Sunday, February 2, 2025

New photo of Emma Watson (not recent)

[Gallery] [Fashion] [Version française]

I found it on Reddit with no description. Looks like a screenshot to me. Derek Blasberg is on Emma's left side and it ossibly Karlie Kloss on her right side. No idea about the third person.

EDIT: According to stefyxamara on Twitter, it was taken at Martina Mondadori's for lunch. They don't tell where they found it either.

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Anonymous said... more info

Anonymous said...

emma was in a similar setting with a rucksack in an old photo i think its a french hotel or something?

Anonymous said...

Posted by Jo Ellison in February 2024

Anonymous said...

jellison22 :Lunch with @emmawatson @derekblasberg @cleowade and @martinamondadori at the house she grewv up in - and the inspiration for her incredible @cabanamagazine brand. Not entirely sure why I look so severe. But there we are

Anonymous said...

Yay! If she’s hanging out with Derek maybe that means more fashion events soon

Anonymous said...

That’s from a year ago.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this from February 2024? I might be wrong, of course, but it looks like the background of an event from back then. I just didn't know that she was also there.

Anonymous said...

Someone said that Emma was attending a Prada Upcoming Event Is it true

Anonymous said...

is there a source?

Eden said...

Nothing says she'll go. Someone thinks the latest photo posted is recent and thinks it means Emma will go. But the photo is from last year.

Anonymous said...

Eden I don’t mean to dictate but shouldn’t you edit the title to say new/ old photo so people don’t get confused?

Anonymous said...

Well at least the photo explains why we haven't seen much of Emma in recent times.

She's joined the Amish.

Anonymous said...

"She's joined the Amish."

I started coughing. From one extreme to another, lol