Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Emma Watson arriving at l'Elysée in Paris [February 19, 2019]

[Gallery] [Fashion] [Beauty] [Version française]

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Anonymous said...

Curieuse, est-ce que c'est une bague de fiançailles que je vois?

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, she is stunning and seems way younger. What is it, the haircut?

Anonymous said...

Who is she holding hands with?

Anonymous said...

Curieuse, est-ce que c'est une bague de fiançailles que je vois?

Interesting spot anon.

First pubic viewing with current(?)boyfriend (Brendan)was in October 2018.
Seen with Chord in September.
So quick engagement if so and I would have thought such apparent impetuosity would seem unusual for Emma.

So only possible explanation is that she's pregnant!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

On dirait bien https://fr.mediamass.net/people/emma-watson/fiance.html

Anonymous said...

Ce site "d'actualité people" est un faux : "La rubrique est une parodie de site people, tous les articles sont donc évidemment faux." https://fr.mediamass.net/blog/projet-mediamass

Anonymous said...

Please don't make up a story. That doesn't look like an engegament ring at all.

Anonymous said...

There are much more photos on other pages.
Unfortunately some of them are photos agency sites where if you are not registered you don't have access to the regular size photos, e.g.: on this one: http://www.sipa.com/en/spotlight/139595/n-a/WS/home/node/16169/page/1/MOD/HOME

Anonymous said...

@Eden, any rumours of auditions or any projects whatsoever?

Emanuel said...

We are waiting for the updates Eden! :D