Friday, September 6, 2024

Emma Watson will NOT be in Singapore in a week 😭😭😭

[Version française]

Remember this nice little report about Emma speaking at TechLaw Festival? Yeah, they edited their website to say "*Online via audio call".

Thank you, very much, null, for letting me know.

You can check for yourselves on TechLaw's website (don't forget to click "Day 2"). 

So how many days/months/years are we betting on before we can see her again at an event?


If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to 
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Anonymous said...

Emma is already tired, she has been doing the same thing all year, she says she will be at X event and then she doesn't show up or suddenly changes plans. It happened with Vogue World and I think with another event, not to mention of the supposed movie that was going to start filming at the beginning of the year.... We have nothing as usual and it seems fine to me and I respect that Emma does not want to continue acting and prefers to focus on other things but it could be cleared up a bit and stop confusing the fans.

Anonymous said...

Eden and the rest of the people what is going on? She wasn’t at Renais launch and now this.. any explanation??

maxence1994 said...

The emoji are funny! Did ever think to change of blog site, so we can have a more modern comment system with replies? It could be cool. Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Maybe stalker problem.

Anonymous said...

I actually prefer this version :-) Much better than flying to another continent just for one speech. The picture is horrible though. It looks so photoshopped.:-/

Anonymous said...

Ngl thought it was way too random that she would fly there in person for this lol xd

Anonymous said...

Well, that's a bit of a bummer. But maybe we wouldn't have gotten anything anyway since it's a conference and not a press call.
Hopefully she is well and healthy and not just on holiday... A bit strange that she wouldn't offer a video call.

Anonymous said...

"eden is this the longest time without public appearances of emma ever?"

Wait for sometime, my girl has the ability to break that record as well 😭😭🀣😭😭"

Remember this comment on that same thread, I had already predicted it 😭😭😭😭
Also, I bet we won't get anything till next summer

Anonymous said...

site left that info out on purpose till now for hype and headlines which Eden suggested would be the case and that others used her name like that before but people brushed it off lol

Anonymous said...

That weirdo flying to other countries stalking her maybe had her go to ground this year and stay low key, she has been avoiding press and requesting no photos at even offical events like her gin party where you would have expected pictures

Anonymous said...

Didn't someone say back then that she missed the Renais launch in LA because Amy's wedding was around the same time? But for why she isn't flying to Singapore no idea. Maybe she's not fit to fly? Because she is doing the event just not in person.

Anonymous said...

Prada doesn't have any new event? last year was in September-October?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, her decision is to avoid using plane and keep reducing her environmental impact. I mean there is no point to travel for a speech while exploding environmental footprint. She kind of kept increasing her awareness about her impact so it would make sense she makes such decisions now, and to be fair that would be good choices.

Anonymous said...

Eden do you know if we can at least hear what she says in that fest? At this point I'd give anything to hear the sound of her voice or just to get one look of her.

Anonymous said...

Eden we need new pics!!

Eden said...

I know! But unless I start tracking her down, it's gonna be complicated XD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She has gone silent on IG too.

Anonymous said...

The kirean guy is a nutter

Anonymous said...

Earlier people used to find so much on Twitter. Now it's almost impossible

Anonymous said...

Funny how the media has gone silent too. For this long time absolutely static.

Anonymous said...

If everyone can notice something majority of the media has not covered the gin launch in NY except for Forbes. But it was not the case during their LA launch.

Anonymous said...

Actually Sophie has put up IG post about some other friend's wedding during this very past few days.

Anonymous said...

twitter is just gross AI images if you search her name or scam accounts saying they are emma and they need $10 to use a taxi and need your help smh

Anonymous said...

Her father is going and she is not. It’s bit unthinkable actually. Something is not making sense. And there is no good reason to skip the NY launch of GIN she didn’t even post a story on IG. Something is up here.

Anonymous said...

Here at Singapore this news made it to publications as well. CNA a prominent publisher also published the news… I personally didn’t see why she’d attend as it’s an expo for people who are professionals in the field and she isn’t one. She should focus on doing a movie or series. On another note, she’s lost another 100k or more followers on IG

Anonymous said...

Renais is her brother's business, she's just a financial partner (along with about 20 others) and helped out with the launch promotion. She hasn't been to most Renais events.

That One Guy said...


Emma is fine. Clearly she's just focusing on other stuff and staying out of the public eye for a bit. Maybe it's the stalker thing, or maybe she doesn't want her new relationship scrutinized or maybe she's just enjoying being rich and beautiful?

At this point, if you're an Emma fan, it's because you like who she is, not what she does. She'll do more stuff soon, I have no doubt.

ALSO, I read Keiran's paper. He's not a nutter, he's just writing your typical highbrow lit-crit. About on par with what I'd expect from Oxford.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, for her father it's a work thing as he is a lawyer in the field that is discussed on the conference.he is part of a panel there. I think the talk with Emma is just like a little extra, nothing substantial. But I'm also wondering why she's just offering an audio talk and not a video call, because that indicates she doesn't want people to know where she is and what she looks like at the moment.
And for the Gin thing: Maybe she doesn't want to steal the limelight, it's Alex company after all.

Anonymous said...

'A bit strange that she wouldn't offer a video call.'

Fully agree.
Originally it was 'Emma will speak on September 12 from 9:30am to 10:15am. "She will be covering a topic on diversity, inclusion and the future".
Now people get a 45 minute telephone call?
Can't imagine a huge audience on tenterhooks for that.

Anonymous said...

Why would it be unthinkable, Chris has an international legal job, she prob is tying it in with other meetings

Anonymous said...

Because LA was the first time in US but NY is the second? Makes sense for less coverage

Anonymous said...

Think she is shook after that guy showed up at oxford looking for her

Anonymous said...

Why? He’s an English/Economics PHD (and lecturer) and as such he’s doing English lit analysis as part of it. That’s what this is. It’s an academic paper, it’s not an article!

Anonymous said...

I think they just saw the word cannibal and assumed it was an Armie Hammer thing.

Anonymous said...

She’s a bit more than that she clears all the creative content but she’s not needed at events, she clearly wants Alex as the face of it which is wise so it doesn’t get lumped with just being a celebrity gin

Anonymous said...

As others mentioned her dad is likely doing other conferences and meetings firms out there, including his CMS colleagues. Emma probably only has this

Anonymous said...

With respect if anyone knew an iota to literature Oxford or not the anon above is right Kirean is a nutter. Even the title looks like angle and demon vibes talk about targeting mainstream Hollywood types.

Anonymous said...

She's more than just an actress. She loves English Literature, Writing, and History. This shows in her work as a UN ambassador, her degree from Brown University, and her current studies at Oxford University for a master's degree.

Anonymous said...

Emma is a cofounder not just a financial partner. Even Forbes article mentioned it. It’s highly unusual that she didn’t even post a story about the launch on her IG. She very much has stakes in it and if her dad can travel for the launch she can too.

Anonymous said...

People, with Oxford and all that’s the lit-critic coming out from those great books. One assessment outrageous. Sish!!

Anonymous said...

The launch event was filled with journalists from renais IG stories and yet other than Forbes none took the time to write anything.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand something about the stalker, if she is scared of him and that's why she doesn't attend events why she doesn't have a bodyguard or two like many celebrities? She had one years ago, the blonde tall woman so she can hire another one to be protected if that creepy guy shows up somewhere

Anonymous said...

Given that you’ve misspelt his name I’d guess you’re the same anon right. And what on earth are you on about?? It’s a pretty standard literary academic article, you’re reading way too much into it. He might not have even picked the subject it might have been assigned.

Anonymous said...

Nothing weird or mad about the guy’s thesis. Speaking as an English lit major myself,that does seem like a really interesting paper.
And look, I think people need to accept that she seems done with being in the public eye. At least in the foreseeable future. If you look back at pics of a lot of her film events she often looks quite uncomfortable. So I say fair play to her for stepping back. It would’ve been hard to see the criticism (often fair) of her acting and she obviously didn’t enjoy a lot of the associated publicity events. Why keep doing it if you don’t need to.
She had so much fame and unwanted attention so young and always seemed to crave a semblance of ‘ordinary’ life. Even Felton in his biog said he wonders if she would’ve taken the role of Hermione if she knew the full impact on her life. I hope the screenwriting postgrad opens up a fulfilling path for her

Anonymous said...

The thesis in question is nothing remotely of intersting. The start of it is as garbage as the end, considering the fact that the books don't take you down those path. the title and the matter very much seems to be manufactured to appear as intellectual as possible when in reality it's very much on the contrary. It's only a delusional rant.

Anonymous said...

The title kind of looks like angle and demon vibe.. haha tried hard to be Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

hbo announces open casting for new golden trio. wow, it feels so weird, in my heart forever will be Dan, Rupert and Emma. What do you guys think about this new HP series? For me is unnecessary, I would much prefer story about marauders or voldemort

Eden said...

I was just thinking yesterday about whether or not to make a blog for the new trio just because I'm so bored out of my mind in the fandom and miss the excitement of the HP days XD Making a blog about child actors feels just too weird though. I MISS THE HP DAYS!!!

Anonymous said...

Please do not watch the new HP series. And if you have to, sail the high seas πŸ˜‰

Anonymous said...

Eden please do so.

Eden said...

I wouldn't even be able to. I'm pretty sure it'll air on Canal+ in France and you have to pay for that channel, which I will not.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the new series won't come close to the movies. Actually, it took me years to decide to watch Harry Potter, and I only did so because I love Emma. Even if you've never watched it, you always know who the main characters were. Also, the story’s timeline wasn't fully revealed until the end, and everything was a surprise back then. There's going to be too much comparison with the movies and books. I feel bad for the kids who are essentially giving up their childhood again to remake something especially now with social media.

Anonymous said...

just money grab like rings of power or trash star wars shows that will all soon be canceled as real fans lose interest in this reheated slop

Anonymous said...

The weirdest thing for me will be if they decide to bring back actors from the OG movies in different roles for pure nostalgia.

Anonymous said...

Disney has begun cancelling Star Wars projects as no one is watching and Rings of Power also lost most of its viewership between season 1 and 2 people really are tired of the milking of the same things over and over.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know many people who have any interest in watching the new series. They’ve already told the stories visually.

Anonymous said...

I think you need to work on your English. Also, his thesis is still forthcoming. It’s on inflationary modernities.

That One Guy said...

Man these comments escalated quickly.

1. Like the man said, it's not actually his doctoral thesis. And I don't know what angle and demon vibes is. It's a perfectly decent academic paper. If you don't have a proper grasp of English, probably don't weigh in on academic papers on English lit?

Man, dating Emma Watson sounds great but then you have internet randos weighing in on your Oxford postgrad work. Still would, but yikes.

2. No plans to watch Harry Potter 2: Transphobia Boogaloo. We already have Harry Potter at home. And in this case, it's already great.

3. I super doubt Emma is done in the public eye. She's just enjoying her 30s and focusing on other projects. Though I don't doubt she feels overwhelmed. Would love to see the quote from Tom Felton about the impact on her life. I predict we'll see a proper Emmasance in a few years.

4. Rings of Power lost *half* its viewers. Which is bad but it's still a large viewership. Nobody is actually tired of branded media, they just want it to be good.

5. We will all see Emma again soon.

Anonymous said...

Yea don’t do that. Those kids already will be scrutinized and being compared to the original. Also social media is a lot worse than it was 20 years ago

Anonymous said...

I think it was in reference to Dan Brown’s Angels and demons book

Anonymous said...

What that One Guy said…

Anonymous said...

I also find the original comment nothing remotely of interesting (I generally wouldn’t mock someone’s English but given they are mocking someone’s perfectly good academic work, I consider it fair game).

Anonymous said...

losing half your viewers on the most expensive to make show of all time is disastrous tbh

Anonymous said...

you just know they will insert AI cameo of deceased actors, one of the worst trends in hollywood right now

Anonymous said...

Emma followed someone new

Anonymous said...

'I super doubt Emma is done in the public eye. ...... I predict we'll see a proper Emmasance in a few years.'

Doing what?
I'm not sure an Emma in her late 30s/40s would have any great relevance to be honest.

Eden said...

Luke Newton. Another actor.

{{user.displayname}} said...

"We will all see Emma again soon."

Don't do that, don't give me hope 😭😭

Anonymous said...

That one guy said

3. I super doubt Emma is done in the public eye. She's just enjoying her 30s and focusing on other projects. Though I don't doubt she feels overwhelmed. Would love to see the quote from Tom Felton about the impact on her life. I predict we'll see a proper Emmasance in a few years.

5. We will all see Emma again soon.But

Know something we don't?

Anonymous said...

Doing what?
I'm not sure an Emma in her late 30s/40s would have any great relevance to be honest.

Why not? Emma's talent and passion for books + her new master degree could easily lead to success as a writer or in another creative field. Her relevance doesn't diminish with age; her experience could add depth to her work, so why doubt her abilities?
By the way, I'm not the person you initially responded to.

Anonymous said...

Based on the information I found here, I spent US$8,000 on a round-trip flight to Singapore, US$5,600 for one night at Marina Bay Sands, and S$300 for the conference fee.
I can't believe it. Why is it a video call

Anonymous said...

HBO taking a beating from GRRM recently after he posted about how they messed up S2 of house of the dragon it was getting so big hbo made him delete his blog post lol all these streaming services are so cooked from making mediocre products recently

Anonymous said...

that was wild that happened, like he never said anything while they were messing up the end of game of thrones which was far worse than house of dragon mistakes...maybe he is so old he dont care anymore lol

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I miss Emma’s dog Sophie

That One Guy said...

No, I don't have any insider info about Emma's plans. If I did, randos would be saying dumb nonsense about *MY* doctoral thesis. But I'd be smooching Emma so who even needs a doctorate?

I just mean I really really doubt she's gonna be out of the public eye forever. She's already said she's not leaving acting, and so long as she wants to write, direct, and do acrivism, she will appear in the media.

It's also quite common for actresses in their later 30s to have a second career playing older roles. Because as an actress, you have your young hot It Girl Period, and if you're not hot fire the whole time like ScarJo or Anne Hathaway, you fall off a bit when other Hot Young Things hit the limelight.

Despite not working for years, Emma remains one of the most famous and beloved humans alive. She will continue to get movie roles and may transition into directing if acting no longer interests her.

As for GRRM and his HotD complaints... less bitchy bitchy, George, more writey writey. He's mad because they cut an extremely minor character who was important to Westerosi succession nonsense. House of Big Lizards is definitely a flawed show, but nobody besides hardcore book readers are mad they cut out Whocaerys Targaryen. Maybe be mad the second season was a big dumb waste where exactly one interesting thing happened?

I can tie this back to Emma because Olivia Cooke implied they were looking for an Emma Watson type to play Alicent. But hush your bearded craw and finish the books, George. And fix all the dumb shit from seasons 7 and 8.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Emma posted a story

Anonymous said...

Emma's posting stories but it's just Prada promo stuff.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't have any insider info about Emma's plans. If I did, randos would be saying dumb nonsense about *MY* doctoral thesis. But I'd be smooching Emma so who even needs a doctorate?

Hmm....Are you Kieran? πŸ€”

Anonymous said...

Eden will you have a video of emma speaking for the people who won’t be able to listen to her live?

Anonymous said... deepfakes of actors are getting worse but it all started with disney and rogue one now there are being sued by peter cushing estate it seems

Anonymous said...

oh wow actually its peter friend suing the estate claiming it would be against his friend's wishes, getting pretty messy regardless AI is ruining everything fast.

Anonymous said...

While y’all debate on whether or not Emma will do anything in the industry again I’ll be missing Sofia. She hasn’t even been festΓ­n anybody’s story anymore. To whoever is the social media admin of Renais if you ever see this… I promise to buy another bottle if you feature Sofia in one of the pictures. Thank you ☺️

Anonymous said...

Lol hp fans crying about the casting call being 'woke' and looking for diverse kids....that fandom be ame horrible

Anonymous said...

Well there you go.
Exclusive photo of Emma at conference;

Anonymous said...

From what I've read on other fan accounts Emma took part in the talk via Zoom Audio and shared childhood anecdotes? Also that she was in Oxford and that it was 2.30 AM UK Time. Maybe she opted for audio because she was in her PJs. :-)
And maybe, just maybe, she still has some work to do for a writing assignment and couldn't fit a short trip to Singapore in?

Anonymous said...

The interview with Alex with the podcast is good. He says it’s a partnership where they kind of stay in their lanes. He leads the operating of the company and she leads on all the content down to even the styling in the photos

Anonymous said...

Will Emma go to Milan Fashion Week? Prada is on next Thursday 19th

Anonymous said...

People at universities have discussed angels and demons hundreds of years before Holywood even existed. (Before you come for my spelling too - I‘m not a native speaker :-D

Anonymous said...

Is she still dating?

Anonymous said...

Emma won’t make public appearances as she is transforming herself for queen of yearling which is finally happening from what I heard

Anonymous said...

Any update?

Anonymous said...

Is everything OK? You haven’t updated for a while.

Anonymous said...

Alex interview where he chats about Emma:

Anonymous said...

Was Emma at the Prada fashion show?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Eden!

Eden said...

Can't tell if you're 5 months late or 7 months early.

{{user.displayname}} said...

Can't stop laughing at how random these comments are πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

I always thought that the singer Chappell Roan reminds me of someone. Yesterday it finally hit me: She looks very similar to the female friend Emma was seen with in Barbados and at JFK in 2021 and who was her +1 at the Baftas in 2022. Don't you think?

Eden said...

I had completely forgotten this person's existence as I have no idea who she is XD

Anonymous said...

Emma won’t make public appearances as she is transforming herself for queen of yearling which is finally happening from what I heard

The what of what?

Anonymous said...

Well there is nothing else to talk about. Ever since her boyfriend was leaked, she’s been private

Anonymous said...

Since she first mentioned it about 10 years ago, I'm thinking she'll be closer to dowager rather than princess if it finally made.

Anonymous said...

That One Guy said...

Queen of the Tearling is a YA fantasy novel that had a big moment when it first came out. Emma optioned it, but since then its luster has faded. It's not well-regarded anymore and doesn't have a big following.

Emma is definitely too old to play the protagonist, but could do a good job as the antagonist. By now, however, a QotT adaption seems to be dead in the water.

I'd love to see Emma return to fantasy, especially as a villain. Just in something good.

Eden said...

Same! Also, the villains always have the best costumes XD

Anonymous said...

Maggie Smith passed away

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Emma posted a story. Pretty late at night or she’s in America

Anonymous said...

Is Amy married?

Eden said...


Anonymous said...

Is Amy married?

Got wed this year