[Version française]
- Vogue's comprehensive look at Emma's fearless style over the past year:
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- Maisie Williams (actress in Game of Thrones) talks about Emma:
[Last year] Williams seemed to criticise Emma Watson's He for She speech at the UN and dismiss it as "first world feminism".
When I mention it, she's clearly mortified.
"I actually emailed her saying 'I want to apologise for how this turned out'.
"She said to me that it's going to happen and was really supportive. And I thought, actually this is what it's all about - women supporting each other in this industry, where it's like being thrown to a pack of wolves and it's really scary.
"When she said that to me it made me feel so confident - which is what I'm doing here in New York right now for other girls. That's what she did for me".
On social media, the two actress's names are often mentioned in the same breath. As she gives her first campaigning speech, could Williams see herself taking on a UN role? Could she be the next Watson?
"I want to be the next Maisie really," she shoots back.
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