Sunday, February 21, 2021

Emma Watson's publicist confirms her break from acting. No one is surprised.


[Version française]

From the Daily Mail

Emma Watson has gone 'dormant' according to her agent. That appears to be movie-speak for she's 'given up acting'.
I can reveal the Harry Potter star, who has been famous since she was nine, has decided to step back from the limelight to spend time with rumoured fiance Leo Robinton, who she's been dating for 18 months.
My source says: 'Emma has gone underground, she is settling down with Leo. They're laying low. Maybe she wants a family.'
I understand that for several weeks until January, Emma, 30, and Leo – who reportedly makes a fortune selling legal cannabis in LA – secretly lived in Ibiza where she would spend mornings reading the papers over smoothies at a vegan cafe.
She is now in LA, where a picture was taken this month, but her publicist confirms her career is 'dormant' and she 'is not taking on new commitments'.

Please note that their "source" and Emma's publicist are two different people. The only thing Emma's publicist said is the very last sentence of the DM's article. Everything else comes from that "source".

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Luca said...

Well damn if the Daily Mail says so it must be true. The same Daily Mail which just few weeks ago said she was goin to marry him because she was wearing some cheap ass rings she has had on her hand for many years. Obviously

Anonymous said...

I’ve already given my two cents in the other thread. That this is simply the same as when she took the previous breaks for brown and activism, she does this consistently to work on something she’s more focused on at the time (now kering and all her other commitments). This does not been “retired from acting” as some people will again take it as. People said that before little women. She works as things interest her, and taking a break now with kering and covid makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Emma is always taking breaks from acting, what’s new? This like break 5 now. This time she’s also used Covid to take a break from public life as well. Peeps might treat this as dramatic but we’re pretty much as is, and as we’ve always been. She makes movies occasionally when they super interest her, and she does other stuff she’s interested in between. Which is a pretty great life if you ask me.
DM has just tried to make this news as they want her to be engaged so taking a break to have babies with Leo suits them!

Anonymous said...

As above said, what’s new. She’s always stepped in and out.

CK said...

Anyway, I wish Emma all the best and I think that’s the most essential after all. Wish to see her in new projects (either for Kering or anything) though.

Anonymous said...

God they so desperately want to be right that she’s engaged they’ve now invented a “she’s left her career for him” story!!! Having a longterm boyfriend might mean that you are open to settling down with him at some point. This being news is startling

Anonymous said...

Oh no...I never saw this coming. I mean, it's not like it's been obvious for over a year or so. I'd say I'm disappointed but to be honest, she hasn't been doing much for a while and her heart hasn't been in it for a long time. The Little Women press tour showed me that and I just gave up hoping for more. I am disappointed though, that they're trying to spin it like she's quitting everything for a man.

Anonymous said...

Person who regularly dips in and out of acting continues to dip in and out of acting horror...

Anonymous said...

I think it's totally different this time. She’s just busy with study and taking a break from acting a few years ago, and now that she’s made plans for the future, she has given up acting, and she really hasn’t been able to enjoy it these years, she can pursue what she really likes, and next she may get married and have children. I don’t think she will be satisfied with the status quo, her ambitions are in other areas, such as business and politics, and I think she may enter politics after many years.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised she isn’t taking on new commitments right now, firstly because she always takes breaks from acting, but secondly she has Kering which will take most of her time certainly at the start until she gets used to things, she still is involved with the UN (though no major projects right now) various charities, and her associate fellowship at LMH is still going. I mean where would a film happen right now? Pursuing roles actively wouldn’t make any sense? It’s probs like at Brown where she wasn’t looking for roles, she also tried to come out of the limelight for a bit then too. She’s using the pandemic as Brown 2.0.

Anonymous said...

Just my thoughts, but I don’t think she’ll ever retire from acting. She’ll leave that open in case something she wants comes in the door. She’d be stupid not to, and she’s lots of things but stupid isn’t one. There’s a big difference been not taking on mew commitments to focus on other things and leaving. Stuff like Kering is also a huge opportunity and she’d have been silly not to try it with her interest in fashion and the movie industry being up the swan for the foreseeable (it’ll take years to recover from this). Girl is exploring her options.

Anonymous said...

Considering the shit the biz is in, most of them are taking an enforced break right now! She’s jumped ship at least for now.

Anonymous said...

As lots have said, actress who takes breaks taking another break isn’t exactly a shock...?!

Anonymous said...

'Emma Watson signs up for new film', would be worthy of a headline.

'Emma Watson not acting' is certainly not news.

Anonymous said...

Oh God.. my obsession with her truly unhealthy.. im crying over here even its a kinda BS News.

Anonymous said...

I don't see why others need to start comparing her to other actresses when it comes to talk of retirement. Personally, I think the break is for a number of reasons, the main one being COVID. But before COVID, I believe it was for a personal reason having to do with her family.

Anonymous said...

I'd say Hollywierd retired her rather than the other way around. She'll be back for a Harry Potter sequel one day.

Anonymous said...

I also believe that it was Hollywood who removed Emma. Maybe They would only choose her again for silly projects like Beauty and the Beast since her fame can generate a lot of money, but nothing more. And then there's the fact that it seems Emma just want to do big films and would never do anything independent, because she thinks it is not enough for her. A big mistake.
In fact, if Emma began to lead feminism it was simply because her carreer an actress was not working and she wanted still being relevant.

Anonymous said...

Er, several of Emma’s post potter movies have been indies (at least in the loose sense, there are very few truly independent movies now).

Anonymous said...

That 1.3 billion “silly” project beauty and the beast, in Hollyweird the only thing that matters in the 1.3 billion bit. If Emma wants to go back into acting after a break I’m pretty sure she’ll be fine.

Anonymous said...

Impact of an Oscar on Halle Berrys career - negligible. Impact of a box office bomb (cat woman) on Halle Berrys career - catastrophic
You’ll get lots of chances at studios if you have a history of making money, whenever that happened.

Anonymous said...

If Disney thought it didn’t matter and beauty would be successful anyway, they wouldn’t have forked out 20 million to Emma (3m upfront and the rest profit based). If it bombed she’d have taken a heck of a lot of the blame, she has to get some kudos for success. Disney, variety and Forbes modeling after the release of beauty all showed she added sizeably to it over performing all initial estimates, even the very high ones. If actors made no difference to the tent poles like marvel and Disney, the studios simply won’t cough up the money for them.

Anonymous said...

So you think a Disney remake of one of the most beloved Disney classics made 1.3b at the box office because of her? LOL yeah, that's why The Circle was such a huge hit one month later xd. Everyone knows those Disney live-action movies are huge hits because of the Disney brand and nostalgia, not because of the leading actors. Also Emma did Little Women as a favor to Amy Pascal, she needed one big name after Emma Stone dropped out

Anonymous said...

My goodness, the delusion is strong

Anonymous said...

Are you all forgetting that all of Disney's other live action films didn't reach the level of Beauty? Cinderella only made like 500 million.

Anon said...

I think they need to stop with the Disney live actions. BATB was exciting, but then Cinderella and Mulan came along and ruined the experience. Especially Mulan. The producers were just trying to make money at that point.

Anonymous said...

''Emma just want to do big films and would never do anything independent, because she thinks it is not enough for her. A big mistake.''

She did Colonial and Regression and both were big flops. First was quite good, but didn't have any recognition and made 48 pounds in UK, despite to have Emma in it. Second was just a terrible movie.

Artist said...

1. Is this still an Emma Watson fan page? It doesn't seem so. If you don't like her, just leave and follow another artist. It's not that difficult, I swear.

2. Daily Mail is not exactly a reliable source. Variety, Hollywood Reporter, Deadline etc etc. didn’t post anything so I won't consider it official unless it comes from one of these sources or Emma herself.

3. I'm so over this "she is leaving acting because she knows she is a mediocre actress" narrative. She is not the best actress around and we all know that but she IS a GOOD actress. She is GOOD at her job. You don't have to be the best in order to work and it applies to ANY job. Stop comparing her to other actresses.

4. Her career is pretty good. In her filmography, she has the Harry Potter saga, Perks, The Bling Ring, Noah, Beauty and The Beast (the most successful live action) and Little Women.

5. She's always had a lot of interests so if this is true it doesn't mean she is leaving acting. Maybe she is also settling down with Leo and she is focused on that right now. Leave her alone!

Anonymous said...

Mulan is a complete joke, Disney did not disclose the specific income so far, you can imagine how dismal. After BATB and Aladdin, Disney tasted the sweetness, still continue to live-action remake, until Mulan completely made Disney realize the problem.

Luca said...

Since the owner of this blog is very care-free and doesn't delete messages unless people straight up use curse words or heavily insult her many people from hate blog came here to stir up a fight.

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe she might retire for good this time. Let's be honest she stopped working in 2018 when they finished Little women. There is also a rumor that she took this role as a favor for producer Amy Pascal, that's why she didn't have to take part in promotion. Before that movie, the last time she was on the set was late 2015 when they finished The circle (in January 2017 they did only some reshoots). So if Little women didn't come up she would be without the job for over 5 years. It very long time for a actress who is only 30.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Luca and Artist for talking sense and bringing a bit of balance to the doom and gloom!!

Anonymous said...

In the 21 years since she landed Hermione Emma has had a total of 5 years without the release of a film. In that time she’s made 20 films including ballet shoes. In that she has Harry Potter, beauty and the beast etc. Girl hasn’t exactly done bad?! I’d say she’s done pretty darn well.

Anonymous said...

Emma has done very well, she has been in the public eye since she was 9 years old and her last film was released in December 2019 and for Latinos in March 2020 so I think she has done quite well and I feel sorry for the fans They like to believe all the malicious rumors they are only behaving like Britney fans in bad times even though I think they are haters that come to fan pages.
Emma is happy and I think she will return for a project that interests her or a story that she wants to tell because she does not need the money she can live peacefully without working, the true fans who do not share negativity and hate know that Emma will do whatever she wants and that's what I love about her.

Anonymous said...

Her Imbd Pro has no more agent (CAA/Kevin Huvane) and no more PR (Luke Windsor) listed. Just her manager & legal team remain. This final step away from acting and the limelight is not a surprise and has been a long time coming. Her personal well being has suffered for years. Regardless of her struggles, she put her own well being aside and continued doing what she loved and dealt with her struggles by using her fame to do good in the world. Now she is 30 and has a new outlook on her life. So enough is enough. She is set for life monetarily and now has a job behind the scenes in something she’s passionate about. Being out of the limelight completely means she will finally have the happiness and inner peace (both professionally and personally(for herself & her relationship) she has sought after for years. She is now putting her personal well being first over being a public figure. I’m happy for her and will always wish her well.

Anonymous said...

Oops. Meant IMDb

Anonymous said...

The live-action of The Lion King made 1.6b at the box office, even with critics saying it was just a copy a paste

Anonymous said...

The IMDB stuff is purely because they don’t want to be sent roles for her at the mo, Luke is still very much in place, as evidenced by the DM quote. She’s just dormant right now.

Anonymous said...

Lion Ling wasn’t live action, you do release that right? Jungle book was because of Mogli.

Anonymous said...

Fair play emma, enjoy she enjoys her break again and will be welcomed back when you’re ready! Though the press will still probably hound her.

Anonymous said...

Makes sense.

Artist said...

While We’re Young is still in development on her iMDB page. I guess we’ll see.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you like it or not it was live-action and it's the most successful also Aladdin made over 1b and the lead actors (Will Smith is supporting) aren't box office draws at all

Anonymous said...

Noah Colonia and Regression and BATB were all mad before or finish in 2015 then she took a long break didnt work on a film again until 2018 with LW
don't mix up release schedule with filming schedule

Eden said...

There. All mentions of Saoirse have been deleted. Do the conversations still make sense? Don't know. Will I regret it tomorrow? Maybe. My past-midnight self doesn't give a damn about anything and is just guided by annoyance.

Anonymous said...

Aladdin was marketed almost entirely as a Will Smith movie.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is mixing up filming and release, the point made was that she’s made 20 movies in 21 years, and has only had 5 without a release. Which is very good going.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is Buena Vista’s highest grossing live action movie ever.

Anonymous said...

Since when is a CGI lion live action? I think someone banged their head. Nothing in the lion king is live action, it’s photorealistic which is completely different. Disney didn’t refer or market it as live action either as they aren’t morons.

Anon said...

I feel like 2013 - 2015 were her best years for other films bedsides Harry Potter. In 2016, she focused on feminism, and then in 2017, she worked on BATB. 2018 was a break and then 2019 was Little Women. Covid was 2020 and now she’s working on Kering in 2021. Little bit of a timeline for y’all.

Anonymous said...

Someone will be calling Frozen live action next... Also like other anon said, Disney also made the build up to Aladdin almost entirely about the Genie and seeing Will Smith replace Robin Williams. It was a Will Smith vehicle.

Anonymous said...

Let’s see what 2022 (though probably more 2023) brings when the world isn’t bloody mental. She’s already done more post potter films than I thought she would, I wasn’t sure she’d come back after Brown and then the last hiatus

Anonymous said...

I think it’s only stupid press that ever called the Lon king “live-action”

Anonymous said...

Disney shouted to the rooftops about the Lion King cast, Beyoncé especially, and they gave her an extra song. You’d swear from the marketing she was lead. Seth Rogen was also made a really big deal of, more so than Donald Glover. But anyway as people have said, the Lion King isn’t a live-action film, it’s a photorealistic (fancy animation) film. It’ll be beaten at some point, but beauty is still top live action wise for Disney now (outside of marvel obvs)

Anonymous said...

The Lion King is live action, the magic in Harry Potter is real and the tooth fairy says hi

Anonymous said...

LOL some people here pressed because one movie grossed more than BATB, yeah Disney is soooo impressed with the lead actors of BATB that the characters who will have a Disney+ spin-off are Gaston and Lefou

Anonymous said...

Thanks for removing those awful xenophobic comments about peoples names Eden! :D

Anonymous said...

".. the tooth fairy says hi"

You owe me for two teeth.

What I have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you pay me now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you....

Anonymous said...

Eden you work so hard to clean up this blog of the foul-mouthed trolls
Thank you for having the patience to do this xoxox

Anonymous said...

I have a sinking feeling ever since she did so little LW promo that she was leaving us but if it's what best for her and she is happier not being a public figure anymore then good for Emma!

Anonymous said...

Movie theaters aren't even close to recovering from the pandemic yet and I don't blame her for not wanting to do terrible streaming content. I'm sure once the business starts to get back to normal she will attach herself to a project she's interested in.

Anonymous said...

On IMDb pro she’s not represented by CAA anymore or by any talent agent. Her publicist is no longer attached to her profile either in more represented by Luke Windsor. Just a legal rep and manager. I guess this is definitely a done deal for her.

Anonymous said...

Then... Emma does not have PR anymore???

Anonymous said...

The same thing that you have done with Saoirse, you should do every time someone mentions and is discussed here about their private social networks, because although many people know the name and other know exist, the comments encourage them to investigate what it may be and we all want to protect the privacy of Emma, right? In fact, this comment should be deleted as soon as you read it because I myself say about private networks haha

Anonymous said...

Emma got rid of her old management team in 2017 when she lost out on working on La La Land id assume she got rid of CAA after 2020 did not go well for her public image and is looking for a new team why her social media and stuff is just stopped...or she really stopping being an active public figure

Anonymous said...

But is really Emma the one in charge of getting rid of her CC or is there someone behind these decisions?

Anonymous said...

Well, they might have dropped her rather than the other way around but I feel they would release a statement saying 'we are no longer representing this client' but if it was Emma's choice maybe they were asked not to mentioning it? I don't know tbh just guessing.

Luca said...

Her name is still in CAA website

Anonymous said...

This has been discussed further up in the comments. Luke is still very much in place, he commented to daily mail. Agent is as well, she’s still on CAA for public speaking etc. They just don’t want to receive roles for her presently so details have been removed from IMDB. No biggie.
CAA are her agents, why on earth would she have got rid of them for social media stuff, that’s with her publicity team? Honestly people here have no idea how things work.

Anonymous said...

Emma has been with her management since 2015, what are people on about? She’s still with untitled.
Her publicist Prosper (Luke), agent CAA and management all still in place. She’s not actively pursuing things so they’ve removed contact details at the mo.

Anonymous said...

Sure cos CAA do her socials (rolls eyes)

andrew said...

so let me get this straight...
Nothing actually changed, and the only outlet which reported this News was the Daily Fail and yet everyone acts as if it is all true?

Anonymous said...

nah she changed agents in 2016 not 2016

Anonymous said...

*not 2015

Anonymous said...

Well Agent seemd to deserve it they blew a big role for Emma
glad she fired them they
They didnt know what they were doing clearly

Anonymous said...

The new agent was an improvement he got Emma little women after all her best film since perks of being a wallflower imo. Meanwhile, the old guy whoever he was was only getting her small stuff that not many people heard of like regression or colonia(BATB an exception) It was a wise move to change from the last agent.

Dj Anubis said...

"1. Is this still an Emma Watson fan page? It doesn't seem so. If you don't like her, just leave and follow another artist. It's not that difficult, I swear."

Its also not difficult to skip over their posts.

Anonymous said...

Im not sure I would call the new agent better than the old one people. I mean sure it was smaller films but Emma was getting them often and in lead roles the new agent has only gotten her little women and not much else. so prehaps the old one was better? also how do we know he was 'fired' and didn't quit or step down for personal reasons? people assume too much with little info from articles think harder about things before writing

Anonymous said...

"Its also not difficult to skip over their posts. "

Yup don't like comments don't read them very simple.

Anonymous said...

''don't mix up release schedule with filming schedule ''

Exactly. Since 2015 she only made Little Women, which as has someone said, she took only because Amy Pascal searched for replacement for Emma Stone. So besides that she basically retired over 5 years ago.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? Emma replaces Emma Stone according to articles on internet in 2018 . It is impossible that the film was recorded in 2015.

Anonymous said...

Little women was filming around the time Emma stone was doing zombie land 2 filming and there was a clash so she couldn't do both what year was that filmed anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Zombiland production : July 2018 according to Wikipedia

Anonymous said...

""1. Is this still an Emma Watson fan page? It doesn't seem so. If you don't like her, just leave and follow another artist. It's not that difficult, I swear."

It is. Just pointing out the delusion. Emma isn't a great actress and hasn't been very successful in that genre. The so called cliched campaigning has been cringe worthy for the most part.

We wish her luck settling down but the she is no loss to the industry what so ever.

Just look forward to the candids and the odd photoshoot cause that is all ya going to get!

Anonymous said...

"I feel like 2013 - 2015 were her best years for other films bedsides Harry Potter. In 2016, she focused on feminism, and then in 2017, she worked on BATB. 2018 was a break and then 2019 was Little Women. Covid was 2020 and now she’s working on Kering in 2021. Little bit of a timeline for y’all. "

Yeh I agree with 2013-2015. Then she took up 'yawn' activism, most likely because the roles weren't coming as thick and fast post potter.

Anonymous said...

Between 2016 and 2021, she has been on a movie set only once! (she did reshoot for The Circle but it doesn't count). And we know she went to castings, so it's not that she wants to stop acting, she just can't find a job. But it's easier to say she doesn't want to act anymore. Also odd to use her boyfriend as the excuse, as if you can't act and have a family (loads of very successful actresses do both)

Anonymous said...

it's funny to me Emma stone chose to do trashy zombie nonsense instead of the classy period piece if anyone should be firing agents like mentioned on here it was her! what a strange move lol I guess she just felt like having fun on something silly with her old cast mates

Anon said...

“She took up ‘yawn’ activism” - the only thing I really liked that was her women’s rights work was the HeForShe campaign. Other than that, it seems like her “activism” was for PR or whatever. Kind of sad, really.

Anonymous said...

I think it's easier for trolls to believe she can't act and can't find a job. She revealed in the Vanity Fair interview that she didn't want to be an actress, saying that her serious personality wasn't suited to the job. There haven't been many auditions rumours about her in recent years, if she auditioned everywhere but couldn't get a job in 5 years that's unreasonable. The trolls will just say she's having a hard time, can't even find a job, lol.

Anonymous said...

come on not every person think different to you is a troll ... If Emma had the same success as other actresses acting, and I mean success in acting, not in the numbers at the box office, she would not say that she doesn´t like acting ( really did she say that?) but it's very easy to say it don't like when you are not very good. In Beauty and the Beast she was light years away from the rest of actors

Anonymous said...

She knows herself well enough to know that she has no talent for acting, so she can't have success in acting. She really didn't like acting and didn't want to put in the time, so she decided to give it up and do what she liked.

Anonymous said...

She was saying years ago she has an imposter syndrome and doesn't feel she belong in acting or public life it was going to end one day soon when she is talking like that lets be real

Anonymous said...

So many butts! So much hurt!

Girl gave us a pretty great performance as Hermione. She made Perks and Little Women, which were both really excellent, and I for one really liked her in Noah. She made Disney an actual billion dollars on stunt-casting and nostalgia, so it's hard to say she wasn't a box office success.

Emma never really made the right moves to be a proper full-blown "Movie Star!" She just didn't pick the right projects, like more big tentpoles, an action franchise, a romcom or quirky indy comedy. She didn't have a beloved indy director declare her his muse.

As an actress, Emma was always held back by saving her good performances for when she was excited about the role or even the scene and had trouble sustaining a performance. But there are legit way worse actresses who make way bigger careers by picking the right movies and knowing how to work the media. She's a talented actress who could have done better, but whether this is her career fizzling or her stepping back for personal reasons, we can't know.

Emma was great about media relations for her activism and her style. She was very popular for her persona, her association with a beloved franchise, and her looks and personal charm. Whether she is in fact a living saint or just a phony with a carefully nurtured image is up for debate. For my part, I think she's a well-meaning, reasonably woke white woman born into serious privilege who is trying her best to make a difference while also "having it all" as a corporate executive.

FWIW, Emma seems like a good egg. She provided a good example when she didn't have, treated fans who met her with kindness, and dealt with the whole world having a parasocial relationship for most of her life. She's stood up for some good things, which does make a difference, though YMMV.

I hope she's happy with her scruffy looking pot dealer. He seems like a decent guy too, and he seems good to her. Hopefully sooner rather than later she'll decide to make a comeback with some better career guidance.

Till then, I wish her well and thank her for the pixie cut years and Perks of Being a Wallflower. I'll miss that awesome nose crinkle.

Anonymous said...

The thing that kind of sucks for Emma is that even if she does retire from acting permanently, her roles will live on. People will still approach her when they see her to talk to her. She can't get away from that.

Artist said...

Gal Gadot is an average actress at her VERY best yet she keeps receiving roles. Emma is WAY more talented than Gal Gadot (not to mention a better filmography obviously). Emma could have Hollywood at her feet if she only wanted to. Emma has talent in acting and a lot of movies prove that. Your "she has no talent in acting" isn't true and then has no significance since an actress like Gal Gadot keeps receiving role. I used Gal as an example but I could have used a lot of other names. I guess we'll see.

Anonymous said...

"Emma stone chose to do trashy zombie nonsense"

It was the sequel which I think she was signed on for or optioned with the first movie. She also is close with the director and the stars having a blast on the first one. Besides it was still pretty good for a sequel and easily better than most of Emma's post HP work.

Anonymous said...

"So many butts! So much hurt!........"

Then proceeds to post this....

"She made Disney an actual billion dollars"


Anonymous said...

Gal Gadot has a poor filmography where appears Wonder Woman and 2 more.

Anonymous said...

A movie can get many millions of dollars with an actor/actress with little talent, this is the case of Wonder Woman or Captain America o even Thor and it was the case of Beauty and the Beast, so being very famous and getting a big box office is not related to your talent.

Anonymous said...

I think that the reason she didn't make better appearances in big budget films is because she didn't want to become a part of a system where everyone has to sleep with everyone. I think she tried to do so when she had just ended with Potter films, then saw how full of shit is this system and tried to fight it with me too. Now that things are more controlled in the film industry, because of me too, and women directors and producers are coming to the surface, I think she will come back. Let's not forget that the director in her last film was a woman. I believe that the whole war against her during "black lives matter", destroyed her physiologically and she felt disappointed from her "fans". I think she will come back as a producer, maybe in a platform.

Anonymous said...

JK Rowling fans calling her a traitor to feminism and a backstabber who turned on the woman who made her probably gave Emma very bad depression and she was in shock from BLM backlash too everyone randomly turned on her like it was just her time to be cancelled or something :(

Anonymous said...

it seems like they trolled Emma off of all social media and into retirement
Yet the claim Rowling is the one being canceled lol

Anonymous said...

Gal Gadot has a poor filmography where appears Wonder Woman and 2 more.

Yeah as soon as Wonderwoman role is over her career will be gone imo she is very weak actress

Anonymous said...

"She's a talented actress who could have done better, but whether this is her career fizzling or her stepping back for personal reasons, we can't know."

I think the options are:

1) she is just bored of acting and being in public life so has stopped
2) She wants a family with leo or just settle down
3)She is bad actress and Hollywood have little use for her now HP fame has died
4) A family member or Emma herself has some sickness or private issue where she wants to stop working
5) This is only during covid times and she will be back when it ends

Anonymous said...

Speaking of wonder woman remember the time Emma dressed up as her in that selfie? I guess she likes gal gadot, or those movies at least.

Anonymous said...

Rowling's transgender issues and BLM had a tremendous impact and hurt on her, all the criticism and slander is directed at her. Rowling fans slander her all the time, I don't think she can bear it. Is she a coward? Afraid to stand up? The best way to deal with it is to stay away from social media and adjust her psychology. She needs to continue to struggle with her psychological problems and arguing with them will only make it worse.

Anonymous said...

Everyday Rowling's lunatic fans attack Emma on twitter with vile posts. im not surprised she left and has no real intention or signs of coming back again those people want to destroy her forever for really saying trans people have a right to be alive?? They need to rethink their actions bullying people day in day out for the sake of some billionaire who hates minorities and lost touch with the modern world in her old age.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be shocked if she has gone to therapy or something due to anxiety
she said last time she was harassed online that she didn't leave the house for days and just lay around in bed all day depressed

Anonymous said...

She seems to be chilling on a beach most of the time we see her these days I think she is fine and happy maybe even glad of all the twitter trolls as its a good excuse for her to just go quiet and stop being a public figure. she is maybe a little mad all her feminist friends turned their back on her but inside she is maybe glad she can stop with activism as it was not going as planned anymore.

Anonymous said...

"Besides it was still pretty good for a sequel and easily better than most of Emma's post HP work."
Holy lmao that movie is trash and worse than everything Watson has done post Potter. The state of your taste. I bet you think Cruella looks good too. It looks terrible.

Anonymous said...

I really had no idea that JKR fans attacked Emma so badly.

Anon said...

We may never know the real reason why she used those borders on her IG during the whole George Floyd thing. It was probably just an honest mistake that, she thought, at the time, seemed like an appropriate thing to do. I agree that it seemed to have been an aesthetic thing, but I highly doubt she meant to do it. That’s the problem with being a celebrity and being on social media. Because of your big platform, people expect you to speak out on things, and it can be stressful. The backlash she got I feel like she didn’t deserve and it hurt her mentally. Social media sucks in that regard I think.

Anonymous said...

FWIW, I don't think the social media stuff hurts her all that much. She has a therapist, she keeps a journal, seems to have a good support structure. I'm sure it's hurtful but not crushing or anything.

People were right to be upset with her [social media team] after they posted those stupid white borders. That was tone-deaf and dumb. But not *as* upset as they got? The internet echo chamber turns turns "Well that was a bad look from an othwrwise decent person" to "BUUUUURN THE WITCH!"

Unless she ever explains why, it'll be hard to know her reasons for stepping away. But I'd be really surprised if she cries into her thousand dollar bills that a bunch of crazed JRK stans support what is now a writer of terrible mystery novels over the basic rights of trans people. Or even a bunch of keyboard warriors who think those white borders invalidate all her good work.

BTW, Emma Stone is pretty great too. It's okay to like multiple Emmas.

Anonymous said...

"I really had no idea that JKR fans attacked Emma so badly." I don't think they did, I doubt that drama has anything to play here, if anything there were more YAS QUEEN SLAY fans who were hating on Rowling and supporting Dan and Emma for what they said at a much higher ratio on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

take a look at DM comments sometime to see the hate Emma gets from JK Trolls

Anonymous said...

It wasn't the white borders thing it was more she posted three black squares instead of one to keep her insta looking nice a clear sign she or whoever ran the account were more interested in looking good than actually caring about the BLM cause itself

Anonymous said...

Preparing my heart to hear about her upcoming news.. my crush on her is not healthy. As much as i hate it but feels like leo is the one for her.

Anonymous said...

she trending on Twitter last night and articles saying she really has retired are all over news feeds today I think since Emma is not saying anything to call everything we are reading false that it is true she has stopped acting and settling down with Leo.

Anon said...

They’re just reiterating what the DM said. I’ve read some of them. It’s literally word for word. That’s what news outlets do. And she’s trending because people think it’s true and are just saddened by the news that hermione has stopped acting.

Anonymous said...

If Emma left us fans without saying goodbye
even in just a tiny post
I would be pretty sad tbh :(

Anonymous said...

You guys realize that Emma and JK probably talked it all out behind the scenes and likely don't care about Twitter drama and realize they have different views and it doesn't matter to them? Internet is not real life go outside touch some grass and calm down.

Anonymous said...

Miss you already Emma x

Anonymous said...

did Tom Felton delete his skateboarding video with Emma?
I can't seem to find it anymore?

Anon said...

She probably did it when she posted that photo of her when she was 5 lying on the floor. Because she “thanked” everyone for getting her to where she was at 30. Idk, that could’ve been a more personal note more to her friends and family though because 30 IS a milestone age.

Anonymous said...

Rowling's trolls trolls mainly attacked Emma rather than Dan and Rupert, They keep @her and send her nasty posts. Dan and Rupert were lucky that neither of them had social media and avoided seeing the nasty stuff. Rubert recently opened an IG account, but he has apparently not been criticised.

Anonymous said...

I think they just see Emma as an easy target and know she won't really fight back cowards.

Anonymous said...

Honestly I'm glad Emma is the bigger person and does not stoop the level of mud-slinging that those trolls and haters do she just let them tire themselves out with hate looking so sad and bitter while she goes about her life :)

Anonymous said...

Tom did not post the skateboarding video. That was Emma.

Anonymous said...

Why do you sometimes believe what the Dailymail says and sometimes not? the source is most likely made up. They don't say names, so no one has to come out and denounce "I didn't say that." Emma has not appeared on the networks since June, so it is clear that she is giving up the acting for a while. Nothing new. This is not even news really.

Anonymous said...

Is it still on Emmas account? Or I'm I blind?

Anonymous said...

you are blind haha

Anonymous said...

She had told us way before Daily Mail did. I don't understand why you are all so surprised.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was expecting her acting to stop ever since she did that first 'break' in 2016 or whatever, in demand actresses don't really do stuff like that and ever since then she only filmed little women? I'm not sure why anyone would be really shocked she is quitting...shurgs

Anonymous said...

C'mon people keep that rowling nonsense on twitter were it belongs before Eden has to close the comments

Anon said...

Yep, some comments were deleted. But honestly, take everything on Twitter with a grain of salt, unless the topic talked about is written somewhere in a RELIABLE news outlet. Twitter is just a bunch of people’s opinions.

Anonymous said...

"take a look at DM comments sometime to see the hate Emma gets from JK Trolls"

Most of them probably dont like JK either. They are just trolls.

Anonymous said...

"Saw Emma Watson in Santa Barbara today, we approached her and she ran off.. Whoops."

Your foot is already recovered hahaha

Anonymous said...

She is currently trending on Twitter regarding 'retirement'

Stan's and their alts and bots eh?


Anonymous said...

Most of them probably dont like JK either. They are just trolls.

Nah they mention specifically they hate her for backstabbing the woman who made her career...misogynist knuckledraggers tbh

Anonymous said...

She seems to have settled down with Leo in Santa Barbara, where she's been spotted a few times recently.

Anon said...

Apparently she’s in California right now. She was with a woman in SB (probably a lady friend) and then her bf. People didn’t notice a ring, but she and Leo were holding hands.
Damn it

Anonymous said...

They were seen together at lemonade restaurant as soon as they got back to L.A but no one would listen haha

Anon said...

I have a feeling why she’s had so many bfs in the past is because her relenting acting schedule put too much pressure on relationships. Leo is her first bf since her break/possible retirement, and so it’s easier to maintain a relationship. People were ripping on her for having so many bfs, but it was only because she was working.

Anonymous said...

I would have liked to know how your relationship with Leo would have been without Covid.

Anonymous said...

she was always flying all over the world for roles and doing speeches and stuff now she doesn't need to and there is no long distance in her relationship so it finally was allowed to breathe and she really got to know someone properly at last in lockdown seems like

Anonymous said...

her relationship

Anonymous said...

Emma is living on a constant vacation right now so that's why everything works with Leo. Does she pretend to live in this way forever? Besides, the boy seems to follow her everywhere, he is not like the others who seemed to have their own lives and businesses. Cannabis? lol They go from Ibiza to London, from London to visit Leo's parents and again to start.

Anonymous said...

If for a relationship with Emma to work, the guy has to be with her almost 24 hours a day and even create a couple account, which is a teenager thing and quite rare, and dependent from my point of view ... then I understand why her other relationships did not work.

Anonymous said...

the rumours always were the dudes would get bored when Emma was out of town in another country and cheat sadly :(

Anonymous said...

Really??? How do you know?

Anonymous said...

I think Leo just came into Emma's life at a key time when she was turning thirty looking back over her career and deciding did she really want to keep being in public life? Like with so much constant hate and people questioning everything she is doing and always trying to not make mistakes with what she says or there will be a backlash? So maybe thinking like that while something like covid hits and she is alone with Leo all the time she realized what was really important to her was finally having a long-term relationship and settling down having a family and none of the other stuff was making her happy anymore.

Anonymous said...

I think that anon is just taking 'blind item' sites too seriously according to them all Emma's men cheat on her but I'm not sure thats true maybe some of them maybe...but all 25+ dudes were cheats really???! I doubt it. Also, she could have cheated herself lets not always blame the men c'mon now be fair

Anon said...

It did seem like all her other bfs had a life outside of just hanging out with her. Matt was a college student/writer, Mack worked at that software company (still does), Brendan Wallace had a business he ran and so did Iribe. It may be that we’re in lockdown and the businesses are closed, but still, does Leo ever work? He spends a lot of time with Emma for someone who’s in a HIGH position at a cannabis company. (That was supposed to be a joke) I wonder who’s been paying for all their trips?

Anonymous said...

Emma Watson ''retirement'' really trending on twitter right now. I think media finally noticed DM article.

Anonymous said...

Where did you find about people saw them california? Is it true? Or

Anonymous said...

its posts on twitter and deuxmoi submissions

Anonymous said...

Go to any L.A tea blogs or gossip sites and people are posting about their date

Anonymous said...

Can you share the source link about their date?

Anon said...

Twitter and the news are having a field day with the DM article. Like seriously, how dumb are people?! There’s a difference between retirement and taking a break. Her rep said she’s dormant, which is the definition of “pause” or “break”. If she were to retire, I think we’d hear from her personally (like a post on her social media) not from her rep. And news outlets are still believing the engagement rumors, calling Leo her rumored fiancé. All because they’ve dated for a while and he’s longer than most of her bfs, it doesn’t automatically make her engaged. Even if she were engaged, she’d probably wear a ring and no one is seeing one. People are so gullible.

Anonymous said...

William is still their longest relationship to date, Leo still has a few months left.

Anonymous said...

I know y’all love the girl and will go to the ends of the world to defend her but it ain’t like her acting was ever worth bragging about. Whatever route she’s taken she suits it.

Anonymous said...

She has filmed one movie in the past 5 years—she's been dormant for ages, and is probably retired. No in-demand, talented actress, who is passionate (or even cares a little) about her job does 1 movie in 5 years...she is not coming back

Anonymous said...

Emma is not passionate about acting and I think that's pretty obvious. Can't it be a PR strategy for her to be relevant again after so many months?

Anonymous said...

I saw Emma Watson acting in noah and a few other movies and I think she is a good acterss. she had a weak acting circle in the film but she acted really well in the rest her films

Anonymous said...

She is not only dormant/inactive/retired about acting but the public life. If she has thought this like a temporary thing and she thinks to come back around three or four years... she clearly makes a big mistake. If she had decided to keep speaking about feminism, racism the thing would be different. But nothing. Zero. Most of the people think on the contrary, but fame is ephimeral. Today a celebrity is in the the sky and tomorrow is in hell and much more in today's world where there is a cancel culture and we create and destroy idols with a snap of fingers. There are youtubers, instagramers, new talents ... life moves on. If she gets off the wave now that she is so admired, followed worldwide, she cannot expect people, directors, film companies are waiting for her with open arms when even her performance is nothing remarkable.
Now she has thousands of fans, but when they have hardly any material on her, they will begin to forget, because in life nothing is eternal.
Carry Fisher came back to fame because Star Wars is known worldwide and fans love so much her character, not because of her own acting, really. But Emma would not go back to play Hermione again, thats a fact, because she does not want to know anything about Harry Potter, which in my opinion makes her ungrateful.

Anon said...

I know they’re not engaged, but if Leo really is the one, then her standards must have gotten lower over the years. Even Mack’s more better looking than him. (IMO)

Anonymous said...

the tea going around gossip sites

Anonymous said...

She clearly could have stopped acting as soon as HP ended but wanted to prove she was more than kinda did not work out she gave it a good 10 years of trying to be bigger than Hermione but it just wasn't happening. I think she slowly grew to hate hp despite all the money and fame a sit also trapped her as being seen a sone character forever and brought her many stalkers and creepy people invading her privacy hacking her phones and emails stealing images and private messages its why she kept pushing fans away saying "no more selfies! no more tweets! I'm done with this!" and honestly I understand her.

Anonymous said...

Before the Covid Emma made several photoshoots a year, a couple of interviews, a conference about feminism/activism, sometimes a movie... she would appear with a random boy in the dailymail ... and the rest of the time traveling alone or with friends and now with the covid she has realized she was wasting her beautiful time with working when she can spend all her time traveling with her boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that it is relevant news that Emma is dormant when she has practically been without signs of life for about 8 months and has not acted since 2019. she does not want to be a celebrity anymore not only an actress.

Anonymous said...

Since 2015 she kind of became more of an influencer than an actress more about magazine interviews photoshoots giving speeches tweeting links on insta and twitter about random books to sell promoting clothes and brands and stuff. so I'm not sure anyone is in shock she is ending the acting branch of her career it kinda already ended aside from Little Women.

It's about kering for her now and running that investment firm she set up about 3 years ago.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame she can't expose these charlatans due to not being so whiter than white herself.

Anonymous said...

Time will answer. So.. we have to wait patiently.

Anonymous said...

The media are now reporting but caveating the heck out of it, saying it comes from the DM, it’s been interpreted as retiring, it may be temporary etc. they are also running it with the engagement rumour. Even the likes of Elle have said to take it all with a hefty pinch of salt. I think most are conscious she’s taken breaker before, and that all said this when she went to brown!

Anonymous said...

She’ll be back in a few years, mark my words. This is a break to explore the fashion job whilst the film industry is gone to hell, not retirement.

Anonymous said...

Rumor debunked!

Anonymous said...

She can't keep saying it's a break and then make 1 movie every 5 years and except to be an A-lister. I agree she's pretty much just an influencer most

Anonymous said...

Lots of outlets now updating and going, er, you know how we said “might” be retiring, we called it right on the “might” bit because she’s not...

Anonymous said...

Do you think it's kind of twisted way of new project promotion?

Anonymous said...

No, I think she just doesn't want to admit that she couldn't create the same sort of career as her peers (Jlaw and Emma Stone being oscar winners, Kristen Stewart and Lily James very in demand) all of whom are her age. So she might say she isn't retiring but it's just to save face I think. With only 1 movie in the past 5 years, she clearly does not want to work or can't get work, if the rumours are to be believed about her failing auditions.

Anon said...

People out here really think that she’s given up acting for Leo. She’s taking a break and focusing on Kering. And may be just waiting and looking for an opportunity. The believers are also calling her out saying “what kind of feminist leaves her whole career behind for a guy?!” Um, not her because that ain’t true.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but she's been on a break basically since 2016, she's only done a small role in LW. You can't be "on a break" for 5 years and stay relevant, especially not in Hollywood. So many good movies and series are being made, and she still "looking for an opportunity" lol not likely

Anon said...

On her Wikipedia, someone put in her personal life section “Watson has been in a relationship with Leo Robinton since 2019” LMAO WHAT?! That’s probably gonna get deleted soon. That has never happened on her Wikipedia page, ever. She’s been in a relationship with Will longer and Mack was about the same duration, as of right now, and nobody put their names in her Wikipedia page.

Anonymous said...

Also, any kind of feminist leaves her job for a man. Feminism is about the right of women to choose whatever sort of life they like without being judged.

Anonymous said...

Emma's wiki like all famous people now has a pad lock symbol on it meaning only Emma or her PR team can edit her page. Its locked to the public. if that new info is there she put it there. Random people can't edit living famous people's pages anymore to stop defamation and fake news been that way awhile.

Anonymous said...

The top of her wikipedia page says, "She stepped away from acting following her final film role in Little Women, which wrapped in December 2018." So if only her team can edit it, she's confirmed it herself. LW is her last role, she's retired.

Anon said...

If that editing has been going on for a while, then how come they didn’t do it with Knight? Fuck, if it’s on her wiki page, that must mean she wants to settle down with him, eventually. A man-bun, vegan, weed dealer. Ew

Anonymous said...

EW contacted her manager and not agent, the agent is responsible for giving the artist job opportunities and scripts, the manager is the one who gives the artist career planning and advice, that's why the statements are different. I think Emma has retired from acting, but her career is not over.

Anon said...

Whatever happened to keeping her personal life/relationships private? First the PR stunt and now his name is on her wiki page where every and anyone can see? I get it that most of us know who he is at this point, but wouldn’t putting out your name on a celebrity page make your work life a bit difficult? With everyone trying to find you, follow you, see pictures of you or sabotage your work like fans did to her parents? I have a feeling at this point that Leo really likes the spotlight and is enjoying having an actress as a gf. Going with her on vacations and boats and shit. He may have taken himself off of social media, but he enjoys the cameras more than any of her bfs. None of her former bfs smoked at the camera when Leo has done it. This is a whole different Emma than that of 2014 - 2017.

Anon said...

*looked, not smoked

Anonymous said...

"EW contacted her manager and not agent, the agent is responsible for giving the artist job opportunities and scripts, the manager is the one who gives the artist career planning and advice, that's why the statements are different"

Of course he is going to say that isn't he?

She'll be back in 2031 for Harry Potter and the

Anonymous said...

Holly shit.. their shared account active again..

Anonymous said...

No. It literally says it was edited by someone called film enthusiast. Scroll down bottom on browser to see who edited it.

Anon said...

They followed one other person, their followers number and posts is still the same. I’m honestly so confused at that account. Like, it’s inactive, but at the same time it’s not, but no ones following the account.

Anonymous said...

Little bird little bird where are u? Haha.. i have not heard from you for awhile. You said they are no longer together.. but the truth is they are still happily together.

Anon said...

They might be house hunting in the Santa Barbara area. I think that’s where she wants to settle down. They were spotted at a bar just yesterday and it’s a small community in the SB area. A ton of celebrities live/have lived in the area too, including Oprah. He’s from LA, and SB is about 90 miles from there. Don’t know what other reason they’d be there unless they’re either house hunting or at a (her) rental house.
I’m very heartbroken, she’s been my celebrity crush for years. I envy Leo, and I’ll never understand this relationship and why it’s lasted so long, but it’s whatever. She’s moved on and I have to too. :’(

Anon said...

Some fan probably put it there. It was t her PR team. Someone different like entertainment industries. They probably put it up there because of all the rumors that have been swirling around, and they probably think it’s true.

Anonymous said...

As for me, i dont think her reason to take a break from acting because of her desire to settle down with leo but because her role in kering. Emma is already have a house there as far as i know.

Anonymous said...

The DM are now even denying their own report...
“reports that the actress is retiring was false”, it was your own bloody report!!
People saying initial quote was her agent, Kevin Huvane would not have spoken to the DM, and that isn’t an agents role anyway.
Saying all of this I think she’s focused on kering right now.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Emma and Leo bought a house together in LA. They both have one there already and it’d make sense to sell and buy together. She had hers in London, they might continue to use that or buy together there. Emma having a property somewhere doesn’t mean a permanent move, she goes back and forth. She still supposedly has her place in NY too, and her place in Italy, and the French ski chalet.
Also people saying Leo is from LA. Leo lives in LA (when he’s not in London) but he’s from Palo Alto.

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