Sunday, December 15, 2019

Emma Watson playing book fairy in the streets of London

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Une publication partagée par Emma Watson (@emmawatson) le

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Gacek870 said...

Although personally I would prefer a different book, I applaud this campaign. I always support the spread of reading.

Anonymous said...

or simply littering. she should go to a food bank but then again she doesn't live in the real world. oh to be privileged.

Anonymous said...

Tokenism at its finest.

2000 copies/38 countries = ~50 per COUNTRY (and how many are going to be picked up and dumped in garbage bins?)

If you are going to do something like this at least give them to underprivileged schools where the books can be shared.

Anonymous said...

Books left out in a London winter.
What could possibly go wrong.


Anonymous said...

"If you are going to do something like this at least give them to underprivileged schools where the books can be shared."

100% correct.

CK said...

“If you are going to do something like this at least give them to underprivileged schools where the books can be shared.”

I don’t see any contradiction between sending books to the underprivileged and hiding books in the public. The objectives are different. Putting books in the public won’t stop ppl from giving books or caring the underprivileged. Can ppl try to appreciate what the others do rather than complain or discourage?

Anonymous said...

A quick remark, it has just come to my mind.
I don't know if I'm right though.
I don't think people who found the books left by Emma, leave them (after reading) to be found by others...
It's too precious finding.
Maybe some of them sell them on auctions (which would be a nasty thing).
But I really think only few (if any) put them in motion after reading.
Being honest with ya: if I'd find such a book, I'd give it away, I'd keep it to myself.

Anonymous said...

I like Emma's initiative to leave books in the cities, I find it very interesting and very original. Emma has donated money and clothing to charitable causes on other occasions, but it is true that it would be great if she donated books to an association.

Anonymous said...

Florence Pugh, Greta Gerwig, Saoirse Ronan, Timothée Chalamet e James Norton are in London promoting the movie, Emma is in London but she doesn't promote: / I don't understand anything

Anonymous said...

Emma in London and rest of co-stars also, Where is Emma?

Anonymous said...

What happens to Emma is that she prefers to make money without moving a finger. She thinks I make the movie, I charge the money and the promotion that others do. Hopefully everyone in our work, that is, the real world, we could do that;)

Anonymous said...

How isnt the media calling out Emma about her lack of promo and avoiding her co stars and letting them do all the work?

Anonymous said...

I know that Emma does not care, neither I nor we, obviously, and that if I die tomorrow obviously she does not care, because she does not know who I am, but it seems to me a lack of respect towards her co-stars, the director, althoug there are a contract, It seem a lack of respect, not wanting to do the fucking promotion . Sorry for the bad word.
I hate drive, it makes me very nervous, it makes me anxious, but I have to do it to go to work and study, because I and other people live in a where no one gives us anything done and we are strong and we have to do our work to survive because we don't have millions of euros.

Anonymous said...

Emma gives a shit about the movies she makes, unless she is the protagonist

Anonymous said...

Emma clearly does not want to do the promotion, for that reason she publishes photos on instagram and now leaves books in London, that is her "promotion"

Anonymous said...

Fans, justify Emma's behavior once again, come on, come on, I'm looking forward to you

Anonymous said...

I am not going to say why Emma has not gone to the promotion, because that is not my business, but all people going to adore her, like other people who justify everything she does. At the end of the day, Emma doesn't know who we are, nor does she care, her life will continue, you do not waste energy to justify your actions, I know You can do whatever you want but really don't waste your time, Emma will never know you're defending her.
I prefer to worry about what really matters to me, my family, my friends, my studies and my job

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of hers and I'm definitely not going to defending her. But if she isn't announced to be at an event then why would anybody think she's going to be there? At this point its clear she isn't going to do any interviews so why waste your breathe complaining about her not doing them?

Anonymous said...

What rubs me the wrong way is the principle: when you accept a job you've to do it from start to finish (from repetition to promo included). If she can't do it than she'd not have accept the role. I'm sure hundreds of actresses would die to play that part and do all the annoying promo, anxiety or not. It makes Emma look very entitled. But after all maybe she is.

Anonymous said...

Lmao at the way she has y'all pressed by not promoting a movie to your "standards"!

You stay whining while she adds more $$$ to her account. I stan a generous queen who continues to stand up for the causes she believes in, has her haters & fans alike pressed, takes constructive criticism like a champ & learns from it, travels like a ninja and does philanthropy!

Anonymous said...

Criticism isn't whining. I always liked Emma but her behavior is a bit disappointing, especially as she is 29. Her activism and philanthropy is to be welcomed.

Anonymous said...

"Fans, justify Emma's behavior once again, come on, come on, I'm looking forward to you"


Anonymous said...

" I stan a generous queen "

Who would walk straight past you without a second look.

Unless your about 12 grow up saying things like 'stan' :/

Anonymous said...

I say stan harder. It's refreshing to see positivity in here. You rock!

Anonymous said...

stan harder if you want to end up in jail :/

Anonymous said...

"Criticism isn't whining"

There have been more than 100 comments criticising the same damn thing in a previous thread. At this point, it does become whining because y'all have nothing new to add except speculations & gossip.

"Who would walk straight past you without a second look."

Doesn't invalidate my point about her being a generous queen. Also, she doesn't have to know me/recognise me for me to admire some of her qualities.

"Unless your about 12 grow up saying things like 'stan' :/"

If you're going to mock me for using twitter lingo instead of giving a valid argument, then I don't feel any guilt in correcting your usage of "you're" & "your".

Anonymous said...

"Doesn't invalidate my point about her being a generous queen."

lol. so generous she has done her upmost to avoid tax.

"twitter lingo"


"correcting your usage of "you're" & "your"

english isn't my first language. grammar nazi

Anonymous said...

Good that I got Emma's haters pressed. The Panama papers was a fiasco that I blame on her financial advisors. Also, it's to protect her privacy and why not, considering she has been stalked before on sets of Bling Ring! But the whole fiasco could've been avoided if she had better financial advisors.

I'm only a grammar nazi when the other person mocks my usage of language.

Anonymous said...

So even when she makes mistake it's not her fault?! I like Emma but it's too much idealisation, she's still a person who should be held responsible for her faults (especially as she's an activist too).

Anonymous said...

"Good that I got Emma's haters pressed."

Only a sad sad little middle aged obsessive stan would come out with such creepy stuff like this.

Anonymous said...

Agree with the above point. Hence why I said constructive criticism is always welcomed. Not blind trashing based on speculations. I don't idolise her (or anyone for that matter) but that doesn't mean I'm not imbibing some of her good qualities or appreciate/support her good work or that I don't defend her from haters who conveniently seem to forget her good work and bash her on the most minute things (that too without any valid proof) eg. her apparent beef with Greta or the other cast members just because one of them said she's not in touch with them for a year or did not stay with them during the shoot.

Anonymous said...

"Only a sad sad little middle aged obsessive stan would come out with such creepy stuff like this."

Have a good day Clown!

Anonymous said...

Only a sad sad little middle aged obsessive stan would come out with such creepy stuff like this.

Agreed. Creepy fans like this have put Emma off from stage acting and going to premieres no doubt.

Anonymous said...

"Agreed. Creepy fans like this have put Emma off from stage acting and going to premieres no doubt."

The people who defend her from baseless criticisms are creeph fans now? Another Clown spotted! Anyways since you don't know how to give valid arguments without resorting to insults, I'm done with your ridiculous lot! Stay pressed haters, watch her movie when it releases and make Greta & her team rich lol! Bye! <3

Anonymous said...

Seriously though people have been speculating and critizing/complaining/whining (take your pick) since October. At this point nobody has said anything that hasn't said before. It's always the same argument that comes with most press tours she's been a part of. Either she doesn't promote how y'all want her to or she over does it.
*The point is nobody knows if she has anxiety or why she has hasn't done interviews except Emma herself. And honestly all the speculation doesn't help anything. Because the only people who know what went down and have the right to complain are the people who worked on the movie. As stated before nobody knows what her contact is or what it entails. And as far as I've seen the people that were on that set have nothing but GOOD things to say about everybody including Emma. Y'all act like she straight up ignored this movie while dismissing the social media promo she's done.If you don't like the way she's done press that's fine but quit with the ShE'S iGnOriNg "LitTle WoMen" complaint already
Because all it takes is a quick look at her social media to see that not true.

Anonymous said...

A little weird how a blog about updates on her has so many people who whine about every little thing she does.

Just stop following, you'll be happier. Promise.

Anonymous said...

GUYS maybe her lack of promo IS PROMO!!!!!!!!!!!! PPl are like "where's emma?" then they go watch the movie XD

Anonymous said...

With her? Maybe, who knows?! :p

Genuinely appreciate it, Anon! We could do with more positivity & humourous comments in this blog.

Anonymous said...

"GUYS maybe her lack of promo IS PROMO!!!!!!!!!!!! PPl are like "where's emma?" then they go watch the movie XD"

I know you're joking, but her absence sure made people talk!

Anonymous said...

The irony is that some of the people who didn't want her in the movie are some of the ones who keep asking where she is.

Anonymous said...

Yes exactly lol.Even her haters are confused how to criticise her

Anonymous said...

she doesn't have any haters more like disappointers at her fall from grace in recent years

Anonymous said...

"she doesn't have any haters more like disappointers at her fall from grace in recent years"


I remember when Emma visited Bangladeshi workers when working with People Tee to create ethical, sustainable affordable clothing, based on the concept of fair trade.
Now she is no apparently longer involved with People Tree (or any similar clothing manufacturer/retailer).

Instead, for example, she wears Balenciaga on the red carpet which is rated 2 out of 5* (on the goodforyou app Emma recommends).
*for people and animals as the company fails to provide its workers a living wage and uses fur & leather.
Brands are rated from 1 (We Avoid) to 5 (Great) by 'good for you'.

Talk is cheap, actions speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

"Talk is cheap, actions speak for themselves."

+10000. Careful you'll be called a 'hater' for producing facts :D

Anonymous said...

"Talk is cheap, actions speak for themselves."

She donated about $5 million for causes she is passionate about including $1.4 million to UK Justice Fund for helping victims of sexual harassment. Your point again? Smh. Continue to be *disappointed* in her while she tries to do whatever she can to make this world a little better place.

Anonymous said...

How does Emma get away with so little involvement? Its feminist movie FFS and she is refusing to spend time with any of the other women.

Anonymous said...

Provide a source for the $5 million figure.

Certainly an impressive donation to the UK Justice Fund, Definitely a generous and worthwhile gift, but some context as it came just in time to provide a tax offset against her BATB earnings.

Furthermore a story relating to her charitable donations is unrelated to the post regarding her hypocrisy fronting a much heralded campaign regarding ethical/sustainable clothing whilst failing to meet those standards herself (as at the LW premiere).

Gacek870 said...

Anon at 3:48 PM
Yeah, I also thought that it is the movie she especially would like to promote.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about her sustainable clothing style, so can't comment on her choice of outfit for the movie premiere but the People Tree thing was long back. It didn't work out for whatever reasons. Also, giving out $5M is no small matter. People don't bat an eyelid when she does something good but one tiny slip-up from her and all hell breaks loose. It's that which I'm pointing out.

Anonymous said...

I've doubt she has good intentions donating a lot of many to the causes close to her heart.
But you cannot deny it's also used for the tax purposes.
Maybe it's not her main goal, but she uses it as tax offset ("by chance"?).

Anonymous said...

It should have sounded: I haven't doubt!

Anonymous said...

Because celebs can't do philanthropy without having an ulterior motive right? Your cynicism is disappointing. Let's assume for argument's sake, she's using it as tax offset, does it matter so long as her charity is benefitting those in need instead of going to that douche and Trump twin, Boris Johnson's government?

Anonymous said...

"She donated about $5 million for causes she is passionate about including $1.4 million to UK Justice Fund for helping victims of sexual harassment."

For a tax dodge. Celebrities do it all the time for free publicity.

Anonymous said...

" Trump twin, Boris Johnson's government?"

Aw bless. Are you are the socks alright hun? Send my regards to benefits street. x

Anonymous said...

IMO The People Tree idealism was real, whereas now everything seems stage managed/PR focused (eg the 'book fairy' instagramming above)

There is a well known 1950s film starring Marlon Brando called 'The Wild One'.
At one point Brando's character is asked "...what are you rebelling against?"
His response "What you got?"

It's almost like that now with Emma.
It seems almost as if there's a cause she has to support it.
It really has almost fallen into the parody of 'land rights for gay whales'.

Back in The People Tree days she was truly involved/engaged, now it seems like cause of the week.

And that's why I'm somewhat disappointed in her.....oh and add the fact she's avoiding the Little Women presscalls. (but that's probably already been mentioned).

Anonymous said...

She has literally donated money every year since she was a teenager and it rarely gets talked about. But go off I guess...

Anonymous said...

On today's episode of "Things are are good when other celebrities do it but bad when Emma does it" we have

*Donating money and wearing a dress to a red carpet given as PR by a brand

Anonymous said...

Check the word in dictionary first, coz you're using in not correctly.
She (and other celebrities) would have paid this money ANYWAY, you "smart in other way"..

Anonymous said...

Because it's nothing special, lots of celebs donate money and for many people it's only genuine when it doesn't get media coverage

Anonymous said...

"Because it's nothing special, lots of celebs donate money and for many people it's only genuine when it doesn't get media coverage"

She made sure we knew about it....... :/

Anything to stay relevant....... :(

Anonymous said...

She wasn't the only one on the list of celebrities who donate every year and she's simply a name in a long list of people. What I don't understand is why some people are giving her shit for it. Y'all would complain if she didn't but still complain if she does. I'm not even a fan of hers but at this point some of y'all are grasping at straws looking for a reason to give her shit.

Anonymous said...

This blog & daily mail comment section are infested with trolls who criticize every little thing she does or doesn't. It's always been that way here because people derive some sort of sadistic pleasure out of spreading constant negativity about her and thrive on the attention given to their negativity. They lead a sad life and really need help.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You can find a way to express your disappointment without having to speculate and trash her. As a fan, your disappointment is valid but to go on and spread rumours about her scenes being cut, her not getting along well with co-stars etc. without proof is just ridiculous! If Greta & producers who have invested in Emma don't have a problem with her, I don't see why fans (who get to have a CHOICE if they want to spend their money or not on a movie) do!

Anonymous said...