Sunday, November 10, 2019

"Almost Famous" Emma Watson and a friend in London [November 03, 2019]

[Gallery] [Fashion] [Version française]

She was seen leaving a Pilates class earlier this week.

From the Daily Mail:

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Anonymous said...

I assume this woman is her new girlfriend since we know every person she hangs out with is her new partner.

Anonymous said...

omg her cap says “almost famous”, that made laugh

Anonymous said...

I thought she lived in california?

Anonymous said...

That cap is everything. XD

Anonymous said...

������ I'm dying... Her baseball cap is everything.

Anonymous said...

So I'm assuming fake fur and no slaughter of zebras...but..
"Emma was wrapped up against the chilly weather in the Shrimps coat believed to be priced at £595" ~(€690, US$760)!!

OK I'm not a fashionista, so I may be missing something , but how drunk do you have to be to design a zebra print and red roses coat?

Anonymous said...

Lmao, love the cap

Anonymous said...

Amo la de frase de su gorra jajaja
Emma tiene respuesta para todo y ni si quiera necesita hablar.

Anonymous said...

Puede ser un regalo, por cierto ese abrigo es piel falsa solo tienes que googlearlo.

Anonymous said...

Ufff I hate the coat :/

Anonymous said...

Oh! She practices piltaes also, I believed that she practices yoga

Anonymous said...

Years ago, I liked her style in candids and red carpet. It was natural in its day to day and red carpet, sophisticated, classic and elegant. Now, I don't like her style, she seems too distracted and I am sorry what I am going to say, but it seems dirty. On red carpets, 95% of the time she only wear black outfits, exclusively, since she is an ambassador of feminism, she wears 95% black outfit , why? Black is not an exclusive color of feminism, it seems that she wants to appear more mature with that color, and she is wrong. Before she was more innovative, to my liking now she is boring

Anonymous said...

I only mind that she rarely shows off her amazing legs anymore. Other than that I don't care what she wears, fashion is dumb anyway.

Anonymous said...

what is the brand and how much does this coat?

Anonymous said...

yes, it is true, obviously the style can change, you do not dress the same with 20 years than with 30 years, but since she was ambassador of the UN, her style was transformed, all black, except some outfit, all sober aesthetics, higher....If she is comfortable, great, but it is as if she had been forced to change her style to fit her new position. That is not feminism, feminism is freedom

Anonymous said...

Just so weird to me for a gal that doesnt like attention she definitely wears clothing at times that screams "look at me!". That jacket would be hard not to draw attention to herself.

Anonymous said...

Creo que Emma tiene suficiente con toda la critica de los medios y haters para que sus supuestos "fanaticos" le critiquen todo cada vez que da dos pasos.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe it's cold and she likes the coat. I'm not always a fan of her street wear but if she's comfortable then wtf is it to us. It's not like we're the ones wear the clothes, just let her be.

Anonymous said...

'hardly famous. definitely pretentious' ;D

also fur? really emma? is she auditioning for absolutely fabulous?

Anonymous said...

"Or maybe it's cold and she likes the coat. I'm not always a fan of her street wear but if she's comfortable then wtf is it to us. It's not like we're the ones wear the clothes, just let her be."

No one on this blog controls what she does so letting her be is a dumb response. Quit being overly dramatic. The whole point was she constantly complains about being famous yet does very little to avoid standing out. Thats a fair criticism whether you like it or not.

Anonymous said...

Her style is generally more out there at premieres than normal events. BatB promo had some good ones. I'd say wait until she starts promoting this movie

Anonymous said...

I kinda agree with the other anon though. Its just a coat, and its not like other people don't have the sane one. Nobody would even give a fuck about it if it wasn't " Emma Watson", they'd just keep walking. Besides people have shit to do , people don't usually give a second glance towards strangers on the street. People complain when she's wearing sweats, or dark clothing which would make it extremely easy to blend in with everybody. Yet people still recognize her, proving that what she's wearing and being recognized don't go hand-in-hand.

Anonymous said...

Awesome coat and hat XD. Emma is cool

Anonymous said...

I really like her style.
The coat isn't that bold as some people argue. My sister has a very colorful coat too (a Spanish brand famous for this kind of stuff) and when I saw her for the first time I thought: wow: you're going to attract attention while walking down the streets ��
What makes me wonder: her female friends look really masculinely (review the candid photos taken in the last few months). I don't know if it means something.
I've my own private theory I disclosed some time ago, but Admin doesn't want a discussion starts around the topic, so: hush hush. Life verifies if I was right or not.

Anonymous said...

The woman pictured here with her is her sister-in-law Lauren.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure real fur is outright banned in UK, so it's probably fake fur.

Eden said...

It's indeed faux and costs more than 750€.

Anonymous said...

How do you know that?

Anonymous said...

early reviews of little woman. emma is hardly mentioned lol

Anonymous said...

And what does that have to do with her walking down the street?

Anonymous said...

"And what does that have to do with her walking down the street?"

erm because it's her profession and it's the only thing she has done since batb nearly !3! years ago.....

Anonymous said...

Of course she's barely mentioned; she's not in it that much, from early viewings

Anonymous said...

sad that she has been reduced to something more a cameo when she isn't even 30 yet....

Anonymous said...

Back to advertising bags and clothes again. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Have any of you stopped and thought that she knew how small Meg's role would be and still took it. It's not like Meg the main focus so why would Emma be either. She's ok with not being the center of attention so why aren't y'all? In the Vogue interview she said she doesn't like the attention so her taking a smaller role isn't a surprise. The most reviews don't mention Eliza either but I don't see as many people bitching about that either

Anonymous said...

I agree with the anon. Did y'all miss the part when Emma literally said she doesn't like the attention that comes with being a celebrity. She took Megs' role knowing it wasn't the main character. So can y'all get off her dick.People bitching about Emma better keep that same energy when it comes to Eliza,James,Louis and Bob as well.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight y'all bitch about Emma when she's not in movies and bitch about her when she is? She's not a child that y'all can boss around. If she wants to be in movies whether its the main character or a supporting one that's none of our business. She can't do anything without y'all nitpicking it cause it's not how y'all want it, damn.

Anonymous said...

Looks like some people are triggered.

Anonymous said...

"Did y'all miss the part when Emma literally said she doesn't like the attention that comes with being a celebrity."

LMFAO. She loves the attention. Your deluded.

Anonymous said...

"if she wants to be in movies whether its the main character or a supporting one"

either she isn't in demand or she can't be bothered. both are probably true.

Anonymous said...

"If she wants to be in movies whether its the main character or a supporting one that's none of your business."

*None of your business either babes. :/

Anonymous said...

"Did y'all miss the part when Emma literally said she doesn't like the attention that comes with being a celebrity" Someone who doesn't like attention would never do PR staged photoshoots kissing a man (please don't deny she did that with Chord) and he/she would never do public interviews with famous feminists to be posted later on social media either. I get that she doesn't like when people and the media have criticized her feminist interviews, performances and speeches but she can't play the victim because nobody forced her to audition to play Hermione or to get a main role in a Disney movie that everyone knew it would be a huge hit. Many child stars have stopped acting because they don't want to act anymore or they just don't like the fame

Anonymous said...

Did I miss something? How does her walking down a street and some how that correlate with "Little Women'' reviews. She doesn't portray the main character nor is she pushing for awards. The other half of her co-stars (Eliza,James,Louis,and Bob) aren't mentioned in most reviews either, but y'all only bitch about Emma. As for the Vogue interview, her stating she doesn't like the attention would explain why she doesn't take that many roles. And honestly good for her if that's what she wants. Think about it the only time we see her other than by paparazzi (whether staged or not is your opinion) and people sneaking pictures of her is in interviews or events. It's not like she posts about her day to day life or even talks about it. She keeps her head down for the most part which does prove she doesn't like the attention. When it comes to events and interviews however that's literally a part of her job. How would people know she's working on a feminist project or movie if she didn't do press for it? I do agree with the anon above though. It seems like she can't do anything right in eyes of some of y'all . Either she's does something or she doesn't either way she can't win.

Anonymous said...

Genuine question here, how did some of y'all interpret a direct quote about her being anxious and feeling guilty about not enjoying being a celebrity that came from her as a lie? It's one thing to argue with a stranger online about how you perceive a celebrity, but it's another to completely ignore something that the celebrity has said or alluded to multiple times. And there's been producers, directors,co-stars and crew members who have all said she struggles with being a celebrity. As for the Chord thing, why are you so sure it wasn't stagged on his end? He's pulled moves like that before and he was the one who had something to promote,she didn't. Whether she agreed to it or not how can you be so sure she's the one who stagged the whole thing and that genuinely had no idea. Emma saying that the attention of being a celebrity makes her anxious and guilty isn't some code for you to crack. It's meant to be taken at face value. And she was a part of Beauty and the Beast before Disney ever got involved.

Anonymous said...

* I meant to say that , How can you know Chord had no idea. Sorry English isn't my first language.

Anonymous said...

The circus with Chord was the worst public thing she ever did. Doesn't matter if it has been initiated by her or him.
I really believe she's struggling with fame and being a celebrity. And maybe she'd like to maintain a low profile while going out public. And maybe she wants to have it both ways: having benefits of being famous but avoiding its shadows. Maybe, maybe, maybe. We won't ever know. But PDAs with Chord ain't possible to explain or/and defens in any way.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but What happen with the photos with Chord? I do not understand very well what happened at the time with these photos

Anonymous said...

anyone who doesn't think the latest photos are staged needs their head examined. if she didn't have a film out we would have never seen the recent pics. every article with these pictures mentions lw. how convenient.

Anonymous said...

Anytime a picture of any celebrity is taken their most recent or upcoming work is also mentioned... Not just Emma's

Anonymous said...

because most celebrities pictures are staged

Anonymous said...

Dude if you seriously have this much of a problem with Emma why keep up what she does. If you like her movies or if you like her activism then great watch them or support it but don't keep up with her day to day stuff.You keep saying she does things for attention( in your opinion, however not a fact). that literally every celebrity has done but apparently it's only wrong when Emma does it. Believe it or not people do call paparazzi sometimes because they'll also get paid. The anons above do pose a good question though. How tf does Emma walking down a street have to do with "Little Women" or with Chord or any other guy she's ever been seen with. Sis is just going to pilates. Damn

Anonymous said...

I was replying to a person who said she doesn't like attention because she says that on her Vogue interview, my opinion is as valid as yours but you seem to think she is perfect and no one can say she has flaws like everyone else

Anonymous said...

Actually I'll admit that she's fucked up a couple of times . My only point was that it can get annoying to see people argue in circles. When their arguement doesn't have anything to do with the post.

Anonymous said...

triggered stans everywhere.