Sunday, September 30, 2012

Emma Watson on Jonathan Ross show [September 28, 2012]

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About Hermione:
"She's so innocent, she’s so good, that anything in contrast to her looks like crazy. I wear a pair of ripped jeans and they are like, 'Emma Watson wearing ripped jeans, what would Hermione say?' it’s like so scandalous."

About playing another character:
"I didn’t know if I believed in myself yet as an actress, outside the role of Hermione, which I knew I could do, and I did for a long time. I didn’t know if I had other people in me or not. I did doubt myself a little bit. I think I’d just played one person, who in many ways was similar to my own personality, and I played her for ten years and I got so comfortable doing that, that the idea of coming out and playing somebody else was terrifying."

About Tom Felton:
"Between the ages of ten and twelve I had a really terrible crush on Tom Felton, to the extent that I would go into work in the morning and look down the numbers on the call sheet to see if he was going to be in. We love a bad guy, he was a few years older and he had a skateboard - and that just did it really. He totally knew (she had a crush on him) and the thing is that he’d tell everyone, ‘I see her in a younger, sisterly way,’ and it just broke my heart. It still does.'

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