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I'm back! And so is Emma.
After spending the new year in Scotland, she is now back in London.
Credit to Morgane and Lucy.
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com
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If you'll look closely you'd see that the checkered scarf emma is wearing is the same one her bf was wearing in the pics from a few weeks ago, meaning they're still together. Hopefully we'll see more of them in the near future.
It's her scarf, she's actually had it for years - she can be seen wearing it in candids as far back as 2012. So, he borrowed it from her.
I can't believe she's nearly 30. She still looks like a teenager.
"It's her scarf, she's actually had it for years - she can be seen wearing it in candids as far back as 2012. So, he borrowed it from her."
Creepy as fuck knowing that stuff bro :/
Wow! Seems that Emma finally started to dress up stylish in her everyday life! Good to see it.
You forgot to mention a source, Eden. But it's nothing anyway ;)
Ay un video y se ve al novio de Emma cargando una bolsa con el vaso de café en una mano haciendo camino y detrás esta Emma con dos ramos de flores uno en cada brazo y una taza de café en la mano derecha.
Me gusta ese novio para Emma ella se ve feliz con él.
"You forgot to mention a source, Eden. But it's nothing anyway ;)"
I forgot how to write an article after so long XD
Where is the video to find?
eden es un queso
Edam! Not Eden... You're a big fan of cheese, I see...
Anónimo es queso tostado
Emma is so cute and lovely :)
The flowers are as big as her ! She was in Scotland for New Year last year too, right? I'm curious why (except for the fact that Scotland is gorgeous ;)).
Hi Eden!
In twitter you put this:
📸Emma Watson Updates 📖
15 nov. 2019
I have 93 photos of Emma Watson in my candid/fan folder with no date, place or any infos. Good job, past me. Present control freak me who needs everything ordered properly is very grateful"
When can you post these 93 photos?
How you know that Emma spending the new year in Scotland?
Are there photos or videos?
Cierto yo tampoco he visto ninguna información de que ella estaba en escocia pero Edén tiene sus contactos y pues le creo.
encanta oler el trasero de emma
¿Y dónde podríamos ver ese vídeo? Su chico ya lleva bastante tiempo en Inglaterra con ella.
He visto el video y es cierto lo que dice, pero solo son 2 o 3 segundos como mucho
¿Dónde has encontrado el video?
Where did you see that video?
El video está en el perfil de Instagram de esta cuenta: emmacwatson_th
Aquí esta el video https://twitter.com/EmWatsonPT/status/1214249601978556417?s=19
reduced to selling coffee. sad.
happy 30th emma eden watson
Quien es ese Eden?
I started to notice that as well. She looks SO YOUNG when she's dressed casually and with no make-up.
Muchas gracias!
I really like how happy she seems to be with fake-Jesus though, they're cute together.
apparently his real name is Brian
I thought it was Leo
What did you think of Emma's performance in Little Women, Eden?
"I thought it was Leo"
I do believe his name is Leo.
"I do believe his name is Leo."
I 100% believe you don't get the joke......
My daughter and I went to see Little Women yesterday and because I was a huge fan of the 1949 version I didn't think I would like it but I did. My daughter enjoyed it too. There were two things that I noticed firstly that Amy or the actor who played her had a booming deep voice which amused me when she was playing Amy as a child and secondly the way the film kept using flashbacks which I thought might be confusing to anyone who had never read the book. Overall though I enjoyed it and thought all of them played their parts well. Lucky Emma getting James Norton. LOL
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