Thursday, September 2, 2021

Emma Watson and friends recently arrived in Chelsea on private helicopter [August 29, 2021]


[Gallery] [Fashion] [Version française]

The DailyMail don't give a date, only that it was recently. They focused their article on trying to send eco conscious people after her.

The woman with her is her friend Nupur and I don't know who the guy is. Not Leo but I'm not sure whether it's the same guy she was with in France or not. You can see his face in the DailyMail article.

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Anonymous said...

tbh we all know her environmental record is weak at this point its normal media would start picking up on it no need to travel every two weeks to various countries and in the middle of covid. also lol at people who said she doesn't use private jets and helicopters

Anonymous said...

She and her friends have been on a Europe-wide trip all summer seems like I hope she was safe and did her best to avoid covid spreading but I can see why people are growing tired of her actions at this point.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think that's the same guy from france seems like she and her friends have been hanging out after not seeing each other during lockdowns... its weird Leo is nowhere to be seen tho still like they have been apart months at this stage?

Anonymous said...

no one is shocked really celebs time and again are caught preaching things to others and don't believe in the causes themselves there is no news worthy story here

Anonymous said...

Daily Mail comments will be very sane about this...sigh

Anonymous said...

She is avoiding having to isolate
and take tests after traveling from level 4 countries
using this helicopter for that reason i guess

Anonymous said...

Knew it!!! Narnia had new post so I knew she would be seen again soon always updates when she travels :D

Also I hope she had fun and was safe dont care if she is terrible for the environment she probably pays to help in other ways so calm down echo warrior cry babies

Anonymous said...

no seriously guys where is leo? maybe it really is over? i will be shook tbh that was her longest relationship ever I think? is that correct Eden?

Anonymous said...

TBH honest I feel really great to see her in Chelsea. Actually she's on a tour and she is also looking happy to and that's all I want. I love you Emma mam. You're my everything. Love you xx

Anonymous said...

Do as I say, not as I do. All the way with Emma eh

Anonymous said...

Aah the staged BackGrid pics of Emma Watson are back!!

Anonymous said...

Leo seems to be back working back in USA he maybe cant fly around with Emma all year so things broke down between them? or he will show up in Uk while Emma stays here with family for christmas like most years.

Anonymous said...

Why would she stage herself getting caught using a private helicopter and traveling during a pandemic for an article that exposes her bad carbon footprint?
that makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

She can have a holiday with her friends without her BF needing to be there guys stop jumping to conclusions

Anonymous said...

Nupur went to Iceland last week and posted IG story in London yesterday. Maybe Emma went with her and they went back to London together. This guy is her new man? I hope not.

Anonymous said...

The article seems to suggest she is still with Leo and going with the marriage rumor again

Not sure why people are pushing the idea they broke up

Anonymous said...

Emma never preached to anyone how she has to travel, she is only interested in eco fashion so the DM and her comments are so dramatic her readers are too influential hahaha.

Anonymous said...

The daily mail comments are quite correct today actually everyone saying it's bad to listen to celebs who want to impose their will on us while they live nothing close to how they preach it's very fair and true (some morons are being misogynists of course but others are just being truthful)

Anonymous said...

Daily fail are just lying again she never claimed to care about carbon output or the environment or echo friendly stuff or suitability its just more lies from them

Anonymous said...

she looks kind of sad after being so happy in the last pics in spain :(

i guess she didnt like people judging her so much for having a holiday that she deserves silly haters should stop

Anonymous said...

Her new man is from Iceland right?

Anonymous said...

I think this guy is from Iceland, she has been to Iceland more than once, this time she took Nupur.

Anonymous said...

Emma would not set her herself up to get torn down by the Daily mail like this. She will be very unhappy with this story and info of her traveling getting out no one would stage this.

Anonymous said...

Now women cannot have male friends because they think he is her boyfriend, it is clear that she traveled with them, 2 they are her friends, I do not see anything that shows that she is dating that boy.

Anonymous said...

It's werid that if Emma and Leo had broken up the DM would have known, but still said Leo was the rumoured fiancé... Last month Emma went to Ibiza and I think Leo was there.

Anonymous said...

A woman having a male friend. Shocking, scandalous. How could she?
Also Eden I think it's time to disable the comment section like last time

Anonymous said...

Daily Mail knows nothing just a lot of guess work I think would have seen her with Leo this last few months on at least one of these trips if they were still together. I mean I wouldn't go to 3 different countries and leave my BF behind on every trip lol I might do one trip with friends but that's it.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Emma and Mack first started dating and the DM said Mack was her bodyguard haha. Maybe the DM doesn't know anything and just likes to repeat crap.

Anonymous said...

Daily fail is always the first one to put a negative article about women and they make the shit up always. It's their job.

Anonymous said...

One day I hope Emma brings daily mail down for defamation

Anonymous said...

Remember Eden i said we would see her in london soon? :D

(Next we will see her with Leo again to end the break up rumors!)

Anonymous said...

Emma remains friends with her Exs and their family so its not shocking they would still be connected

Anonymous said...

It's a Daily Fail tradition to publish misogynistic articles that are always popular, as well as Piers Morgan the misogynistic asshole who regularly publishes misogynistic articles in the Daily Fail.

Anonymous said...

The Daily Fail being the sewer that it is always does not surprise me, I still remember how they talked about Amy Winehouse and how they later lamented her death and then deleted her articles, there they have vibrators of journalists or columnists like Porter, Rusk, Piers Morgan ... .

Anonymous said...

Piers Morgan attacked Emma on his TV show about her topless photoshoot he is a sad little ma who cant handle he would never have any chance with her so has to degrade her hilarious that he ran away from his show and resigned when i guest stood up to him and made him look like a clown on live tv little crying boy

Anonymous said...

Lol I can't with Daily Fail. They intentionally made that article with that headline just to get few more clicks. All women should gather and sue daily fail

Anonymous said...

Piers Morgan has attacked more women than I can count. His favorite target is Meghan Markle lol

Anonymous said...

Emma was having her version of a 'Hen party' before she marries Leo enjoying her freedom on a Europe-wide trip with friends before the wedding. you break up saying people are going to look very silly soon.

Anonymous said...

The English media have a mania of chasing their artists, beating them and dragging them away and when these artists fall into the abyss and have a tragic death, they delete their articles and complain but they go for another artist to do the same and if they mostly persecute to women.

Anonymous said...

He is very sad lonely man who hacked a murdered childs phone for info he and all newspapers associated with him in UK are worthless and cant be trusted

Anonymous said...

Toby still follows Brendan on his music account but never followed Leo. I wouldn't go by who follows who, Emma & her family seem to be on good terms with her exes and if we're trying to determine who Emma is dating by who follows who then Emma would still be together with most of her ex boyfriends :)

Anonymous said...

Well at least she is not pregnant.

Anonymous said...

"Emma was having her version of a 'Hen party' before she marries Leo enjoying her freedom on a Europe-wide trip with friends before the wedding. you break up saying people are going to look very silly soon."

I don't know why a random anon would know something like that but I did kind of get the feeling she was having a huge get-together with friends before a life-changing event...i guess we will see what happens

Anonymous said...

The pics of her in Ibiza shows that her still wearing the ring on her right ring finger, which she has been wearing since she was with Leo.

Anonymous said...

I thought Eden said that was a ring she had for years even before meeting Leo? She always had rings on that hand but tbh i think a wedding is coming why else stop her entire career and stop social media?

Anonymous said...

The key to a relationship is trust and love, it is not necessary for the couple to be together all the time.

Anonymous said...

If I also think that a wedding is coming, she seems to have made this trip with friends to say goodbye to her singleness, she seems to be preparing to settle down, I am happy for her I hope she gives us a photo when she gets married I want to see that dress.

Anonymous said...

Something has to be going on the way she left the spotlight so quickly and seems to have retired it seems obvious she is settling down

Anonymous said...

by 2022 she will be married secretly and wont announce this for years she will stay out of movies and be low key with her fashion work clearly wants to stop being in the limelight for soemtime now.

Anon said...

I’m not being pessimistic here or hateful towards Leo in any means, but I’m just going to put out another thing. Maybe she and Leo are done, and she’s hanging out with friends because that’s usually what you’d do after a breakup. That’s what she did after she broke up with Mack and they were long - term. She may or may not have been in Spain the same time Leo was. I don’t think she was because we may have probably seen them together by some fan. I’m just putting out another theory, no hate.

Eden said...

I'd like to say that negative comments are allowed. I'm not going to stop you from talking about how you're feeling about Emma... unless you hate her. Then you're not welcome here and your comments will deleted. I understand feeling disappointed, not agreeing with whatever it is that she does or says, but if you enjoy spewing hate, stick to Twitter, thank you.

"no seriously guys where is leo? maybe it really is over? i will be shook tbh that was her longest relationship ever I think? is that correct Eden?"

We never truly know when her relationships start or end, but it's definitely among her longest ones.

Anonymous said...

They were in Ibiza at almost the same time, and it would be a huge coincidence if they broke up but were both in the same place at the same time. Maybe Emma ran into Leo at a restaurant with her new man, it's a small world lol

Anonymous said...

Ugh!!!! Those Feltson shippers are so annoying. I can't with them. They live in some kind of AU. Their theories God

Anonymous said...

The engagement thing was based on one photo of her wearing a heart-shaped ring one time. It seems weird that she would break a year-long silence to deny a rumor just for it to turn out true a few months later.

Anonymous said...

Apparently happily living the playgirl lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Leo hasnt left the USA since going back there early 2021 i think with no photos of him with emma for so long while they were always together before its a little odd to say the least

Anon said...

The guy looks like the one she was with in France. Maybe she was there with the girl too.

Anonymous said...

I had a bad feeling whenever Emma was spotted with the same man who eventually proved to be her new boyfriend.

Anon said...

I do find it weird that they haven’t deleted it yet. They’ve been traveling together even after they stopped using it. Maybe if they did end things, they’re just going to leave it up so no one gets any ideas? Enough people know it exists and deleting it would be a huge hint. Maybe it’s their way of being discreet of the breakup, if one happened.

Anonymous said...

She literally has enough money to f... every day a new guy and pay him 1,000 $ for that, so if she's happy with that lifestyle, so be it. Maybe just at one point every sane guy will choose to have her only for that one day and gets paid the 1,000, but that's her life, not yours.

Layla said...

The topless where she was still covered? Ah yes he is a sad little man..that was hilarious and loved how Emma handled that 😊 xx

Anonymous said...

No lets not dox people in the comments eden should mod them if people are trying to find peoples full name and creepy stuff here

Anonymous said...

I don't know why she's hiding the breakup, she could have told the media like she always does and it's not a big deal. Otherwise the Daily Fail is still using Leo and still calling him rumoured fiancé lol

Anonymous said...

She never tells the media about break ups?
we find out about them months later when she is with a new guy
always been that way

Layla said...

Love how soon as she’s in the uk and it hits September the big coats and hats come out she’s always cold 😂 I’m the same, far as I’m concerned it’s winter 😂 xx

Anonymous said...

She usually tells the media, otherwise why would the media have covered every breakup.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Eden, once again. And the comment asking you delete that comment from March as well and this here too. You know, for example an antonym of apparently is obviously or, for example, in fact.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Agreed. If we take a closer look at the photos on DM, you will see a huge amount of luggage. I don't think it was a sightseeing flight or a weekend trip. I would rather say that all three have returned from a summer tour of Europe. Iceland, Italy (north, probably Tuscany), France, Ibiza, again Iceland (judging by the clothes, especially Emma's).

Eden said...

"Sorry, Eden, once again. And the comment asking you delete that comment from March as well and this here too. You know, for example an antonym of apparently is obviously or, for example, in fact."

I think I deleted the right one.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you did. And now these in here that post about it as well please. I guess, you are pretty smart to read between the lines and if you took a closer look at some pictures, I mean, sunshine seems to have been a long time ago.
How much I hate such public display, sorry for the last months.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure when they came back from Iceland, Nupur didn't travel with Emma in Europe, she spent most of the summer in California and just went to Iceland at the end of last month, this guy is Icelandic, and I think it's her new boyfriend, she was just taking her best friend on a trip to Iceland and meeting her new guy. We need to know about this guy haha

Anonymous said...

At least I didn't have to stand up without talking and leave to catch the next plane back home and surely not be present in that hysterical number in public once again.

Anonymous said...

If you already know it's going to become bad for your health and eats all your energy. Don't put in your mind at all.

Anon said...

Emma and Leo might still be together because both he and his family are still pretty private on social media. Well his mom is anyway. And I’m sure he’d go back to his old account if they’d ended things. The Iceland guy seems like a new friend to me, not boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, their accounts are still private and Leo still hasn't posted anything. It's just that Leo has barely been seen in the last few months, I think he went to Ibiza last month and he's probably back in the US. Why didn't Emma go back with him? She's been in Europe, which is weird.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure it was Leo before because it was too far away to see his face. Unless what I saw wasn't Leo but someone who looked like him with the same curly hair and beard and happened to be in his friend's IG story, which is too much of a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

I mean... it could've been Archer, they are twins!

Eden said...

Going to bed so moderation is on. See you tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

That's not Archer, he's shorter than Leo and has short straight hair.

Anonymous said...



Anon said...

Maybe Leo’s just absent because he’s busy with work. Businesses had just started to open back up during the summer (going back in person) and his company is based in LA. Yeah, he could do it online, but in person is easier. It looked like Emma was in France with this guy and other people. Maybe it’s her friends. I really don’t think this guy is a new bf and she wanted to jet set around Europe with her friends and him so they could meet him. That’s a bit odd, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Geez how many places is she going to visit to learn how to make sourdough bread?

Anonymous said...

Eden, really, please delete. In this case you don't have to stomp on someone if he's already on the ground, because it's not about that, but sometimes you get that much blinded and obfuscated by all kind of means from so many different sides that you don't see the edge of the cliff shortly ahead of you.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately money always shows you the real character of a person and the result is most of the time just disappointing, if not even heartbreaking.

Anonymous said...

You've said that one line in every other thread . It's not even funny anymore. Learn some new words

Anonymous said...

Getting knocked out three times within 48 hours likely means to go and see a doctor.

Anonymous said...

If Emma stays in the UK and doesn't see Leo that means they're broken up, and I don't think couples can stay apart for very long at least not for her. They came back from Iceland with a load of luggage probably belonging to the new guy who's coming to London to move in with Emma.

Anonymous said...

I don't need to, it's not my false perception of reality that's been broken for a lifetime.

Anonymous said...

If anyone who has some sanity left really wanted to have so many bitchmoves present in his life, there would be more clear proof that it is. Like, I don't know, paparazzi pictures.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to, but someday also isn't a clear promise with a fix date. It's someday, for example in 50 years or something like that and it's still just an example, but no clear promise.

Anonymous said...

That is ok luggage for someone who had spent 3 months in foreign countries. There are also 2 other friends luggage. So it's normal

Anonymous said...

I mean, it's Chelsea, half of the borough goes by helicopter to avoid traffic jam and getting seen by too many, but shouldn't it alarm you specifically at that moment in the situation you are into paps show up and get your picture and I surely didn't talk to any newspapers nor won't ever be doing, but you can delete such comments after reading without addressing an official authority as well for example and the number of Emails you can send to yourself per day is just limited.

Anonymous said...

It's like they had fun to see you that way and want to display it, so that if you didn't talk to any of the given and fully shown Email recipients and told where you go to, it's none of them, including, likely, your family members.

Anonymous said...

I don't think fake people who constabtly lie tell someone to take all the money and fuck off, still, because they love the money and easy lifestyle and don't want to lose and miss it.

Anonymous said...

It was just a random paps shoot, I don't think Emma using a private jet would call paps to photograph her and then ask the DM to post an article bashing her lol, there are always paps at the airport especially when celebs fly private jets. Emma looks tired she needs to rest after so much travel.

Anonymous said...

As you probably notice a shattered point of view of reality can be shattered even worse the next day. See you!

Anonymous said...

I almost forgot. Three knock outs in such a short time probably left some lifelong impairment that remind you all your lifetime to be careful who you call a slut and the people he hangs with as well.

Anonymous said...

They have their partners for years and keep to them for years and don't change them every 2 years latest.

Anonymous said...

In full display, Eden, oh my god. And then you see these pictures and really think at first human standards couldn't become any lower.

Anonymous said...

The cruel thing is many don't get to see how everyone in London stares at you in shock now as well.

Anonymous said...

Terrible feeling to get humiliated so publicly, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

It's not even money for protection or in some ways it is, but it's money for not being on that bench and constantly in the news and go on with it, you really think I tell in that much public always the full truth and everything?

Anonymous said...

I don't think I understood any of about the last 20 comments.

(Of course if they get deleted I'm going to look like a right twit).

Anonymous said...

Know someone who'd be watching? Swallow that fist, I don't know.

Eden said...

"I don't think I understood any of about the last 20 comments."

I think someone's having a conversation with themselves. I'm confused too.

Anonymous said...

Don't do that ever again and now Eden also looks pretty pale. You just won't feel sorry for this $£¥! and her restrainments and that's it.

Anonymous said...

To split her mind and shoot her down, what else? Who cares I do that in public, it's not Emma Watson anyways, so, who cares.

Anonymous said...

You know, Eden, the moment someone specific shows up in your friends list and you were not quick enough to hide the accepted friendship while everyone is watching you already anyways you just have that many stans sticking to you and I'm totally the wrong person to get stalked and to be known about him everything. Because I don't wear a man bun, beard and invested into legal Marijuana businesses in the US. I live in Europe and my nickname is Italian. And now delete all this shit, I mean, I already make it easier for you to figure out what's just subliminal messaging, because most of these stans on this blog don't really write such long sentences or care about mostly correct grammar.
But it's the perfect place to hide among them, so there is less evidence.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why some people keep saying she's working with Backgrid? She has absolutely no need to do that. This is the most famous paps pics agency, many paps sell pics to this agency, we can see that most of celebs paps pics come from Backgrid does not mean that celebs are working with this agency. I know celebs have long-term cooperation with paps, who will sell pics to any agency. These people also say she keeps working with the DM, well why would she work with an unreliable media that has been bashing her for a long time? What is the purpose? I don't know what these people are talking about. They've been confused.

Anonymous said...

OK it's official we've crossed over to the Twilight Zone (cue creepy music).

Anonymous said...

backgrid is who celebs use when they want to be seen but they have no control over what gets written in articles using their image rolling stone had a good article recently on how celebs set up fake candid phots recently check it out

Anonymous said...

Time to close the comments till weirdness ends Eden

Eden said...

"Time to close the comments till weirdness ends Eden"

Not yet. I don't know if it's bad but it makes me giggle. I'll take the weirdness over the hate in a heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

"Time to close the comments till weirdness ends Eden"

A sensible option, but somehow I think there is a side of Eden that's intrigued by this mishmash.

I envisage her sitting at her laptop, sipping Camomile tea (with a gin chaser), stroking her cat and quietly musing "Throw me a frickin' bone here".

Anonymous said...

I know that some celebs have established interest relationships with paps, pics agencies, media. they call paps to shoot them regularly and paps sell pics to agencies, the media will buy them and publish articles (no negative content),it takes a long period of intense exposure to reap the benefits.

Anonymous said...

Out of loyalty, I guess. You noticed you need a new Instagram account? And maybe you should also switch with another from butterflies for 2 years at least. I never really said I'm in a much better situation than you.

Anonymous said...

And given the fact that I could find your really private account within a couple of minutes you do it not really well and you knew that in Repvag, Northern Norway it's 6 degree Celsius currently while in Rjekjavik, Iceland it's 15 degree, so that given the fact Northern Norway has a much bigger share of the mountaineous regions in Northern Scandinavia than Finland or Sweden and you are dressed that way you likely went hiking there. Fritz is a nickname British soldiers gave to Germans in WW I, you know, the time of the German emperor and Stormtroopers.

Anonymous said...

Someone who grew up in London and even Oxford doesn't dress that way when it's 15 degree Celsius outside and in average never below 11 and even not really raining a lot.
As I said, if you do, do it at least appropriately.

Anonymous said...

You know, my dog always must wait 20 minutes for his meal when you took it out of the fridge and now I need to help my mom, because she asked for that around 10 minutes ago.

Anonymous said...

Because my overlaod of cognitive impairment, given by my mental disease, doesn't make me remember that article about the Lake trails in Finland and Norway is the only part where it's so cold that you even dress that way being from Iceland.

Anonymous said...

I guess, because as a CIA Operations Officer you're required to have strong analytic skills, social skills and verbal skills in other languages than your native tongue. I could find you within 72 hours everywhere on this planet, if I wanted to, but that would be disrespectful.
Nevertheless, Eden, I was drunk, so you feel less ashamed of yourself that you had to do, working-class holidays. Your bio of your Twitter account said you have social anxiety, I am social and the air is much better in October, because the air contains much more sea salt. It was a neurologic coincidence, I guess, but at least you are that smart and put that many graphic ornaments around your nickname that you couldn't just type "Eden" and find it so easily.
You still have short hairs?

Anonymous said...

Someone is having a mental debate and it is thrown in the comments hahaha

Anonymous said...

I don't know, most people I know don't even try to get into a fight with me. It's almost like they'd be scared they could be killed with a paperclip. Haha.

Anonymous said...

If it's already illegal in the United States to apply this Manual of Trickery and Deception, it's definitely even more illegal in member countries of the International Criminal Court.

Anonymous said...

It violated the Hague Conventions. Because of its mass application. Especially to prisoners of war.

Anonymous said...

To drive them insane and leave no clue it was forced upon them, because officially the program of enhanced interrogation techniques has ended for years and there exist no black sites anymore. They are in hospital because they suffer from mental health problems and their inmates obviously as well.

Eden said...

"A sensible option, but somehow I think there is a side of Eden that's intrigued by this mishmash.

I envisage her sitting at her laptop, sipping Camomile tea (with a gin chaser), stroking her cat and quietly musing "Throw me a frickin' bone here"."

Almost. Can't make tea to save my life and I'm allergic to cats. I'm just eating chocolates instead and reading the delirium unfold.

Anon said...

Her friend Rupur just recently posted on her IG pictures from Iceland. Emma was probably with her there and met that guy. Maybe he is a new bf? Idk, time will tell whether we’ll see her and Leo either in London or LA.

Anonymous said...

Who is Rupur?

Anonymous said...

She went to Iceland once in July and someone saw her in a bar, maybe that was the time she met this guy and started dating him then she took Nupur to Iceland again

Anonymous said...

They returned to London on 29th, Nupur is still in London, she should return to the US soon. I don't know if Emma will leave with her, if she stays in London only means that they are done.

Anon said...

Nupur, not Rupur. It autocorrected.

Anonymous said...

Eden, how is it possible that you don't know how to make tea? well I only use tea or chamomile filters

Anon said...

Maybe she’s taking her new man to meet her family, lol

Eden said...

"Eden, how is it possible that you don't know how to make tea? well I only use tea or chamomile filters"

I don't know! It seems simple but everytime I've made tea, no matter which flavor I picked, it tasted the way cardboard smells.

Anonymous said...

They do not seem like a couple, I do not know why some are so determined to believe that this boy is their new partner, in my opinion he is still with Leo.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe I'm agreeing with the Daily Mail for once. oh, and it's Nice to see her at home baking bread.

Anonymous said...

Eden I've been meaning to say your written English is impeccable. Bravo.

And your lack of ability to make tea is clearly a sign that you are indeed French.


Anonymous said...

These weird comments sound like a poorly written AI chatbot pretending to be an ex-boyfriend of Emma's. Shame you can't block IP addresses Eden.

Eden said...

"Shame you can't block IP addresses Eden."

I know. Blogger really sucks when it comes to comments. Either anyone can post, or only people with Google accounts. The blog will become dead if I only allow those to post.

"And your lack of ability to make tea is clearly a sign that you are indeed French."

XD Thank you. I'm going to use your comment as my excuse from now on. I'm not incompetent, I'm just French.

And Sohail, please stop asking for links and last names. No one is going to post them.

Anonymous said...

I should probably come home, I guess ...

Sohail said...

But Why are they not posting I will not reveal to anyone

Anonymous said...

I would think it was fairly obvious but:
a) You have no right to know it. Wanting something doesn't entitle you to it.
b) By posting it they would be revealing it to everyone.

Anonymous said...

doxxing people is illegal in many places and falls under federal conspiracy laws you want Eden blog shut down?

Anonymous said...

Lol those Ronaldo and Emma jokes

Eden said...

"Lol those Ronaldo and Emma jokes"

I can't tell if they're joking or if they really believe it's Emma's photo. Two years without a movie and people have forgotten what she looks like XD

Anonymous said...

To be fair that pic on the wall does look a bit like Emma, no?

Hey maybe the previous resident had an Emma 'thing'?

Anonymous said...

Yes... That pic from far kind of looks like Emma. From a quick glance it looks exactly like her

Eden said...

"Hey maybe the previous resident had an Emma 'thing'?"

I think agencies selling houses sometimes add some decor with photoshop to make it look more home-y.

I personally don't see Emma on the photo at all but I do see another girl whose photos are sometimes used as Emma's. No idea about her name though.