[Version française]
This is old but it was shared recently and I find it cute so yours truly translated the Emma bits.
Doris Thilmany, who works at the Musée de l'Ardoise in Haut-Martelange in Luxembourg, gave an interview to Le Quotidien about the filming of Colonia at the museum between the end of September and the end of November 2014.
Apparently the extras were not quite happy about the way they were treated compared to the way the other actors, like Emma, were treated. "Emma Watson was very nice, but her bodyguards kept her a lot apart from everyone."
Maggy Thilmany (they don't say how she's related to Doris) was an extra during the two days the picking of potatoes scenes in the fields with Emma were filmed and shared her experience saying "It was like an oven. It was very hard. It was so hot, Emma Watson offered ice cream to all the extras."
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com
Another reason to absolutely adore Emma 🥺
lovely x
She's so sweet and kind, i love her<3
Hey Eden remember a couple threads ago there was a discussion about her home in Islington and someone says she moved when was that was that when she was with Matt?
Yes. We had photos of her moving and him helping.
cute xoxoxox
i think that old place was rented and shared between emma and others maybe even sophie at one point but i forget
eden do you enjoy 'Le glas?' what flavour? xD
??? I hope I'm misunderstanding because the only "glas" I know has to do with death so I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to read this as another death threat XD
wait i meant "la glace" the correct spelling??? for 'ice cream' in French??? what did i say?? help! lol
Another death threat? What!!
Eden, why do you get death threats? :-(
"wait i meant "la glace" the correct spelling??? for 'ice cream' in French??? what did i say?? help! lol"
XDDDDD I'm really dead now. "Le glas" is the bell that goes off during funerals at church. So my favourite death depends on my mood, generally either coffee, mint chocolate or berries.
"Another death threat? What!!"
"Eden, why do you get death threats? :-("
It was only twice and the last time was months ago. I'm just even more paranoid now and expect new ones at any moment XD
I’m sorry that happened to you
Death threats????!!!!!
The World is getting weirder and weirder.
Oh and I cant believe that people think this was a nice gesture from Emma.
Clearly she wanted the ice creams to melt before the extras had time to eat them, so she could point at them and release her vicious maniacal laugh.
eden did you see new bling ring set pics or you post them ages ago already lol?
"...release a maniacal laugh." What is your thinking process?
If you go down a rabbit hole and search on YouTube for videos like "being an extra on set" or "the time I was an extra," you'll often hear people recounting their experiences as extras on the sets of TV shows or movies. Typically, they describe how extras were not treated well, especially in comparison to the treatment given to the main actors of the show or film. It's quite perplexing to understand why actors would willingly subject themselves to such challenging conditions, like filming in scorching hot weather in the middle of a field.
This reminds me of an article where Emma Watson shared her experience working on the film "Noah." In it, she mentioned that the director banned water bottles on set and believed that the actors looking unwell would enhance the scene. This is truly mind-boggling, and we're fortunate that Emma survived such challenging situations, whether it was the lack of sleep during the filming of "Harry Potter" or lack of sleep working on "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." It's difficult to comprehend how someone can justify poor working conditions in the pursuit of creating the perfect shot for their project.
I know there's a concept in the entertainment industry of "suffering for art" that actors often talk about, but at what cost? Endangering someone's health, even to the point of risking heatstroke or worse, would be considered abuse by any standard, especially for those who are not in the acting profession.
I think "suffering for art" means that take the weaknesses that you have and turn them into strengths.I know of a well-known actor, whom you most likely know about. This person is bi-polar. In a documentary that I viewed in Germany, this person announced that he used his condition to live out his roles. At first, I was confused, and then did a small analysis of other roles and I saw the pacing and character types. All I want to say, is that weakness can be turned into genius.
In a film, authenticity must be achieved. The Lord of the Rings would not won almost 20 Oscars for all three films if the sacrifice did not show authentic style. The ability and willingness to make these sacrifices is a personal choice and often has made the difference in an Oscar, which any actor wants to achieve. Those who say they don't care about an Oscar is most likely not capable of achieving that prize. Acting is a tough business. The fainted should stay away.
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