Monday, April 2, 2001

More about Emma Watson's illness delaying Harry Potter filming

[Version française]

A faithful reader emailed us this detailed, excellent piece of filming info.

To be honest, my sister was actually involved in the filming, which took place from 5-8th February 2001. 
Each of the main actors, (well certainly Harry, Ron, Hermione and Percy) had doubles. Indeed, the three younger stars had three doubles each, Percy by the looks of things only had one.
One thing I did not notice was a scar on Dan Radcliffe’s head, his hair was also quite tidy too. I suspect alot of he makeup work took place just before the cameras rolled on set.
Another thing I found out was that Emma Watson was really ill just before Christmas which delayed the filming by two weeks. She had to have a doctor on set with her at all times during this period. She attends the Dragon School in Oxford.

Full report at The Leaky Cauldron

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