve already said something is coming for HP on HBO max, we’re just trying to figure out what it is. And most people seem to think other characters (like with Falcon and the Winter Solider etc.) or filling in past stuff (like Mandolorian) and leave the actual movies to the main story (or a direct continuation like Star Wars). Star Wars attempted to do non direct/past stuff as big movies like with FB and other than Rogue One it worked horribly. They’ve now dropped those. WB should do the same. Leave these movies die. Do the HBO max stuff for a few years, come back with a big potter movie with main OGs in 7/8 years (which let’s be honest will be cursed child re-write of sorts - they aren’t going to not try it).
If they want a hit they must do a Marauders tv show on HBO Max. It's what the fandom really wants to see and it would be the perfect prequel for the movies. I'm still mad that their story was left out in Prisioner of Azkaban
Aw god now I remembered cursed child was a thing after reading these commnets i had blocked that nonsense from my brain till now soooooooo bad!
All clean. (Unless I missed something.)
"Aw god now I remembered cursed child was a thing after reading these commnets i had blocked that nonsense from my brain till now soooooooo bad!"
It didn't happen. It was just a giant global hallucination following a common Harry Potter withdrawal.
Eden thanks for doing such a good job cleaning up the blog!
Also yeah I had forgotten cursed child till recently as well...just no way Voldemort ever slept with anyone it just not a thing that would happen...EW!! No please no! haha
Seth has made further comments on Emma and she looks even better than she did before. He didn’t like the “Seth Rogen confirms Emma watson stormed off set” headline that some of the press went with. He’s also confirmed that people were improvising and going way passed the script, that he should have prevented the situation, and she was right to say no, that she was very good about what happened and that he’d love to work with her again.
hes trying to save himself before Emma comments on the situation to say it never happened like how he made it sound back peddling so fast typical hollywood men wouldnt be surpised if Emma manger contacted him to ask wtf he was talking about and he got scared lol
"Eden thanks for doing such a good job cleaning up the blog!"
Not that it was needed with all the respect she was getting but Josh Gad put up "Pure love. @emmawatson is a legend and an amazing human being. Not that it needed saying but...well...she is," on Instagram. Very cute of him.
Not really sure what Emma was expecting?
It was a Seth Rogen film, with the usual improvisation.
It's a bit like reading an Adam Sandler film script and being disappointed it's not Oscar Wilde.
Seth is an absolute legend and is very funny. He writes, directs even acts sometimes. I'm not surprised Emma was intimidated. Snob revealed to be a snob? Shocker. Stick to part time 'activism' dear.
^ maybe I was a little harsh. I'm just sick of over privileged covid rule breaking celebs being made out to be a victim.
Rogan says Emma was right and that they went too far on set and it wasnt funny himself so yeah way too harsh and judgy
I’ll second the way too harsh and judgey. It sounds like they took things way too far, way beyond what she had signed up for. Seth says the scene changed “drastically” (his word) from what was described. Whilst she’d have known things might get a little hairy there’s a line where things become totally different and people can’t be expected to just roll with that. It sounds she dealt with it in a really professional and amicable manner. Fair play to her.
Seth Rogen’s own words tell us all we need to know really. He was very strong about it severely changing, I don’t think you can call someone a snob for sitting out something totally different, and he said she was right. She wouldn’t have expected it to be Oscar Wilde but she’d expect to be within the realms of what she agreed to, she didn’t write a blank cheque and all parties agreed it wasn’t. Seth was very very nice about her.
^ maybe I was a little harsh.
Not at all and I think Seth is an unfunny tw@
"I don’t think you can call someone a snob for sitting out something totally different"
Well she does have previous. She comes across as she thinks she is better especially in her interviews. Not forgetting plenty of comments from people that have worked for her saying she is difficult and up herself.
Rumor of Hermione lead film going around again but its comic-book news or someone posting about it so could be total nonsense
Seth Rogan is just trying to look like a good guy in case anyone brings up how he is friends with Franco and how he has a lot of shady stuff going on with how he treated women on movie sets and stuff
I would like to hear from Emma herself about all this until then its just a load of male actors covering themselves imo
looked it up its we got this covered anon who are even dumber than comicbook news
do not buy this for a second Emma is clearly moving away from, acting past few years this is some classic clickbait off the back of this Seth Rogan news and trying to use her name kind of mad i even went and looked it up and helped them out lol
yeh wegotitcovered is one of the worst click bait sites
emma will return to hp but probably not until the end of the decade. around 19 years later ;)
cursed child movie is pretty unfilmable especially when alan rickman is no longer with us.
in the meantime hope for a hp tv show of the books (emma cameo has hermione's mother?) and hp set in the 60s/70s leading up to harrys birth.
I weirdly want to see Luna's mom while at school the most lol so random but I love Luna and would like to know more about her mother
ᵢ 𝒹ₒₙ’ₜ ₚₐᵣₜᵢ𝒸ᵤₗₐᵣₗᵧ 𝒹ᵢₛₗᵢₖₑ ₑₘₘₐ Wₐₜₛₒₙ. ᵢ 𝒹ₒ ₜₕₒᵣₒᵤ𝓰ₕₗᵧ 𝒹ᵢₛₗᵢₖₑ ₕₑᵣ ₚₒₗᵢₜᵢ𝒸ₐₗ ₛₜₐₙ𝒸ₑ. ᵢ ₐₘ ₐ 𝒻ᵢᵣₘ ₒₚₚₒₙₑₙₜ ₜₒ ₘₒ𝒹ₑᵣₙ 𝒹ₐᵧ 𝒻ₑₘᵢₙᵢₛₘ 𝓌ₕᵢ𝒸ₕ ᵢₛ ₐ ₕₐₜₑ𝒻ᵤₗ ᵢ𝒹ₑₒₗₒ𝓰ᵧ 𝒻ₒᵤₙ𝒹ₑ𝒹 ₒₙ ₗᵢₑₛ.
Wᵢₜₕₒᵤₜ 𝓰ₒᵢₙ𝓰 ᵢₙₜₒ ₐ ₗₑₙ𝓰ₜₕᵧ ₑₓₚₗₐₙₐₜᵢₒₙ, ₛₚₒₜ ₜₕₑ 𝒸ₒ𝓰ₙᵢₜᵢᵥₑ 𝒹ᵢₛₛₒₙₐₙ𝒸ₑ ᵢₙ ₜₕₑₛₑ ₛₜₐₜₑₘₑₙₜₛ 𝒻ᵣₒₘ ₑₘₘₐ Wₐₜₛₒₙ’ₛ 𝒻ₐₘₒᵤₛ ᵤₙ₋ₛₚₑₑ𝒸ₕ: “Wₑ 𝓌ₐₙₜ ₜₒ ₑₙ𝒹 𝓰ₑₙ𝒹ₑᵣ ᵢₙₑᵩᵤₐₗᵢₜᵧ”, “Wₑ 𝓌ₐₙₜ ₜₒ 𝓰ₐₗᵥₐₙᵢ𝓏ₑ ₐₛ ₘₐₙᵧ ₘₑₙ ₐₙ𝒹 ᵦₒᵧₛ ₐₛ ₚₒₛₛᵢᵦₗₑ ₐₛ ₐ𝒹ᵥₒ𝒸ₐₜₑₛ 𝒻ₒᵣ 𝒸ₕₐₙ𝓰ₑ”, “ₜₕₑ ₘₒᵣₑ ᵢ ₕₐᵥₑ ₛₚₒₖₑₙ ₐᵦₒᵤₜ 𝒻ₑₘᵢₙᵢₛₘ, ₜₕₑ ₘₒᵣₑ ᵢ ₕₐᵥₑ ᵣₑₐₗᵢ𝓏ₑ𝒹, ₜₕₐₜ 𝒻ᵢ𝓰ₕₜᵢₙ𝓰 𝒻ₒᵣ 𝓌ₒₘₑₙ’ₛ ᵣᵢ𝓰ₕₜₛ ₜₒ ₒ𝒻ₜₑₙ ₕₐₛ ᵦₑ𝒸ₒₘₑ ₛᵧₙₒₙᵧₘₒᵤₛ 𝓌ᵢₜₕₑ ₘₑₙ₋ₕₐₜᵢₙ𝓰”, “Fₑₘᵢₙᵢₛₘ BY DₑFᵢₙᵢₜᵢₒₙ, ᵢₛ ₜₕₑ BₑₗᵢₑF ₜₕₐₜ ₘₑₙ ₐₙD Wₒₘₑₙ ₛₕₒᵤₗD ₕₐᵥₑ ₑQᵤₐₗ ᵣᵢGₕₜₛ ₐₙD ₒₚₚₒᵣₜᵤₙᵢₜᵢₑₛ”, ₐₙ𝒹 ₜₕₑₙ ₛₕₑ, ₜₕₐₜ ₘᵤₛₜ ᵦₑ ₒₙₑ ₒ𝒻 ₜₕₑ 𝓌ₒᵣₗ𝒹ₛ ₘₒₛₜ ₛᵤ𝒸𝒸ₑₛₛ𝒻ᵤₗ 𝓌ₒₘₑₙ 𝒸ₒₘₚₗₐᵢₙₛ ₐᵦₒᵤₜ ₜₕₐₜ ₛₕₑ, ᵢₙ ₕₑᵣ 𝒸ₕᵢₗ𝒹ₕₒₒ𝒹 𝓌ₐₛ 𝒸ₐₗₗₑ𝒹 “ᵦₒₛₛᵧ” ₍ₒₕ, ₘᵧ 𝓰ₐ𝓌𝒹, ᵢ ₖₙₒ𝓌, ₜₑᵣᵣᵢᵦₗₑ!!!!₎ ₑₜ𝒸 ₑₜ𝒸.
ₐₙ𝒹 𝓌ₕₐₜ ᵢₛ ₜₕᵢₛ ₑₗₒᵩᵤₑₙₜ 𝒹ₑ𝒻ₑₙₛₑ 𝒻ₒᵣ 𝒻ₑₘᵢₙᵢₛₘ ₛₕₑ ᵢₛ 𝓰ᵢᵥₑₙ ₐₗₗ ₐᵦₒᵤₜ? ₗₐᵤₙ𝒸ₕᵢₙ𝓰 ₐ 𝒸ₐₘₚₐᵢ𝓰ₙ ₜₕₐₜ’ₛ 𝒸ₐₗₗₑ𝒹 “ₕₑ Fₒᵣ ₛₕₑ”. Dₒₑₛₙ’ₜ ₜₕₐₜ ₛₐᵧ ᵢₜ ₐₗₗ? ᵢ𝒻 ᵢₜ ᵣₑₐₗₗᵧ 𝓌ₒᵤₗ𝒹 ᵦₑ ₐᵦₒᵤₜ ₑᵩᵤₐₗᵢₜᵧ ᵢₜ 𝓌ₒᵤₗ𝒹 ₕₐᵥₑ ᵦₑₑₙ “ₕₑ 𝒻ₒᵣ ₛₕₑ ₐₙ𝒹 ₛₕₑ 𝒻ₒᵣ ₕₑ” ₒᵣ “Wₑ ₜₒ𝓰ₑₜₕₑᵣ” ₒᵣ “Wₒₘₑₙ ₐₙ𝒹 ₘₑₙ ᵤₙᵢₜₑ” ₒᵣ ₛₒₘₑ ₛᵤ𝒸ₕ. Bᵤₜ ₙₒ, ᵢₜ’ₛ ₐ 𝒸ₐₘₚₐᵢ𝓰ₙ ₜₕₐₜ ₛₐᵧₛ ₜₕₐₜ ₒₙₑ ₛₑₓ ₛₕₒᵤₗ𝒹 ᵤₙᵢₗₐₜₑᵣₐₗₗᵧ ₛᵤₚₚₒᵣₜ ₜₕₑ ₒₜₕₑᵣ. ₜₕₐₜ, ₐ𝒸𝒸ₒᵣ𝒹ᵢₙ𝓰 ₜₒ ₘᵧ ₒₚᵢₙᵢₒₙ, ₑₚᵢₜₒₘᵢ𝓏ₑₛ ₐ “₄₋ₗₑₜₜₑᵣ 𝓌ₒᵣ𝒹” FᵤBₐᵣ 𝓰ₑₙ𝒹ₑᵣ ₑᵩᵤₐₗᵢₜᵧ.
ᵢ’ₘ ₐ𝓌ₐᵣₑ ₜₕₐₜ ₜₕₑ 𝒻ₐ𝒸ₜ ₜₕₐₜ ₐ 𝒸ₐₘₚₐᵢ𝓰ₙ ᵢₛ ᵦₐ𝒹ₗᵧ ₙₐₘₑ𝒹 ᵢₙ ᵢₜₛₑₗ𝒻 ᵢₛ ₙₒₜ ₐ 𝒸ₒₙ𝒸ₗᵤₛᵢᵥₑ ₐᵣ𝓰ᵤₘₑₙₜ ₐᵦₒᵤₜ ₜₕₑ ᵢ𝒹ₑₒₗₒ𝓰ᵧ ᵢₜ ᵢₛ ᵦₐₛₑ𝒹 ₒₙ. ᵢ 𝒸ₒᵤₗ𝒹 𝓌ᵣᵢₜₑ ₍ₐₙ𝒹 ₕₐᵥₑ, ₐₗᵦₑᵢₜ ᵢₙ ₛ𝓌ₑ𝒹ᵢₛₕ₎ ₕᵤₙ𝒹ᵣₑ𝒹ₛ ₒ𝒻 ₚₐ𝓰ₑₛ ₐᵦₒᵤₜ ₜₕₑ 𝒻ₐₗₛₑₙₑₛₛ ₐₙ𝒹 ᵤₜₜₑᵣ ᵢₙₕᵤₘₐₙᵢₜᵧ ₒ𝒻 𝒻ₑₘᵢₙᵢₛₘ, ᵦᵤₜ ₜₕₑ ₐᵦₒᵥₑ ₛₑᵣᵥₑₛ ₐₛ ₐ ᵥₑᵣᵧ 𝓰ₒₒ𝒹 ᵢₗₗᵤₛₜᵣₐₜᵢₒₙ, ₐₛ ᵢₜ ₐ𝒸ₜᵤₐₗₗᵧ 𝒹ₒₑₛ ₘᵢᵣᵣₒᵣ ₜₕₑ 𝒻ₑₘᵢₙᵢₛₘ ₜₕᵢₙₖᵢₙ𝓰 ₚₑᵣ𝒻ₑ𝒸ₜₗᵧ, ᵢₜ’ₛ ₐₙ ₑᵩᵤₐₗᵢₜᵧ ₜₕₐₜ ₒₙₗᵧ 𝒸ₐᵣₑₛ 𝒻ₒᵣ ₛₕₑ ₐₙ𝒹 𝒹ₒₑₛₙ’ₜ 𝓰ᵢᵥₑ ₐ 𝒹ₐₘₙ ₐᵦₒᵤₜ ₕₑ. ₒᵣ ₜₒ ᵩᵤᵢₚ: “Bₒₜₕ ₛₑₓₑₛ ₐᵣₑ ₑᵩᵤₐₗ, ᵦᵤₜ ₒₙₑ ₛₑₓ ᵢₛ ₘₒᵣₑ ₑᵩᵤₐₗ ₜₕₐₙ ₜₕₑ ₒₜₕₑᵣ.” ₍Fₒᵣ𝓰ᵢᵥₑ ₘₑ ₒᵣ𝓌ₑₗₗ.₎
ₛₒ, ᵢ ₐᵦₛₒₗᵤₜₑₗᵧ ₗₒₐₜₕ ₐₙ𝒹 ₐᵦₕₒᵣ Wₐₜₛₒₙ’ₛ ₚₒₗᵢₜᵢ𝒸ₐₗ ₛₜₐₙ𝒹ₚₒᵢₙₜ, ᵦᵤₜ ᵢ 𝒹ₒ ₙₒₜ ₚₐᵣₜᵢ𝒸ᵤₗₐᵣₗᵧ 𝒹ᵢₛₗᵢₖₑ ₕₑᵣ. ᵢ 𝓌ₒᵤₗ𝒹 𝓰ᵤₑₛₛ ₜₕₐₜ ₛₕₑ ₚᵣₒᵦₐᵦₗᵧ ᵢₛ ₐ ᵣₐₜₕₑᵣ ₙᵢ𝒸ₑ, ᵦᵤₜ ₘᵢₛₗₑₐ𝒹, ₚₑᵣₛₒₙ.
April fools!
Boy so much work, so little return.
Emma is pregnant! This is not an April Fool's joke!
seems legit
article is a month old lol but tbh April fools aside I can see her having a baby in the next year or so and has put her career on hold for this reason
I knew people would start Emma rumours today
"....fans are bursting with excitement."
And I thought it was all those Cadbury creme eggs I've been pigging out on.
The article is a month old and and describes Leo as her fiancé when we all know they’re not engaged. Everyone doubts that she put her career just because of him. The article is full of shit and is just an April fool’s joke.
how can it be an april fool joke from a month ago?? haha
Wait a minute, let me clarify. The April Fools joke is that she’s trending on Twitter for that reason, and people are using that article as their “source”. The source itself is crap because of what I said in the previous comment.
The Italian tabloids are going crazy today with reports that Emma is pregnant, supposedly revealed by one of her friends on IG...
They’re just writing off of the rumors that someone started on Twitter. This will all be over within a day or two. This seems to always happen on April Fools. Plus, even if she were pregnant, I think it’d be big news considering it was when we found out Rupert was expecting. And I’m
Not seeing any other sources than the HITC one.
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