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I don't know why all articles I read consider Brendan Iribe as Emma's ex now, but they do, so I'll run with it.
No idea who the male friend is (EDIT: The Daily Mail say his name is Dominic Piazza) but people obviously assume he's her new boyfriend because Emma bumping into her ex while on a date makes for a much better story.
Concerning the G7 summit, I have no idea if she was even there. She wasn't spotted anywhere the whole time and Biarritz being so secured, I wouldn't be surprised if she was indeed there. Or she went sunbathing in Monaco, go figure. She was spotted in London only a couple of days ago though.
Source: PicturePub
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So she was seen with this Brendan guy just 3 weeks ago and he is her ex already. Why everyone, including media, must assumed she dated every single guy she is seen with? On the other hand, do you guys think, that her constant spoting (mostly with different guys) is not a coincident, but it's PR move to promote Little woman
I understand why she does not say who you are and where she lives.
A very down to earth person who just wants to live normally and does not value much fame.
Tutorial para ser el novio de Emma Watson en el 2019:
-Paso 1: Ten una foto con ella.
-Paso 2: No tienes que hacer nada mas, ya que automáticamente todos los artículos de prensa dirán que eres su nuevo novio solo por caminar a su lado. (Y lo mejor es que no importa cuantas personas salgan en la foto, todas pueden ser el novio de emma o su ex)
Pd: es una broma.
Does anybody know if she's dating Dominic or if is she's still with Brendan?
Yeah I to would like to know if she is with Brendan or Dominic.
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