Friday, May 17, 2019

Emma Watson at JFK airport [May 16, 2019]

[Gallery] [Fashion] [Version française]

If the dates are right, Emma arrived in NYC yesterday and is already leaving.

Source: PicturePub

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Anonymous said...

Do you think she was there for a meeting? About a potential new project maybe?

Anonymous said...

She has definitely changed her casual style within the last few years.
If you compare her pics (private strolls, airports, out&about...etc.) taken by paps few years ago with the latest ones, you can see it. What are your thoughts about it?

Anonymous said...

What are your political thoughts about someone else's clothes? Let's debate.

Dj Anubis said...

She sure likes having her hat on backwards. lol

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that about her casual (candid) looks too! Here's my thinking: she used to use stylists -- Sarah Slutsky, Rebecca Corbin-Murray -- for more of her everyday looks. I used to be obsessed with her everyday style and try to recreate those looks for myself. But I think that she's stopped using them, which might be a sign that she's more comfortable relying on her own taste / less perfectionist (?). But it saddens me too. In interviews, she'll go on about great sustainable sneakers like Veja or Good Guys, but out and about she'll be in Vans or Adidas. (Corbin-Murray in particular is great about sustainable fashion: I follow her slavishly on Instagram.) And of course she has every right to dress for herself (I shouldn't be so greedy), but I no longer take much interest in her off-duty style ...

Anonymous said...

Probably it's something related to women's rights.
PS: She looks so young :D

andrew said...

Yeah keep dreaming

Unknown said...

I feel like she’s dressing down to kind of make herself more anonymous that’s a theory or maybe she just gotten fed up with being so stylized all the time and she just wants to relax I definitely don’t get the The idea and the obsession She has with wearing hats backwards it’s almost like she’s trying to appear that she’s part of the lower social class which is hilarious I’m really not sure what to think about that and it goes along with her whole aesthetic of dressing down now and yeah I totally agree that she doesn’t wear a sustainable stuff that often when she’s just out and about it kind of appears like she doesn’t really care what you wearing but I think it’s hilarious because she looks kind of average but her sweater still cost like $1000. She has with wearing hats backwards it’s almost like she’s trying to appear that she’s part of a lower social class which is hilarious I’m really not sure what to think about that and it goes along with her whole aesthetic of dressing down now and yeah I totally agree that she doesn’t wear sustainable stuff that often when she is just out and about it kind of appears like she doesn’t really care what she’s wearing but I think it’s hilarious because she looks kind of average but her sweater still cost like $1000 Lol

Anonymous said...

I've just compared her recent paps photos from NYC with those that have been taken in London (where she has been caught out&about on April the 26th) and that what hit me is the length of her hair.
They grew really fast, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I like that she seems more comfortable in a more casual style. One thing I don't like is she tends to cover up her freckles with her make-up.

Anonymous said...

"...but her sweater still cost like $1000"

Please someone tell me that's not true.

gacek870 said...

I also notice that she's not fond of her freckles. Too bad, cause I think they are adorable. It's great that she use casual style, but I can't stand hats on backwards, to me it's look pretty childish.

Anonymous said...

You are right with masking the freckles.
I haven't noticed that till now. She's adorable with them (although they're are very visible: she has a lot of them and they're quite dark, but I love them! maybe because I don't have any...).
And her current casual style reminds me a bit the way how Kristen Stewart dresses.

Anonymous said...

Not sure about her not being fond of her freckles; I remember reading she wanted to keep them visible for her role as Belle. Probably just gets covered when she just puts on make-up and isn't as concerned how it looks since she's not as public

Anonymous said...

Yep -- Daily Mail identified the crazy expensive sweatshirt (scroll down)

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, she mostly covers them when she goes formal, so I don't think she likes them much.

Anonymous said...

She has lovely legs.