Sunday, November 7, 2021

Emma Watson attending 'An Audience with Adele' in London [November 06, 2021]

[Gallery] [Screencaps] [Fashion] [Version française]

Takes place at the London Palladium. People in the comment section say Mack Breene is the person with her. Mack is a friend of Emma's who recently released a new photoshoot of hers.

Credit and sources: picturepub, Josh Osuna, PhotosofAdele, 大蚊子Sean

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Anonymous said...

Is seth her date? or is she alone?

I'm worried about seth guys??? think its really over ;)

Anonymous said...

there is a shot of Emma in a car too Eden, check twitter!

Eden said...

I swear if Seth and Emma ever end up at a same event I'm going to die. I'm really going to bed now. Read you tomorrow.

Eden said...

"there is a shot of Emma in a car too Eden, check twitter!"

I know. I'm expecting more so I'll post everything tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

why no mask emma? uk is really still needing one with how high daily cases are too

i hope she is being careful, normally i will shut up about masks but because others have one and its uk i get concerned

Anonymous said...

I was taken aback by that paps pic tbh, her expression was so fucked up XD

Anonymous said...

no mask so can be easily spotted

also anyone else sick and tired of all this bandwagoning by emma. first it was heforshe, then that no gender stuff, metoo and now climate change.

she never starts or supports a new movement. she just appears when one is already mainstream.

suppose the only original thing she has done is hide books ;)

Anonymous said...

According to the pics taken by Adele fans outside the event, Emma was one of the first celebrities to leave with Mack as soon as the event was over, apparently she was sleepy and just wanted to go home and sleep lol

Anonymous said...

Is it me or does it seem like Emma is finally back?? Now she just needs a few new acting roles!

Anonymous said...

Mack left with her arm around Emma, she's so thoughtful! they should be together, I ship Macmma XD

Anonymous said...

I really hope she took a train from Glasgow to London.

Anonymous said... picture for hair fetish people XD.
I am not used to with this situation, pictures everyday.
P:S - someone edited Pippa Pig's picture on the red carpet. If you know you know Lol

Anonymous said...

Getty uploaded new pictures. I want to know who is that woman. Looks like this blog's dream came. true.

Anonymous said...

The Mirror is suggesting that Warner Brothers is trying to put together a Friends-style reunion, but that they haven't even got the cast to sign on yet... That's either someone's wishful thinking or monumental incompetence.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought Mack was her long stringy boyfriend.

Now I discover there's another Mack.

Can we please rename her so I don't get confused?

Eden said...

I got confused too when people said Mack was there XD Guy Mack was Knight so girl Mack can be Breene. If that's the right Mack I'm thinking of.

Anonymous said...

OK that passed right over my head.

I'll suggest Beth.

After all..”What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”

Anonymous said...

finally emma has a GF! ;)

Anonymous said...

is the blonde woman Sophie everyone was talking about in old thread?

Anonymous said...

Seth is very jealous right now Emma didn't take him to see adele

this could lead to the break up!

Anonymous said...

I was there and the reason Mack had her arm around Emma was because Emma was clearly upset

I heard Emma say "I don't understand it, I was sure I'd find a new boyfriend at an Adele concert, but they just didn't seem interested."

Anonymous said...

Why do people get enjoyment out of mocking her private life?

Anonymous said...

She was getting over the seth heartbreak by listening to adele power ballads and drinking wine

Eden said...

"Why do people get enjoyment out of mocking her private life?"

They were just joking. I don't think they had bad intentions.

Anonymous said...

"I was there and the reason Mack had her arm around Emma was because Emma was clearly upset

I heard Emma say "I don't understand it, I was sure I'd find a new boyfriend at an Adele concert, but they just didn't seem interested.""

what else is this fabricated lie...

Eden said...

"what else is this fabricated lie..."

Is a fabricated lie different from a real lie? Wouldn't that mean that what they said then... is TRUE?!?!

Anonymous said...

ah the no jokes allowed police are here :P

Anonymous said...

Jokes? what jokes?

Semma is a very serious topic, guys please show respect!

Anonymous said...

Mocking tabloids running stupid stories and mocking someone's personal life aren't remotely the same, it takes a pretty stunning lack of empathy. Would you really want people publicly making fun of your life?

Eden said...

"Mocking tabloids running stupid stories and mocking someone's personal life aren't remotely the same"

How do you know they were not making fun of tabloids' stories and their "sources" who claim to have infos from inside? That's how I read it.

Anonymous said...

The joke is about tabloids always saying who Emma is with is her new bf or gf so now people say it all the time that she is dating seth or anyone else she gets seen with in hopes of these crap journalists picking up a joke meme and using it as a real story to expose them for lack of research

Anonymous said...

Public figures are open to mockery private citizens not so much

Eden said...

"Public figures are open to mockery private citizens not so much"

I would have to disagree with that. A person is a person whether they're in the public eye or not. No amount of fame or money can protect anyone from the consequences of attacks, which is what I consider mockery to be. Especially if they're repeated.

Anonymous said...

wait peopel are really mad about the silly harmless comments here?

lol well please do not search dialy mail comments or look on twitter anything about emma or you will lose your mind when you see real mockery of her get tougher skin or you will not survive the internet much longer

Anonymous said...

I don't think saying Emma is dating seth as a joke is going to hurt her feelings guys

Anonymous said...

either everything can be joked about or nothing can imo
jokes are not attacks either they are jokes public or private person people are allowed to laugh at things you do

Anonymous said...

you guys just start a fight over nothing huh?

oh well, popcorn time! xD

Anonymous said...

I thought the joke about Semma was mocking people who get too interested in her love life not mocking Emma herself?

you know how there is always comments here asking where her bf is so people make parodies comments about that using Seth haha

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering what Emma is wearing.

I assumed it was a coat with a dress underneath, but I can't see any material?

There are other pics which show even more leg, but have other people in them. (Big pic 8mb)

Anonymous said...

Meh Emma will never read this blog and even if she did Eden deletes anything really mean

Anonymous said...

she was sent the 2022 collections of various designers this winter

I saw mack shoot had the name of one designer but I forget it atm

will have to go look

Eden said...

The person wasn't mad at the Seth joke, they were mad at that comment:

"I was there and the reason Mack had her arm around Emma was because Emma was clearly upset

I heard Emma say "I don't understand it, I was sure I'd find a new boyfriend at an Adele concert, but they just didn't seem interested.""

Anonymous said...

will tbf that joke doesnt make sense its only middle aged women at adele shows how would emma ever find a bf there ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh man just as I thought I'd figured out all the Brandons/Brendons etc, along come the Macks.

So is Mack at the Adele concert Mack Breeden the photographer?

I've seen a pic of Mack the photographer and she is very freckled and doesn't seem to look like the person Emma was with at Adele.

Anonymous said...

Emma is finally dating a girl. Nature is healing.
That girl is Mack. Features are all same.

Anonymous said...

"Emma is finally dating a girl."

So when they break up the only option left for her is Tom Felton.

All is good with the World.

Anonymous said...

"Emma is finally dating a girl. Nature is healing."

Didn't they have a free bar at the even that naturally makes you stagger at one point and requires you to get an assistance to walk straight?

Anonymous said...

According to some blog she is wearing Stella McCartney dress
And sandroparis coat.

Eden said...

Fun fact that has nothing to do with the post. I just spent the last few hours organizing photos to create the new HP anniversary post only to realize once finished that I had already created the post and all I have left to do is publish it. Thumbs up for me for wasting my time!

Anonymous said...

go to sleep eden you're drunk

Anonymous said...

It’s definitely Mackenzie “Mack” Breeden, she’s just dyed her hair blonde. Look at Mack’s insta profile photo and LinkedIn photo, it’s 100% her

Anonymous said...

Well if you hadn't done that you'd only have wasted your time enjoying yourself.

Anonymous said...

"So when they break up the only option left for her is Tom Felton."
I am always available for her.

Anonymous said...

Shutterstock uploaded some more pictures with their ugly ass watermark and Mack was with her in the car.

Anonymous said...

Emma has long been a fan of Adele's and it was no surprise she was invited to her concert, some fans said she and Thompson were singing and dancing lol. I was surprised that daily fail trolls were so rude to Adele, it turned out they had been stand her until she lost weight and made a comeback shitting on her.

Anonymous said...

alot of people got mad adele is skinny and had some work done now they are just mad she improved herself and they cant

Anonymous said...

Daily Fail's comment section is like that for every celebrity specially women.
That newspaper is trash and will be trash for next 100 years.
If Emma were there with a man they would have publish at least 2 articles by now with their subtle slut shaming.