Thursday, December 27, 2018

Mentions of Emma Watson in the media [December 24 - December 31, 2018]

[Traduction française]

  • Emma among The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2018

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  • Emma among Just Jared Junior's Top 30 Actresses

JJJ has NO SAY in this list — all actresses on this list are ranked according to a number of factors, including pageviews/hits from readers, comments, and social media interaction.

Emma is #24.

5. Vanessa Hudgens
4. Lili Reinhart
3. Zendaya
2. Dove Cameron
1. Joey King

Full list.

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  • Woman explains the perks and disadvantages of being named Emma Watson

Emma Watson, 42, a freelance publicist from Newcastle

“It’s usually if I’m getting on a flight or I’m checking into a hotel that it gets mentioned.

“I was flying into LA once and I remember walking through the cabin and the cabin crew behind me went ‘oh no it’s not her, it’s just that girl over there’.

“I also remember I checked into a hotel in Dallas once and handed my stuff over and he said ‘oh you’re not her!’ I said ‘no, but I’m me!’

“The plus side is when going through passport control they always mention the name and I get through really easily.

“I haven’t had any freebies but it’s good particularly in the States when I’m making a reservation over the phone for a restaurant or something because they hear the English accent and I give them the name and it makes it easier.

“It only became a thing when the Harry Potter films began.

“Whenever I show my credit card or driving licence, there’s always a comment, every time. I half expect it now because I’m used to it.

“I’ve never seen a Harry Potter film, I’ve never read a Harry Potter book and I find her a bit hard work as well.

“She’s the polar opposite of me – I used to work with rock and metal bands, she would hate all of that.”

Source: The Sun

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  • Emma Watson and Rupert Grint chased down in the streets of Tokyo in June 2004?

Following an interview with Rupert, RadioTimes is reporting that he, Daniel and Emma were once chased down in the streets of Tokyo while promoting Harry Potter. Problem is, the three of them never promoted there together. However, Rupert and Emma did in June 2004 while Daniel stayed in England because I believe he had exams coming. So I can only guess that's the story Rupert was telling. Unless it happened when he was promoting Deathly Hallows there and neither Daniel nor Emma were there. Very confusing.

“It was terrifying, absolutely mad,” says the man who was once Ron Weasley. “I’d never seen anything like it.” 
Rupert Grint is talking about the first time he realised being a boy wizard’s best friend could be a life-threatening business. In Tokyo, at the height of Harry Potter-mania, Grint and his co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson were chased through the streets by hundreds of crazed children. “We were at a market,” says Grint. “And we timed it very badly, school had just finished and there was literally a stampede toward us. It was the first time I’ve ever run away.” 
He still occasionally compares life notes with the other two Harry Potter stars, Radcliffe most recently in New York. “We have those chats,” he says. “Definitely. Because we’re all carving out very different journeys. And we have this shared experience that connects us all. They are the only people that really understand. I think David Yates [the director of the final four Potter films] once said we’re all like astronauts. Only astronauts really know what it’s like to go to space.”

Full interview HERE.

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  • Emma is French kids' favourite actress of 2018

She is followed by French actress Isabelle Nanty and Mexican actress Karol Sevilla. The Harry Potter saga is second among their favourite movies as the first movie was released again this year in some very lucky cities (not mine :( ).

Source: Mon Quotidien

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Anonymous said...

Il y a même eu des marathons "HP" dans certains cinémas près de chez moi, avec tous les films projetés, le temps d'un week-end.

Eden said...

Faut que je déménage.

andrew said...

"And I find her a bit hard work as well."

This chick sure has a lot of opinions about a celeb she does not follow, not watch in films and ultimately knows nothing about. She would also be surprised to know that Emma's taste in music suggest she would very much like metal and rock bands

Dj Anubis said...

"She would also be surprised to know that Emma's taste in music suggest she would very much like metal and rock bands"

Actually i would be curious how you know this and what you can provide as proof of this. Not to be argumentative but ive been following Emma for a few years now and have never seen her mention metal music as something she likes to listen to.

Dont get me wrong, i would LOVE it if she did listen to metal bands but the most rock type of bands i have heard her mention is U2 or some random indie rock band. Do you have a link to something that says she listens to heavy metal? I would love to read it.

Thaïs said...

Par chez moi ils ont fait effectivement des weekends HP au ciné, mais bon le tarif était pas si intéressant, c'est a dire qu'il n'y avait pas d'offre pour la totale, ce quu fait un peu cher pour 8 films.

PDXP said...

DJ Anubis - she certainly likes plenty of rock music. I mean, who doesn't? Does this elder Emma think our Emma sits around listening to the harry potter soundtrack all the time? Of course, she could have meant that Emma would hate *working with* rock and metal bands, which isn't really based on anything other than her perception of Emma. There was that one music video she did, as we know.

As for metal, the most "metal" band on Eden's list of things Emma has mentioned liking is AC/DC - which I personally don't think of as metal, but some people do. Keep in mind these are bands she's public about, and she has a public image to maintain.

Eden, will the Emma's Favorites page transition to this site as well? Or should I save it just in case?

Eden said...

"Eden, will the Emma's Favorites page transition to this site as well? Or should I save it just in case?"

My bad. I had already copied and pasted it but completely forgot to click on "Publish". XD

PDXP said...

Aha! I've done that before with my company's web service thing myself. Thanks!

annee said...

@Eden, Emma has posted several artists' works on Instagram that she likes. Will you update the favourites page and add them?

Eden said...

Yes, the page will be updated at some point after I'm done with updating the blog :)