[Version française]
Prince William will organize his inaugural Earthshot Prize gala next Sunday at London's Alexandra Palace.
The event will award £1 million to five innovative schemes to tackle environmental challenges and, according to the Telegraph, Emma is among the presenters.
Let it be true! I'm so not used anymore to see Emma anywhere that I can't help but think they must have mixed up their Emmas. Emma Thompson will also present actually.
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com
Will she comes in private helicopter?
Joke aside I feel the same Eden, I'm not even sure when was the last public event, December 2019? But if true it's exciting! I do have mix feelings about the 'gala' and presenters but at least it's news. Maybe she'll bring a date too, that'd make people talk ;p.
I think the last public event was March 2018. She had a thing with Stephen Chbosky on November 2019, but I wouldn't call it a public event personally. Maybe I'm missing something.
didn’t she attend the Little Women premiere in New York in late 2019?
XD Completely forgot about the Little Women promotion.
Wasnt it confirmed Emma has one of the worst Co2 output of any celeb? this is awkward xD
I agree they listed the wrong Emma by mistake is my guess. Emma was just dragged in the press for being bad for the environment and her echo-warrior title is laughed at would the royal family invite someone who will damage the seriousness of the event with that kind of history to their name? Though I guess they brought KSI too and that guy has done worse things in his career hahahah
Also Emma seems to be comfortable in Spain right now not sure she plans to leave for a while.
I'm sorry but at this point it's really willful ignorance. It's been said again and again and again that this is a list of 10 random celebrities, and she emitted the least among them. I know she must be emitting a lot with all her travelling, but using that list to prove it is BS.
you don't need a list to do the math on how often she flies solo plus we now know she uses private helicopters to get around in the countries she visits as well
its not surprising her carbon out put would be massive
You are going to deny her emissions when the evidence of how often she travels is right here on the blog yeah there's some willful ignorance :P
The people running this event are willfully ignorant of their guest's impact on the climate too clearly.
Wonder if they will bring prince Andrew that will go well
um....being the least bad amongst a group of the worst is still pretty bad lol
anyway is this an in-person event or being done remotely with live streams and stuff?
Wait we will see Emma with new outfit?????????? plssssssssss!!!
I literally said "I know she must be emitting a lot with all her travelling". Yes, you're willfully ignoring everything.
Will Brandon or Leo be her date to this event? hehehe
OMG!! I'm excited :D
Daily Fail gonna repost that helicopter stuff again now, the comments there are trash again on their version of this article so many haters
That list is three years out of date and useless now stop posting it
I think Bonnie Wright should have been invited she never is quiet about the environment lol it got kind of annoying honestly but I know she is right in what she says but take a day off for once and chill haha
"That list is three years out of date and useless now stop posting it"
well you are kinda right tbh there should be a new study seeing as Emma travels way more now than she did back then it would have even higher results
I hope Emma meets her co-star other Emma(Tompson) and we get some pics of them together XD
Let people enjoy things...
If you want to vent then to go that specific page and rant all you want
cry haters no one cares how much Emma travels she can do what she wants and clearly stated she pays to offset her carbon output so you have no argument daily fail brainwashed you so sad
we are happy to see queen Emma (meeting another queen maybe) you cannot spoil this day :)
Greata Thunberg would have to get a boat to the event as she hates flying and it would take too long probably why she isnt there lmao
How do people know she is in spain?
Greta would probably shout at all the celebs in the room and make things very weird it would not be a good idea to put her near these people lol
remember "How dare you!!" speech she gets pretty intense
Yes go back to daily fail comments if you want to rant about stuff that doesnt matter :D
Emma does more for the sustainability of our world than any complainer here I bet
"Will Brandon or Leo be her date to this event? hehehe"
No she is taking eden as a date when will you people learn this!!!
No guys dont say they wrote the wrong emma by mistake! i need this to be real pleassssssse ahhahaha
People know she is still in Spain as people from their tweet in Spanish about seeing her a few days ago and Emma's friends post content with her in the background there too.
Too many sites report the same names for it to be a mistake relax its clearly happening
because she was there for the last few weeks
However, she's back in London now, since Friday
Comeback is finally happening!
oh, this will be interesting :D
Eden you will need to stay up until 2am to get the emma news in future you are always asleep when things get confirmed haha
"Will Brandon or Leo be her date to this event? hehehe"
Actually I am her date.
"Eden you will need to stay up until 2am to get the emma news in future you are always asleep when things get confirmed haha"
I don't even know if I'll remember how to do things. Don't expect anything on that day other than my overwhelm-ness and a very messy post.
We see Emma in a new dress and everyone will just pass out so news wont matter xd
cry haters no one cares how much Emma travels she can do what she wants and clearly stated she pays to offset her carbon output
Do you genuinely believe you can offset the harm you do just by giving money? How do you calculate how much money you have to give to offset the harm? If a company dump harmful substances in the ocean would it be okay as long as they gave money to whatever non-profit organization?
I'm not a hater and I'm glad we will see her again soon but it's a bit tone deaf and hypocritical to do endless unnecessary travels while claiming to be an eco activist.
The presenters are a diverse bunch;
Duchess of Cambridge, Dame Emma Thompson, actress and feminist campaigner Emma Watson, actor and producer David Oyelowo and footballer Mo Salah.
Queen to be, three actors and a footballer.
Do any of them actually have any environmental credentials?
Dear Eden,
I do believe it to be true. Emma Watson is listed as one of the presenters on the Earthshot Prize: https://earthshotprize.org/london-2021/
"The five winners of The Earthshot Prize will be announced by a line-up of presenters including The Duchess of Cambridge, Emma Thompson, Emma Watson, David Oyelowo and Mo Salah. Each winning solution will be awarded £1million in Prize funding to help support and scale these ingenious innovations, with the potential to repair our planet."
Fuck Leo and Brandon, Emma will go with me bitches.
Extinction rebellion activist group will disrupt this somehow they always make trouble at climate events calling the leaders involved hypocrites but meanwhile they just block roadways and cause more damage to the environment themselves.
Also no Greta would not be welcome here she calls rich people parasite before and is a little brat tbh lol
Let's not come after Greta, please and thank you.
We're not gonna see Luke again, right? It would be a shock if he showed up lol.
Because Greta is an activist and that's their role, you can dislike her but at least she doesn't just talk the talk, she walks it. I'm glad a real activist have some spotlight and can say the hard truth.
On a different topic: what brand she will wear? I'm assuming it's a PR event to represent Kering, so maybe Gucci? I'm betting on a dark lipstick too.
Emma’s been back home in London since before the weekend. Will be good to see her at an event. There’s only 5 presenters so pretty cool she’s been chosen as one.
um....being the least bad amongst a group of the worst is still pretty bad lol
If my dog Milo was taken into account by whoever wrote that nonsense clickbait article instead of Emma he would have come at the same exact position she did. Guess that little fucker spends the time I am not at home with him flying jets.
You guys REALLY need to check the logic of what you say
How many times do people have to say it wasn’t a group of the worst, it was 10 randomly selected famous people as part of an academic study. You can actually read the study if you want to!
the evidence of her lifestyle is well documented even on this blog no amount of shouting clickbait will change it.
People hate Greta because she tells them what they dont want to hear, the had truth.
Will this be shown to the public this event or is it a behind closed door type of event? How likely is video to be shown to us?
Except your dog isn't being studied celebs were so wtf are you even talking about ahahhaahha
Emma has just been sighted in Spain earlier today? how is she in London?
Let's not come after Greta, please and thank you.
thanks for saying this Eden im shocked people who would claim to be fans of Emma would go after another activist.
yay!!! I cant wait to see her again oxoxox
Yup throwing money at a problem doesn't fix it you have to actually change your lifestyle but these celebs will never do it, they want all of us normal people to though.
As someone else said the list is way out of date so Emma would be at least 3 spots above your dog now if you count all her flights you can find on the blog lol
oh woah i never thought we see her again at this point! :D
There's a dozen of other comments that disagreed with Andrew that I didn't post because it felt a bit much and some of you seriously need to chill when disagreeing with someone.
I shouldn't have let it be the last comment before going to bed, sorry.
U think for this environment thingy she followed Henry Lambert. Not a fan of his style.
Also Greta is a literal child please don't do this, I think we are better thank this.
i thought andrew was joking? it was a silly comment about a dog?
with the logic of "If this other thing happened instead of what actually happened then this wouldn't have happened!"
thats funny!
Anyone who got mad instead of laughing needs to clam down.
Ugh typo *I
Eden you work to hard not to be paid for this blog and keeping it tidy you should start a Patreon tbh ;)
"Anyone who got mad instead of laughing needs to clam down"
Agreed. I can't tell if people naturally take things too seriously or if they go on the internet because they want to fight about anything and everything.
"Eden you work to hard not to be paid for this blog and keeping it tidy you should start a Patreon tbh ;)"
I copy and paste stuff, I don't think anyone would want to pay for this XD
no i mean paying to keep the comments section clean it seems exhausting work lmao
You're right. People do get paid to clean up stuff after all. Very curious in which Patreon category that would go XD
Tbh climate activists are very angry people when they decide you have done wrong to the planet they will fight you all day :(
maybe let's not post comments that invite a fight anymore the blog was more fun when we don't bring up politics, I know Emma is involved in that stuff but let's try not to mention it that often.
lets talk about what kind of man bun emmas bf will have this time instead lol
Eden will become an anger management councilor soon
the patience to moderate the comments is that of a saint at this stage xD
I rather people complain here about Emma and eco responsability so that on Sunday I won't feel bad for not allowing people to complain about it on the post about the event. Because you know that's happening.
I think I forgot a word in the beginning of my sentence XD Nevermind.
Generally some people are always angry and criticise everything. "Why is she doing this? " " Why is she not doing this " " Blah Blah Blah " Calm the f down.
Daily Fail and their comment minions are going to get vile on Sunday lol
The planet is beyond saving its too late crying about Emma Watson enjoying her life wont stop wild fires floods earth quakes and everything else people should calm down and just let everything happen
Eden is it common for french people to stay so calm?
i would have deleted the blog by now if i have to read so much nonsense all day ahhaha
I think we're known to be the opposite. Or is it only when we're driving?
I think its Italians who are always calm stereotype ;)
we French are rioting all the time lol
but tbh the government is so useless there is no choice.
"but tbh the government is so useless there is no choice."
Plus que 6 mois!
"Eden is it common for french people to stay so calm?"
Being English I know they are an incredibly angry and rude group, who wear berets, drive those cars that bounce up and down and smoke those thin smelly cigarettes.
Now I'm off to have a cup of tea and stare lovingly at my portrait of the Queen as it pours rain outside.
No mentions of frogs?!
To be fair I didn't mention you are all sex mad as well. XD
Is that really a thing? I'm such a bad stereotypical French person. Fortunately I like bread and cheese or I'd probably get kicked out of the country.
In Spain we say French do nothing just make black and white movies with people smoking for hours then they eat a baguette and drink some awful wine refusing to admit that spanish wine is better :P
"The best thing about France? All the French women" - my dad lmao
Oh no, now you've got me thinking of holidays and bread, cheese and pastries.
Oh and as a kid my dad trying to put up a beach umbrella at a French beach and not doing it terribly well and a rather large lady in a swimsuit throwing her hands in the air, walking over, grabbing the umbrella, yelling comme ci, comme ca to my bewildered pop.
Sorry French wine is famously better than Spain or anywhere else anon ;)
Anon @ 12:03 AM : Will this be shown to the public this event or is it a behind closed door type of event? How likely is video to be shown to us?
Yes! From an article on the gala : 'The event will be filmed at Alexandra Palace in London and be broadcast on BBC One and globally on Discovery’s Facebook page.'
Anon @ 12:08 AM : Emma has just been sighted in Spain earlier today? how is she in London?
It's possible she is still in Ibiza, maybe she plans to do a quick round trip on the day before and after the event. If she uses a private flight she can even go back as soon as the gala end.
Is there no quarantine needed to go to the UK?
Not anymore.
Spain is a red list country right?
well google tells me this about travel from Spain
"Do I have to quarantine upon arrival to the UK from a red list country during the COVID-19 pandemic?
You must quarantine in the place you are staying for 10 days , except while you are undertaking the exempt activity. You must take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 and on or after day 8. You only need to take the tests if you are still in England. You cannot end quarantine early through the Test to Release scheme.
4 Oct 2021"
I'm sure she's been back in the UK for at least 2 weeks, and she's been spotted several times in London.
Is there no quarantine needed to go to the UK?
I'm not sure. From her travels this summer/autumn I'm assuming not, she was spotted in Iceland/England/France/Ibiza/England/Ibiza too soon for her to quarantine 5-10 days each time. Maybe tests are allowed as proof?
Its unlikely famous people have to follow the same rules as normal people they have ways of to get around all this stuff(probably using private means of travel)and how fast Emma moves country to country she clearly does not quarantine
does anyone have a link to people saying they saw her? what is the source?
is it her friend's videos on insta?
As of today the red list countries are Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Panama, Peru and Venezuela. AFAIK Spain was only ever on the amber list which hasn't required quarantine for vaccinated people for about a month.
"It's possible she is still in Ibiza, maybe she plans to do a quick round trip on the day before and after the event. If she uses a private flight she can even go back as soon as the gala end."
Given the purpose of the gala, is Emma that tone deaf?
I think, it's saddening she isn't doing more in public on charitable purposes and everyone asks for her comeback as an actress only. Like my grandfather's wife used to quote:
"Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life."
People need to check the rules before going off on one about her breaking them. For Spain when she was photographed go-karting etc it was amber, but for amber for UK all you have to do is take a test before you fly back to the UK and then take another test within 2 days of arriving (which most people do at the airport) if you’re vaccinated. And green list countries are open completely. So no, no quarantine and the UK is now doing away with the traffic light system. Also as double jabbed she’d be able to travel within EU countries France/Spain etc with no quarantine if she’s double jabbed (as it’s just about where you’ve been in last 14 days and if you’ve only been in EU you can move around if vaccinated). The rules have been quite easy to follow for some time, which is why pretty much everyone I know in the UK went on at least one foreign holiday this summer/autumn. They were more complicated earlier in the year when she went to the US, but all you had to do for that if you had the money was quarantine for two weeks in Mexico and then go in, which was what she did, that’s why we saw/heard about her in Mexico so much. Whatever you think of the traveling from a moral standpoint, all evidence points to her actually following the rules.
No Spain is not a red list, and no if she’s double vaxxed she won’t need to do 5-10 quarantine anywhere we know shes been, she can do tests and release super quick or no quarantine at all. I’m just back from Greece from Uk. No quarantine, didn’t even have to test when going to Greece as I’m vaxxed just flew straight in from London. Just needed proof of my vax status. Been this way since early summer. Tested the day before I left Greece and tested when landed back in UK straightaway. So no quarantine on coming back. All super quick. Friends flew from Ireland to Greece and back and as they hadn’t been outside the EU didn’t even need any tests at either side, EU brought that in in the summer. Just needed vax proof.
I do not find posts saying she has been seen anywhere tbh
not since here friends insta video.
I am really concerned about her outfit that it will be frumpy, woke and unattractive.
She was spotted at a cinema in London a week ago.
'She was spotted at a cinema in London a week ago.'
Harry Potter marathon?
50 Shades of Green
"She was spotted at a cinema in London a week ago"
Where is the receipt? People and their claims.
"50 Shades of Green "
AJSKDJK. Shut up.. I don't even want to imagine. Do not put pictures in my head.
I found the dancing GIF ;P
I heard she saw the new bond movie but there is no evidence
There were tweets saying she was at a bakery and another person said they saw her before they lost their phone.
its seems like typical claims we see every day with no pics I don't trust any of it.
Also people tweet in Spanish about seeing Emma over their too on the same days so some of these people have to be lying
'Where is the receipt? People and their claims.'
This tweet is in spanish and you can find it on twitter.
A week ago they saw her in London in a cinema watching the movie No time to die, the girl who reported it is Spanish-speaking but works in a London cinema ... that's why some think she was in Spain LMAO
Can confirm Emma is in London and is pregnant.
Did a drawing of her on my sketch pad, but then it rained and all the colours ran.
But you can believe me, because who would make up such a ridiculous story.
The Spanish tweets i read say they saw her at the emergency room and they are definitely in spain so different tweets i think
No pics of any of these things unlike the dancing Emma in spain gif lol so i think all these sightings are clout chasing
I think I saw the tweet about her being at a clinic too, it was about her having something wrong with her leg right?
I'll look for the tweet and try to link it when i finish school
Guys stop, We all know Emma is in Edens basement as always ;)
I'd like to add that it's as a choice, not as my captive.
yeah yeah....tell it all to the 'gens d'armes' Eden :P
I found the dancing GIF ;P
Detective work anon.
"I'm your number one fan. There's nothing to worry about. You're going to be just fine. I will take good care of you."
What could possibly go wrong.
That tweet from the clinic in Spain is from June and the boy says that last summer Emma was at the clinic in Ibiza.
I had already passed the obsession to find that video and now I see the gif, thanks. She is so beautiful and dances so beautiful ... I am in love with that woman. I hope this gif does not leave here because it looks like a private environment.
The tweet i saw was from September 29th and was a girl posting (well they called themself "lady" something in their account name)
The only tweet I have seen from September 29 where they mention a certain Emma is Emma Corrin who was in Ibiza on that date.
lol. Just... lol.
there are no links getting posted so this is all just nonsense imo
the only sighting is glorious dancing emma gif in spain :D
"Emma Watson estaba en nuestra clΓnica otra vez. Estaba temblando cuando le di la medicina mis dioses"
This is what the lady Vee person said on September 29th
Emma is on mars right now
I think I found the tweet you are talking about
when translated on google it says the language is actual protegees
so unless it's broken the person is making up tweets lol
Emma has not been to protugal right? or i missed this event?
"Emma is on mars right now"
yes finally something plausible
Well she was everywhere else in Europe basically this summer its not crazy she went there but people can tweet they saw any celeb anywhere to get likes all the time
as others say show pics or i will just laugh at your sightings :P
Hmmmmmmm....well she did have an injured leg in some pap pics awhile ago....i doubt she still needed to see doctors about it as recently as spetember though?... unless it was some how still bothering her. There could be any number of other reasons she would be seen at a clinic though so who knows the guess could go all day hahaah
I can believe she saw 'no time to die' she is a big bond fan like many people
I'm surprised she did not try to be a 'bond girl' by now xd
'This is what the lady Vee person said on September 29th'
I didn't find a tweet about her appearing at the clinic, the Lady V account only said she saw Emma at the theater, are you mistaken?
Eden do you have a plan to live tweet this event? I think no haters will bother you on Twitter as they can just be blocked :D
Nah, I'll stay on the blog.
I look for these tweets and found an account that looks to only have joined this past few months to tweet about Emma in spanish im pretty sure you are trolled by them haha
I just saw someone on Twitter says that Emma is in Edinburgh for a climate change conference, one of her friends is there rn, I'm sure Emma is with her, mabe we can see new pics soon.
when searching for Emma in Edinburgh tweets i only found old tweets by Eden that leads to this post haha
Tweet supprimΓ© dans la minute qui suivait sa publication, Emma est bel et bien Γ Edinburgh pour le TEDCountown
Emma listened to a speech from Nicola Sturgeon today?
I think it's new. Ahhhhh
So happy to see her at a event after 12459785 years. She looks exhausted, she doesn't sleep or what ?
Pic from that Ted countdown.
there is also a video
All these supposed sightings of Emma but.....plot twist....what if she doesn't exist?
And none of us do.
We are in fact all players in a Matrix created by Eden.
See everything makes sense now.
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