[Screencaps] [Fashion] [Version française]
I'm legit really excited about this. I really enjoyed it.
Emma's message:
I didn’t actually set out to start making films. I’d say the real beginning was taking in what I saw going on around me on set, & then starting to learn how to apply it in other parts of my life. For instance: my Mum nervously would be getting ready for her job interviews, & knowing I knew how to apply makeup after so many hours of watching other people do it in the makeup chair, we made it our ritual that I would do her face before any of her important occasions. Then filmmaking itself started by making love letters to my friends. Whether it was styling them, or producing photoshoots for their websites or headshots for their businesses - I loved helping out. Selfishly sometimes I also did it because I just wanted them to see all the beauty I saw in them that they never seemed to get. Then over time I started assisting a friend running sound on set. Then, very slowly I started working behind the camera (It hurt my back so much at first 😂). Then I got involved in editing. Now here I am, sharing my first go at directing something. I couldn’t have done it without the friends I could be vulnerable enough with to show that I didn’t know what I was doing & to ask for help from every step of the way. To these people (you know who you are) you have literally made a mark on my life & I hope I always get to make things WITH you. Thanks for believing in me. @emma_webstah this is my love letter to you. As a woman I always found the idea of living alone terrifying… & when you told me you had been living in the garage above your studio to dedicate yourself to what you really wanted to do despite everyone’s “good and well intentioned advice” - was when I knew I wanted to make my first tiny film about you. I just instantly wanted to try & capture who you were & the importance of your work. That's what feels so beautiful about directing to me - you get to fall in love! Thanks for being so cool Emma. Your work, writing & being inspires me so much. I feel so grateful to have friends like you that I just hope I can keep up with courage-wise. Thanks for being as excited as I was about cookie dough for lunch on the shoot day. And you rock that jumpsuit. E
She also updated her bio:
Its been an honour to take over this account for COP 26 (and a certain reunion 😉) this account is now resting & creating. x
And added a link to fossilfueltreaty.org
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com
the account is probably resting again because of the crazy people who gave her hate for her other posts but she should take care of her mental health and rest for sure
wow! :D
I think Emma will do better at filmmaking than anything else she tried so far this video was well-paced and told a story efficiently in a short time I hope she goes far with this XD
The short is good, it's very well put together and really liked that underwater shot.
Emma directing her first movie when?
Yes, notice how the media jumped on the solidarity post and hate comments making a million articles right away?.... but Emma post a creative project and now they do nothing?
Shows Why I hate media honestly they just want negative stories all the time
I hope they promote this amazing career change for Emma and her debut soon hopefully the ones that stalk Eden blog for news will write articles as its so easy to see that they dont pick up stuff about emma till after they find Eden posting it hahaahha
Amazing work! The most excited I've been to be her fan since like 2014 or something it feels like she is working on something she is really excited about for first-time since back then! Hopefully, we get full documentaries on netflix or streaming sites within a few years from emma! xoxoxo
So excited for Emma!
Wow ! Sacré nouvelle, j'espère qu'Emma profite bien, adore ce qu'elle fait et se repose bien <3
Her first full movie: 'My Life in Edens Basement' xd
Then 'Life after Seth' about her break up with Seth :P
i too sense a real passion for filmmaking from Emma in her post I think she found something she really loves to do here very happy for her
so cool! she will start small and work her way up to full feature length works it will take time so lets not rush Emma :)
I like the film, but did she really have to carry around that big-assed camera to make it?
Also I found the screed on her insta to be a bit self serving.
It was not about Emma Webster, not about the process, but about Emma Watson's 'struggles' and 'triumphs'.
And..."As a woman I always found the idea of living alone terrifying…"
Hasn't she lived alone virtually her whole adult life?
And seen I've been seemingly negative about everything (other than the film itself)I just ask why does she need to take a break from social media, surely activism shouldn't be a one month thing.
COPP and the reunion over, so bye?
Eden what is your review of the short?
I need the French critic's view? ;)
XD I'm not a critic. All I can say is that I liked it. I liked the music, I liked the editing, and I liked she made it about someone real.
There was quite a negative but not mean comment before this one. I don't want to post it yet because I'm too excited and I only want to see people's excitement for now, but I'll publish it later. So if some things rubbed you the wrong way also, there's a comment coming that you might agree with. They did like the film though.
I need the French critic's view? ;)
There should be nudity and baguettes and cheap wine.
Emma name is so common, you can go to any European country and shout "Emma" In the middle of the road, atleast 5 woman will reply you. XD
"I need the French critic's view? ;)
There should be nudity and baguettes and cheap wine."
You forgot the sound of an accordeon in the background. How could you?!
The name Emma was the most popular girls name in the western world in the 90s its why there are so many famous ones right now but in 2000s the name declined in popularity and isn't used as much, random fact google told me 5 years ago lol
You forgot the sound of an accordeon in the background. How could you?!
Also, it needs to be black and white and have people smoking cigarettes wearing berets
There was quite a negative but not mean comment before this one. I don't want to post it yet because I'm too excited and I only want to see people's excitement for now, but I'll publish it later.
Eden you should do this on every post do not let negative ones appear until 24hrs later it would stop so many fights and negative moments on the blog! :)
yay that can be a new Eden blog law "negative people must wait 24hrs to be negative" hehe
Eden hasn't made a new law in a while so it's time xD
I wonder if she's back in LA, where she can film making and hunting XD
There is a new photoshoot and a interview with british Vogue.
she seems to be in new york working with various painters and following artists on insta atm
Resting and creating? So the account won't be updated anymore? She's going back into hibernation?
I like her short, but I felt the pacing was too fast. It's a short video, but I felt like I didn't have time to observe the shots.
I did like the new short. But I wonder how long she will have to go on vacation after finishing it.
I loved it . In the interview she did the person asked what is next for you . Have to wait and see there are projects coming
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