[Version française]
This is a letter from Emma, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Katja Iversen and Michael Kaufman
We members of the G7’s Gender Equality Advisory Council are urging countries to ditch archaic and discriminatory laws and promote empowerment
The sheer tenacity of women raising their voices and organising for fundamental change has been, and will continue to be, the driving force for achieving women’s rights and a gender-equal world. Yet we cannot ignore the fundamental role that governments can play in either promoting or thwarting change.
That is why the four of us accepted French president Emmanuel Macron’s invitation to join 32 colleagues to form a G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council. On Sunday, we will present the culmination of our work; a package of recommended laws focused on ending gender-based violence; ensuring inclusive, equitable, and quality health and education; promoting the economic empowerment of women; and combating discrimination, ensuring full gender equality in policies and public life. In each area we point to laws from around the world that illustrate the type of action countries should take.
Read full letter HERE.
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Orange man. Bad.
Yeah sure, they will focus on that when Boris Johnson will be there (Brexit), Donald Trump and the Amazonas is burning right now *sarcasm*
I'm also think, that unfortunately it's gonna be side topic.
Hello. Emma here. Gosh. This is my favourite fansite. I love you Edam!
I'll be in room 666. If anyone is interested.....
Well, we know Emma didnt get that proof reader because she misspelled "Eden".
Edam is a type of cheese. It probably was a joke?
Judging by how it was put in the sentence regarding the website, not likely.
Emma spends like 90% of her time on modern feminism, quite toxic really
Hi Edam, why no pictures of Emma from today
If there is an orgy in room 666, if Emma and Eden are in it, sign me up for it
"why no pictures of Emma from today" because she wasn't there today, it's midnight in Europe right now and there aren't any pictures of her at the G7
I think she wasn't there. I know Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad were, so maybe Emma only signed a letter which was published in The Guardian.
Shame no body reads the Guardian though :/
lol eden deleting the lube and strawberry comments cause we might get sued lol
Leave Emma alone. You anti stans will be laughing on the other side of your faces when she wins the oscar for Little Woman!
It's not healthy being that smitten with a celebrity, every person has flaws
I guess they flushed Emma down the drain in G7.. poor Emma!
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