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- 10 Lessons Emma Watson Has Taught Us About Success
Emma Watson is one of the youngest and most successful people out there. Her charm, kindness, and positive outlook on life make her a beacon. She is an ambassador in campaigns for equality for women. In addition, she’s an amazing actress with a knack for showing others who they really are. These are 10 lessons that she has taught us Career Girls about what success means, how to achieve it, and more
Success does not depend on age, or have a deadline.
Success came to Emma Watson, earliest and most notably, in the form of the Harry Potter movies. She has proven that you can achieve success in whatever you do, no matter your age. In addition, her success didn’t end with the hugely popular movie franchise: she has acted in many more things and continues to reach high levels of success in everything she does.
Be humble about your success, but take credit where it is due.
Emma has taught us, through many interviews about her success, that you can’t be afraid to be proud of your accomplishments. This applies to every part of your life-pat yourself on the back when you’ve done something and succeeded! At the same time, you shouldn’t let success overrule your life: she says, “It can throw your balance off a bit” (Movie Pop News, 2013). Don’t let your success-or your attempts to achieve it-control your entire life.
Be who you are.
If you ask Emma Watson what her goals were in portraying the character Hermione Granger, she will tell you lots of things that all center around girls being proud of who they are: “…told girls that it’s okay to be slightly bossy, that it’s okay to be studious and nerdy.” Emma Watson has taught us that in order to find success, you have to embrace yourself and be you to your fullest potential.
Don’t lose sight of your dreams and goals.
Emma has shown that your goals are achievable, and that once you’ve achieved success in something, you can still strive for something completely different that is a success in its’ own way. For example, although she is a major success in the acting world and in being an ambassador for women, she achieved her dream of a college degree while still maintaining a successful career.
Stand up for what you want, and be willing to work for it.
Speaking of her college degree, Emma Watson could’ve gone to any college she wanted to, and in addition, with her current success, she didn’t necessarily need a college degree. However, since it was something she wanted, she wasn’t afraid to go for it and get out of her comfort zone.
Don’t allow a fear of failing to curb your attempts to be successful.
An amazing quote by Emma Watson is as follows: “I don’t want the fear of failure to stop me from doing what I really care about.” She has taught us Career Girls many valuable lessons, but this one could possibly be the most important. By letting a fear of being a failure stop you from trying, you are shooting down all chances of you becoming successful.
Be different
One of the biggest ways to be successful is to stand out from the crowd, and Emma Watson embodies this. In an interview with Elle, she said “Don’t feel stupid if you don’t love what everyone else pretends to love”. Embrace your personality and use it to make people around you stop and listen to your unique message.
Be grateful for those around you and for the ‘stepping stones’.
Emma Watson is constantly grateful for the years she spent acting as a child, in the Harry Potter films, and more. She is aware that she wouldn’t have the success she has without those films. We should all recognize what and who have helped us to achieve success.
Don’t sacrifice your values to please someone.
Emma has said, “The saddest thing for a girl to do is to dumb herself down for a guy.” This applies to more than that. Don’t change or act differently so that you will achieve success-true success is built on honesty and humility.
Hard work is the foundation of success.
Emma’s constant pushing of herself to the next level shows how drive and determination are the keys to achieving success. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to be successful, without letting go of what’s important to you or covering up who you truly are.
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- Emma has Wikifeet's sexiest feet
After a crown for best eyebrows, she now gets one for... her feet.
WikiFeet is a collaborative site for sharing, rating and discussing celebrity feet pictures and videos.
Users are invited to rank celebrity feet from five stars ('beautiful') to one star ('ugly').
Former Harry Potter actress Emma Watson, 25, currently has the most popular feet on the website followed by 22-year-old American singer Selena Gomez and Roar hit maker Katy Perry, 30.
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- Emma among ET Canada's "25 Powerful Stars Under 25":
Best known as one of Hogwarts' brightest students, Hermione Granger, Emma Watson has gone on to become quite the successful actress, model, and activist. The 25-year-old has been honoured by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts in 2014, winning for British Artist of the Year. Watson was soonafter appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and aided in the launch of the UN Women campaign "HeForShe". Beyond her career, Watson currently studies at Oxford University and has graduated from Brown University in 2014.
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