Saturday, July 6, 2024

Emma Watson and boyfriend [July 05, 2024]

[Gallery] [Fashion] [Version française]

According to the Dailymail, they were at a pastry shop. 

"They were chatting together in the queue, they seemed to have quite a nice vibe. I couldn't hear what they were saying, apart from when she ordered - she got an espresso, a cake and a juice, or something similar. She didn't seem to try to be hiding herself, she was just queuing with him normally. Nobody really reacted to her, but I could see people in the shop recognised her."

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Anonymous said...

how cold is in oxford?

Anonymous said...

Is it still cold in London? Or are they somewhere in Australia/New Zealand???

Anonymous said...

gosh, how she is looking at him. I know, this guy will be a history for her in three -four months but now he knows he's the one for her. Greetings for Pottershots Men Club guys.

Anonymous said...

She does look smitten (love that word).
Jack looks at me like that when I give him the good biscuits (For clarification Jack is a dog not a person. Wouldn't waste good biscuits on people.)

PS One of them has definitely got the weather wrong.

Anonymous said...

In the DM article photo he looks like a scruffy Daniel Radcliffe.
It's not Dan, but imagine if all this time Feltson wasn't a thing, but Watcliffe was!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Told you daily fail would start digging next lol

Anonymous said...

He's quite different looking from most of her bfs interesting!

Anonymous said...

this picture is old imo like she is dressed for winter... i wonder where daily fail dug this up? on some social media somewhere they got access to?

Anonymous said...

He looks like grown up Harry with a beard! omg Hermione cheat on ron xD

Anonymous said...

Eden given the DM published his photo I think you can. And as before it is 100% the guy in May she was walking with. Will be interested when we get a proper shot of him. She does look very happy

Anonymous said...

Cute when dressed up or down.
Is it cold where she’s at??? Or does she think if she wears that no one will recognize her?
It’s hot here where I’m at! (101°F) so looking at her in all that is making me sweat!

Anonymous said...

Hey isn’t that her favorite sweater?
I remember a post around her birthday of her saying she was in her favorite sweater in one similar to this.
If that that makes me happy. She comfortable.
Hearts eyes for each other!

Anonymous said...

my gosh what’s the temperature there miss watson?

Anonymous said...

I first saw this picture about an hour ago on some celebrity gossip website and it stated: ‪“Spotted with a mystery man just days after she was spotted kissing someone bearing a striking resemblance to him.”‬
I’m pretty sure it IS him!! lol
Don’t you “love” gossip sites?!
- Lydia

Anonymous said...

eden hoping emma joins this new celeb trend hehe

Anonymous said...

Please don’t hate me, but I saw a picture of him that was not blurred on X and he looks exactly like a grown up Harry Potter. NOT Daniel R.
But Harry!!
But either way they look adorable and as long as she is happy then I am so so happy for her.

Anonymous said...

Wow - the comments on the Daily Mail site! Either the Daily Mail readers are the grumpiest bunch in England or people are a bit tired of Emma.

Eden said...

It's apparently only 14°C today in Oxford (57 fahrenheit).

Anonymous said...

DM readers are awful people and being hated by them is a badge of honour and shows you are decent person doing the right thing. I’m shocked people don’t know this and take a barometer of how popular Emma is off the comments there. It’s totally the opposite, if she’s hated there the rest of the public love her

Anonymous said...

Oxford is rainy and pretty chilly at present for summer

Anonymous said...

Daily fail readers hate popular women. So good for Emma. And the fact that DM tried to get a photo so quickly after the Sun shows you how high profile Emma still is, they even ran the photo as a main banner!!

Anonymous said...

He’s not blurred on DM either.
He’s cute but it’ll be good to see a proper photo of him, we’ve only seen him from blurred side photos or the back (twice) so far.
By the way - where are those doubting he’s the same guy as May. He’s 100% the same guy.

Anonymous said...

Daily mail readers and writers hate most famous women, it’s a right wing misogynistic cesspool

Anonymous said...

As above said, being hated by the DM and is readers is a badge of honor for most celebs !!

Anonymous said...

The comments above on the Daily Fail are funny. I work in London in a company where most of the staff are under 45. There was an announcement one day not too long ago that Fail had asked to come into our office to do session for us on advertising in their paper and online and the company had accepted. There was such an outcry that’d we’d have them in our offices or advertise with them that the company had to call a staff wide meeting to address it.

Anonymous said...

That’s not the same guy she was kissing. He didn’t have glasses. This looks like the guy that was walking with Emma in May in the red shirt

Anonymous said...

DM commentators are transphobic and pro JK, they will trash everything about Daniel and Emma because of that. Even a pic that she is just standing still doing nothing they find lots of ways to trash about it.

Anonymous said...

thanks for no direct link to daily fail Eden they dont deserve traffic

Anonymous said...

English weather swings from Arctic to Monsoon.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I was never a Harry Potter fan. I just started following Emma this past year. There is nothing to hate about her. I mean, everything she does is great.
Some people hate just because they have to hate and criticize someone else's life. Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves. Who knows.

Anonymous said...

Er, you know people with glasses can wear contacts!! What a weird removable thing to deny it’s him over lol.
It’s the same guy…

Anonymous said...

People can take off glasses

Anonymous said...

English weather is all over the place this year. Also it’s so obviously the same guy in May, kissing and now.

Anonymous said...

News flash - glasses can be taken off and/or replaced with lenses

Anonymous said...

He looks like canon grown up Harry Potter, when the HD candids will be posted on internet there will be a lot of jokes, especially from people who ship Harry and Hermione

Anonymous said...

interesting, it feels like the kissing pictures had triggered sth

Anonymous said...

gosh, how she is looking at him. I know, this guy will be a history for her in three -four months but now he knows he's the one for her. Greetings for Pottershots Men Club guys.

Soory English not my first language wym?

Anonymous said...

its clearly the same hair

Anonymous said...

eden gave away the only known pictures of them that no one else could find suddenly media found it all and have new pictures every week suddenly....hmmmm evil eden strikes again xd

Anonymous said...

I live a bit further north, but it was raining and windy yesterday. She says she always feels cold.

Anonymous said...

“People are much nicer when they're happy; which says a lot about the people who aren't very nice!"
- Vex King
For those talking about Dm comments ^
Looks like they’re communicating without saying a word.
I hope the person snapping the photo wasn’t right up on them.

Anonymous said...

She seems to be in Oxford a lot more. May need to move to oxford

Anonymous said...

I hope you aren't seriously blaming Eden for press tracking her and her bf down at last?

Its coincidence

Anonymous said...

She’s always been in Oxford quite a bit, her mum and stepdad are there. The course just adds to it and people know she’s doing the course

Anonymous said...

She's actually been seen more in London than Oxford over the last year. She just goes to Oxford for her course, which is only like a week 3 times a year according to the course website.

Anonymous said...

She's been to a couple of events too though, like when she saw Tom Hanks speech.

Anonymous said...

nobody is saying she’s in Oxford more than London. She lives in London so of course she’s in London more, she’ll be in London most days. My point was she’s in Oxford quite a bit to see family and now there’s extra time there with her course.

Anonymous said...

Is Emma still friends with Amy? Sophie Sumner postet about Amys wedding in Ireland. Must have been recent. Do you think Emma was there as well?

Anonymous said...

For those not aware of geography and logistics, Oxford is just over an hour drive from the area Emma lives in London. To put that in perspective, with London traffic, she’d probably make it to Oxford quicker on lots of days than she would if she went across London to see her dad or Alex.
So London/Oxford aren’t really mutually exclusive, she can in one for breakfast and the other for lunch easily. People commute it. It’s likely she pops between them way more than we see her.

Anonymous said...

She won’t be able to go into that branch of Gail’s for ages now as they’ll be nutjobs there looking for her. Which is a pity as people normally in the bakery or Oxford generally would mostly just leave her alone.

Anonymous said...

Yep still friends with Amy.

Anonymous said...

Eden why didn’t you post my geography comment? it doesn’t give away any detail on where people actually live, there’s loads of areas of London that it covers

Eden said...

With the stalker looking for Emma, I'm even more paranoid than usual.

Anonymous said...

You can’t even find the area Emma lives from post, as mentioned it covers and entire swath of london, I was careful, but anyway.

I assumed she was at Amy’s wedding, hard to believe she wouldn’t be. They wouldn’t have her face in public pictures but I thought from Sophie’s photos that Emma could easily be the bridesmaid with her back to the camera. And that would be something Sophie would include. Also they’d wait awhile before putting up the photos.

Anonymous said...

The brunette in Sophie’s first photo looks very like Emma

Anonymous said...

I’d expect she’s still tight with Amy. We just don’t see them together in photos. People thought she wasn’t friends with Sophie anymore because we didn’t see them together for ages, but that was wrong.

Anonymous said...

“With the stalker looking for Emma, I'm even more paranoid than usual.“

I don’t think it really matters what you post Eden, real creepy dudes will not look here, they’ll do like the stalker that went to Ox and started asking everybody where she lives. They will always find a way. Idk if it’s true or not that he got jailed but if it is it won’t be for long, so I hope Emma really has reinforced security cause that’s the only way for her to be safe.

Anonymous said...

you think its Emma's back in first pic ? I known Sophie posted this today but doent necessarily mean that the wedding was today, maybe when Emma was photographed with suitcases she was going to the wedding perhaps ?

Anonymous said...

lmao delulu feltson shippers go byee byee... :P

Anonymous said...

is it that chilly in London? I literally sweat when seeing her in a sweater

Anonymous said...

"With the stalker looking for Emma, I'm even more paranoid than usual."
This is turning into Billie Eilish's song
The Diner 💀 (the song is about someone stalked Billie)

Anonymous said...

Suitcases she was packing in last pics could be for the wedding trip

Anonymous said...

Eden very much knows when the wedding was. But the question is her family was at LA at the time. There are lots of questions

Eden said...

How would I know when it was? I didn't even know of it until Anon mentioned it XD But Sophie posted from a different location yesterday, so I guess it was at least a few days ago.

Anonymous said... eden is this true? pls say yes, i hope you wont actually have Le penn...french nigel farage :(

Anonymous said...

The wedding was a couple of weeks ago. It was in Wicklow in Ireland. You can find out date if you look hard enough as there’s various photos online but before you do there’s no evidence whether Emma was there or not. I’d strongly assume she was and people aren’t publishing photos of her on public accounts.

Anonymous said...

The earliest photo of the wedding i can find is 24th June, so it was that date or before.
So Sophie waited quite a while before posting.
Likely Emma was there they’ve been friends for years even when they’ve lived in different places, they’ve maintained it. If she wasn’t there it’d been a good reason. I missed one of my best friends weddings as i had to be in country for something I couldn’t miss. She understood.
We rarely see photos or anything of emma at things like weddings. Guests are careful. I was surprised that we saw the brief clip of her maid of honours speech at Becky’s wedding. Someone got way too excited and was probably persona non-grata after.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think Emma was at the Renais stuff in the US. I know she keeps a low profile but I think we’d have seen some pics somewhere

Anonymous said...

He is too tall to be Harry; Hermione is taller than Harry, but that face looks familiar to me, but I can not place it. I just hope it is someone she is happy with and can settle down with.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the wedding was last week, a makeup artist tagged Sophie.

Anonymous said...

Are Eve sure Eden isn’t Emma. All the Emma pics starting happening after she posted it 😉

Eden said...

" eden is this true? pls say yes, i hope you wont actually have Le penn...french nigel farage :("

It's what the French media are also saying.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised that we saw the brief clip of her maid of honours speech at Becky’s wedding. Someone got way too excited and was probably persona non-grata after.

Who's Becky?

anonyme said...

Anonymous said...

in the book Harry is established as shorter than Ron Fred and George, but taller than Hermione and Mundungus fletcher in a scene where they are altogether book 5 or maybe 7 at the the beginning

cait said...

sadly no evidence of EW ever visiting Ireland before (hurts me as i will never run into her in dublin or something lol not that she would walk around most of Dublin these days) anyway find it unlikely she would travel here now

imo red tops of uk papers that have Irish editions here would likely have found her, irish daily mirror or the irish 'star' or whatever because trust me no one here would shut up if emma watson showed up only interesting celeb visit in rural area in years lmao

im sure the wedding was private and everything but someone would have seen her getting off the fairy/or plane

Anonymous said... OMG Eden the exit poll says French left wing collation won??? LOL why is France so cool compared to us??

I just know that when UK faces this same thing of fash getting close to power in 2029 nigel farage will win easily here :(

Anonymous said...

Apparently the wedding was last week, a makeup artist tagged Sophie.

Can we know who the artist was

Anonymous said...

I thought any thing, was the man in a photo months before of this post?
Example, this post:

anonyme said...


Anonymous said...

Eden are you happy with the France election results

Anonymous said...

On Sophie's Instagram; In the wedding photo there is a video of an alpaca and you can hear a sweet voice that sounds like Emma's voice when she talks to the animals.

Anonymous said...

I don't really like to judge anyone based on a photo, but the guy in the picture in the Daily Mail looks a bit unkempt to me. The beard needs a trim, a different haircut would also be beneficial and the shirt looks like it hasn't been washed in the last two weeks.
A somewhat strange choice for a fashion-conscious woman like Emma Watson - but the main thing is that she's happy with it.

Anonymous said...

His name has been revealed

Anonymous said...

Idk if you already saw but Sun has a new article with the name of the guy

Anonymous said...

The Fail have named Kieran. He seems to have been prepared and deleted his socials.
Oxford have a profile of him though with a nice pic (he doesn’t look at Harry Potter, or at least he’s quite a hot version). He’s a phd student and is teaching at Oxford. Likely wants to be university lecturer in Literature, so right up Emma’s street !!

Anonymous said...

The Sun have named Kieran. His life is about to change.
Oxford would also want to remove his professional email off their site pronto.

Anonymous said...

Margot Robbie is pregnant and Emma has a new boyfriend… sad day 😔

Anonymous said...

So he’s South African:

Anonymous said...

Again as predicted daily fail have now found his name and history I told you it was a fact they would be the ones to do this eden XD

Eden said...

"Eden are you happy with the France election results"

Very. A certain party still had too many votes for my liking, but much less than predicted. I was ready to cry stressed out tears from the results, but I almost cried happy tears instead XD Very relieved.

Anonymous said...

Strange sounding say it is irish?

Anonymous said...

Macron can't run for President again, right? He seems like Gavin Newsom in California. Completely useless but the establishment loves him.

Anonymous said...

I think she stayed in oxford so much to work on this relationship and why she doesnt like fly to so many random countries for awhile now maybe trying to see if things work better if you stay grounded in place for awhile

Anonymous said...

Ciarán is the Irish version apparently spelling it with a K is common in India random fact google tells me lol

Anonymous said...

That name is common around here in my area.
I even had one as a coworker for a while. (Years ago.)

He seems like a great guy for here and i hope the media, rag mag gossips, and fans don’t ruin this for her.
I hope he can handle a little fame that comes with being with this wonderful woman.

Anonymous said...

I just saw a gossip site that talked about this man.
Had his school picture too.
He’s HOT!! Definitely doesn’t look like Harry Potter!!!
I guess the bakery shot was just a “bad” shot of him lol
He seems smart and loves literature… he is definitely a good match for Emma!! It’s like a male version of her when it comes to academics!

I hope they last! I hope all this sudden attention doesn’t ruin their relationship.
I see why she (most celebrities) would want to keep their love life a secret

Anonymous said...

This is quite a departure from the last slew of boyfriends. All the last were tech bro and finance. All type A corporate or entrepreneur. This is completely different. Unfortunately it kind of shows that she is completely clueless in romance.

Anonymous said...

What that’s she’s gone for someone academic? The others have been academic as well they just went into different industries, they haven’t gone into teaching like he clearly wants to.
On his appearance, the bakery photo just looks like a down day where he didn’t shave and threw on a shirt. She’s also very dressed down. In the other photos of him online he’s a very attractive guy.

Anonymous said...

I think he's first bf she meet naturally in real life in a long time subway of simply being at the same school rather than being set up by friends or sticking to the same dating pool of business CEO guys

Anonymous said...

This is like the Little Women where Meg marries the teacher

Anonymous said...

Kieran is the anglicized version of the Irish name Ciaran. Kieran isnt uncommon in lots of English speaking countries. He’s South African but he might be of Irish or British background. Also from his Oxford profile he’s a smart and great looking guy.

Anonymous said...

he looks like hp when he has glasses on and a beard starting also his hair looks way darker in recent pictures than the almost sandy blonde pics found on oxford site its too very different looking people without the glasses and beard

Anonymous said...

He doesn’t look that different at all. His hair just looks a bit darker in some photos with the light. Emma’s does as well. How can people not understand the importance of lighting. Also as others have constantly pointed out, glasses are removable. It’s very clearly and obviously him in all the photos and the Oxford and Rhodes ones online.
He’s a good looking guy

Anonymous said...

"This is quite a departure from the last slew of boyfriends. All the last were tech bro and finance. All type A corporate or entrepreneur. This is completely different. Unfortunately it kind of shows that she is completely clueless in romance."

-Care to eleborate on that? What do you mean by that?

Anonymous said...

I don’t think he looks that different at all. He’s very recognizable in all the pics

Anonymous said...

Hermione ending up with a teacher/lecturer sounds about right lol

Anonymous said...

oh woah oxford locked down their site so you need to log in to see the profile now?? they were quick on that lol probably saw a lot of new traffic and changed it

Anonymous said...

this bakery guy is way older looking than the oxford site pics, eden why didnt you share my link to the profile? lol is it too perosnal info? sorry xd

Anonymous said...

If anything going for the same type of person and expecting different results shows cluelessness in romance. She’s open to seeing how it goes with a smart and good looking guy regardless of his profession (ironically which as a university lecturer and student probably suits her better), why wouldn’t she be? Limiting herself to suitors from one or two professions would be really narrow minded

Anonymous said...

Well at least, hassan, green, wallace, felton rumours are totally finished now whatever the case XD

Anonymous said...

Just a heads up all sites/social media relating to this guy are being deleted and/or made private clearly not wanting his name and life out there I would suggest deleting mentions of him eden

Anonymous said...

I do hope that those people who talk about the weddings of Emma's friends and search out info on her new bf never complain about stalkers again.

I can of course hear the outcry, we're supporters of Emma it's totally different to the nutter knocking on doors in Oxford looking for Emma to presumably declare his undying love.

Yet the majority of people on here probably know much more personal info on Emma than that guy, who 'invaded' NYFW while she was actually in the UK.

My point is if people want to find info about Emma it's not really difficult, whether with good intentions or bad and in truth if some stalker depended on photos etc posted on here he'd be far less informed than the majority of people on here.

Now who the hell is Becky?

Eden said...

"this bakery guy is way older looking than the oxford site pics, eden why didnt you share my link to the profile? lol is it too perosnal info? sorry xd"

Yeah, the guy's just a student from what we know right now, I don't want people going on the Oxford website to check him out. Also, according to Anon, it's locked down, probably because too many people were doing just that.

"Now who the hell is Becky?"

One of Emma's best friend. She's the doctor friend Emma has mentioned a few times in interviews.

Anonymous said...

pics on Oxford site were from 2019 so yeah he probably aged a bit

Anonymous said...

News sites are still saying she dated Ryan Walsh. lol

Anonymous said...

A bit hypocritical to talk about Emma privacy and end up the comment asking who’s Becky lol

People only talked about the wedding because Sophie posted about for her 200k followers to known.

Anonymous said...

Now that his name is out there I do feel bad that people are going to try and invade his privacy's. But I have to admit Emma’s kinda funny for this. Because she probably saw people assume she dating every guy she was seen with (Tom,Wallace,Green,Ryan K, Ryan W, Hassan, the guy she allegedly picked up the next street over last year I think…and everybody’s personal favorites the 2 park guys) in past 2 years. Just for EVERYBODY to be wrong … like damn… good for her. But please don’t be weird about this… idk why but they seem like a good match and I’d hate for whatever stage of their is in to be ruined by people intruding on their privacy.

Anonymous said...

He’ll only have aged a little bit, he’s gone from late twenties to early/mid thirties. He’s not gone from 75 to 80.

Anonymous said...

Is Becky older than her

Anonymous said...

How do you know she didn’t date the park guys? There’s literally a photo of them eating sushi together. She could have had multiple boyfriends between Brandon green and now

Anonymous said...

— they seem like a good match and I’d hate for whatever stage of their is in to be ruined by people intruding on their privacy—
I think they seem like a good and cute match.
This is the only Emma site i go to.
I don’t even follow you on Instagram, but i might. It would be the first fan page i do follow : )
I don’t plan on looking this man up and i only know what other celebrity gossip sites say because of what everyone her comments.
I don’t even know who her friends are so I’m not sure how people are finding them on social media.
I understand why she always kept stuff private.
I got a glimpse and I’m happy for her.
I’ll leave them alone.
Hoping for a new project from Emma! Sounds like she’s into writing so if she comes out with a book I’d love to get it! Or direct something I’d like to see it.

Anonymous said...

“Is Becky older than her“
No same age, but she’s married and has a toddler. She’s the one in Venice with Emma and Brandon G, and has a baby in a carrier - that’s Becky. Eden there’s numerous pics of Becky so assume that’s fine to say.

Anonymous said...

She’s into writing but people also need to bear in mind that her course also does script writing…

Anonymous said...

this is just all to distract from how once again no film was made this year despite interviews claiming there was lol

Anonymous said...

If the film got pushed out due to all the strikes and disruption that’s not Emma’s fault. The journalist said she’d be back on set if everything went as planned. Which nothing in the industry then did, and masses of projects got shifted or pulled entirely.
Also for the music video the rumours were Lewis Capaldi who is taking a break and Ed Sheeran who delayed stuff due to his trial.

Anonymous said...

There’s still no supporting cast announced for Hamnet - I still hold out hope there

Anonymous said...

Idk dude she could’ve dated a whole football team in time between her and Green we’re done and now. But that’s my point, the way nobody knew is a good thing , because it means they respect her privacy. Also side note , is it really that much of a stretch to assume that she didn’t date anybody in between? Because going in a date and actually dating somebody is different (for ex. Cole)

Anonymous said...

Emma has not been featured in DM for a while, Dan got some attention with his trans Trevor project where he defends himself and his opinion, Boring!

ML said...

Have any of you read the reader comments on the Daily Mail article? I found them somewhat frightening - almost all of them were extremely negative. Even though I like Emma Watson and think her performance as an actress is good, I know that not everyone sees it that way - but from what I read there, Emma really doesn't deserve it. She was called arrogant, smug and untalented and some other comments were downright hateful. Do the British dislike one of their most successful actresses of the last 20 years so much?

Anonymous said...

Well his name came out first, was ages when her and Leo first got spotted and him being identified

Anonymous said...

Please see the multiple comments UP THE THREAD about the comments on the Daily Mail and the DM readers - there are enough of them here explaining their readers and political agenda here people, literally further up.

Anonymous said...

The Daily Mail is like the New York Post, it's a rag for right wingers.

Anonymous said...

ML this has already been addressed. People go to comments made by people in UK that are in response to this.

Given they were repeatedly spottedin Oxford and he had a back pack it’s not hard to guess he’s a student and given he’s also taught/is teaching multiple modules at Oxford lots of people will know him. Leo was spotted in London and is American. He also had nothing to indicate what he did/where he was studying.

Anonymous said...

No the British people do not dislike her. If anything that DM readers hate her is and indicator that she is both popular and loved by the average Brit. Being hated by it is a badge of honour.

Anonymous said...

Most people in the UK wouldn’t use the Fail as toilet paper and read the sidebar of shame purely for LOLs (which unfortunately makes them advertising revenue and is probably how they survive). Their editor is infamously an older white maid who was bullied heavily at private school in the UK and struggled with women. He now openly hates wealthy people, privileged people, and women especially educated ones.

Anonymous said...

There are literally quora and Reddit threads entitled why are the daily mail comments so racist, misogynistic, sexier, homophobic, transphobic and xenophobic? Maybe read some of them

Anonymous said...

Kieran is the first boyfriend since Matt Janney where I’ve seen a photo of him and thought heyyyy he’s cuteee.

Anonymous said...

the anti-woke crowd about the 4m people who voted for farage in the latest election are who probably hate emma the other 60+m people mostly dont think about her at all and maybe 1-2m are hardcore fans of her

Anonymous said...

Dont forget fail commenters are also mainly MAGA heads from USA too its not just UK people posting hate, online now its all one big anti-woke aligned hate fest that has linked up internationally to spread their fash-y views on every platform and make money from teen boys who listen to all these crazy guys like andrew tate all day on their phone

Anonymous said...

“Is Becky older than her“
No same age, but she’s married and has a toddler. She’s the one in Venice with Emma and Brandon G, and has a baby in a carrier - that’s Becky. Eden there’s numerous pics of Becky so assume that’s fine to say.

Thanks was wondering who that was, thought it was a random person.

I would hate to be famous

Anonymous said...

Please tell me it's not them on Deuxmoi stories in the pic with a couple on a boat. The guy is wearing white briefs.

ML said...

Vielen Dank für eure Antworten. Ich kannte die Daily Mail bisher nicht und bin nur auf den Artikel und die Kommentare gestossen weil von einer anderen Seite darauf verlinkt wurde. Nun weiß ich was ich von dieser "Nachrichtenseite" zu halten habe (nichts) und werde sie zukünftig meiden.

Anonymous said...

Well his name came out fast, was ages when her and Leo first got spotted and him being identified

That was me say it Eden just wanted to edit it

Brandon Green said...

Please delete this post

Anonymous said...

"Please tell me it's not them on Deuxmoi stories in the pic with a couple on a boat. The guy is wearing white briefs."

That's Theo James. It says it in the caption.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me it's not them on Deuxmoi stories in the pic with a couple on a boat. The guy is wearing white briefs

Where was this posted

Anonymous said...

its Zac Efron on the boat

Anonymous said...

“ Please tell me it's not them on Deuxmoi stories in the pic with a couple on a boat. The guy is wearing white briefs.”

Well if you clicked on the post, it would tell you…

Anonymous said...

Maybe some of the Feltson-shippers find comfort in the fact that Tom and Emma are now both in a relationship with people from South Africa :D

Anonymous said... i know we already see Renais ad in full screen, but on this site there is full and i think in better quality than we had?

Anonymous said...

“Brandon Green said...
Please delete this post“


Anonymous said...

As mentioned in Beverage daily, the commercial by Emma is all about the brand’s authenticity and inspiration, as we thought. Entirely different aim and audience to the prada ad. This was all about showcasing their heritage

Anonymous said...

Please tell me it's not them on Deuxmoi stories in the pic with a couple on a boat. The guy is wearing white briefs.”

Well if you clicked on the post, it would tell you…"

Yeah, well, when I tried I got an error page. Now I can see that too.

Anonymous said...

It still has to sell a product.

Anonymous said...

Yes but I think it’s also about introducing and building trust/cred as a brand for Renais at this point, which means people buy the product. Prada is already established so focuses more on the product together with the inspiration and lifestyle

Anonymous said...

“ Maybe some of the Feltson-shippers find comfort in the fact that Tom and Emma are now both in a relationship with people from South Africa :D”
I was going to comment on that as well. Turns out they are similar in taste

Anonymous said...

Yeah but it needs to sell it in a different way, the customers and brand profiles are different

Anonymous said...

'I would hate to be famous'

Or in some instances date someone who is.

Instead of being a Rhodes scholar/PHD student and part time lecturer at Oxford Uni he is now 'Emma's boyfriend' and in these days of social media it inevitably results in his privacy being affected.

I wish them well.

Anonymous said...

Entertainment tonight IG account posted about Emma’s new boyfriend

Anonymous said...

Loads of different media around the world have published about it

Anonymous said...

Emma about to go back into her shell and disappear for a while now that boyfriend rumors are out, especially his identity

Anonymous said...

No but seriously watch all this attention on the new boyfriend drive her to disappear until the holidays again

Anonymous said...

Guys are you there????

Anonymous said...

Will she attend Wimbledon?

Anonymous said...

She can’t go every year she went the last two to both finals

Anonymous said...

likely germany for euro final (went to last engalnd final too)

Anonymous said...

That was never confirmed, just someone thought they heard her voice on an audio recording. Didn't sound like her to me.

Anonymous said...

I want to be comment 169

Anonymous said...

That's ok, I didn't want it that much anyway.

Anonymous said...

Time for bored Hermione again.

Anonymous said...

Or Sam from Perks studying?

Anonymous said...

GB news trying to dox emma right now smh

Anonymous said...

I kind of feel bad that his identity was all over the media, but at the same time, it was expected.

Anonymous said...

GB news trying to dox emma right now smh

Wym dox her?

Anonymous said...

GB news trying and failing terribly! She hasn’t lived on Canonbury for about a decade, when she moved out when when she was dating Matt Janney. That was the Canonbury house, she lived there for years and at one point Amy and Sophie lived there with her. Like it’s forever ago

Anonymous said...

Emma lives in a completely different part of London so all good!

Anonymous said...

“ GB news trying to dox emma right now smh”

What are they saying?

Anonymous said...

Thankfully he’s been arrested:

Anonymous said...

They said she lives in an area she moved out of years and years ago

Anonymous said...

Lots of these sites just lazily pull from old articles. Like the ones that say she's worth $85 million, from articles that are at least 7 years old and I guess assume that she just puts all her money under a mattress rather than earn any interest or investment returns.

Anonymous said...

Nutcase has been arrested and will hopefully be deported !!

Anonymous said...

I hope they ban him from entering the country again.

Anonymous said...

“Police said a US man, 44, was held on suspicion of stalking and released under investigation.”

This guy seems complete nuts and I hope Emma has triple protection now.

Anonymous said...

Now that the stalker is getting the attention that he clearly wants, I’m just more concerned for her safety. Stalkers tend to get egged on the more attention they receive. So honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see Emma out much for the rest of the year

Anonymous said...

Ngl… I really hope this stalker dude doesn’t scare off Kieran, but I would understand if it did. Especially since his personal info is now out there

Anonymous said...

How do you know she left that part of London?

Anonymous said...

Oh wow the security concerns info was real then glad that guy is jailed

Anonymous said...

Ibwonder where is the deuxmoi website where people post negative comments about Emma? I checked ig and Reddit,but nothing seems to fit

Anonymous said...

Because I know the part of London she now lives in and so do lots of others.
Canonbury is the house we saw her move out of when she was with Matt. She now lives quite far away from there.

Anonymous said...

As others have said she no longer lives in Canonbury. She hasn’t for yonks. That address came out way back in Panama Paper days, as she had bought the house through that company, but she had moved before that even went public. In the end the paps had photos of the Canonbury house and used to be outside it. Before that they used to take pictures of her just on Upper Street in Angel, but then they moved nearer and nearer. I’d imagine it became untenable and was why she moved.
Family members however still do live in Islington (Eden Islington is big (Canonbury is an area in it) so this doesn’t reveal much).

Anonymous said...

Because she lives somewhere else now lol

Anonymous said...

Because whilst people don’t know the street she lives (which would be creepy), lots of people on here, especially those who live in London, will know the area she lives. Its pretty obvious to those who know areas, including where is near where, from photos of her and places she frequents.

Anonymous said...

Why are you looking places for negative comments of Emma?

Anonymous said...

We should keep telling nut job she lives in Canonbury in case he checks sites knowing Emma is safe elsewhere

Anonymous said...

People know the area like they know Narnia, generally from a distance but not in detail. If you know you know.

Anonymous said...

"We should keep telling nut job she lives in Canonbury in case he checks sites knowing Emma is safe elsewhere"

She moved to HM Dartmouth, she's been living there for years. He should definitely look for her there, thoroughly.

Anonymous said...

*Dartmoor. Life needs an edit button.

Anonymous said...

All this time I thought it was Inverness!

Anonymous said...

Thought oxford uni would have tighter security cant believe he even got into the buildings

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