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English translation by Emma Watson Updates (credit if you use):
The Harry Potter's actress arrived on Friday in Chile.
Emma Watson visited Villa Baviera with a film director.
Villa Bavaria. The actress Emma Watson arrived on Friday, she was in Talca and one wonders: Why?
Cristian Escarate (33) from Econorent, says: "When I rented the car to Emma I had to ask the entire group for their documents, passports and driver's licenses. She came with a woman of French nationality named Denise Morrone and a German citizen named Florian Gallenberger ".
Morrone is the "Harry Potter" actress' bodyguard as confirms the British newspaper "Daily Mail". And Florian is a film director who won the 2001 Oscar for Best Short Film for "Quiero ser". According to the IMDB site specializing in movies, he prepares a film called "Colonia Dignidad" (2015), a drama set in 1973 and staged at Villa Bavaria near Parral.
It was right there in Villa Bavaria that the trio arrived on Friday around 2 pm and stayed in 2 rooms in Hotel Bavaria (the only one in the area). Felipe Hurtado (36), a lawyer, client at the hotel: "At dinner I saw Emma, she's skinny, seemed very well-mannered. I ate in front of her. I saw that her group was quite cheerful, they had a good time together. In the evening I saw her walking around, it was a beautiful night. In the morning she also went out to the gardens."
Damaris Bravo (21) served Watson at the hotel's restaurant: "She ate salads and herbal tea. Very simple. I didn't ask for a photo or autograph, but there was another young man who was a tourist who asked for an autograph. She did not accept photos because she said she had had bad experiences about it."
After spending 14 hours there yesterday, the group led by Watson left the hotel taking the same Toyota 4x4 van they were renting on Friday. The question is: Where is Emma going this time?
Gallenberger was photographed with Emma:
Source last picture: Pottershots
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