Sunday, December 15, 2019

Emma Watson in 'Little Women' (new clips, BTS, photos)

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Anonymous said...

It is said that they have cut scenes of Emma, Is it true?

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to watching this movie !!! And wishing to see Emma as Meg ;)

Anonymous said...

"It is said that they have cut scenes of Emma, Is it true?"

She performed badly in test audiences. Unintended laughs sadly. :/

Anonymous said...

I've already seen the movie and honestly no she's not as bad as they say she is. She's not a standout but she's also isn't horrible. People just like to jump on bandwagons that talk bad about people.

Anonymous said...

I think that although Emma has not got the role of Jo, Meg is appropriate in terms of physical at least, I do not know if Emma wants to marry or have children, but physically, it is beautiful, sweet, elegant, as Meg, I think it is a role that favors her

Anonymous said...

The problem (or at least for me, it would be a problem if I were an actress,) is that, Emma is not a bad actress, but she can not stand out, even, or at least in my opinion, in Beauty and the Beast, being the protagonist, she could not stand out.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the person above. Emma ain't a bad actress, but she definitely ain't great either. She's really average.