Monday, July 1, 2024

Emma Watson has a new boyfriend

[Gallery] [Fashion] [Version française]

The Sun's article doesn't say the place or the date, only "this weekend". But it's full of crap otherwise XD Apparently Emma and Brandon Green broke up "last May". Sure, Jan. And she splits her time between Oxford and the US (when is the last time she spent time there?)

A "source" that totally doesn't work for the Sun told them: "She looked incredibly happy - like she didn't have a care in the world. Her suitcases were put in the back of a black Range Rover by her security and she was saying goodbye. They were incredibly close - they didn't seem to care who was looking. They only had eyes for one another."

Another source? The same source? Who knows, who cares, just trust me, bro, but they say about her studies: "The course is for older adults and can be done on a part-time basis, which is perfect for Emma's schedule. She only has to be on site for four or five days a year because she can do the rest of the course online from home. Because she's a famous actress, she'll have a security team looking after her whenever she has classes to go to. There have been a few incidents recently and she is taking every precaution necessary to ensure her safety."

Credit: The Sun

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Anonymous said...

I mean it is summer…. We are about to probably get her famous summer romance for the 2024 year. I wonder what places we might see the happy couple vacationing in? My bet is Ital,France or Spain.

Anonymous said...

eden is the stuff about security concerns real? i know there was a stalker last year but did he also go to UK???
I wonder if this why she so quiet all year?

Anonymous said...

she had suit cases as she went to usa with alex for gin stuff and was likely saying goodbye to this bf

Anonymous said...

Taylor looks happy with Travis and now Emma looks happy here 🥹🥹
Oh my heart ❤️💞💞

kat said...

Seems like a fellow student going back backpack? Likely met at Oxford and date while she is there(probably is the park guy from November) but then she travels to shoot Gin stuff with Alex and sell it now in USA? I don't think Alex went there by himself?

Anonymous said...

Emma and green clearly broke up christmas 2022 lol

Eden said...

"eden is the stuff about security concerns real? i know there was a stalker last year but did he also go to UK???"

In the previous post, people shared his twitter account, and he's posting about being in England, looking for Emma.

Anonymous said...


Jk haha… good for her

Anonymous said...

Oh no he has the cauliflower haircut

Anonymous said...

woah thats scary!!...i now understand why she rejected pictures at events and was said to be acting 'low-key' by a journalist or whatever, doesnt want to draw much attention i think

Anonymous said...

Hassan fans in shambles

Anonymous said...

she finally escape eden basement and first thing grabs another man lol poor eden xD

Anonymous said...

Here we go again...

Anonymous said...

so over for hassan theories so happy tbh it was getting cringe!

Anonymous said...

Feel bad for the guy, only a matter of time before his identity is all over the internet.

But this could also be their public coming out 🤷

Anonymous said...

okay, BF 31 will be the ONE!!

Anonymous said...

Big shock, it's not Hassan, the two Ryans, the guy from the park or Brendan Wallace. Comment section is 0 for 6.

Anonymous said...

I hope she didnt drop out of her planned 2024 movie because of these security incidents that would be so sad :(

Anonymous said...

On sean weibo there is new poster of Emma for Prada Paradoxe. Seems like new type of this perfum

Anonymous said...

i told ppl here she is never single for more than few months and just cuz media hadnt linked her new bf yet didnt mean there wasnt one...frankly think hassan was used as a diversion tactic to keep her real bf hidden till they finaly slipped up here lmao just would make sense why hassan even bothered to talk to daily fail that one time

dablo said...

it's weird Eden posted the first new bf pics that no one else could find, and suddenly the whole truth comes out that he's the bf,

I don't want to blame Eden but maybe those new pics tipped off the sun what general area to look for Emma in was or they identified the guy from it somehow? lol

Just feels odd who Eden held the pics so long but suddenly put them out then BAM sun finds them kissing

Eden said...

"I don't want to blame Eden"

You can. If they somehow found out my post and decided to look into it, it's my fault. And theirs too.

Anonymous said...

how did you find those og pics eden when no other fan account had them? did some insider give it to you? lol

Anonymous said...

Is it the same guy where Emma is wearing red?

Anonymous said...

there are whole instagram and tiktok accounts about guys who find people in different countries based on some random building you can see in the background of one picture
its not impossible some pap or tabloid guy was like 'okay i know that street due to that tree over there i'll stalk it for a week and see if they walk down it again' lol

Anonymous said...

creepy, that looks like its outside her house also sounds like it going by the mention of loading up suitcases or whatever

Eden said...

"how did you find those og pics eden when no other fan account had them? did some insider give it to you? lol"

They're on weibo.

"its not impossible some pap or tabloid guy was like 'okay i know that street due to that tree over there i'll stalk it for a week and see if they walk down it again' lol"

XD That's quite funny if it happened because I cut the photos to try to hide the buildings so people who know the place wouldn't be sure that's where it is.

Anonymous said...

This I can believe is a boyfriend! lol
Not all those standing in a park next to her kinda things lol

Hope he treats her right and all the best!

Eden said...

An Anon comment: "okay, BF 31 will be the ONE!!

I’m dying of laughter with this one. Can we just admit that Emma just doesn’t like being alone. I’ve met so many people like that they always have to be in a relationship…"

And they don't think I'm at fault for the Sun getting those photos "I don’t think they are out here refreshing Eden page to get update on Emma life."

Anonymous said...

dont think its park guy, think she literally just met this guy in last 3 months

Anonymous said...

Matching blue! lol I k ow they probably didn’t mean to, but it’s cute!
I’m happy we got new Emma stuff and we get to see/hear there’s confirmation she is with someone who probably adores her and not all these random “mysterious” guys fans and magazines want to pair her with.

Not sure if they’re traveling or going to/at school, but I hope all goodness for them!!!

Anonymous said...

Doubt they follow eden persay but once all the other Emma accounts started stealing the pic and sharing it around gossip sites and reddit pages not crazy to think tabloids or ones associated with them got eyes on it and started least daily fail didnt get the scoop its usually them doing the bf tracking lol

Anonymous said...

Eden other fans took your pics and reverse image search too find unedited ones i think and that gave away more info sorry xD

Anonymous said...

It’s not park guy. It’s the guy we saw last month when she was in the red jumper. He’s clearly also studying at Oxford.
Also that nutcase has been posting all over Oxford looking for her. He’s come to england. No wonder she’s back with full time security, poor girl, hopefully he loses interest soon.

Anonymous said...

Daily fail will have the exclusive on his name and job in a few weeks FACT! lol

Eden said...

"Eden other fans took your pics and reverse image search too find unedited ones i think and that gave away more info sorry xD"

They're not my photos, but I posted the link where I found them, so they didn't have to do any searching to post the full thing XD

"Daily fail will have the exclusive on his name and job in a few weeks FACT! lol"

Isn't it Mack that they called "mysterious man" even though they literally had an article about him on their website? Or was it Leo? One of Emma's exes.

Anonymous said...

It's not the oxford guy either. He's a lot shorter, has darker hair and skin color.

Anonymous said...

AWWWWW I truly hope this is the one for her and they treat each other well.
I hope we see lots of him and her happy! I’m happy this made my day! New Em and new hoping lasting romance.
- lydia

Anonymous said...

That’s not Paul Mescal!!

Anonymous said...

No it is the Oxford guy. His height changed with his stride, if you look at the other photo he’s a lot taller than her and same hair, it’s the light.

Anonymous said...

yea clearly met while studying, maybe some random guy will be better than all the rich ceo types she kept moving to maybe someone grounded will work out for her

Anonymous said...

so over for hassan theories so happy tbh it was getting cringe!

I know a lot won’t want to hear this but he is a little cringy.
He has a good heart when it comes to wanting to help people but when we met him to hopefully get a book signed he was a bit “ummm.”
Still think he would and is a good friend but definitely not the dating (for her) type. They I’m sure are complete opposites Lol

Anonymous said...

Its an end to recent feltson shipping at least xD

Anonymous said...

“Oh no he has the cauliflower haircut”
Emma can fix that! lol
It’s alright. Must be the thing cause my son had that same hair…. Until his girlfriend got him to fix it up a bit.
Or she can run her hands through it Hahaha!
I love a happy Emma!!!!
And I see they are matching!

Anonymous said...

Paul is with Natalie Portman now

Anonymous said...

I know people hates fans liek me but i can't say i wish best for them...

Anonymous said...

Hassan is strange tbh, he attached himself to progressive things and people like Emma and choose love movement thing but then when he saw some climate protesters disrupting things in UK he went crazy mad on insta stories attacking them and like isnt Emma a climate activist? wouldnt she think he was wrong about that and made me think he is not on the same page as Emma on many things and will probably not be seen with her much anymore if i had to guess

Anonymous said...

“Its an end to recent feltson shipping at least xD“

Im so happy with that because honestly those feltson fan are delusional to say the least. Tom honestly just milks the ship for money purpose and Emma lets him I think they just have a mutual agreement with that.

Anonymous said...

I mean its Oxford one of the most elite Uni you can get he is probably some rich business guy too studying in part time like emma lol XD

That One Guy said...

Love how she staged the photo by the wall that matches their outfits. She really is improving as a director. :-P

Anonymous said...

"I know people hates fans liek me but i can't say i wish best for them...
Sorry. "

Hassan or Tom Felton post detected :P

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure it’s specifically that style, looks like he just needs a haircut. It’s better in the other photos

Anonymous said...

I’m hoping they have actually been together for sometime now but this is the first time we are seeing him!
I’m being serious and kind of joking, but does this guy have a nickname until we find out his real name like blue shirt guy guy with backpack like everybody has Oxford guy and guy?

But seriously, it’s so nice to see her smiling and dreamy.

Anonymous said...

And they say Monday's can't get any worse lol! Only joking, he's a very lucky guy, that's for sure! Good luck to them both! <3

Anonymous said...

I think Hassan is armchair activist likes to say alot online but when real action happens he's like 'woah calm down guys this is getting too scary!' he would never survive France protests lol right eden? xD

Anonymous said...

cant prove it but yeah have a feeling Hassan 'blew it' as the kids say hehe
he can deny anything was happening all he wants but he seemed like he was chasing emma hard and it didnt go anywhere in the end or they didnt fit at all

Anonymous said...

Oh no Anonymous “ Yeah I know people hates fans liek me but i can't say i wish best for them...
Sorry.” At July 1, 2024 at 7:42 
If you don’t mind me asking.. why?
You’re entitled to your opinion.
I won’t be mad I’m just curious
Would you prefer somebody else or just upset like my guy friend who wishes he could be with her?

Eden said...

"I think Hassan is armchair activist likes to say alot online but when real action happens he's like 'woah calm down guys this is getting too scary!' he would never survive France protests lol right eden? xD"

I think he went through much worse. He could handle it easy, with a cup of tea in hand XD

Anonymous said...

I don’t care for Hassan particularly, though him and Emma are clearly good friends, but calling him an armchair activist when he was tortured in Syria and then nearly drowned trying to get to the UK etc is not right

Anonymous said...

Don’t want this to become a Hassan thread, but I don’t think he’d do the French protests you really need to look up his backstory!!
I hope Emma and Oxford blue boy are very happy and as someone else said have been together a while, as otherwise being public so early might be tricky

Anonymous said...

He was upset people paint Taylor Swift jet orange for all the pointless short trips she takes to buy things with it and he was like 'i only fly private you guys are just jealous of us!' and ranted about protesters for a while.
It was kinda like okay buddy you are letting your privilege get in the way of the wider cause of saving the environment lol

Anonymous said...


No ME!!!! I’m a little sad but I know she’ll never meet me or date me so I’m happy for her.
From Andy

Anonymous said...

he had a terrible past but got to uk and safety and after a few years suddenly protesting is bad because it targets famous people that he knows is what vibe he gives now

Anonymous said...

I’m massively pro environmental causes, but I hate just stop oil with a passion (the orange paint people). They target the wrong things, cause mass disruption to ordinary people and damage important cultural items and monuments. They also actively harass and dox people. I think the entirety of the British people is sick of them and as someone who cares about the environment I’m very angry with them as they couldn’t do more to turn people off the cause!

Anonymous said...

tbh painting things orange does nothing and is a distraction they should have destroyed the plane if they are serious activists but they are whimps who will do nothing real...unlike hassan who really escaped a war zone and fought hard to do it....

Anonymous said...

From someone in the UK - just stop oil - the orange paint people - are getting in way of saving the environment as they are massively alienating everyone. Like everyone hates them. Even other environmentalists.

Anonymous said...

I’m a Tom-Emma fan.
I definitely think they would be cute together, but they know each other more than I do or any of the fans so if they don’t want to date and be friends then that’s fine.
Still love them both!
As long as they’re happy. And friends!! I want them to still be apart of each other’s lives.

I love that she has someone and I want him to treat her well.

Anonymous said...

been together since at leats may when eden found those first pics thats all we know

Anonymous said...

Just stop oil are founded by big oil company owner daughter its all a scam to make people hate activists and everyone is falling for it and no im not a conspiracy theorist you can find out all this info on google easily

Anonymous said...

Genuine question over here who ever thought Emma was actually with Hassan??? From her dating history over all that doesn’t look like a potential boyfriend for her. Honestly I cannot wait for the pap walk with this boyfriend because at this point I genuinely believe she calls them on herself… Like I don’t think Paparazzis are actively looking for her like her last work was 2019… Other celebrities you get pap shots every other week. With her we are lucky to even see her via candids and those are even release months later in some cases.

Anonymous said...

eden what date do those pics come from exactly of emma in the red?

Anonymous said...

If it’s Just Stop Oil or Hassan, most people who be firmly with Hassan !!
Ahhh I hope she’s happy with him. Interested to find out more, though of course will wait patiently

Anonymous said...

Honestly the photos looks staged and the article seems to have other purpose that is not showing her new boyfriend. There just to much information not related at all with a new boyfriend sighting.

Anonymous said...

This is the longest we’ve seen her without a boyfriend yeah? And I stress the word seen in that

Anonymous said...

I’m sure he went to the gin anniversary party! I hope he got to go!
And you got to admit she is a beautiful woman!! Look at her and the post before. Gorgeous!!! Inside and out!!!
Lucky man!
Lucky anyone to be her friend!

Anonymous said...

Just noticed he is carrying the backpack we saw on her back in the other pics. That’s sweet of him

Eden said...

"eden what date do those pics come from exactly of emma in the red?"

Pretty sure I must have written it in the title.

Anonymous said...

she look really upset to be leaving in last pic awwwww

Anonymous said...

Given the height difference… he might be the guy with the backpack from a while back

Eden said...

"Just noticed he is carrying the backpack we saw on her back in the other pics. That’s sweet of him"

Maybe she was the one carrying his XD

Anonymous said...

He had a backpack on in that photo as well, so that would be weird Eden if they just randomly swapped

Anonymous said...

we just established she has had secuirty concerns in 2024 and no way she is calling people to take blurry images of her for the sun newspaper to give away her location lets be real

Eden said...

"He had a backpack on in that photo as well, so that would be weird Eden if they just randomly swapped"

Or both backpacks were his.

Anonymous said...

Now I’m stuck between I want more pictures of them, but at the same time I want paparazzi to leave them alone so they can just be happy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah she’s back with full time security after several years of a break and it just being events. Shame on stalkers

Anonymous said...

Um yeah paps/jurnos asked for pictures at her Gin event and she literally turned them down right? lol she has been hiding from cameras thsi year for a reason

Anonymous said...

Or it’s the simple first explanation Eden given they were in Oxford and likely after class for the first photos.

Anonymous said...

They have so clearly been trying to keep this under wraps too its the longest she has hidden a bf since mack i think? and yes she always try to hide new bf as long as possible to protect the bfs privacy and has said so before years ago

Anonymous said...

Oh that would be cool if he got to attend the REN Gin anniversary party.

Anonymous said...

Gin Party is actually where we learned she does the exact opposite of call paps but tries to sneak in late to the vent low key to just avoid them and turns down offers for pictures to be taken xd

Anonymous said...

"Aileen Getty, a descendant of the Getty family which founded the Getty Oil company is a key founder"

Anonymous said...

candids only came out months late because eden held them you think emma controls eden blog and makes her share pics and plans this all?

I KNEW IT! Eden is secretly an insider!! XD

Anonymous said...

hassan was about as likely a bf as felton...aka not at all

Anonymous said...

Hassan will figure out he was just being used as a dog sitter while emma went out with this guy lmao

Anonymous said...

Eden is this the longest we went without a tabloid story with pap pics about Emma?
when were the last ones? When Emma and Hassan had lunch that one time? I
t feels like she was underground hard recently.

Anonymous said...

"Hassan or Tom Felton post detected :P"

Yes. I'm not afraid to say these.
But i don't like Hassan lol

Anonymous said...

Who has established the security concerns? The sun insider??? In the same sentence they said she only needs to go 3-5 days yearly into school… it’s pretty laughable some people think that celebrities don’t call their own paps blurry or not blurry pictures… It gets their name out there.

Anonymous said...

You’re analyzing backpacks now Lol

Anyway will this one last until the end of the masters or will be gone sooner ? xD

Anonymous said...

I don’t think anyone thought Hassan actually dated Emma… he even denied it. It was just another picture with Emma and make friend and of course boyfriend rumors start

Anonymous said...

Eden just happy the blog is busy today

Anonymous said...

Seems like Emma’s type is tall, white men with weird hairstyles. Business/rich a plus

Eden said...

"Eden is this the longest we went without a tabloid story with pap pics about Emma?"

Can't remember at all. I'm guessing it would be during 2020/2021 though.

Anonymous said...

Emma is famously private, plus has no reason for promotion from tabloids when not working currently definetly doesn't set this stuff up

Anonymous said...

it was established when the stalker was arrested....

Anonymous said...

she doesnt need her name out there she can just post on insta to her audience of millions which is what she actually does
she isnt sitting around going 'man i need some blurry pics in the sun to be noticed online again!' lol emma is not a z list reality tv star needing pap pics to get by

Anonymous said...

Eden said the security stuff is real above

Eden said...

I only confirmed the stalker story. I have no idea whether Emma is taking it seriously and has security with her or not.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Only thing she is planning out to get attention is official mag shoots like Vogue...thats way more her speed than the sun or daily fail

Anonymous said...

No we aren’t getting the security concerns from the Sun. The guy who tried to break into fashion week is in the UK actively looking for her. You can find it on X. It’s incredibly creepy and I’m not surprised she has decided to hire people full time

Anonymous said...

She did seem to want to be out of the spotlight recently, i agreed with everyone saying it was odd she didnt want pictures at the GIN event party. Maybe it was due to this stalker.

Anonymous said...

The only thing reported was that there were special security arrangements at Oxford, not that she'd hired anyone full time.

Anonymous said...

Keep her man!
She’s definitely a jewel!

Anonymous said...

Is this starting to seem like probing her security defenses for weaknesses?

Anonymous said...

Yeah keep in mind Sun are the lowest worthless rag in uk news nothing reliable would come from them and Emma Watson is not choosing them to work with for anything especially not explaining details about her private life and security!

Anonymous said...

I would love for Emma to write a book about dating because one thing about her she does not settle for a man she moves on fast I like that!!!!

Anonymous said...

last tabloid story that wasn't from an official event they knew Emma was at was her getting her car towed away in February lol so yeah i think this was the longest without a new tabloid piece

Anonymous said...

If you look at the wider photos on X it’s def the same guy as was with her in Oxford in May

Anonymous said...

she made it hard to find her this year seemingly no beach trips and sun tanning stuff

Anonymous said...

Is it me or is she kissing that guy with her eyes open??? How long do we give this guy??? On another note, when will Emma return to acting or make her directorial debut???? Ughhhh is so hard being her fan. These past five years have consisted of waiting for scraps like this... Every year, I feel like it's the same news from her: a new man or vacationing around the globe. Also, I'm aware she doesn't owe anybody anything when it comes to her life I just miss her on the big screen.

Anonymous said...

It’s her eyelashes, I think they’re closed.

Anonymous said...

She will do anything to make poor Chord Overstreet jealous.

Anonymous said...

Do you think she will ever get married? Emma I am single

Anonymous said...

She deserves to be happy.
Hope he's good to her and loves the real Ems, not only the famous actrice.
She looks happy & in love tough, and infinitely better choice than all that brendan/brandon stuff the past years.
Bet they met at oxford course, that will give smart babies!

Anonymous said...

his hand reaching up for her neck or side of the face is very loving.
She looks in love.

I know so many want a new movie from her, but this little peak into her being at school and today with a guy that is probably over the moon for her makes me just as happy as if we got movie news.


Anonymous said...

It just occurred to me, Emma leaving with suitcases, what if instead of airport it's maybe her moving out, either because she's finished her Masters (it's a year or two???) or because of problems with the stalker

Anonymous said...

A little bit off topic, but Emma was simply gorgeous in these pictures, so glad to see her in such a good state.

Anonymous said...

she looks fabulous

Anonymous said...

This is a different young man than the young man walking with her. The haircut is different, and the other walking with her wears glasses. It is not the same person.

Anonymous said...

If you look at the wider photos on X it’s def the same guy as was with her in Oxford in May

Link please

Anonymous said...

I don't know why people are still saying it's the same guy, he's a different color. Like "it's just the lighting", they're in the same light, that would also make her darker.

Anonymous said...

I’m just seeing his hand reach up to what looks like he may or did cup her face.
That’s cute!

Anonymous said...

Look on Twitter/X, he’s only darker in one photo. In the other photo fixing her jumper he’s the exact same colour as her, and has the same hairstyle, same side burns etc. as he does in the new photos. It’s the same guy.
I’m not sure if Eden will also me to link to someone’s X page.

Anonymous said...

He’s much lighter in the photo where he has his hand up to her in May. Same fella. Same height. Same build.

Anonymous said...

Rumors are that Emma is Glastonbury like all the other celebrities are

Anonymous said...

Does she or anyone in her family even own a Range Rover? I mean as a choice?

Anonymous said...

So Emma boyfriend requirements;

Dark hair
Ivy League educated
Well off family

OK people I've given you the criteria so your job should be easy.................who is he?

Anonymous said...

only one tweet claims she in glasto and it seemed like a troll wanting to make a hate post on emma she is likely in USA with alex for Gin launch events over there

Anonymous said...

"Taylor looks happy with Travis and now Emma looks happy here 🥹🥹
Oh my heart ❤️💞💞"

Anon simping hard 🤣🤣👍

Eden said...

Just so you know, someone seems to be trying to hack either the blog or just the comment section. If some weird stuff are happening, this is why.

Anonymous said...

FBI or mi5 haha Eden get a better security software. Check the internet connection. They might be after your login and password.

Anonymous said...

Brandon green trying to hack your blog because of new boyfriend

Anonymous said...

“only one tweet claims she in glasto and it seemed like a troll wanting to make a hate post on emma she is likely in USA with alex for Gin launch events over there”

She isn’t in US. People saw her today same place she has being all year.

Anonymous said...

Surprised his name hasn’t came out

Anonymous said...

I think she was at Glastonbury someone bumped into her

Anonymous said...

She is so cute. I hope she is happy!