Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Emma Watson at How To: Academy [May 15, 2019]

[Gallery] [Fashion] [Version franรงaise]

Playlist for all videos:
As I said on Twitter, the event was professionally filmed so we should get a decent quality at some point.

Some quotes:

“We need to be a bit more positive about the intervention of domestic politics. I can already see progress from before.” @DenisMukwege @EmmaWatson

“rape as a weapon of war seems to me as a form of terrorism” @EmmaWatson

“Women don’t wake up for themselves. Even if they can. The first question is how are my children? How is my family? To think about others when we are suffering, this is something that touched me a lot.” @DenisMukwege

“What I am doing is very small in comparison to what women are doing every day for us.” Deeply inspiring conversation with @DenisMukwege and @EmmaWatson this evening

We need to do more for victims of rape in in conflict situations - women are underrepresented in policies, laws and humanitarian response. We need to work collectively to amplify the voices of all women most affected @DenisMukwege @EmmaWatson

“Women are forced to be silent to protect their family..Silence is a tool to let rapist go on with what they are doing..Its very important for women to speak out and talk about when it happened, to break the silence in any moment” @DenisMukwege @EmmaWatson

@EmmaWatson said very emotionally “You’re my hero” towards @DenisMukwege he answered then “i wish we would have more young people in my country doing what you are doing”

.@EmmaWatson mentioning Eve Ensler calling @DenisMukwege a beacon for all men to follow.

“As both activist and consumer, we can use our voice to ask for more legislation.” @EmmaWatson at the @nytimes

“Its dangerous to be a woman” @EmmaWatson

“Taking action is saying no to indifference”, @DenisMukwege

“We have to demand it. We have to believe in that world where women can be safe. A world where fear is not a default feeling.” @EmmaWatson speaking to all women at the @howtoacademy

« Indifference destroys humanity » #sexualviolence #rape is everyone’s issue — @DenisMukwege

๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ “Taking action means saying ‘no’ to indifference. If there is a war to be waged, it is the war against the indifference which is eating away at our societies.” - @drdenismukwege ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Dr. Denis Mukwege has been a brilliant colleague and collaborator on the @g7 Gender Equality Council in Paris. ๐Ÿ’ซ To borrow praise from a mutual friend, Eve Ensler, Dr. Mukwege is truly ‘a beacon for all men to follow.' The Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of Panzi Hospital is so inspiring to me as a doctor, activist, and male ally in the fight against gender-based violence.✊๐Ÿพ๐Ÿงก ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It was so fun interviewing him in my home city as part of & @nytimes ‘How to Understand Our Times.’ Thank you for sharing your learnings and lifetime of work with us and declaring what feminists across the gender spectrum know to be true: “Rape is not just a physical, violent act perpetrated against one victim, it is an assault on humanity." ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ’› ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ๐ŸŒŸ If you would like to take action to support Denis’s work, please visit @mukwegefoundation or
Une publication partagรฉe par Emma Watson (@emmawatson) le

๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Last week, a bill was signed into law in Georgia that is a near-total ban on abortion. This marks the fourth “heartbeat” law to be passed in the United States in the last year - a name that is designed to be emotive. It refers to the first signs of the development of a heart in a fetus at 6 weeks of pregnancy, long before most people know they are pregnant. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’” Georgia’s bill stands out for going one step further in including personhood language, criminalising not just abortion providers, but also pregnant people for having abortions or even miscarrying. Today, Alabama passed its own law banning abortion except when the health of the mother is at risk. We remember that Savita Halappanavar died in Ireland with the same law on the books. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ’” Currently, women & pregnant people living in Northern Ireland are forced to travel to mainland Britain for abortion care that is illegal in their home country. There will always be people who cannot travel because of domestic violence, immigration status, and disability. People living in Northern Ireland and the USA deserve the dignity of accessing safe, legal & local reproductive healthcare at home. #nowforni These laws won't stop women and pregnant people from having abortions, or from making the best decision for their bodies and families, it will just mean they are forced to do so unsafely and with stigma. #reproductiverightsforall ✊ Please join me in supporting @plannedparenthood @ippf_global @womenhelporg @all4choice #abortionsupportnetwork ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Une publication partagรฉe par Emma Watson (@emmawatson) le

Credits: MinTeo adihan98 AMShaw91 AnaCardoso123 annathefrenchie anzicnik aoifekirk bekslin bookofmicah cryad88 deirdreainequinn djayasinghe EbbaLekvall eglescache ellenraelambert EmilyLongtin emmanuelcentre emmawatson essikiiski FabiolaTorres84 flaviallegretto focuspullfilms GarrettKalt gracelowden gunibrar hannahbunt howtoacademy IlariaFerrari13 imwhereuwant2b inspectorbrodinsky instamarghe ireneslytherclaw jennig93 jennycoady10 katiefettes kimabehrens LaFeeMiniste lauradunks laurasomoggi leaky LucieColombe LydiaRader micolfoa Lucietable MukwegeFound MukwegeFoundation nignatiou NikiIgnatiou paolaDZN rinagoldenlynch sensorinet SGreen1 shaziklaus simonaabortolotti tgifatima wowglobal Zoemulliez

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Anonymous said...

Emma looks gorgeous in red. I wish I was there to see this interview because Dr. Mukwege is a true inspiration.

Andy Clos said...

I’ve been there today, arrived 1hour before and got lucky to get the second row seat, there was no placing numbers to a ticket, you could sit anywhere, so it really felt they see everyone equally and want to give everyone an equal opportunty to enjoy and engage in conversation...Like to many of you here, I adore her and she is my role-model and let me tell, you she fulfilled all my expectations and much more beyond. So humble, gentle and genuine. And beautiful!
And Dr. Mukwege? Such a sweetheart! You could hear the torment he has gone through and the determination he still has to pursue his ambitions. It was truly a great interview, he really exhausted the questions from Emma, who put all her concentration on Denis and 0% attention on herself.
Additionally, I got to sit behind her mother and piblicist!

Anonymous said...

Que bueno! me alegro por ti Andy, gracias por compartir tu experiencia para aquellos que no pudimos estar allรญ :) y si Emma se ve muy guapa, gracias por las fotos Eden!

Sam said...

Gracias Andy por compartir tu experiencia, me hubiera encantado estar ahi.
Ya estoy ansiosa por ver la entrevista.

Anonymous said...

Pleased to see Emma speaking up about the abortion bills in various US states.

My concern with a lot of her quoted concerns, eg rape/rape in war is terrible, are such 'motherhood' statements that everyone can nod in agreement and basically nothing changes.

The abortion issue is where influencers such as Emma can make a difference.
Highlighting not only the issue of choice, but as she does, that dangerous 'backyard' abortions will still occur.

Emma and dare I say it, people like the Jenners & Kardashians have a public voice that resonates among younger woman.
Get those women engaged, get them voting and the overwhelmingly older white males who pass this legislation will hopefully be turfed from office.

I'd like to see Emma narrow her focus and make a real difference.