Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Emma Watson at Van Nuys Airport, Los Angeles [February 21, 2023]

[Fashion] [Version française]

After participating to the Pickleball event the 12th (more infos, photos and video to come), Emma has now left.

Brandon/Brendan/Brendon was either not there or not photographed. Her friend Nupur was there though.

Also, if anyone cares, her sweater is Brandy Melville and her slippers are Ugg.

Source: PicturePub

If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com 
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Anonymous said...

thats brandon in the baseball hat with the pony tail? is it his jet they are getting on?

Jo said...

Eden what's Emma's f friend lilianna's last name i think she following me on Insta

Jac said...

Eden can you tell me Emma's company name you never answered me

El Roberto said...

Very sweet brown shoes!! <3 :-D I really like this unusual choice.

Anonymous said...

people never listened when i said she uses private jets but now its 100% proven xD

Eden said...

"Eden what's Emma's f friend lilianna's last name i think she following me on Insta"

I don't give the last name of Emma's friends anymore unless they're public figures, sorry. But they haven't been photographed together for years so they could not be friends anymore. Or they could be talking every single day, I don't know.

"Eden can you tell me Emma's company name you never answered me"

SORRY! Totally forgot. I think it was something like Breadcrumbs.

Eden said...

"people never listened when i said she uses private jets but now its 100% proven xD"

I think most people knew about that already.

Anonymous said...

that guys beard/hair is not sandy/blonde enough to be green imo??

but hmm...i think this could be his jet as emma doesnt own any that i know of and used to always fly on standard flights before meeting green pretty sure

Anonymous said...

is that actually green? i see eden said he's not there but allowed a comment saying it is him?
kinda confused? haha do you think it might be him now it was pointed out eden?

Anonymous said...

I thought that was Nupur good to know they hang out all the time still

wonder where Amy is she hasnt been spotted in awhile now

Anonymous said...

Emma is like smiling up at the guy in the hat like she is shocked to see him?
i think she didnt know her bf was flying in and she would be seeing him maybe?

Tom said...

Eden these look like pap shots a little too professional for candids, or is it confirmed a fan took these?

Eden said...

Look like average papz shots to me.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a Gorillaz's(the band) jumper lol

Anonymous said...

if this was a paps i expect a daily mail article soon dragging emma for flying in a jet and being seen with who is likely branon green again. they will resue same article as last years with very little change bet 100%

Anonymous said...

Yeah if they were on Picturepub it was likely Paps and will have articles tomorrow or late tonight

Eden said...

Dabo, your comment made me realize I forgot to blur that XD I had planned on doing it but forgot after a couple of photos XD

People, don't ask 🙊

Eden said...

I think it happened once or twice where picturepub posted papz photos that ended up nowhere. But with a private jet involved, I doubt it will be the case this time.

Anonymous said...

Daily fail have emma using a private jet after making a big noise about cop26 and with brandon green whose family are completely opposite of her image so yeah they will, of course, use these images.

If they are on picturepub sometimes it means no one wanted to buy them but other times they later showed on daily fail after as well

Anonymous said...

eden forgot to blur some faces or what? xD

Eden said...

I wouldn't be surprised.

Anonymous said...

so was Emma hired to promote pickleball at that last event or something?

was it a real tournament?

I thought it was just friendly or practicing at first but now im thinking about it it seemed like a pretty big crowd was there and had commentators covering the match in tiktoks i saw

Anonymous said...

nah there were shots where emma shoes came off and the feet pics were to explicit to show so eden had to crop them out
they will only be on the reddit page now ;)

Anonymous said...

I think we are all mainly adults here and will have known Emma uses jets/private helicopters and her recent talk about the environment is just to keep her image healthy. It's just stuff celebs have to say. like Leonardo DiCaprio is always preaching about environment then you will see him on yatch with 20 models a few weeks later. No one is surprised or really cares.

Anonymous said...

She looks so happy and healthy xD

Anonymous said...

Even before eden blurred the pics I had already saw the guys face on insta and i wasn't sold but tbf its not the best angles of him to really compare to other shots of green

Anonymous said...

cute xoxoxox!

Anonymous said...

Eden do you think she will actually do any movie work again?

I'm kinda doubting it these days

Anonymous said...

This looks fully like a chartered flight to another small local airport for a photo shoot/filming - that’s exactly what it happening and traveling with the clothes and gear and crew would look like. This is work

Anonymous said...

Hard life.

Private jet off on holiday.

Jason said...

Eden you ever thought of setting up a discord account?

Eden said...

A comment from Jay. I had to delete a little part, sorry.

"Hi, allow me my 5 cents - it fascinates me how many assumptions people can make from a few pics, all because it's more their wish or fantasy than any tangible evidence says. What can we see from these recent images? Emma and her friend Nupur arrived in a car at the airport. Emma checked her luggage and helped to unload it herself. She met other people at the airport (one older man, one younger man and a grey-haired lady standing behind him). Emma smiles at the older man and communicates with them. Emma boards the plane with Nupur. These are the only facts based on the pictures we have so far, and everything else is (so far) a baseless fantasy.
The bearded man is not Brandon Green by any means. Brandon is much shorter (similar in height to Emm), and this one is at least 180cm tall. Facial features - a completely different man. (look at the HD pics on PictPub) If it's enough for someone that a man has a beard and long hair, then it must be B.G., so then it can be Leo as well. This is reasoning, like when a white person says all Asians are the same.
(Or we can go further...Emma obviously has a type - a bearded man with a man bun. It must´ve been her other boyfriend while she was in LA for a month and now she leave him for another bearded man-bun who is waiting for her. Sarcasm used)
I'm more inclined to the fact that it was a random unexpected meeting with someone familiar (Emm firstly mainly smiles at the older man when she spots him), or maybe they were getting to know other passengers of the plane. I don't know how renting private jets works, but maybe you can share the flight with someone else if you are flying in the same direction.
[...] Btw., no small jet like this will get to (or from) Europe without many stopovers and a regular airliner is much more comfortable for such a trip (first class for Emma of course)."

Anonymous said...

Emma in 2014: "I don't even fly first class, fly on the budget airlines." Is then seen in first class

Emma all the time "I love the environment and I'm going to take pictures at the G7 Summit and host a talk there to prove it". Also Emma: Seen boarding private jets this year and last.

I'm actually not shocked at the hypocrisy but I disappointed.