Sunday, December 15, 2019

Full conversation of Emma Watson with Rebecca Solnit

[Screencaps] [Fashion] [Beauty] [Version française]

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Anonymous said...

omg! how many things about Emma? photos, videos .... or we have nothing in months or we have many things hahaha

Anonymous said...

I have already seen the interview, and it is very good. Rebecca's answers, Emma's questions. I like that Emma knows how to listen to her interviewees, she doesn't want to stand out, she lets the interviewee shine

Anonymous said...

I see Emma very comfortable in these interviews, you see that she likes the subject, interview. Also this time he has done the interview in a bookstore and I think it's a great idea, in the end they talk about books, what better than conducting the interview in a library.

Anonymous said...

Ede, Do you know If in the presentation of Steve Chbosky book, where Emma was, are there any videos?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand one thing, in one part of the video (at the end of the video) Emma says she grew up in Islington (Rebecca asks where she grew up) and Emma says Islington, but I don't understand that, Emma has always said she is from Oxford , and that she lived in Oxford with her mother and brother, and in fact the school she attended is in Oxford. I do not understand

Anonymous said...

That's because Emma tells lies to suit her narrative. Welcome to Hollywood!

Remember her saying she is like Hermione then a few interviews later she said she is anything but.

Anonymous said...

but what is the point, I want to say, Islington and Oxford have nothing to do with it, Islington is a place, Oxford is another, she has been saying that she is from Oxford all her life, and she studied a few months at the University of Oxford, because she is from there, her parents studied there.

Dj Anubis said...

Are Islington and Oxford close to one another in anyway? I only ask because despite living in Dundalk my area is also classified as Baltimore. I dont know much about the geographics of that area though.

Anonymous said...

There is 1 hour and 43 minutes between Islington and Oxford, so noe are close, Islington is in London and Oxford in Oxford, I do not understand why She say Islington

Anonymous said...

Maybe, her dad lives in Islington and she was talking about her childhood with her dad, not with her mom. Could it be?

Anonymous said...

I think she is actually referring to her dad. She lived with her mom in Oxford and her dad was living in London. As Islington is a London borough it makes sense that she was talking about her dad's place.

Anonymous said...

She did say she went back and forth their houses while growing up as well as spending some time in France while on breaks from filming and school.

Anonymous said...

True. Her dad lives in London and her mum in Oxford, hence the Islington.