Saturday, March 1, 2014

Emma Watson swarmed by paparazzi as she arrives to Los Angeles for the Academy Awards [February 28, 2014]

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March is finally here!
Emma Watson arrived in Los Angeles yesterday’s evening for the Oscars ceremony on Sunday where she’ll be presenting.
With Noah’s release this month, Emma’s agenda will be hectic. There is no date yet for the US and UK premieres of the movie and it’s not known whether Emma will be there or not, but I think we can assume she will. According to sources, Emma will also be at the Berlin and Mexico premieres, respectively on the 13th and the 21st. She won’t be at the Brazilian one though, only Russell Crowe will be there.
Also, I don’t know when it’ll be released, but remember that Emma did a photoshoot for Elle US.

Sources: Emma Watson Daily, Emma Watson Italia

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