Friday, May 10, 2024

Emma Watson and Tom Felton at the Renais gin's 1st anniversary party in London [May 08, 2024]

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Thank you to everyone in the comments 💗

Yesterday's Evening Standard reported that Emma and her brother Alex "celebrated their gin label's first birthday party at the Savoy Hotel." They say she arrived late, during the speeches (one of them was their dad's) and wanted to keep a low profile. They say Tom Felton was also there and both he and Emma said no to photos. We haven't seen her in more than two months and she said no to photos?! 😭😭😭😆

Alex said about Emma, "She's very passionate about creative work. If you look at a lot of the creative, Emma had a big hand in that. She directed and shot all the photography and the assets that we use that you'll see online."

Source: arentyoueshita

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Anonymous said...

Great🤣🙃miss her

Anonymous said...

She probably said no because Renais is more Alex’s company than hers… also people have commented on Alex’s insta that he’d be nothing without Emma. Which is kind of a slap in the face towards him as he’s the CEO and it was his idea too. I can see why Emma would want the focus to be on him.

Anonymous said...

What I don't get is that she said no to photos but was okay with the journalist to mention that Tom Felton was also there.
I do understand that she kept a low profile to have the spotlight on Alex.
And I would understand if she had said no to photos because of Tom Felton being there and the attention it could generate.
But if she is okay with it being mentioned in the text itself why the secrecy? I mean, just a photo of her alone or with her brother at such an important event (for the brand) with loads of Influencer folk as guests... wouldn't have hurt so much.

Eden said...

I highly doubt she had any say on what was going to be written.

Eden said...

Forgot to say that last night I tweeted a poll saying we were going to have some news about Emma (it was a joke and the options we crossed fingers, laughing emoji and clown emoji). I'm not saying that this is thanks to me, but I'm not saying it's not 😎 You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

emma was avoiding paps all year in 2024 and wants to keep it going notice how its her most daily mail free year ever? (aside from car towed away thing that was a member of the public that caught it not paps) i think she like not being in news and wants to stay out of it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

prob so people talking about gin and alex instead of her

Anonymous said...

"I highly doubt she had any say on what was going to be written."

- If both said No to being photographed at the same event both could have ask not to mention it either.

Eden said...

"If both said No to being photographed at the same event both could have ask not to mention it either."

Maybe they did. But if they did I doubt the journalist would have been like "they also asked not to be mentioned... oopsies" XD

Anonymous said...

its likely to keep spotlight on alex who is being interviewed and not emma or other guests

Anonymous said...

I mean its says right there she came in late(and not that she and tom arrived together or were even hanging around together just that at some point both declined pictures) and also said was trying to be 'low profile' suddenly having camera flashing in her direction and drawing attention would end that right away xD

Anonymous said...

Nah its so Hassan doesn't see pics and wonder why he's not invited hehe

Anonymous said...

Alex would be like 'can you two stop hogging this event that is about my company'?!?
if they started having a photo opportunity
and the article became about 'hp cast reunite at event!' lol

Eden said...

"and the article became about 'hp cast reunite at event!' lol"

You're calling me out! Stop it! XD

Anonymous said...

You didnt name your headline that eden so its okay even if you use clickbait image xD but these papers would have a headline like that and a new pic then forget to mention alex and even say it was a gin event lmao

Anonymous said...

Maybe thay are not ready to appear on camera and werent on stage giving speeches or anything so they were like can media leave us out of this pls? lol also yeah emma did showed up late and didnt seem like this event is really about her that much

Anonymous said...

Eden is it true dialy fail ignore emma more than usual this year?

tbh i not been following that close

Anonymous said...

Hassan could have been there low profile too xd

Eden said...

"Eden is it true dialy fail ignore emma more than usual this year?"

What are they ignoring? There's nothing to report.

Anonymous said...

yeah but normally they find her on a street somewhere getting coffee or on a beach and its like did they stop hunting for her?? lol xd

Anonymous said...

"What are they ignoring? There's nothing to report."

an ice cold burn from Eden on Emma's career currently omg XD

Anonymous said...

Emma has been in remote locations and at Oxford or out of the way places of paps and cant be found as easy as before that is all
daily fail would love to still stalk and drag her with nonsense headlines but they just cant find her that much and good for Emma.

Anonymous said...

Evil Eden Era continues, you love to see it ;)

Anonymous said...

my theory is there is no current bf so emma not travelling around so much on holiday with them or going out to eat and simply just not seen that much and staying at home more

Anonymous said...

eden is a legendary hater at this point, her emma diss track should release soon xD

Anonymous said...

trying to be lowkey thing in this very article does hint at her trying to lay low this year makes sense paps are having little luck

Anonymous said...

she maybe turned up late to specifically dodge any paps hanging around outside? dunno tho feel they would stay the whole time just in case she showed anyway? maybe she was in disguise lmao

Anonymous said...

Maybe daily fail moved on from Emma since she hasn’t been in a movie for over 5 years. A bunch new young stars like Florence Pugh, Sydney Sweeney, Zendaya and Jenna Ortega

Anonymous said...

Eden about to have her inner Kendrick Lamar diss track

Anonymous said...

Darling you don't understand. No matter how long she is dormant, Emma Watson will remain a "fresh meat" in the celebrity gossip industries. The attention she got when she showed is maddening

Anonymous said...

Emma Watson is not a hot name anymore. There’s nothing to report.
She’s definitely a former actress.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it but I’m starting to agree with other people when they say Emma is a childhood actress…Not a good movie trajectory after Harry Potter ended. Not even mentioning the fact that usually female stars don’t go on huge breaks due to Hollywood always moving on to the next “IT GIRL”

Anonymous said...

I bet she was gorgeous!
I know she wants to keep it a low profile but I’m bummed we didn’t get to see what beautiful outfit she wore or how she did her hair.

I may have to give this drink a try.
I keep seeing it and not just on Emma sites!

Anonymous said...

“She (Emma) directed and shot all the photography..”
That’s pretty cool!
So the pictures we see of it are basically her doing?

Anonymous said...

"So the pictures we see of it are basically her doing?"

For the initial launch plus some stuff posted over time. They've had other people shoot some stuff with Alex.

Anonymous said...

You cant find emma news anymore because Yahoo posts 50 ai generated articles if out of date news a week clogging google with nonsense

Eden said...

Just add -yahoo to your search.

Anonymous said...

Yahoo doesn't even create their own index anymore (bots that crawl the internet to create a database of links that makes searching faster), it's just Bing search with Yahoo branding. Bing and Google are the only search indexers anymore, so you can use any search engine and pull from the same results, the only difference is in how they filter them.

Anonymous said...

For me, the actress Emma represents only 1/10 of all the things that Emma is.

I mean imagine everything you do in your life to have everyone judging you before giving you the chance to start doing something. Maybe she is afraid that if she has so much attention on her they are going to start judging her and take away what is trying to start which is directing or writing.

I believe Emma is a very intelligent. Having a career doesn't mean appearing on all the magazine covers and celebrity gossip pages. It means excelling in your work and being someone people want to collaborate with and respect. Personally, I think she doesn't want to act anymore. She just doesn't want to close any doors by stating it outright, in case she decides to return to acting in the future.

Anonymous said...

“ It means excelling in your work and being someone people want to collaborate with and respect”
Exactly, and right at that point is where you get the main problem…

With all due respect that Emma deserves as a human being: looking back I have found too many inconsistencies throughout her career, which is fine because as we get older we mature and realize what we really want. But what makes a lot of noise to me is that Emma has based her image on something completely generic and fictitious. Even she badly stated it for Wonderland in 2022.
I honestly think Emma sold herself in a way as "superior" to the rest of mortals and over time that whole lie fell apart. Her talent as an actress is questionable and the fact of wanting to cover so much and not concretize anything (at least publicly) is what makes her fans feel disappointed and even cheated. And of course she has every right because it's her life, her career and her decisions, that's valid. This comment is from the view of a fan who UNDERSTANDS but also feels things.

The fact that so many people with no judgement want to invalidate the opinion of disappointed fans just to praise Emma without a shred of fairness seems unacceptable to me in this day and age.

I'm here because of what Emma represented to my childhood but beyond that there is nothing that invites me to keep up with her life. I'm not interested in who she dates, I'm not interested in her alcohol venture, I'm not interested in interviews repeating the same thing over and over again.

As a human being I understand her path and her process, what I don't quite understand is why insist on keeping thousands of fans in expectation when you have no real intentions of returning to what made you famous and loved.

And I'm sure I speak for many people who feel the same way at this point.

Emma is probably a wonderful, amazing woman but the more I analyze how things have been developing in her career the last few years the more I realize that this story is very strange and with many secrets.

Like everyone else, I hope she’s happy but that doesn't blind me and doesn't let me continue to feel ripped off. Which of course, is still my fault because of my expectations.

Anonymous said...

I think people over analyze Emma career too much. She is 34 and millionaire. She doesn’t need to work ever again in her life. Would any of you still work if you had her money? A career she started at 9 years old. How may of you had decided yours career at nine? To me the biggest hint Emma gave was when instead of going to a Drama School or Julliard for example, she choose to study Literature. It’s obvious from there she would never be someone that is passionate looking for jobs in the movie industry, she isn’t someone like Margot Robbie that is hunting for an Oscar, she is just living her life and may or may not accept another role in the future.

Anonymous said...

In my case, as a fan of Emma, ​​I don't think the same as the penultimate comment. Although I miss her, I understand her personal journey, many of us are going through similar changes as we become adults and she has already expressed her desire to direct and is studying, as a fan I do not feel cheated, she is clear and that will take time.

Anonymous said...

If she decides to take a break or to stop altogether, it's her choice and she doesn't owe anyone an explanation. Probable she doesn’t know either what is going to happened in future. I mean I decided to be her fan. She don’t own anything to me, She is a human not a machine that I have to expected her to last until a specific date.

As I grew up, I came to understand, am I always perfect in my job? No. Sometimes I plan and work to do 100 things, and I barely do 1. This is her life. She's not going to have a second one. She has the right to be imperfect; she has the right to do things that maybe other people don't like.

Imagine deciding to do something and having thousands of people around the world telling you if you're going to fail or not. I mean, sometimes we have like 3 people, and their opinion can destroy our psychology and self-confidence in seconds. Personally, I end up cancelling everything. I can't even imagine how much work she did with herself to handle all that.

Anonymous said...

Some people are writing essays here. LMAF

Anonymous said...

spoiler alert all these comments really eden talking to herself (even this one xD )

Eden said...

I'm lonely, don't judge me, other me-s.

Anonymous said...

To be honest I’m not sure why people expect her to stick to just being an actress. Since she was a teenager she always said she wanted to do a little bit of everything…and there’s been times that she only acted to fulfill a contract (HP) or because of people who were twisting her arm(Little Women). It was also obvious that she isn’t somebody who is THAT competitive on the acting field ( in 2017 she said” I don’t care for awards although they’re nice, I just like doing movies where I like the message”). Also there’s been enough rumors that the offers that she receives aren’t movies she wants to make (they would double/triple she acting fee is she did nude scenes) for me to believe them. Along side with rumors that she’s hellbent on her boundaries and doesn’t like them to be crossed ( as she should considering how she grew up).Besides she seems more relaxed/ less anxious these past couple of years compared when she did have a movie or two come out , but that just be me.

Eden said...

"there’s been times that she only acted to fulfill a contract (HP) or because of people who were twisting her arm(Little Women)"

Let's not pretend we know for a fact her reasons behind those decisions, please.

Anonymous said...

Comments are going off topic as usual 💀
i'm not surprised..

Anonymous said...

Wow can’t believe it’s already been a year since Emma revealed the Gin bottle. Time went by fast

Anonymous said...

Weird to me that Emma asked not to be photographed.

Let's face it no one really gives a stuff about a one year anniversary for a gin, except that it's associated with Emma (and I mean across all media , not just here).

Photograph of Emma = more publicity, more awareness of Renais, potentially more sales.
And she is currently the second largest shareholder (behind Alex), holding nearly 25% of shares on issue.

Anonymous said...

It could even have been more if she had a photo with Tom :D

Anonymous said...

Arriving late probably not camera ready

Anonymous said...

The dad seemed more ivloved than her giving a speech on stage, where is his pics?

Anonymous said...

It appeared to be an event about highlighting Alex I think she is trying to stay out of spotlight and let his name shine, they interviewed him and not rest of family it sounded like

Anonymous said...

Emma doesnt really do promo for it on her socials and leaves it all to Alex mainly who post every day about it almost, i guess the deal is really she will shoot all the ads and he will share it

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day Eden!

Anonymous said...

I've been saying this for the last year. Renais is her brother's business, she just helped him to launch it.

Anonymous said...

To be honest I’m not sure why anybody is surprised Emma didn’t take any pictures… she’s shown time and time again that she is highly protective of her privacy. She doesn’t even take pictures most of the time even if she is ina public place like a concert.She’s skipped red carpets at events she’s attended before , with the only way we found out she even went was bacuse somebody else said something. Not posting pictures until she’s long gone from a place has been her M.O for over a decade now It’s clear she wanted the attention to be on Alex, as Renais is his company and that she is happy to be in the sidelines.

Anonymous said...

I think Forbes summed it up quite well when they said that Emma and Alex are running a family business and not making “celebrity gin”. I don’t think they want it short term and gimmicky from a publicity standpoint, they want a respected luxury product.

“While it would have been easy for her to secure sales as the sole face of the brand, Emma has taken a side-step out of the limelight at Renais. While she’s a shareholder in the business and oversees most of company’s creative direction, Alex Watson is at the forefront, shining in what others might describe as his sister’s shadow.”
Emma works in the background and only uses her celebrity where necessary (she uses her skills though hence being creative director, which means that even when she doesn’t shoot it herself everything creative would still go through her for approval etc)

Anonymous said...

I don’t know why she didn’t take any pictures at the event and I won’t speculate either. But I will say I’m not surprised by it either,Emma herself along side other people have always said she isn’t that confortable as a celebrity. She even said in either 2022/3 that she was taking a step back from the public… So if I’m being honest I’m not sure why people are so hellbent on her being in that space. Right now she seems to be more focused on being a creative director and a student more than anything, and honestly good for her. It was stated from the jump that Renais was not a celebrity gin so I’m very confused as to why some of y’all treat it like it is ?!?!

Anonymous said...

Nobody has said that Renais is just a celebrity gin or a side project just for fun. It's absolutely clear that it is a very serious business for all of them. And it is a very good gin, very unique in it's taste.
I think some of us are just disappointed that she didn't take a photo at the event. Just one with Alex would've been great. She is, as you said, creative director and co-founder and share holder of the brand.

Anonymous said...

One of the annons has a point. Her pic would have certainly helped the brand with publicity. Not taking a picture doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

The event wasn't public, it was more of a company celebration, not a promotional thing. Alex didn't even post about it on Insta until afterwards.

Anonymous said...

I understand Emma but it's kinda nonsense that there is no photos of her.

Anonymous said...

If Emma took a picture of Tom, then everyone would be speculating if they are dating. Just like Emma with every game she’s taken a photo with.

Anonymous said...

emma was late and clearly not planning to be part of any media coverage of this event

Lola said...

Roxanne prove that wrong anyway so not an issue

she was trying to avoid attention this year and sticking to that lowkey life

Anonymous said...

She avoided red carpets at other events recently and seems to avoid pictures if its not needed these days, its an on going wind down from her celeb life seemingly

Anonymous said...

she want to starve eden of news honestly not the deep xd

Anonymous said...

Eden go to sleep early then you will trigger Emma to post she hasn't been spotted in so long because she needs you to sleep through her news ;)

Anonymous said...

It's a shame she didn't sign on for the Maddison Invitational golf tournament, James and Oliver Phelps are going to be there. I was hoping she would after seeing her the last couple of years playing golf.

Anonymous said...

Dammit, why does the media keep confusing Emma Watson with Emily Watson?

Eden said...

They're doing it on purpose to torture the fandom XD

Eden said...

Just so you know, I am aware of the new recent photos and video.

Anonymous said...

Are they actually something interesting or just people creeping on Emma walking down the street again?

Anonymous said...

"Just so you know, I am aware of the new recent photos and video."

WHAT PHOTOS? WHAT VIDEO? I am dying here for new content. When are you going to post it?

Anonymous said...

pap shots?

or you mean those other mack pics?

Anonymous said...

Emma in Bristol pics?

Anonymous said...

Is there a new thing?

Anonymous said...

Eden do you recognize this? It looks kinda photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

Eden what new recent photos and video?

Anonymous said...

Cant post it? Is it from her friends account?

Anonymous said...

Eden being evil and teasing us

Anonymous said...

Eden that’s cruel, point us in the direction at least…

Anonymous said...

Oooo what photos and video??? Is it something you can't share with us yet?

Anonymous said...

Eden should be put in jail for torturing the fandom.🤣🤣😭😭😭
Her last comment says she's aware about the recent photos and video, and then she just disappears.
If this is not torture, i don't know what is. 😑🤣😭😭

Anonymous said...

Are the recent photos new photos or is it something from years ago that’s been released

Anonymous said...

If you don’t mind me asking … what pictures? It’s ok if you don’t respond as it may invade her privacy.

Anonymous said...

The "Movie Projects
Unknown movie
As: Unknown
Status: Shooting early 2024"

Until when?

Anonymous said...

When are we seeing those new photos and videos

Anonymous said...

What kind of new photos and videos? With whom are they with? Is it work related?

Anonymous said...

Who are they with

Anonymous said...

um...Do you check the blog Eden?

Eden said...

SORRY! I have an appointment that I've been waiting for two months coming on Tuesday and I've been stressing all this time and it's only getting worse XD If the appointment goes well, I should have a second one and will probably not be very present again, but if that one also goes well, it should all be good.

What you're here for: the photos and video. The video is just her legs so I won't post it. I'll probably only post one of the photos (the others are through a window, it's weird), but I don't know when. I feel like we all know where she is currently so it should be fine to post it today or tomorrow, but I don't know. Let me know what you think, please.

"Eden do you recognize this? It looks kinda photoshopped."


"Eden should be put in jail for torturing the fandom.🤣🤣😭😭😭
Her last comment says she's aware about the recent photos and video, and then she just disappears.
If this is not torture, i don't know what is. 😑🤣😭😭"


Anonymous said...

"The video is just her legs so I won't post it."

No feet then. You're so picky.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Eden! (for your appoinment)

Anonymous said...

Its Bristol stuff right?

Unkown said...

TBH it's creepy sneak shots don't share it or reveal her location imo

also no other accounts found it on insta so i think you shouldnt spread this or invade privacy here as its pretty hidden video and posts most didnt see

Anonymous said...

hey eden why your Instagram comments turned off? people bother you there or something?

Anonymous said...

How do we know where she is?
did people see her in Bristol
like an above comment a few days ago said or?

Anonymous said...

Take a week off again and relax Eden xd

there is no real Emma news

and candids taken without Emma permission are not necessary and pretty weird to take!

Anonymous said...

take care of you eden and ignore internet if stressed for awhile
nothing going on again this year with emma so you wont miss much lmao

Anonymous said...

Eden were the new pics of that with Hassan ?

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with the appointment and do post Eden..

Anonymous said...

Eden do post all the photos please. Do post as soon as you can And best of luck with your appointments

Eden said...

Thank you for all the "good luck" and "take care" :D Also, no one in the comments seems to know where Emma is right now, so I'll hold off the photo for now. It's nothing exciting. She's just walking with a guy I don't think I saw before. Someone already decided that he's the new boyfriend because of course XD

"hey eden why your Instagram comments turned off? people bother you there or something?"

Not really. I only turned comments off on instagram and limited them on twitter to see if it'd help with the stress. It's quite nice.

"How do we know where she is?
did people see her in Bristol"

She's not in Bristol. It sounds like the person is trying to make a story happen but I don't know what.

"Eden were the new pics of that with Hassan ?"


Clara said...

if nobody else posted i wouldnt post it as it was clearly some private moment unless its widely shared already i wouldnt do it just my view

Anonymous said...

She was in bristol search twitter/x from last week!

Anonymous said...

instagram accounts were trying to get others to find the pics and they cant so its eden exclusive and they are mad lol

Anonymous said...

why did you think ppl knew where she was eden? just curious xd

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree with others, respect her privacy and dont share things that Emma herself didnt want out there or were not part of an official event.

Eden said...

"why did you think ppl knew where she was eden? just curious xd"

Just thought it was obvious.

Anonymous said...

the footballer emma watson who was in bristol is diffrent, in uk you need to understand now that she is the more active emma watson these days and gets sighted often lol

Anonymous said...

yes, not every twitter mention from uk of seeing Emma Watson is our Emma anymore be careful xD

Eden said...

"Eden are you hiding *** comments?"

Yes XD Unless paparazzi find her there, I'm not sharing her location.

Anonymous said...

also um you know people can just say they saw anyone on there with no evidence?

shouldnt buy any of it even if its the football player emma

Anonymous said...

okay i thought you maybe thought my links were fake or im lying or something but thanks for explaining yes i guess if paps didnt show her then keep her privacy :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck eden! and yeah feel free to stay off internet and eat ice cream for another week

i bet there will still be no new Emma news and it will be fine lol

Anonymous said...

Eden are you even sure it’s Emma?

Anonymous said...

Dont worry Eden, Emma’s career is dead.
You can leave us for two years and the most you will lose is two red carpets, two photoshoots and two interviews saying that Hollywood is not for her but that she will eventually return.

K said...

Thank you for all the "good luck" and "take care" :D Also, no one in the comments seems to know where Emma is right now, so I'll hold off the photo for now. It's nothing exciting. She's just walking with a guy I don't think I saw before. Someone already decided that he's the new boyfriend because of course XD

Eden please post all the photos, please we don't get much new Emma comment please post all 🙏🙏

Anonymous said...

Beauty and the Beast was made 7 years ago… I feel old

Anonymous said...

Good luck and just remember you are too cute too fail xD

Anonymous said...

Eden are you pregnant?

Charlie said...

I think we should take a vote , who else thinks Eden should post all the photo. But not say the location.
I think so 🙋
What about you guys?

Blood Prince said...

Good luck Eden!

Eden said...

"Eden are you even sure it’s Emma?"


"Eden are you pregnant?"

XD Nope.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Charlie! Post the photos without location!

Anonymous said...

Eden tried that before. She blurred out the background and people just complained about that.

Anonymous said...

Please post the photo, I agree with Charlie!! Emma content is drying up faster than the Sahara

Anonymous said...

not posting creeper candid shots pls

Kat said...

did your meeting go well Eden or not happen yet?

also i agree with others dont share pictures that Emma herself didn't want people seeing post actual official photoshoots and events not candids that very few people can even find and keep respecting her privacy :)

Anonymous said...


I hope your appointment went well!

Anonymous said...

How did the appointment go?

Anonymous said...

Nah don't share creepy shots here
be more decent than insta accounts and people chasing views.

Anonymous said...

How did the appointment go do post the photos

Dablo said...

Did that thing you did work out? your appointments? xD

I vote no on candids btw she clearly is laying low this year and fans should accept her desire and privacy.

Anonymous said...

Eden will you ever turn on insta comments again? or you like not having spammers on there pretending to be real emma lol

Anonymous said...

Probably best not to, she wants to be lowkey in 2024 from what we hear...

Anonymous said...

post emma leg video only its what people really want + the feet pics! just stop hoarding this vital material eden!!!! you are so evil hding this!

Charlie said...

I agree with Charlie! Post the photos without location!'

'Please post the photo, I agree with Charlie!! Emma content is drying up faster than the Sahara'

Thank you

'Eden tried that before. She blurred out the background and people just complained about that'

Or Eden could just wait till Emma moves location like she use to?

Eden said...

The appointment went really well, thank you very much for asking. I have a second one in 3 weeks, which is not the appointment I was hoping for but it's needed.

"post emma leg video only its what people really want + the feet pics! just stop hoarding this vital material eden!!!! you are so evil hiding this!"

But that would make you happy, and what do I gain from it? XD

Anonymous said...

If Emma wanted us to have new pics she would update her insta or attend events or whatever other wise leave her alone i agree that she is trying to be quiet this year and out of the spotlight

Anonymous said...

'Eden please post all the photos, please we don't get much new Emma comment please post all 🙏🙏'

There's nothing wrong with posting the photos after she's somewhere else. As this ⬆ commenter said we don't get much new stuff and its not like Eden doesn't post candids.

Will you agree to posting all when she moves on?

Anonymous said...

post it in like a months time when emma is seen somewhere else by paps or something

Anonymous said...

I demand you post it all right now!!! im so serious!! grrrrr

Ellen said...

don't feel pressured by that type of comments eden, there is enough pic of emma leg online already for these ppl surely smh

Anonymous said...

congrats on your wedding eden! oxoxox (im guess thats what it was about ;) )

Eden said...

"post it in like a months time when emma is seen somewhere else by paps or something"

I'll post it on June 22 unless she's seen somewhere else before that.

"congrats on your wedding eden! oxoxox (im guess thats what it was about ;) )"

Thank you! The appointment was to pick the husband. Not a lot of choices but he'll do.

Anonymous said...

its not necessary to post eden if you dont feel like it :)

Anonymous said...

wow congrats (or sorry that happened) whatever it was xD

Anonymous said...

Eden will you watch Furiosa this week?

Anya Taylor-Joy seem an interesting career maybe you can change blogs to be about her lol

Anonymous said...

I'll post it on June 22 unless she's seen somewhere else before that.

You mean the photos, right eden? I don't know what the video is

Eden said...

"Eden will you watch Furiosa this week?

Anya Taylor-Joy seem an interesting career maybe you can change blogs to be about her lol"

XD Nah, I picked kpop for my next waste of time, there's more meaningless drama over there.

"You mean the photos, right eden? I don't know what the video is"

Yes. The video is one second and only shows her legs, I'm not posting it.

Anonymous said...

I think Eden made this all up so we comment on the blog again

Eden said...

"Eden will you ever turn on insta comments again? or you like not having spammers on there pretending to be real emma lol"

XD Yeah, not having to worry about scammers is really nice. I doubt I'll re-activate the comments, but I'm not sure. Comments were just either scammers or boomer men thinking I was Emma and flirting with her anyway *chills*.

Anonymous said...

awkward moment when you ask eden for feet pics and you thought you were talking to emma watson instead xd

Anonymous said...

Eden posts: Emma Watson 9 years ago in NYC shopping

Some Boomer: so hoooot love how you talk about yourself in third person on here Emma x

Anonymous said...

Oh come on Eden share it already. It’s not that there were no candid pics of hers earlier.

Anonymous said...

Eden they’re making a movie about you! It’s featuring Sydney Sweeney, Ana de Armas and Vanessa Kirby

Eden said...

"awkward moment when you ask eden for feet pics and you thought you were talking to emma watson instead xd"

I'd traumatize them with my Grinch feet, that'd teach them.

"Eden posts: Emma Watson 9 years ago in NYC shopping

Some Boomer: so hoooot love how you talk about yourself in third person on here Emma x"

You nailed it. It's exactly it.

"Eden they’re making a movie about you! It’s featuring Sydney Sweeney, Ana de Armas and Vanessa Kirby"

I saw that! I'm so fascinating, it's understandable.

Anonymous said...

So, we have to wait 1 month to see the new photos? Okay...

Anonymous said...

People are too pushy you should delay pics another month eden XD

Anonymous said...

"You mean the photos, right eden? I don't know what the video is"

'Yes. The video is one second and only shows her legs, I'm not posting it.'

Oh good not interested in some pervy video. Will you be posting all the photos?

Anonymous said...

yeah eden made up for views and comments...thats why she didnt update the blog for a week after saying it clearly makes sense! good job eden! ;)

Eden said...

"People are too pushy you should delay pics another month eden XD"

I'll post them next Christmas XD

"Oh good not interested in some pervy video. Will you be posting all the photos?"

I won't post those taken through windows.

"yeah eden made up for views and comments...thats why she didnt update the blog for a week after saying it clearly makes sense! good job eden! ;)"

Thank you, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Don't release it till Emma has a new movie (aka never xD )

Anonymous said...

Every time some request it gets pushed back another month btw its the law

also yes was clearly fake news by eden, its why she also hide comments linking to the fake event hehe

Anonymous said...

Thank you Eden for protecting Emmas wellbeing by not posting pictures that could help creepy and potentially dangerous stalkers!
I find some of the comments on here truly irritating. Like, if you follow this blog I guess it’s because you like Emma…then why the heck would you want to disrespecti her privacy. If you don’t feel entertained enough by what Eden is posting then maybe take a look on your own life and spice it up a little. Please accept that Emma wants to keep her private life private.

Anonymous said...

I won't post those taken through windows.

Wym? Thought they were of her walking in the street?

Anonymous said...

I saw the photos they took through the window she was laughing and talking to a guy, the image is blurry and a bit creepy so I agree with you not posting it.

Anonymous said...

Was she walking with the same guy in the park? Other accounts been saying they are dating

Anonymous said...

Eden post the photos.

Anonymous said...

Don't post those looking into windows or shops. That is an invasion of privacy and does not help Emma. And otherwise, there is nothing to post because her career is stagnant.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Eden just dissapeared again lol

Eden said...

I need you to miss me XD

Anonymous said...

See eden you can not post for a week and still no emma news again keep relaxing XD

Anonymous said...

Its likely she single as daily fail would have broken her new bf news by now as they always managed to before this year emma is busy and they cant find her on a beach or whatever and reporters at her last public even said she wants to be lowkey and not seen

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is insta now completely useless? Most of the Emma stuff on there is AI generated now.

Anonymous said...

Was she walking with the same guy in the park? Other accounts been saying they are dating

Wait I thought they were sent to eden, now people saying there on social media?

Toby said...

I stop coming on this blog for 5 mins and I've missed something important about her career ,, Eden can you fill me in on whats been talked about on this post please?

Eden said...

"Its likely she single as daily fail would have broken her new bf news by now as they always managed to before this year emma is busy and they cant find her on a beach or whatever and reporters at her last public even said she wants to be lowkey and not seen"

Took them forever for Mack.

"Is it just me or is insta now completely useless? Most of the Emma stuff on there is AI generated now."

Insta has been useless since they don't allow chronological search results.

"Wait I thought they were sent to eden, now people saying there on social media?"

They were not sent to me.

"I stop coming on this blog for 5 mins and I've missed something important about her career ,, Eden can you fill me in on whats been talked about on this post please?"

Emma breathed.

Anonymous said...

i wonder how no fanpage find these new pics of emma. usually find them and posted immediately

Anonymous said...

I just read this article about Kate Hudson, saying she took a year off dating in her 30s because she kept making the same mistakes over and over. Wouldn't surprise me if Emma did the same, focusing on her masters and her script for a while.

Anonymous said...

I think emma took time for herself to run her company and go to college again

Anonymous said...

Eden, you a swiftie?
Since Emma is MIA, how about starting a new blog about Taylor?

Eden said...

"Eden, you a swiftie?
Since Emma is MIA, how about starting a new blog about Taylor?"

I'm way too obsessive and would have to start from the start, which is way too much to catch up on.

Anonymous said...

Could someone who is well versed in financial statements explain to me if her production companies are making profit or suffering loss? Or how well they are doing?

Did I get it right that she aquired film rights?

And has someone heard something about that? Sometimes a publisher or an author announces if a production company bought the rights to a book.

Anonymous said...

Right now they're doing nothing. Part of her masters degree involves working experience in the second year, so she may have set it up to do that with the possibility of using it in the future.

Anonymous said...

She set it up to direct the prada ads and clearly had designs on producing and directing films, as well as writing them, but the accounts of the companies would be filed once a year and they aren’t big companies so it’s limited accounts, as such we won’t know if anything is happening right now, the accounts are will be fir last year (when they wouldn’t have made money).

Anonymous said...

You wouldn’t see that is the latest accounts even if she had

Anonymous said...

According to the accounts it’s currently supported by a loan from Emma and it does own some film rights, but we’ll know nothing more than that as it’s exempt from providing full accounts as it’s not a very big company - most private companies are exempt.

Anonymous said...

Taken from the last comment May 27, Emma has film rights; that is a step forward. But filmrights can be owned for many years.

Anonymous said...

An option contract is almost always less than a year, you have a bad agent if you sign one longer than that, but they can be renewed.
We don't know what the rights are though, there's no reason to assume they're for someone else's work.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Paul Mescal moved on to Natalie Portman

Anonymous said...

Recent? Or ai ?

Eden said...

That's why we haven't seen Emma in so long. She's distraught! XD

Anonymous said...

We’ve seen Emma, Eden you just haven’t posted yet haha

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