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Thank you, Anon :D
We'll officially know tomorrow at 5pm GMT. The new Summer Stella Girl is described as "an activist and an actor" and they posted a photo in their story yesterday of Emma wearing one of their dress for Vogue UK earlier this year.
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com
If its a Vogue thing its Emma for sure they seem to have a deal
I recognize her back from Prada promo easily!
lovely x
Cara Delevingne is trending for it so i dunno
emma had hair of this exact colouring a little while ago pretty obviously her
plus climbing a mountain of trash its her echo activism work represented
cute xoxoxox
nah its emma
Yeah, emma 4 stella !
Oh i really hope its her
Emma has a tattoo on her left arm? because I see something painted there
Do you mean this? https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjJPn1PesvOCSoOmJKOGh-ouczKnuGRGjx4H9SElo5diwZvr1dSVa1bunGQ7JR-j-Ox2TBE7IHbccqLCVKh_gaPlnU4Ano37WO5A-6KrqS7TuV77eL0n5fMVcowCSjK0_9tjxpqJD_CeXH5S955vuu923UWQreQjYJr9RfH8qadnj456WDeZIxpqd5uRTo/s204/Sans%20titre%201.jpg
At first I thought it was the outfit but I don't think so anymore.
I checked Cara Delevingne's tattoos, and it looks like of of hers, so I don't think it's Emma T_T
yes, I think it is a tattoo, and maybe there is another one in her hand.
I also see something strange on her hand, also another tattoo? I zoomed the video enough to see it
cara also has a tattoo in her hand https://64.media.tumblr.com/5bac40ee40e70b5cbe552cf801112ecd/tumblr_oiai0hfvSO1tafxkho1_1280.jpg
That’s not Emma
Emma is in one of the Instagram stories.
We will find out in 19 hours as there is a countdown on insta
it is clearly a tattoo, maybe it is a fake such as metoo, but I don't sure...I don't think Emma's style is to have such a big tattoo.
I posted a comparison on twitter https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJDc35YXUAAkETf?format=jpg&name=360x360
This is the tattoo
It's too much of a coincidence that the promo girl also has Cara's style and has that tattoo... that's not Emma's style, although maybe she decided to get a tattoo lol
Shame the hair is just covering where Cara's neck tattoo is, that would've solved it for sure.
"Delevingne's development into an eco-activist has been, she explains, a gradual awakening" she is activist too...
I think it may be Cara, their instagram already follows her but they don’t follow Emma
One of Cara’s friends posted hinting that it was her
Actually the body is very very similar to Emma's, I had never doubted that it was her and I could think that it was a real or fake tattoo, but this girl also has the appearance of Carla and she has this tattoo... .unfortunately it seems to be her. It can't be that much of a coincidence.
the stella insta follows cara but not emma
If you look closely and zoom the back (check the video not the image), you will see a slightly darker line, that looks like another tattoo, a tattoo that also has a cara
It's Cara. That's not Emma's back.
He said, not at all creepily.
Cara commented an emoji on the post...um prob her guys
Quick eden still time to delete to stop emma fans attacking you later omg xd
Is that real cara delevingne or fan account tho? Comments could be fake
No, it's Cara. I can see her CJD initials tattoo on her right hand.
think they asked cara to show up in comments as too many people were saying emma the drama emma fans have now caused lmao
evil eden loves the chaos XD
Seemed too tall to be Emma and yes tattoos
How can you see her clearly CJD??? I cannot nothing! Only something dark
cara is an actor? i didn't know that
Too tall to be Emma
That’s not Emma, that’s Eden
I don’t think that’s Emma.
When I first saw it (this video) on an Instagram page, I didn’t think Emma right away, although I would love for it to be her.
Maybe I’ll be proven wrong. Cause I’d love to see Emma in some projects this year. All the best for my fave!
The amount of people saying Emma in the Stella McC insta comments is absolutely hilarious. They totally should have tried for Emma, though she’s still very much working with Prada so…
With the amount of people who thought it was Emma in the comments. I hope it gives them a push to possibly work with her in the future.
And then everyone will think it's Cara XD
is it reveleaed ye?
no kanye is not involved xD
Should have been now. Maybe I got it wrong and we have to wait another hour?
maybe the emma comments only appear cuz eden said it ?? evil eden plan strike again hehe
"That’s not Emma, that’s Eden"
Ok, now a full frontal pic please, Eden! You're always hiding!! 🙄 (🤣😉)
It's Cara, Stella revealed it. 😉
I think someone trick eden in last thread to start drama on this lol
It was Cara
okay who trolled eden? admit it now!! lol
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