First a dent, now her car got towed XD
According to The Sun, Emma was in Stratford Upon Avon yesterday. She blocked a person's car for more than 3 hours. The owner of the car said "Three and a half hours of searching for the driver was the last thing I needed after working a 12-hour shift. The car had parked in front of our gate which is a no-parking zone." They say Emma ran out of the pub she was at saying "that's my car" and tried to bargain to not get her car towed... but it didn't work. The Sun asked the police about the incident and they said "A report of a blue Audi S3 parked across a driveway and blocking in two cars on High Street near the junction with Sheep Street in Stratford. The report was made at 9.42pm and the car was impounded and taken away at 10.21pm. No crime was recorded."
AITA for thinking this is funny? I feel really bad for the person with the 12-hour shift, but if I just think about Emma, I find this story hilarious.
The Sun have a video. It's very short.
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to
Poor person ,hilarious Emma ππlove her thoπ
i said last time that she likely got a dent parking in a place she probably should not lol
emma has often seemed distant from normal people and not understanding how they live and like she is not always living on same planet it as us, its another example but hey she can easily afford this fine or whatever the person trying to get home likely cant afford to be locked out most likely
its really okay to give away her stomping grounds and local pub location and car like this?
I think its gonna make her too identifiable in this area for weirdos ngl
feels like a setup the person likely knew this is Emma Watson car and that she is drinking nearby as usual but rather than go in and ask 'can you move it so i can get my car out' they call police and likely contact the sun to make money from the story and videos
lol, lmao even
all i care about is this shows she is in uk and still not filming something :(
Don’t mind me, I’m just here for the gossip about the tall man next to her and everyone wondering who he is
she is lucky there was no road rage attack on her car
blocking a tired person after work for hours could have been bad news
Typical french driver ima right Eden ;)
its one of the guys towing the car
It's like a normal human being behaviour, oh no, the horror that it was Emma! Why is this news?
He seems to be waiting for his clipboard back lol
"feels like a setup the person likely knew this is Emma Watson car and that she is drinking nearby as usual but rather than go in and ask 'can you move it so i can get my car out' they call police and likely contact the sun to make money from the story and videos"
How would they know it was Emma's car? How would they know how to contact the Sun? The person just wanted to go home after 12 hours of work.
pls dont promote the sun
Emma is more fit as a french rather than as a brit
“ Don’t mind me, I’m just here for the gossip about the tall man next to her and everyone wondering who he is”
He looks like the one of the cops
"emma has often seemed distant from normal people and not understanding how they live and like she is not always living on same planet it as us, its another example but hey she can easily afford this fine or whatever the person trying to get home likely cant afford to be locked out most likely"
Is she autistic? (I'm genuily asking tho, I know she used to have ADHD so just asking)
there is no conspiracy Emma just f*ked up
is possible you know that she is doing wrong sometimes by mistake
and there is no plan against her?
is emma mum the blond with short hair that face is blurred? seem like her hair cut lol
This is why emma needs a husband btw I'm singleπ
i get missing a sign or whatever but surely you would see you are in front of an entrance way that people will need to get out of?
Is she crying or laughing? In the photo
"Typical french driver ima right Eden ;)"
We're just big daydreamers, that's all.
"Is she autistic? (I'm genuily asking tho, I know she used to have ADHD so just asking)"
She never talked about being autistic or having ADHD.
"is possible you know that she is doing wrong sometimes by mistake"
people with camera phones at the ready to get videos to sell?
you only do this if you know its someone famous car imo
Poor man, and for Emma well it is quite hilariousπ
No she’s not autistic… how do we go from a car getting towed to her being autistic??
quality is too terrible to see her face expression at all really
"is emma mum the blond with short hair that face is blurred? seem like her hair cut lol"
They say her mom was there and I think they refer to the blond lady, but it's neither her mom nor her step-mom.
"Is she crying or laughing? In the photo"
She's just frowning to me.
Why is this comment section so funny omg
Emma is just a normal human like us, mistakes are bond to happens. That's all
I think the person asked about autism because another person said "emma has often seemed distant from normal people and not understanding how they live", not because of her car parking XD
"people with camera phones at the ready to get videos to sell?
you only do this if you know its someone famous car imo"
If they had the camera phones at the ready, we would have seen her leaving the pub and got the whole interaction of her pleading for her car to be left alone.
the person needed their car out regardless if its someone famous and when people started to notice it was emma watson while walking past they would clearly stop thats what happened
also could be people from inside the bar who clearly know emma watson is in there and when she runs out after heraing her car is being towed people could follow outside to watch the drama
I’m not sure what’s worse, that or new boyfriend rumors
eden i think you should stop comments now for the rest of the day so the trolling doesnt get worse with this mockery of accusations about conditions people may or may not have
This will be the most normal comments section of the year so far I bet.
Wouldn't happen if Paul was parking for her...
The guy is a cop pretty sure
There is no 'condition' smh...she is just famous which eventually makes you somewhat careless with things after awhile and you forget you also have to follow rules
"eden i think you should stop comments now for the rest of the day so the trolling doesnt get worse with this mockery of accusations about conditions people may or may not have"
No one is accusing anyone of anything. One person wondered if Emma was autistic, she never said she is, the end.
"This will be the most normal comments section of the year so far I bet."
We should have a poll at the end of the year for our favorite "how tf did this turn out this way" conversation.
Having your car blocked surely isn't funny and some anger understandable, but making mistakes and getting your car towed isn't funny either, so to some extent I can't really understand people laughing!
I hope she's okay π
Love to Emma ❤️π€❤️
eden insta pages are attacking you and saying stop laughing at this they are really mad you make emma look bad even though its emma own actions which did that, i think trolls will come to your page pls be safe
Come on! She parked incorrectly and got a fine and towed. Big Deal! It does show, though, that the French are no privilege. She should have recognized that do not part where you block driveways. She certainly is different in many ways. I have often thought that actors were weird with lots of talent.
Yeah and here come the 'a man would never do this' type comments...sigh
"eden insta pages are attacking you and saying stop laughing at this they are really mad you make emma look bad even though its emma own actions which did that, i think trolls will come to your page pls be safe"
Oh boy. Well, if you don't hear from me for a moment, you'll know I needed time off.
"Yeah and here come the 'a man would never do this' type comments...sigh"
They're just jokes. If I thought they were serious, they wouldn't be published.
I must apologize for misinterpertedπ
There is one guy who wrote a really long comment chastising you over and over on various Emma pages (he is on your own page too i think on insta comments) its cringe to see him copy paste it everywhere.
They need to stop being so parasocial with Emma Watson.
umm yeah the Paul thing is a long running joke its not serious thing
I don't know where the ADHD came from. She never said anything about it, newspapers just started saying it. It's weird.
Why is everyone overreacting? People make mistakes, I’ve parked my car in no parking zones too. It happens… it’s life, we make mistakes
Sheesh these comments about autism, her being famous, etc etc is just stupid gossip.
comedy gold tbh people need to stop thinking they have to defend mistakes of people they like
Eden pls just post more laughing emojis on the story the insta complainers deserve it lol xd
I! I want to be her S3 π’π’
eden its def funny dont let haters tell you its not and try to control how you feel its your page and should be run and styled how you want it to be
Ppl who cant see that this is kinda funny and getting angry are secretly mad at Emma for embarrassing them as her 'stans' they take fandom too serious but they cant say anything to Emma or complain to her so they turn on fellow fan pages who report the news to get their anger out
no one got run over or anything so who cares really
Eden is just happy people are commenting haha
"Why is everyone overreacting? People make mistakes, I’ve parked my car in no parking zones too. It happens… it’s life, we make mistakes
Sheesh these comments about autism, her being famous, etc etc is just stupid gossip."
Agree! But I think people are just bored, nothing new happens with Emma and they just lash out with whatever. I think that's why Eden also decided to post these comments. Am I right, Eden?
"Eden is just happy people are commenting haha"
YES! You're my only daily dose of social interactions XD
"Agree! But I think people are just bored, nothing new happens with Emma and they just lash out with whatever. I think that's why Eden also decided to post these comments. Am I right, Eden?"
I was going to say no, but I'm not sure. Trying to understand myself and why I do the things I do is tiring XD
Stars! They're just like us. This is pretty funny. Luckily, the cost to retrieve her car from impound isn't even pocket change to Emma -- it can be a disaster for people who aren't wealthy or who depend on their car for their jobs. Still, it's her own fault and 3 hours is a generous time to wait to call a tow. Someone running out of a store yelling "That's my car!" is probably the national anthem for tow truck drivers.
Sad eden will have no updates when emma goes to jail for her various crime sprees
Don't take these comments seriously pleasee. We fans are really bored to the point of each time Emma showed up we always gone haywire to something completely irrelevant to the original post.π€£π€£π€£
Seriously now? Just because someone is "bored", you're going to start criticising with such a bad way Emma and making a big deal out of a mistake? Everyone makes mistakes; the problem is that Emma's mistakes are being publicised worldwide. Imagine how bad you'd feel if you made a mistake, and all the world knows about it and someone called you autistic, out of touch and so many other things. In my opinion, fans of a celebrity often attempt to "protect" this person, seeking to understand them rather than making comments out of nowhere. It’s so sad.
Yes, she was wrong, but she will have to deal with the police. With no one else. I'm not saying anything about Eden; she is publishing the comments because she wants everyone's opinions to be heard.
If Emma’s car was blocking my way in and I later found out it was her I’d be π²π²
She’s a sweetheart. I would not have the heart to get her towed.
When I saw just the pictures before reading the title and article, I thought for a second she was in an accident. That gave me a mini heart attack.
I’m happy she’s alright.
Oh Miss Emma.. I’ve been towed before.
So not fun, but if that’s the only “crime” you’ve dealt with then you’re alright.
Sending love and good vibes her way. Hoping the process to get her car back goes smoothly.
Awww Em…Maaaa! π₯Ί
The law applies to her too.
I’m sorry, but if this is the only bad thing to have happened to you this week then you’ll be fine.
It’s very misfortunate, but having your car towed and happened to the best of us I’m happy it wasn’t much worse like an accident.
MINE was much worse Miss Watson!
I once parked in front of a fire hydrant.
Thankfully there was no fire, but I still got towed.
I totally understood. Still bummed about the towing, but now I check before I park.
So many criminals in the comments. JAIL! All of you! XD
Why i laughed to this so much without a reason ππ
Minus 10 points for Gryffindor
Never would've happened if she'd paid more attention in Madam Hooch's flying class.
"So many criminals in the comments. JAIL! All of you! XD" mean right into the notorious
"I'm-a-my-car-got-towed-badass!"-restricted area? π
π€£π π
“Minus 10 points for Gryffindor“
“Never would've happened if she'd paid more attention in Madam Hooch's flying class.”
Had me laughing way too hard!!
In all serious, though I hope everything worked out and she didn’t receive a ticket or anything…
Well, while I was hoping we would get some kind of news this week, I wasn’t wanting this kind of news.
The 3.5 hour search sounds like something The Sun or the person made up to make this whole thing way more dramatic than it was. The fact that she turned up right when they were towing the car certainly suggests that she was within eyeshot.
if she was drinking for 3hrs in the bar she wouldnt be driving it home anyway so...
"If Emma’s car was blocking my way in and I later found out it was her I’d be π²π²
She’s a sweetheart. I would not have the heart to get her towed."
I don't think the manager realized that it was Emma's car though
This is quite clearly a set up.
'They' followed Emma's car and then when she parked they moved all the buildings up one so that it appeared she had parked illegally.
PS I am not a crackpot.
she probably was in a place that she could see the car,how did she show up exactly at that time but they were looking for her about 3 hours? If she was far away she wasn't going to notice it.
Does anyone else find it weird that almost every headline mentions the retail price of the car, like it's a Mercedes or something? I get the sensationalism of putting a £150,000 car being towed in the headline but £30,000 is a pretty normal sedan price.
Yes, she made a mistake and that was annoying for the owner of the stalled car. But I feel sorry for Emma because that's why such a big article was published in The Sun saying how agitated and upset she was.
Every day around the world, cars are parked incorrectly and towed away - and it's not worth reporting in the newspaper.
Emma is not known as a person who is intentionally mean to others. The only reason for the article in The Sun is so that people can make fun of a well-known person. In Germany we call that "Schadenfreude" and it's not a very nice thing to do.
Who is Paul?
The Independent claimed Emma tweeted “Still searching for parking in Stratford upon Avon, Merchant of Venice [very] good if you can still get tickets.”
They don't link to it and I don't see it on her feed.
"Who is Paul?"
Paul Mescal.
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