[Screencaps] [Fashion] [Version française]
Where's Waldo? Waldo's bright yellow with a leather jacket or... an oilskin? Florence and the Machine, which is a band Emma really enjoys, performed in the evening.
Thank you to the people who commented on it. Sorry for not believing you, I just get too many people pretending to have seen stuff or to have sent me stuff so I just don't believe anything anymore XD
Source for the full shot of Emma is EmmaWatsono_o via Thomas and Anon. Thank you :) The other video is from Brilliant Minds' Instagram.
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com
its okay eden its my fault for not getting a link to you i was trying to give you a video when i would be near where emma was but she didnt show at the time i was there xD
Hey, Eden hope you are well :)
how many days was emma at brilliant minds btw? is it a week-long thing do you know?
just curious as never heard of this event before
Im glad you didnt post the comments even if they had true info eden as the rule about links and evidence is key to stopping fake news so its good you dont just trust people saying 'i saw emma was at this place!' with no source as too many times they were just making things up here lol
Eden what ami looking for in this pic?
I made a comment the other day about how Emma turns up at these events and " nods vigorously".
I had to get something right eventually. -)
Une seconde vidéo ici https://twitter.com/Emmawatsono_o/status/1538963168223010821
Another video here at 0.18: https://twitter.com/Emmawatsono_o/status/1538963168223010821?t=lykQZQBSwQkZ7R0dRR2E6g&s=19
There's a new video on twitter- ankle-length black coat and what appears to be a long yellow scarf, with those awesome shoes. Very trendy is our Em <3
She is looking gorgeous as usual. Based on this (I hope I am not out of line here) I say we should flog her Bafta 2022 makeup artists publically
I think emma does her own make up at Bafta tbh and it was kinda rushed...unless its listed somewhere who the artist was that time lol Eden do you know?
She looks amazing in yellow
wifeyy😘 lovee Emma... looks so beautiful angel even when it's blurry 🥰
She looks really beautiful and cuteee
Does anyone know what her coat is made of?
It seems a similar 'fabric' to her trousers from the other day.
It sort of has a PVC look but I doubt that is the case and similarly I'd be surprised if it was leather.
Aww she seems enjoying herselfff
The guy with the short hair & beard who looks at the camera behind Emma in the first gif looks a lot like her rugby ex Matt.
"The guy with the short hair & beard who looks at the camera behind Emma in the first gif looks a lot like her rugby ex Matt."
I noticed the exact same thing!! Kinda creepy... XD
Really? I don't see it. They both have dark hair and beards, but that's about the only similarity I can spot.
Is that the girl who followed Emma to the events her new publicist? It feels like she is or could be a friend.
Can anyone spot the guy she's been seen with in the gifs? And do you guys actually think he is her new BF or do you think she's still with robinton?
Leo has been missing for well over a year now seems very over
Do you guys really think she was bullied at Brown, just some students said when she answered a question right someone would shuot 10 points to Gryffindor.
"Do you guys really think she was bullied at Brown, just some students said when she answered a question right someone would shuot 10 points to Gryffindor"
Emma said about a million times that it never happened.
that was just meme the internet made up
no one will talk to emma at brown like that they know she is powerful and rich and can easily have them removed for harassment even over petty jokes
Forget Leo lol, he's got a ring on his left ring finger seems engaged or has a gf in recent photos.
Emma also said it was not some Harry Potter jokes that were going to faze her.
she was at college, not high school most people don't act like that in college with annoying other students anymore
Also didn't Emma actually speak about being lonely at college because it was hard for people to talk to her as they were scared they would come off ass bothering her because she is famous? Eden, do you know this old interview?
"Also didn't Emma actually speak about being lonely at college because it was hard for people to talk to her as they were scared they would come off ass bothering her because she is famous?"
Can't remember that but I'm surprised. She had a lot of friends there and even had more than 100 people to her... 20th(?) birthday while at Brown.
a quick google had this article talking about her being lonely at Uni in Uk but not sure if they also mean Brown too
XD Completely forgot about Oxford.
tbh article seems based a lot on what people quora said about meeting Emma at school who knows if they even really did meet her but I do bet people were scared to go up to her in case they made her upset and looked like they were just trying to have fun with 'Hermione' or something.
I think she got lonely sometimes not all the time though as yeah she went to parties and stuff a lot. Everyone likely tried to invite emma watson right away to any party they had lol
Forget Leo lol, he's got a ring on his left ring finger seems engaged or has a gf in recent photos
Probably couldn't handle the press, congrats to him.
wonder if the rumour is emma :p
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