Saturday, September 28, 2024

Emma Watson mourns Dame Maggie Smith "True definition of greatness"

[Gallery] [Version française]

As probably at least 99,99% of you know, Maggie Smith was Professor McGonagall in the Harry Potter movies. She unfortunately passed away yesterday, at the hospital while her children were by her side. 

Emma paid her a tribute on her Instagram (screencap below). 
"When I was younger I had no idea of Maggie's legend - the woman I was fortunate to share space with. It is only as I've become an adult that I've come to appreciate that I shared the screen with a true definition of greatness. She was real, honest, funny and self-honouring. Maggie, there were a lot of male professors and by God you held your own. Thank you for all your kindness. I'll miss you."

I also remembered a story about chocolates she shared many years ago and was able to find it on TotallyEmmaWatson's Tumblr
"Maggie is completely straightforward and says it like it is, which I respect immensely. You don’t find many people like that in my industry. Truthfully, I was never aware of Maggie’s greatness. Of the woman I got to share space with she was just the lady who talked to me about what I was doing and bought me chocolates for Christmas. And I think she liked it that way. And I did too."

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Anonymous said...

People like Maggie Smith and Robbie Coltrane are probably a major reason the main cast didn't end up falling for the child actor curse.

Anonymous said...

RIP Dame Smith with love from fans

Anonymous said...

R.I.P Maggie

Anonymous said...

Sad that she died but didn’t know her personally

Anonymous said...

R.I.P Dame Maggie Smith

Anonymous said...

Genuine question, why she never posts the tributes to Harry Potter actors in public and only shares them with stories?

Anonymous said...

did she post it on her stories, or was it an official statement her team gave to the media?

Eden said...

Only she can answer that.

Eden said...


Anonymous said...

Posts only show up if you follow her or go look on her page. Stories show up for everyone on her profile avatar.

Anonymous said...

"Stories show up for everyone on her profile avatar" Stories dissapear 24 hours later and even if you don't follow her the posts can be seen by everyone without a limit of time

Anonymous said...

If she posts about Maggie, the structure of her insta page gets destabilized, and her insta page is nothing more than an ad page for Renais, Prada and activism (until like 2022ish). But I do wonder why she didn't tweet

Anonymous said...

Have anyone here ever met Emma? I don’t want to know where

Anonymous said...

I think that’s Emma in the dollar blading photo with her friend

Anonymous said...

Roller blading*

Anonymous said...

It does look like her! Her face being blocked makes it more likely

Eden said...

It also looks like me. All we have is a pale body and brown hair. Could be that the friend made a weird face that they didn't want to see posted on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, the year is coming to an end, and it feels like we have barely gotten any updates on Emma. I understand she’s in school, but I would love to get at least a glimpse of where her mind is at. Last year, in the Vogue interview, she mentioned that she was about to start reaping the seeds she had planted.She mentioned in the interview that you can’t always be in the harvesting stage, but I’m curious about what those seeds were.

Anonymous said...

Well Eden, you are Emma…

Eden said...

I have no idea what you're talking about 😰

Anonymous said...

I don't get it , what's reaping the seeds mean?

Anonymous said...

i think she really did just go into retirement after becoming disillusioned with public life after many years of harassment since around 2020, thats when rumours of retirement began then she really has done nothing since despite claims of coming back it never happened

Anonymous said...

i think she really did just go into retirement after becoming disillusioned with public life after many years of harassment since around 2020, thats when rumours of retirement began then she really has done nothing since despite claims of coming back it never happened

Yeah but don't forget 2020 was the start of the covid. Then she started uni again, then the Hollywood strikes, so maybe she having some relaxing time

Anonymous said...

I wouldn’t say she’s retired per se; however, there’s a theory I’m starting to agree with: her activism may have closed a lot of doors in the movie world and rubbed some directors the wrong way. I hate to say it, but J.K. Rowling, as problematic as she is, has the backing of a major studio, and the Harry Potter franchise is a money machine. Rowling often throws shade at Emma and Daniel for not aligning with her views, and I think there’s a personal vendetta against Emma, especially since they had a seemingly good relationship up until 2019.

Emma has faced a lot of backlash for her activism, which may explain why she’s taken a step back. If she truly wanted to retire, she wouldn’t keep doing Vogue interviews discussing her plans and her reasons for taking a break. Clearly, she can lead a very private life when she wants to. I believe she’s undergoing an entire rebranding because, at the end of the day, she enjoys the fame and its perks. Don’t we think she would want the notoriety of Margot Robbie, Emma Stone, and Zendaya? Only time will tell, but the idea of retiring without evolving from being a child actor seems crazy to me. If you ask anyone outside of her fanbase, they mostly know her from Harry Potter or Beauty and the Beast that she is known for even though she has had other acting roles.

Anonymous said...

i love when i come to the comment section and have no idea what's going on, what photo?

Eden said...

A friend of Emma posted a photo and hid the face of the person next to them. Someone thinks it's because it's Emma.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah but don't forget 2020 was the start of the covid. Then she started uni again, then the Hollywood strikes, so maybe she having some relaxing time"

Hahaha, are you really going to keep justifying Emma's lack of action with covid and hollywood strikes? Jeez, I'm laughing at these arguments already at this point. Everyone has kept on working.

Is she relaxing? She literally hasn't shot a movie since late 2018 and that was over a year before COVID. You need 7 years to relax? Come on!!!. Enough of being so unobjective in this fandom. Emma's career is basically dead, for whatever reason.

Anonymous said...

theres an article saying she makes so much money from her hedge fund investments she decided she didnt need to act anymore

Anonymous said...

I think she is done acting (it wasnt working out well post hp really if we are honest with reviews and few roles) but she is now learning writing and directing and maybe is thinking she will prefer to be behind the scenes than in front of cameras

Anonymous said...

There is a new daily fail article about how she makes money these days and the comments is trash fire all about JKR as usual.
Unfortunately i think these comments reflect the attitude of older people and the kind of age of people who are in charge of productions and board members in hollywood who could easily blacklist Emma for her views and quite clearly side with Rowling who is the same age as them and likely aligned with her interests and power.

Anonymous said...

i think she keep doing mag covers to sell her gin or perfume, tbf

Anonymous said...

"If she truly wanted to retire, she wouldn’t keep doing Vogue interviews discussing her plans and her reasons for taking a break" The Vogue interviews are self-promotion for Prada or the gin with her brother and she can't say "i'm never acting again" if someday she writes a screenplay and she wants to do a short film with it. The truth is that if someone doesn't act in 6 years Hollywood doesn't wait for anyone that isn't Daniel Day-Lewis, especially when there are so many young actresses right now

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
That One Guy said...

It's always funny to see people get increasingly pessimistic about Emma's career the longer we go without pics.

Emma's activism isn't a problem. It is very very safe liberal Hollywood activism. It pisses off CHUDs, but that's impossible to avoid unless you goose-step down the street with "KNOCK ME UP TRUMP!" on your belly. In fact, activism has helped her brand and made her wildly popular for much longer than anyone else in HP.

Rowling meanwhile has become an albatross around the neck of her very profitable franchise. I promise WB would much rather work with Emma than JRK. If they could memoryhole Rowling and say "Oh yeah, Emma Watson wrote those books when she was 6," they would.

People outside Hollywood don't understand how big a deal live-action Beauty & the Beast was for Disney. It made $1.26 billion dollars and saved the horrible live-action remakes. Casting Emma was a significant part of that. The movie was bad, but she was good in it. Her agent still gets scripts. Not as many as when she was 25, but I'm sure the major studios would love if she hit her head and decided to do another superhero or fantasy franchise.

I honestly don't really care if she ever acts again. Which, by the by, she almost certainly will. We have her existing work to enjoy. (Or not, we also have The Circle and Regression.)

This hiatus is just someone young, rich, single, and gorgeous enjoying her life and choosing not to do their "day job." There's no conspiracy against her and no lack of work for her.

Anonymous said...

Emma was never a good actress. Daniel wasn't either, but he worked hard on it and got good enough to bag a Tony award. Emma, on the other hand, focused on her studies and then activism for feminism and climate change. That was her choice and fair enough. For a while, it did look like she was doing well, but looking back now, her activism hasn't really shown any results. For being a climate change activist, she was frequently seen using private jets and was on top 10 carbon emission list pre covid. Her name came out in Panama papers, which was somehow kept low. She was doing a podcast and all of a sudden stopped that too. Imo, she used activism to stay in the news and when people stopped taking her "show" seriously and called her out (drama like instagram black square and silence during metoo), she left that too. For someone who takes her activism seriously, she surely has a habit of leaving them unfinished. She no longer does any activism and producers know very well that she is neither a box office guarantee nor a critically acclaimed actress. Sorry if it sounds like a rant, but I have been her fan for long to not notice her BS. Her career is no longer dormant, it's dead and she is happy to live her life out with the money she earned over the years and money that she is earning from her businesses. I'd do that too, tbh. But I won't be a hypocrite about it.

Anonymous said...

Emma has made enough money and has done a great job saving and investing her money. She’s acted for almost 20 years and has been in the public eye since 10 years old.She probably just wants to relax do something she loves which is writing and hanging out with friends. She still goes to fashion shows and does photo shoots. Plus she is running a family gin business with her brother that has been a quick success.

Anonymous said...

in her past interviews, she said she stepped away from acting because she wanted to feel more in control of her roles and career, which explains her wish to study writing and directing. as writer/director, she can literally create the role just the way she wants it, while as an actress she follows the script (of course there's more to it than that, but that's not the point).
maybe she is just waiting for a role she finds interesting enough, maybe she is actually working on coming up with something to direct instead of just act, maybe she got sick of acting, maybe she wants to stay away from the public eye, maybe she actually intended for a break and now is having a hard time finding a project
i don't think she is facing blacklist because there are other actors that are also activists, but i agree that jkr is butthurt and throwing shade
but like someone said before, i just wish we got a piece of her mind

Anonymous said...

eden, do you think Emma knows about the blog? do you think she reads it from time to time? probably to laugh at our theories and despair while eating popcorn, maybe

Anonymous said...

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{{user.displayname}} said...

She's gonna come back

Eden said...

I seriously doubt she knows about it as I don't think she ever looks herself up.

That One Guy said...

I dunno if she knows about her blog but I'm sure every celebrity has googled themselves. And I will bet you real dollars that she has googled "Emma Watson Hot" while feeling down. I too have googled that while feeling down!

Anonymous said...

“Emma was never a good actress. Daniel wasn't either.”

Emma and Daniel are good actors who grew up acting in movies. They had to learn while making Harry Potter, which was hard. They had to show their characters getting older from 9 to 20, which is tough for actors. They couldn't practice in private, so everyone saw their mistakes. But they did well, considering how hard it was.
People are hard on Emma because they knew her as a kid. And they think they have the right to judge everything she is doing.

“For someone who takes her activism seriously, she surely has a habit of leaving them unfinished.”

Emma's activism is serious, even if not always public. Working behind the scenes can be more effective. She's still active in the UN—her name is on the UN website, and when she speaks, you can understand that activism wasn't just a phase for her. Even a month ago, she was at an event in Singapore, and it was clear that she didn't want to do anything in public. Her speeches are taught in schools, and people still talk about her first speech from a decade ago as if it were yesterday. I am sure she did so many other things that you will never learn about. She's been interested in this since she was young, even wanting to be a politician at 14 (as seen in her interviews). Dan said she had always liked this, that it was what she had wanted to do from a very young age. She studied at top universities to learn more about these issues something that she said she wanted to do from the age of 9 in her HP interviews. She didn't wake up one morning saying, "I want to get attention so I will become an activist, because the movie I made only got 1.2 billion"—she's already famous worldwide. She's always wanted to do more than act, even considering quitting Harry Potter. While some criticize her, even more people enjoy her movies, and it's clear why so many people are complaining that she stopped acting. If she is not good, why on earth are you complaining about her not acting?

Anonymous said...

Daniel is now a great actor.
Emma hasn't worked one bit to improve as an actress. She is not currently considered a good actress, in fact she has a reputation for being the opposite.
Anonymous' comment where she/he talks about this reality and her activism is one of the most realistic I've read here.

The others continue to justify the unjustifiable.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why you think we're justifying her simply because we have a different opinion. You seem to underestimate everything she's done and dismiss it outright. You don't like her acting, you don't value her as an activist... Why do you even bother waiting for her to do something new?

{{user.displayname}} said...

Can we stop with the criticism already?

Anonymous said...

“She no longer does activism”

How do you know that? Are the stalker that follows her around? She literally has an investment for women owned businesses

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's focusing on herself now and staying away from the public, it doesn't matter if she's a good actress or not, it's nobody's business. Some people don't like her and continue to follow and criticize her? What kind of strange emotion is that? Lol

Anonymous said...

Firstly, the trio have said it themselves that they were not good actors back then, which is understandable as they were only kids. Daniel had consulted with Rickman and Oldman about how to act professionally. Emma, on the other hand, decided to pursue studies and activism. She didn't study acting at uni, she studied English literature. There's a huge difference. And that's her personal choice which is fair enough. Then you see her act in movies like Colonia, Noah, Circle and Regression, sharing screen with Daniel Bruhl, Russell Crowe, Tom Hanks and Ethan Hawke respectively. And look at her "acting". She tried but her portrayal was always marked as wooden by the critics. There is no nuance in it. No wonder her solo projects tanked at the box office.

Coming to her "activism", there is a term for people like her which is "paper activists". People who make speeches and posts on social media and don't do anything on ground level. She has spent over 10 years being UN ambassador and name me one policy or ground level change she brought during those many years. He4she was supposed to bring more men into feminism, but what are the results? I am a numbers guy, and I don't see any results being shown for Emma's work at UN. How do you justify her being on top 10 carbon emission list which had Taylor Swift (not condoning her either but she does music tours)? For bringing actual change, you need to work at the ground level, work with local authorities, listen to people and understand their plights. I have been teaching village children maths for over 7 years now and one of the surprising things I learnt was families send their daughters more than their sons to school. Sons are often sent off to earn with labor, instead of schooling. These are the things that you learn when you work at ground level. Emma only has speeches with the affluent people of the society. Show me one result of a policy she brought to address the issues. And at Singapore, it was about tech law (not activism). And she talked mostly about her childhood. She has even removed "activist" from her instagram bio.

"How do you know that? Are the stalker that follows her around? She literally has an investment for women owned businesses"
It's not stalking to ask for results. All the businesses in the world post the work they do and the revenue they generate.

All her work so far as an activist are handful of speeches and social media posts. Where are the actual results? And studios don't mind hiring activist actors these days. Look how Disney is backing Rachel Zegler, who is a clear case of elitist feminazi. Emma is at least saner and more intelligent than her. But studios know that she is not bankable enough to bet on a solo film with her after the flops I mentioned earlier .

Eden said...

"How do you justify her being on top 10 carbon emission list"

If I remember well, it was not a Top 10 list, it was a list of 10 random celebrities having the carbon emission compared. Also, it was during the B&B promotion. I think all the actors were flying together in the private jet.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand your intention. Why did you come here to underestimate her? What exactly do you gain from this? I personally value her work. Why do you think she owes us a detailed account of everything she's doing? And we do you think you know everything she is doing as an activist? To me, Emma is an inspiration, and I admire all of her work—especially considering she's only 34. (I don't care if there are people that have a different journey and they did more). You won't change my opinion about her, no matter what you say. This is simply your personal view, and it differs from mine.

Eden said...

There doesn't have to be an intention behind a negative opinion besides simply wanting to share a different point of view.

Anonymous said...

It's a bit extreme for me to come to a specific person's page and completely dismiss everything they've done. In the end, Emma doesn't owe us anything. Anyway, that's my opinion.

Eden said...

I think they're just disappointed.

Anonymous said...

You're usually disappointed by someone when you agree with and like most of the things they're doing, and then they do something you don't agree with. It's different when you haven't agreed with most of what they've done for the past 15 years. This is who they are. Perhaps you're expecting them to be a different person, which is never going to happen. That doesn't mean the person they are now is completely wrong or that their past actions have no value. However, this is simply my perspective on the matter.

Anonymous said...

"There doesn't have to be an intention behind a negative opinion besides simply wanting to share a different point of view."
Yes, thanks Eden.

I wanna clear some misunderstanding. I don't think Emma needs to explain her inactive work to us. I never complained about it or criticized it. I actually think I'd do the same if I am a highly literate person who earned a lot of money early on in life. Doing research and study at a uni is a great time of anyone's life. I only said that she has realised that she is no longer gonna get films based on her name. And imo, if you're doing activism, you have a responsibility to show your results. Because, this activism doesn't happen from her own bucks. So instead of twisting my words or saying that I don't deserve to see results of her activism, someone should compile those results. For a public figure like Emma, that shouldn't be that hard. I have done it already and I did not find any. I am not disappointed in Emma the person or the actor, but the activist.

"If I remember well, it was not a Top 10 list, it was a list of 10 random celebrities having the carbon emission compared. Also, it was during the B&B promotion. I think all the actors were flying together in the private jet."
Thank you Eden. I stand corrected. She actually flied mostly on scheduled flights during b&b promotions.

Anonymous said...

So your problem is that she doesn't brag enough? Her investments aren't public (except for one group funding round for a plastics recycling startup that announced a bunch of investors).

Anonymous said...

Emma I’m taking a step back from the public do don’t expect to hear much about me as I’m going to be concentrating on working in the background. People surprised*Pikachu face meme insert here, when she takes a step back and actually works in the background. I’m not sure why anyone is surprised though, it was always obvious that she wasn’t as comfortable with all the attention, Hell even different HP cast members have said so with Felton even saying he wasn’t sure if she would’ve auditioned if she knew all the attention that would her way. Also working consistently from ages 9 to 25 didn’t even end up making her happy by 29 …with the source being her literal brother. Also as a person she genuinely doesn’t owe anybody anything we actually don’t know what d as he’s done as far as activism goes because she was never one to talk about it, The only things we do know about her are things other organizations and people have come out and commented on,like the plastic recycling start up or helping child brides get away and have an education in Malawi and it seems like she probably prefers it that way, so at the end of the day good for her.

Anonymous said...

Emma I’m taking a step back from the public do don’t expect to hear much about me as I’m going to be concentrating on working in the background.

Did she say that?

Anonymous said...

Emma Watson has the highest grossing live action Disney movie of all time… what do you mean she isn’t box office? Her speaking about feminism started a cultural change around the world. This led to more men and women speaking up about inequality. This has led to more women led roles in business, government and other social services. Emma literally traveled to countries around the world to speak about equality. So to say she’s a paper feminist is factually incorrect. She continues to help women with inequality and even provides then money to help them their startup businesses. Just because Emma has been for dormant in social media, doesn’t mean she isn’t an activist. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SHE IS DOING DAY TO DAY!!! You are just making assumptions and sound like an angry person because you don’t get your weekly Emma updates.

Anonymous said...

Emma has literally stated she has turn down movie roles and has been in talks of filming one in her interviews. Now whether that has been postponed or cancelled due to the strike, we have no idea. Her last movie was in 2019, and the pandemic happened… the pandemic has changed a lot of people lives and gave them time to reflect on their lives. Emma has used that time to go back to school, spend more time with families and get into businesses that she is interested in. We have no idea what Emma does daily unless she shares something with us or paparazzi spots her. She could be doing a lot of work behind the scenes that nobody but people close to her know about.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure Emma is still famous and highly regarded globally. Her perfume with Prada was a number 1 seller and won an award. Her family gin business has expanded globally in one year in existence which is very hard to do. She was voted one of the most influential women last year.You don’t have to be a good actor to be box office, just look at The Rock Dwayne Johnson. There’s a reason a lot of of troll and AI Sites use Emma for clicks still

Anonymous said...

A lot of people complaining on here. Its funny how we act like we know Emma when none of us met her and use daily mail as our source of news

Anonymous said...

"So your problem is that she doesn't brag enough? Her investments aren't public (except for one group funding round for a plastics recycling startup that announced a bunch of investors)."
Dear Anon, you should get a Nobel for twisting my words. I have been talking about her activism over a decade, not her personal investment and businesses. She has all the right to do what she wants with her money, unless it's for some nefarious purposes (which we can safely assume she won't). But if she is claiming that she is an activist rubbing shoulders with presidents and world leaders, she also needs to show what she achieved as an activist. I am a professor and if I want a grant for a research, I need to present my portfolio which includes my past work and its impact (both in teaching and research). And presenting your results is not bragging. Why should she be exempted from such analysis and criticism? This is a public work that she did and was endorsing heavily over the years. She used to tweet and post on instagram. Make videos about her activism on youtube. She was not silently doing it. So basically, she was fine with advertising her activism and was exclusively working on it, and she has no result to show for even after a decade. I used to admire her for how she handled herself after such a huge childhood fame. I usually don't consider actors to be role models, but Emma was different coz she achieved all the success fair and square. But lately, she has shown that she failed as an activist. Which would have been fine coz all of us can fail at things in life, but instead of working on her failure, she left doing it. Why doesn't she work more on he4she or climate change?

Hopefully, people here can understand that I am not her hater but a critic. The very reason I am here on this site is coz I used to admire her off screen.

Anonymous said...

I think you're missing the point. Just because she's not posting everything on social media doesn't mean she's failed at activism—you can't prove that. There's life beyond social media. I'm sure her work is known to specific and important people who actually need to know about it.

Sharing work as a professor is different from sharing it as one of the most famous people in the world. People look at everything they do closely and she has impacts in seconds. This can cause problems and make their work harder. Do you understand how sharing her activism work can be more difficult and even dangerous at times? She faced big challenges when sharing her activism work before. So she has every right to reconsider about it and decide to continue without sharing her actions.

I can't find it now due to thousands of Instagram comments, but a few months ago on one of her posts, there were a couple of comments thanking her for helping kids with autism in sports without publicizing it. And people that get the help most of the times I am sure they prefer privacy and respect. It’s wonderful from her that she is helping people and especially in silence. If you look beyond the 10–15 critics and negative comments that often get the most attention as always, you can find some meaningful things.

Anonymous said...

One of my best friends worked at great Ormond Street and said that Emma used to go in regularly to visit kids (I don’t know if she still does as my friend left). But unlike other celebrities she never tipped off the press she used to go in the staff entrance. The only time you’d she her visits was when parents would put stuff up to thank her. Emma’s style is that she does most stuff privately, I don’t know how people don’t understand that. Most of her activism is begging the scenes, she only occasionally does it publicly and it’s when she really thinks it being public is beneficial. Most of us get that.

Anonymous said...

I think it’s more than she doesn’t want comments from trolls on the post to be honest. That she just wants to put up what she wants to say

Anonymous said...

I think it’s just one person complaining ? All negative messages are written in the same style

Anonymous said...

How do you prove something with activism? Greta gunberg is a climate activist, but according to your logic, she has accomplished nothing except getting arrested

Anonymous said...

Hey Eden, found this new article about a company that Emma has recently invested in. Seems legit?
Maybe you want to make a post about it?

Anonymous said...

I'm bored
Eden you should start a JoanneRowlingUpdates Blog

Eden said...

Why do you hate me? XD

Eden said...

I'm actually probably going to start a new blog, I just don't know about what yet. I have three ideas for now.

Anonymous said...

I vote for TaylorSwiftUpdates

Anonymous said...

JennaOrtegaUpdates pls eden

Anonymous said...

I'm actually probably going to start a new blog, I just don't know about what yet. I have three ideas for now.

Please will you still update this blog?

Anonymous said...

wow even Eden is fleeing this deceased fandom xD

Eden said...

Of course.

Eden said...

XD I'm not fleeing, I'm exploring different territories.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know 2024 would be so rough and dry 😭

Eden said...

I know! And we started so hopeful with what was supposed to be a new role and a directed music video 😭😭😭

Blood Prince said...

Rest in Piece my dear friend

Anonymous said...

remember guys today is 'eden awareness day' so make sure you are extra aware of eden today

Anonymous said...

Eden Fanbase is now larger and more active than the Emma fanbase xd create 'eden updates' blog next

Anonymous said...

Eden would you be open to a Margo Robbie vlog or Taylor swift??? I feel like you would be feeding us content everyday.

Eden said...

"Eden Fanbase is now larger and more active than the Emma fanbase xd create 'eden updates' blog next"

What a depressing blog that would be XD

"Eden would you be open to a Margo Robbie vlog or Taylor swift??? I feel like you would be feeding us content everyday."

I'm sure there are already blogs that feed Taylor content daily. I'll have to look into Margot Robbie as I don't know much about her.

Anonymous said...

eden update be like 'walked around being french all day hon hon hon'

Eden said...

eating baguette and taking my yearly shower.

That One Guy said...

My vote is for Anya Taylor-Joy.

For entirely selfish reasons.

Anonymous said...

Eden posted a story of Emma doing activism in Africa…

Anonymous said...

So much for her being a fake activist

Anonymous said...

Eden posted a story of Emma doing activism in Africa…


Anonymous said...

That's it, we need to fill in the time with French stereotypes;
Getting up at 3 in the afternoon, after making love all night and then venturing out to buy your baguette, while wearing your beret, smoking your Gauloises and singing Edith Piaf songs, while nearly being run over by a Citroen DS and as a result making outrageous hand gestures.
Ooh la la.

Eden said...

And the driver almost ran me over because their attention was on the person getting their head cut by the guillotine.

{{user.displayname}} said...

So how long until we declare this fandom officially dead?

Anonymous said...

"So how long until we declare this fandom officially dead?"
Should have been 3-4 months ago. But I think we should do it now. No point thinking we will get new content from her. 10 years ago, she was everywhere. And now, nothing.

Anonymous said...

Lol eden new fake turkish article talking about her making a second turkish film is out even though we know the first one never happened xd

Anonymous said...

Hello i am from Turkey there is articles from scam sites written by ChatGPT prompts saying Emma Watson and other celebs are filming here all the time and also claim its is for porno yeah this not happening do not fall for this lmao

Eden said...

Thank you for telling us :D

Anonymous said...

theres an article about how amazing she was in disney plus series aturk or something and its like 'wtf are you talking about???' lol

Anonymous said... Oh is it this guys?

Anonymous said...

I think AI bots scrape the Internet to create their articles and have now begun taking fake news articles as real source to create a fake story about a previous fake story? this is getting so dumb xd

Anonymous said...

She will actually star in new french movie 'Edens basement'

Anonymous said...

All the other Emma Watson fab account already started to post other celebrities

Anonymous said...

"So how long until we declare this fandom officially dead?"

I am afraid she is not coming back. From now on I think we'll just get an instagram story once every 6 months (or more)
I just hope she is happy, well, fit and fine.

Eden said...

I doubt she's trying to get an MA in Creative Writing for fun. She'll come back. We just don't know on which side of the camera

Anonymous said...

Her friend Martina Mondadori said in an interview that she's getting the MA because she wants to be a writer and she's obsessed with books. She didn't say anything about acting or screenplays

That One Guy said...

I think Ems is Turkish through her paternal grandmother. But she ain't going to Turkey to shoot porn. Or to shoot any movies.

Anonymous said...

She be back in Hollywood when she feel like it. A lot of actors have taken breaks and came back. Demi Moore, Cameron Diaz for example

Anonymous said...

She started a film production company along with a subsidiary company, which is how production companies fund movies.

Anonymous said...

I actually think she might be doing a MA for 'fun'.
She clearly enjoys literature and while writing may be a goal, it may be just another 'phase' she is going through.
Over the years she has been involved with many things; sustainable fashion, HeforShe, her book club, various causes and a movie career.
It's possible she is still seeking fulfilment and the MA turns out to be just another turn in the road.
Either that or she becomes a singer/songwriter, as with another Oxford Uni Literature Grad in Kris Kristofferson.

Anonymous said...

Do yall think that’s Emma holding the gin bottle in the black dress?

Anonymous said...
